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I was a Bet

Page 10

by Mansi Negi

  He held me there with my back arched into him, leaning over top of me, his face just in front of mine.

  "Say the words, Lyla, say the words and I'll give you everything you want." His peppermint breath fogged my senses and I wanted to make him leave but when I opened my mouth to tell him, I moaned.

  I actually moaned! Shoot me now! His eyebrows shot up in surprise, and his hips bucked slightly into me at the sound of it.

  "Jonas." I whispered.

  He lowered his eyes to mine waiting in anticipation to hear what I'd say, his tongue wet his lips hungrily.

  "Get out." I breathed, concentrating on keeping my hips still against his, that were ever so slightly making slow circles against me.

  His head fell against my shoulder.

  "Fuck you Lyla." He breathed against my neck, letting his teeth graze against my soft skin there. He dropped his hands to my bottom and lifted me up, thrusting me against the bathroom door and pinning me there with his body.

  "I could always make you." He said pinning my head in place by holding his forehead against mine.2

  "Yes, you could..." I said trying to hide the heavy rise and fall of my chest, surprise and lust causing my heart to beat at an unreasonable pace. "...but you won't." I closed my eyes, breathing in the smell of him this close, and taking in the feel of his strong body pushed against mine.

  I wasn't afraid of Jonas, even with him threatening it, I just knew him well enough to know he would never make me do something I didn't want to, but I could also see the excitement it gave him when he threatened it.

  I'd first noticed it the night he'd pretended to be Tyler in my room. There was no reason for him to rip my shirt off of me the way he had, but he was turned on by doing it, turned on by me fighting him.

  It was the same look he'd had the day I'd slapped him, something about me fighting with him made him come alive with lust.

  "You sound more confident than you should considering the position I have you in right now Lyla." He opened his mouth over my neck sucking the flesh into his mouth just below my ear, eliciting another slight moan to reverberate from deep in my throat.

  "But, you're right... I won't." He said in between each kiss he was sloppily laying up and down my neck.

  He snaked one of his hands through my legs and began to rub it against me, using his fingers to seek out the spot that would feel the best.

  "Mmm, stop Jonas." I moaned in a whisper as my hands found his neck and moved into his hair grabbing it harshly and then rubbing back down his neck.

  My nails dug into his shoulders as my hips rolled against the movement of his skilled fingers.

  "Fuck Lyla... you don't sound like you want me to stop?" I laced my hands back through his hair using it to lift his head so that our lips could come together.

  I opened my mouth over his and he let my name huskily roll into my mouth from deep within his throat. His hand rubbed me in perfect circles, meeting the movement of my hips with precision. "God Princess, I want you." Jonas moaned as he lowered me to the ground, continuing his rhythmic torture.

  His other hand let go of me and I felt my back rest against the door as his fingers continued rubbing me relentlessly.

  He pushed his free hand through the waistband of his sweat pants and began to pump himself as he rubbed me.

  "When are you going to give yourself to me Lyla?" He whispered between each pant, as I devoured his neck like he had mine.

  My brain was so engrossed in the whirlwind of pleasure and lust Jonas was making me feel that I didn't register the first knock on my bedroom door.

  I felt my body begin to shake a bit and knew I was about to explode into euphoria when the knock sounded again, pulling me from the moment.

  I stopped the movement of my hips and Jonas turned his head toward the door. Thankfully it was locked.

  Jonas looked back at me and grinned wickedly. He leaned in biting hard into the flesh just below my ear and began to move his fingers again.1

  "Lyla, honey... are you awake?" My mom's voice sounded softly through the door.

  Jonas pulled his hand from his pants and brought it over my mouth as he started to rub me harder and faster and my legs began to shake.

  I bit into the flesh of his palm as my body began to convulse from his touch and I climaxed hard against his fingers, fighting with everything in me to keep from screaming out.2

  After my body stilled he lowered his hand from my mouth, giving me the freedom to speak and I answered my mom trying to disguise how heavy each breath was leaving my chest. "Umm, mom did you say something?"

  "Yes, you didn't eat, are you ok sweetie?" She asked. Jonas had pulled me against him again and was planting feather light kisses down the side of my neck and face.

  "Umm, I'm just not feeling great mom, not really hungry." I responded, pushing against Jonas to get him off of me.

  I wished she'd go away, I felt horrible lying to her especially with Jonas in here doing what he was doing.

  "I brought the thermometer honey." She said and I saw the door handle jiggle a bit.

  "Umm, no, that's ok. It's not that... it's just umm, girlie stuff." I lied, covering my face as a big smile erupted over Jonas'.

  "Oh, ok got you. Well, I love you, I'll leave you to yourself." She sounded embarrassed, and I wondered if Tyler's door was open and he heard that.


  I waited, listening for my mom's footsteps to disappear down the hall before I turned to Jonas, angrily.

  "What in the actual fuck is wrong with you!?" I whisper yelled, pushing him hard enough that his feet stumbled backward and he fell onto my bed.

  "Not only could we have just been caught, but I just told you, I am not breaking up with Chad. I don't understand what you're not getting here!" Anger was rolling off of my body and I really felt like if I didn't get a handle on it. I was going to physically attack him.

  "You have got to be fucking kidding me Princess!" He groaned.

  "You let me get you off twice now and somehow it's my fault?" He sat on the edge of the bed, looking at me with what I imagine was the same look I was giving him.1

  "Don't you dare say another word to me. As long as you live here, you are not welcome to speak to me again, you are not welcome in my room, don't even look at me anymore Jonas! Got it?" I stuck my finger in his face because I knew it would piss him off and he grabbed it, pulling me down on the bed beside him and pushing me on to my back.

  "I'm not taking orders from you Delilah! I'm done pretending this isn't going on between us. You are mine little girl!" His large hands pushed my shoulders down into the bed as he hovered over my body.

  I couldn't help but notice his neck veins, popping out with every laboured breath, he was pissed, but not as pissed as me. Who does something like that, and with my mother at the door!?

  "I'm older than you 'little boy'... and actually you will take orders from me if you don't want me to tell my mom and dad what you've been up to. Last time I checked, I have marks to prove just how obtuse you are!" I rolled my eyes. "I should have told them the first time."

  "Go ahead Lyla, go tell them... and what do you mean the first time, in the pool? Or in the kitchen when you came onto me?!" He brought his face closer and raised my hands over my head squeezing my wrists hard in anger. "Quit acting like a little girl, and I won't treat you like one."

  "Ha!" I laughed in annoyance, "I came on to you!? What a joke Jonas. You're a joke. You're a fucking joke to me." I was saying it just because I knew it would piss him off at this point.

  I was so flaming mad that he was blaming this on me, when it was so clearly him keeping it going. He stared at me for a moment, visibly trying to calm himself.2

  "You asked for it, Lyla." He grabbed both my wrists in one hand, fisting my blanket in the other he shoved it into my mouth, muffling my screams.

  His head dipped to my neck and he sucked hard, over and over again, covering creamy flesh in red welts. I couldn't believe he was doing this... not only would Chad s
ee, but my parents too... this was the most obscene thing he'd ever done. When he was finished, he pulled the blanket from my mouth and smiled down at his work. "Go show your parent's those marks too, while you're at it, Della." He smirked.13

  "What did you just call me?" I seethed through gritted teeth. He did not just call me Della! I hated that I couldn't scream at him for it without breaking my promise to Tyler. That was it, if he let me up, I was going to hit him, not a slap in the face, but a manly punch in the jaw. I was going to kick his ass.

  "What? I said Della... like short for Delilah... is that also such a problem for you?" He asked mockingly. He let go of me and I sprung from the bed drawing back my fist and connecting with his eye.

  "What the fuck?!" He barked, bringing his hand up to his face. "You just punched me in the eye!" He growled out in shock.6

  "Yes, and I'm going to again if you don't get out!" I said, drawing a fist back again.1

  "Jesus Christ Lyla! You really are completely mad!" He barked, but jumped to his feet and caught my hand mid swing. He pulled me in against him, wrapping me with my arms pinned to my sides and locking his fingers so I couldn't get away and swing on him for a third time.

  "You done?" He asked at the side of my head.5

  "Fuck you Jonas!" I spit at him.

  "I'm not letting you go until you tell me you're done." He said, tightening his grip on me.1

  "Fine, I'm done, if you're leaving." I said in a huff.

  "And if I don't?" He asked and I caught our reflection in the mirror, I looked like I'd been choked out and a visible bruise was already appearing around his eye.

  It wasn't funny, I was so mad, but the sight of it made a snort erupt from my throat. I started and couldn't stop.

  I laughed hysterically, and every time I caught my breath, I looked in the mirror and started all over again.

  Jonas followed my eyes and I saw his lips turn up into a smile and a small laugh shook through his body. It must have been infectious because before

  I knew it he had let me go and we were both bent over laughing uncontrollably.5

  I fell on my bed, holding my stomach and he followed suit. I rolled to my side looking at him and the black eye that was starting to show and laughed a little more.

  "You realize we're insane right?" He smiled at me.1

  "Oh my god, so crazy." I said, pointing between us.

  "You also realize, that I love you, and you have to break up with your boyfriend?" He asked more seriously.

  "Yes...I realize that too..." I said, tracing a finger lightly over the mark showing around his eye.3

  "I'll make you pay for that Lyla..." he pulled me over, tucking me into the crook of his neck and holding me against his chest.

  "I am completely in love with you, you mad woman." He whispered at my temple.

  "I hate you Jonas." I whispered back and rubbed my hand over his.

  "I know you do, Lyla... I'm sorry" he smiled against the back of my head.2


  We must have fallen asleep that way because I woke some in the night to Jonas' hands pulling me into him.

  "You were moaning my name again Lyla... you know what that does to me." He pushed his erection against me and I realized he had no pants on under the blanket.

  His fingers dug into me as he brought his lips to mine and grabbed me by my hips, pulling me hard against him.

  "Let me have you Delilah..." he pumped against me and held my face to his.

  "Jonas." I breathed, still groggy from sleep, "I can't, not until I break it off with Chad." He groaned in disapproval.1

  "You're killing me with this baby." He started to drag his full length against me.

  "Oh fuck..." He said as his breath caught at the skin to skin contact when he slid himself over the bare skin of my leg.

  I felt my body grinding against his in response. I reached my hand down to his unclad lower half and let it wrap his large erection. I didn't expect it to be as big as it was. I slowly began to stroke him.

  "Mmm yes," he breathed against me. "Just keep doing that, it won't take long." He continued to roll his hips and I tightened my grip a little pumping him faster.

  "Fuck Lyla, that's perfect." He moaned into my mouth as his tongue started thrusting deeper, swirling against mine and his teeth nipped at my lips.

  He was losing control, his hands were everywhere at once. Moving from my butt to my breasts, squeezing and totally possessing every bit of flesh they covered.

  "God, it feels so good. Fuck... fuck... mmm yes, fuck." He moaned over and over. I didn't realize how much I would love to watch him come undone, it was something I hadn't done yet, he was always so in control of himself, but not now. He was desperate.

  His breath was hitching with every stroke and his fingers dug deep into my hips as his muscles tightened. I knew he was going to let go.

  I felt him pull my legs close and warm liquid spill onto the inside of my thigh. "Fuck..." he threw his head back as he emptied the rest of himself onto me.

  He reached down and rubbed his warm fluid in circles over the inside of my thighs, wrapping his hand between them to spread it across the outside of my panties .... "mmmm Lyla... My sweet Lyla..." he whispered against my ear, sliding his tongue across the skin just below.1

  "You won't be calling me that in the morning when you see that black eye." I whispered back to him, earning a deep laugh against my neck. I grabbed my towel from the floor

  "What are you doing baby?" He asked, pulling the towel from my hands and throwing it across the room.

  "Ummm, cleaning up." I laughed against his lips as he leaned in for a kiss.1

  "No, don't ever clean me off of you. You're mine now... leave it there." I looked at him like he was crazy, that was a strange demand.

  His dark eyes stared down at me with such adoration and pride, that it made me blush. "I love you Lyla." He said, keeping his eyes on mine.

  It didn't feel weird or gross with him looking at me like that, he brought his lips to mine and gave me a kiss that felt like the equivalent of the look in his eyes... it warmed me and made me feel safe and totally comfortable with what he wanted.

  He pulled me back into his chest and laid his head on the pillow behind me... "go back to sleep baby." He whispered as he ran his fingertips over the length of my back again and again until I drifted back to sleep.

  It was four o'clock and I was wide awake. We'd went to sleep early and my body was on a strict eight hour sleeping limit.

  I pulled myself from bed and hopped into the shower, leaving Jonas to sleep a bit longer before I woke him up and sent him back to his room.3

  He knows

  I let Jonas lock eyes with me this time when he pulled into the school and I gave him a shy smile, remembering the image of him naked this morning, telling me he could eat me up.

  Lorna waited behind for him as per usual, and I stuck my tongue out at him as he rolled his eyes to me while walking in with her.

  She was so delusional to think that he had any type of interest in her.

  He didn't even answer her questions as they walked together. It was just him taking long strides to get away from her, and her practically running to keep up, slinging another question at him with every breath.

  I had to bite my lips together to keep myself from laughing at it. Normally I'd find myself feeling bad for someone trying so hard, but Lorna had treated my life with such little regard as of late that I couldn't find even a smidge of compassion for her right now.1

  "Nice turtleneck I said to him, noticing he had worn one too." I smiled at him, he looked good in his vest. "Very dapper of you." I laughed at him.

  "I couldn't leave you to be the only Eskimo in the 90 degree heat." He winked at me and flinched a little afterward. Bringing his hand to his black eye.

  "What's wrong? Somebody get the best of you?" I laughed and he rolled his eyes.

  "Yes, she has a mean right hook." He smiled and slid his hand down his chin. "She's going to get hers though." H
e looked around to see if anyone was looking and then brought his hand down against my butt, making a slapping sound that resounded down the hall.

  Everyone turned to look. He and I pretended to look for the source too, meanwhile I discreetly reached back to rub the sore spot where his hand had just connected.

  I narrowed my eyes at him as he turned and headed down the hall toward his first period class with a snicker.1

  We both sat at our own tables at lunch, but neither of us could keep our eyes off of each other and I think Lorna noticed at some point because she grabbed her tray of food and made her way over to Jonas' table, earning groans from nearly everyone sitting there.

  Jonas looked at me and rolled his eyes again. I raised my eyebrows to him. He'd created this monster... he would have to handle it.

  By eighth period I had been so caught up in solving my boyfriend situation that I'd completely forgotten that Mr. Schultz had hit on me yesterday.

  I walked in and noticed him smile up at me, his bottom lip coming between his teeth, making the gesture much more sensual than just a friendly smile.

  My face reddened and I looked away, walking quickly to my desk with my head down.2

  Jonas was already seated and huffed in annoyance at what he saw.

  His eyes fixed on Mr. Schultz who completely ignored him and began class as usual.

  I pretended not to notice when he looked at me between every math problem that he wrote on the board, or when he came over to stand beside my desk for the few seconds before class ended.

  "Delilah." He said to me as the bell rang and I began to gather my books.

  Jonas heard him and gathered his stuff, walking to my desk and lifting my books for me, waiting with me there so I wouldn't be left alone in the classroom with him again.

  "Yes, Mr. Schultz?" I answered not raising my head to look at him.

  "Would you mind coming in tomorrow during lunch to help me grade papers again?" He rested one hand on my desk and the other on the back of my chair and I felt his thumb caress my back.


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