Book Read Free

Four Steps

Page 10

by Wendy Hudson

  “Okay, so this connection, what makes you think she felt it too?”

  “Well, at first we just joked around a lot and Frank managed to get the better of her twice, which was hilarious.”

  Jess nodded knowingly. “We’ve all been there. I’m glad she survived.”

  “I know, what a way to break the ice.” Alex chuckled at the memory. “Anyway, we sat up late talking and drinking whisky, and I kind of fell asleep on her shoulder…”

  “Smooth.” Jess nodded approvingly.

  “It wasn’t like that. I was exhausted after the climb. There was the whisky and despite my initial worry about going to the bothy, it calmed me having her there. Then Sunday, the weather wasn’t great so we walked and fished and talked some more. It felt easy being with her.”

  Jess shrugged. “So maybe you made a new friend. I promise not to be too jealous.”

  “That’s what I thought at first. I was determined not to read too much into it, but then it came time to say good-bye and I swear there was this look… As if for a split second, she wanted to kiss me.”

  “Did you?” Jess’s eyes were wide.

  “No, of course I didn’t. I also saw another look that told me if she had been thinking about it, it had completely freaked her out. Besides, for all I know I imagined the entire thing and she’s just a particularly tactile person.”

  “It’s possible. But I think it’s more possible she lost herself in those goddess-green eyes of yours.”

  Alex leant in bringing her eyes only inches from Jess’s. “Well, they are magic, don’t you know.”

  Jess fanned herself and leant back. “See, all this time we’ve known each other and they still work on me.”

  Alex shoved her shoulder. “Shut up, you idiot. I’m thinking it was more likely gratitude. We’d had a nice, chilled out day and she’d shared a lot about her ex and their break-up. We were both grateful in the end to have found someone there when we needed it.”

  “I’ll pretend I’m not hurt that you didn’t come find me. I’ll merely say I’m not convinced by that explanation. No one gets under your skin like she clearly has.”

  “Jess, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. It wasn’t like that.”

  Jess waved her off. “I know. I’m over it already. Was there flirting?”

  “Well, you know what I’m like sometimes and I don’t even realise I’m doing it…I think I made her blush more than once, but that could have easily been from the embarrassment of my obviousness.”

  “Hmm… you’re right. That will depend on how bad the flirting was. It’s not pretty sometimes.”

  “Oi!” Alex slapped Jess’s thigh again. “That’s two strikes, Collins. You’re meant to be serious right now.”

  “Sorry. Sorry. All right, what happened after the non-kiss?”

  “We hugged and exchanged numbers, promised to stay in touch.” She wasn’t going to divulge the details of how she felt during the hug because, honestly, she couldn’t quite explain it herself.

  “And have you?”

  “Aye, a few phone calls, some texts, and e-mails.”

  “Well, that’s a good sign. Do you have plans to see her again?”

  “Well…that’s the thing…” She got up to get them another beer, sweeping her labels off the counter into the bin.

  “Spit it out, Alex. What aren’t you telling me?”

  “She’s on her way here,” Alex mumbled.

  “What? Alex, get your head out of the fridge and talk to me.”

  Alex grabbed two bottles, taking her time opening them before sitting back down opposite Jess. “She’s on her way here to spend the weekend.” She glanced at her watch. “In fact, she should be here any minute.”

  Jess shot up out of her stool. “What!” She ran to the window in the dining area, looking down the long drive. “I can’t believe this. You’re such a shithead not telling me that straight away. Oh, and clearly you have it worse than I thought if you’re inviting her here already. Is that who you asked me to buy the wetsuit for?”

  “Yeah, you’re about the same height and build so I figured if it fitted you, it would fit her. I told her we would do a hill walk Sunday but thought a bit of a different adventure might be appealing.” She smiled to herself, strangely pleased that she still had the ability to shock her old friend.

  Jess plonked herself back down on the stool. “A bit of a different adventure…? Oh sweetheart, if that’s the level of flirting there was, I think it might have been embarrassment on her part. Are you sure you know what you’re doing? There’s a good chance she’s only coming out of pity.”

  “That’s three strikes, Jess, and now I’m even more nervous. I have no idea what I’m doing and you’re meant to be reassuring me.”

  “Oh crap, is that what I’m meant to be doing? I thought I was just meant to be judging and telling you if you’re being an idiot?”

  Alex hung her head, giving up. “I don’t even know why you are my best friend right now. Please tell me there’s no harm in it. Tell me I’m right to at least give myself a chance to find out if there’s something there and the worst case is I’ve made a new friend.”

  Jess patted her on the head. “See, you knew the answer all along. You don’t need me for advice. I’m better at general mockery and brutal honesty. That’s why we’re friends.”

  Alex shook her head, looking up and leaning in again, she pressed her forehead to Jess’s. “I hate you. But you’re all I’ve got.”

  “Bad luck for you. Now, come here, I owe you a hug.”

  Alex held on to the reassurance that came with the hug; she spoke into Jess’s shoulder, “Do you think she’s interested?”

  Jess held her at arm’s length. “Gorgeous, no one drives four hundred miles to see someone they’ve just met if they’re not interested. The question is whether Lori’s so called ‘straight brain’ knows it. And I don’t want to see you hurt while she figures it out.”

  “So, this is where you warn me off? Or have you got my back?”

  Jess blew out a worried breath. “How about I get to know her this weekend and then decide whether to warn you off?”

  Alex smiled. “Deal.”

  Chapter 18

  Lori took a right turn when prompted by her sat-nav. She drove slowly through an open five bar gate and onto the bumpy dirt road that led to the farm, taking in the views across the hills, along with some deep breaths to calm her nerves.

  A whispered ‘wow’ escaped her lips as the farmhouse came into view. She’d had a vision of a quaint little stone cottage with wooden shutters and creeping ivy, not the sprawling beautiful home she’d come to a stop in front of. It seemed to stretch out before her on one level in every direction.

  If she’d been nervous before, her stomach now churned at the sight of Alex rounding the corner from the side of the house with a striking stranger in tow. Slim with waves of blonde falling over her shoulders, she towered over Alex. Despite the early spring chill, her long legs stretched out of jean shorts into flip flops, and a light, zip-up peach hoodie brought out the colour in her cheeks. Alex herself was beautifully casual in dark red chinos rolled up to her calves and a fitted, navy T-shirt matched with sockless feet in well-worn, grey converse. Her hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail, tendrils curling around her ears, and, with hands tucked casually in her back pockets, she looked very much at home.

  Lori extricated her stiff limbs from the car and returned the smile plastered on Alex’s face. She inwardly kicked herself for not changing and now felt massively overdressed. “Bonjour.”

  “Hey, yourself.” Alex stopped in front of her, clearly unsure whether to hug her or not.

  The blonde stopped just behind her, quite obviously checking Lori out.

  “I drive all this way and all I get is a ‘Hey’?”

  Alex laughed then, and stepped in for a hug. “How rude of me,” she said, stepping back but keeping hold of her at arm’s length. “Promise not to let it happen again.”

; The blonde feigned a small cough behind her. “Speaking of rude…”

  Lori caught Alex’s exaggerated eye roll as she stepped back to include the other woman. “Because she’s suddenly such a shy little flower incapable of introducing herself, Lori, this is Jess. My most favourite human being and maker of the wonderful brownies.”

  Jess dug Alex in the ribs and then held out a hand. “Good to meet you, Lori. I love your accent.” Lori felt her hand squeezed a little too tightly, but she held the eye contact, determined to pass whatever test this was.

  “Good to meet you too.” She gave Jess a warm smile. It felt important to get off on the right foot with Alex’s best friend. The smile was returned, along with her hand, and seemed genuine. She relaxed a little at passing stage one.

  She saw Alex look back and forth between her and Jess and shake her head, muttering under her breath. She had a moment of panic. Was Alex already regretting inviting her?

  Jess draped her arm across Alex’s shoulders in a protective move. She made to turn her towards the house. “C’mon, let’s give the girl the grand tour.”

  Lori didn’t miss the gesture and had to stop from laughing as she imagined Stella pulling the same move. “This place is grand all right. Knowing how behind the times you country folk are, I wasn’t even sure there’d be an indoor toilet.”

  Alex stuck her tongue out. “You know your old friend Frank won’t be long finding his way home to see who just arrived. Probably wet and covered in mud…” She looked Lori up and down, making her take a look down at herself and what she was wearing. She still wore her work clothes, one of her favourite suits, beautifully cut in all the right places and too expensive for Frank to cause havoc with.

  Alex seemed to know what she was thinking. “If you get into trouble, I might not save you again.”

  “Oh, mature,” Lori laughed. “You do realise I will have tamed that beast by the end of this weekend so you can never hold him over me again? I may even turn him against you all together.”

  “Do your worst. That mutt knows not to piss the master off.”

  Jess laughed at them both. “I don’t know, Alex. I think I have faith the girl can do as she claims.”

  Lori took a second to grab her bag and another deep breath as Alex and Jess headed back toward the house. She needed to get a grip and willed her stomach to settle. The anticipation of seeing Alex had her jittery on the journey but now it was anticipation of the weekend to come getting to her.

  It was real now. She was here. Alex was here. The farm wasn’t a dream anymore and it was about to be filled with Alex’s favourite people. Jess hadn’t helped the nerves. She was clearly suspicious of Lori, and with good reason, given the short time Alex had known her.

  Although the “I’m Alex’s best friend, what are your intentions?” treatment felt a little over the top given they were only friends.


  Had she really taken an afternoon off work and driven four hundred miles to be friends?

  She slammed the boot of the car shut, remembering their conversation earlier in the week as well as the call from Adam about the potential move to New York.

  Yes. Friends, and fun. That’s all this weekend needed to be about.

  Catching up with Alex and Jess, she followed them through a side door into a porch where they kicked off their shoes. Padding along a short hall in her stocking feet, she was the last to enter the huge living space. “Wow, Alex, this is gorgeous.”

  Alex beamed. “Glad you like it. I redecorated a few years ago with a little help from this one over here.” She nodded in Jess’s direction.

  “Aye, I got to do the kitchen since that’s where she sticks me every time I’m here.”

  “Don’t pretend you don’t love it.” She put a hand up to her face and spoke out of the side of her mouth toward Lori, “Jess still lives like a student, if it can’t be microwaved her housemates don’t eat it.”

  “Hey, that’s not fair. Don’t listen to her, Lori. I’m actually squirreling my pennies for the day I can finally ditch this one and head off on my great travel adventure.” She poked her tongue in Alex’s direction.

  “Aye, right. You know you’ll never leave me.”

  Lori watched the exchange with a smile. “Okay, break it up you two. I still need the tour, oh, and a beer if you’d be so kind. It’s been a long week.”

  Alex laughed, shaking her head. “Damn, failing in my hostess duties already. Jess, my lovely kitchen maiden, please prepare us three cold beers and some of your finest nibbles on the double while I show our guest to her room.”

  Jess stood to attention in salute. “Yes, Mistress.” She nodded in Lori’s direction and put a thumb up. “Straight to the beer; I like you already.”

  Lori returned her smile before following Alex through the living area into another corridor much longer than the first.

  Alex opened doors as they went. All but one. “All the bedrooms and bathrooms come off this corridor. That’s the only room not in use.” She pointed to the unopened door and Lori didn’t question it. “There’s a small library, study, and music room at the other end of the kitchen where we came in, I’ll show you them later.”

  “This place is huge, Alex. Your friends must love spending time out here with you, away from it all.”

  “Yeah, Jess in particular. It’s kind of a home away from home for her and gives her a real break from the city and her job. She kids on about living out here with me if I’d finally just ask her, but she couldn’t leave the social life behind.”

  “I don’t know. She seems pretty comfy here.”

  Alex turned a corner, passing two more doors before stopping outside one at the far end of the hall. “Trust me, our current arrangement works just fine. Anyway, this is you.” She swung open the door, moving aside for Lori to enter first.

  Lori wiggled her toes as her feet sunk into the plush carpet of another living room and stopped to survey the space. It was much smaller than the main room, furnished simply but cosily with a scent of vanilla in the air. A worn, oxblood red chesterfield faced the stone fireplace and a wood burner stacked high on both sides with logs. An oak bookcase rammed with paperbacks and board games ran the length of one wall while the opposite held two small paintings hung over an old steamer chest.

  The breakfast bar separated the living room and the kitchen/dining area before the room led to French doors at the end and the view beyond. They opened outside on to a patio made for two, complete with gas heater, table, and chairs.

  “Alex, this is stunning.”

  “Aye.” Alex came up behind her and peered over her shoulder. “I had these doors and the patio put in when I discovered the views to be had from this end of the house. There’s a larger patio space around the side, but you get the sun here early in the morning so it’s a perfect spot for breakfast. C’mon, I’ll show you your room.”

  Lori turned and noticed the door off the living room. “Through there?”

  Alex nodded. “There’s an en-suite so you won’t have to fight with the others for the bathroom. The guys take ages so trust me, that’s a good thing.”

  Lori was reminded of autumn as they entered the warm bedroom. “Okay, so who normally stays in what is clearly the best guest room in Scotland, and are they going to be upset when they find me here?”

  Alex laughed. “You’re right to worry, but don’t. It’s actually where Jess always stays, but she agreed you should have the star treatment this weekend as it’s your first time.”

  “She agreed or you told her that’s what was happening?”

  “Okay, so I told her, then she agreed. It’s mostly how our relationship works.”

  Shaking her head, Lori blew out a breath. “You realise I want your friends to like me right? This doesn’t help that cause.”

  The dimples appeared with Alex’s smile. “Trust me when I tell you Jess likes you already.”

  Inwardly, Lori punched the air. Outwardly, she attempted playing it cool. “Of course
she does. I’m adorable. I wasn’t worried for a moment.”

  “Sure you weren’t. I mean, I wasn’t nervous so why should you be?” Alex raised her eyebrows in mischief and they laughed together at the blatant lie.

  Lori felt her stomach settle and her shoulders relaxed with relief. Of course she wasn’t the only one who was going to be nervous and she had been daft to think otherwise. “Well, remind me to thank her later.”

  “Oh, you’d better. I only told her half an hour ago you were coming and kicked her out of here shortly after.”

  Lori laughed. “Well, I appreciate the thought. I’ll try to think of someway sufficient to thank her.”

  Alex headed into the living area. “You’ll find the essentials in the little kitchen but I’d recommend letting Jess cook you breakfast in the morning.”

  “This is great, Alex. Thanks.”

  “No problem at all. Take some time if you want to change and freshen up after the drive. I’ll make sure that beer is waiting for you.”

  * * *

  Alex wandered back through to the main part of the house, smiling but with a light headedness, as if all the blood had rushed from her head. Lori was in her house and staying for a whole weekend. She needed to get a grip.

  “Well?” asked Jess as Alex sat in front of a beer at the kitchen island.

  “She loves it and is eternally grateful to you for giving it up this weekend.”

  “So long as she knows it’s only a one time deal?”

  “Don’t worry,” she said, giving Jess what she hoped was her cheekiest wink. “If after this weekend she wants to come back to stay, hopefully it’ll be in another room.”

  Jess sat down beside her, and lightly patted her head “Oh, Alex. Ten years and all we’ve been through, do you really think you can pull the wink and dimple bravado with me? You must know I can see right through you?”

  “You’re right. I’m a nervous wreck here. Do you like her? She’s nice right?”

  “She’s beautiful. And you could have warned me about that whole sparkly-eye thing. How on earth am I meant to remain neutral when she’s got that going on?”


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