Book Read Free

Four Steps

Page 12

by Wendy Hudson

  Chapter 21

  All the food, wine, and chat, knocked Lori out and she slept like a log with Frank warming her feet on the end of the bed. He had arrived at the patio door with kisses for her and, despite Alex’s protests that he was an outdoor dog, who had a cosy home in the barn with Pedro, she had sneaked him in with her for company at bedtime.

  She heard the faint sound of music and slipped out of bed. Pulling on a large hoodie over her pyjama vest she headed in the direction of the kitchen with Frank in tow.

  Jess was humming to the radio by the cooker, expertly flipping a pancake.

  “Hey, I was meant to make you breakfast this morning.”

  Jess jumped at her voice and leant over to turn the radio down. “Well, if you weren’t such a sleepy head my stomach wouldn’t have forced me into it.”

  “Sorry, I guess between the journey and the wine, I needed that sleep. I’ll make it up to you. Promise.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. Tomorrow morning when everyone is hungover, demanding bacon and eggs, you shall be my kitchen slave.”

  “You’ve got a deal. Where’s Alex?”

  “Out in the barn. It’s feeding time. She shouldn’t be long.”

  Right on cue, the porch door slammed and Alex appeared in the kitchen doorway. Lori took in the skinny jeans, wellington boots, and long, wool jumper underneath a racing green Barbour coat. She looked every bit the modern farm girl, casual and relaxed with a pinkness in her cheeks. It suited her and Lori had to admit she looked adorable.

  “What are you smiling at? What’s Jess been telling you about me now?”

  Realising Alex was talking to her, Lori started. “What? Oh, nothing. Just you in your farm girl get up. I was just thinking it suits you.”

  “Hmm…okay. I’ll believe you.” She pulled off her wellies, shrugged out of the big coat, and left them by a chair at the kitchen door before joining Lori at the island. “What’s for breakfast, chef?”

  She took in Alex’s side profile as she leant across the island towards the pan Jess was working. Lori could feel the chill of the outdoors come off her along with the fresh scent of hay and washing powder.

  “Pancakes, square sausage, and scrambled eggs. That should set you up before your ride this morning.”

  That was enough to snap Lori’s attention back to the room. “Ride? Wait, when you said you were giving me the outdoor tour you said nothing about horses?”

  “It’s okay, don’t panic.” Alex smiled reassuringly. “I don’t have the time to keep horses anymore. How does a quad bike sound?”

  Lori grinned, relieved. “Much more up my street. It’s safe to say I’m not a horse person.”

  Alex rubbed her hands together. “No horses. Got it. Let’s eat and get going. The others will start arriving soon.”

  * * *

  Alex was glad to see that Lori had taken her advice and dressed warmly for the quad ride. She’d borrowed long socks and wellies from Jess who shared her shoe size. She headed out to the barn, Frank following on behind, hoping to get in on the action.

  “You let him sleep in your room, didn’t you?”

  “Maybe. How did you guess?”

  “The fact he’s following you like a lapdog rather than jumping all over you. He’s obviously hoping for more of the same tonight.”

  “I said I’d have him tamed, didn’t I?”

  Alex laughed. “You don’t play fair, but one for you, I think.” She licked her finger and scored the air.

  “Yup.” Lori nodded. “About time I got one back.”

  “Okay, okay, don’t gloat. Let’s see if we can lose this puppy.”

  Alex wheeled the quad bike out and handed Lori a helmet before tugging on her own. “I’ll drive us out to the top field, let you get your bearings, then you can bring it back in if you want?”

  “Sounds good. Let’s go.”

  Lori slid onto the back and Alex turned the engine over, giving it some revs to warm up before turning around to check Lori was set. She shook her head at Lori who was holding the handles at the rear of the bike. Instead she took Lori’s arms and pulled them tight around her own waist. “Safer,” she called back, happy when she felt Lori move in closer and tighten her grip.

  With a wheel spin they set off, heading for a small patch of woodland and the hills beyond. Alex knew the woodland tracks well and pushed the quad tight around the corners and over humps, enjoying the thrill of the speed coupled with the gorgeous girl hanging on tight behind her.

  The cold wind made her eyes water, but Alex didn’t slow down until they came out the other side of the woods, into a field high above the farm. She slowly took them up to the crest, allowing Lori time to take in the views around them.

  They came to a stop, and Alex killed the engine. She was sorry to feel Lori’s arms slip from her waist as she got off the bike.

  Both women removed their helmets and were silent for a few minutes. Alex could make out only some of the farm visible beyond the trees below as they stood side by side, looking out across the hills. She felt Lori slip her cold hand into hers and turned toward her. “Thank you for inviting me here. I think it might just be perfect.”

  Alex returned her smile and, keeping hold of her hand, tugged her in the direction of a crumbling wall farther up the hill. “C’mon. It’s even better up here.” They reached the wall, and Alex hopped up as she’d done a hundred times or more.

  She reached down for Lori’s hand again. She didn’t let go after pulling Lori up beside her and blowing out her breath from the short hike, she smiled and waved her arm at the view.

  The only sounds she could hear were birds and the rustle of leaves as branches swayed in the breeze. Wind turbines on the brow of a nearby hill turned in a steady beat as what appeared to be toy-sized cars drove silently along the road Lori had travelled the day before.

  “See? I told you.” She watched Lori scan the vista before turning to Alex. Her smile was gone and, as Alex held her gaze, she wasn’t sure what to say or do. There was sadness in Lori’s eyes and she didn’t know where it had come from or what she was thinking. She lifted Lori’s arm and tucked herself underneath it, slipping an arm around her waist and pulling her in closer.

  Lori didn’t object and Alex couldn’t help drawing her into a full hug. Tucking her head under Lori’s chin, they gazed out across the landscape, content in the moment. She’d tried not to read too much into Lori’s little comments when they’d chatted on the phone, was she flirting, or did Alex just want to hope she was? It had been so long since she’d wanted attention from someone. So long since she had craved a touch or a glance from one person. That alone was enough to convince her that this connection wasn’t all in her imagination. And now here they were, with their arms wrapped around each other. Alex held on to the moment, and realised it was the most peaceful she had felt in a very long time.

  “Thank you for coming, Lori. I think it might just be perfect having you here.” She glanced up and saw Lori smile at that, felt her squeeze a little tighter before pulling away and jumping down from the wall.

  She moved toward the bike then stopped and turned to face Alex, hand held out. “Hand them over. It’s my turn to play,” she said, referring to the keys.

  “You sure you can handle one of these bad boys?”

  “Don’t underestimate this city girl. I did grow up with a brother in the Swiss mountains, remember? You don’t have to be scared.”

  “Aye, okay, hot shot. I don’t scare that easily. They’re still in the ignition.”

  They swapped places on the bike, Alex needing no invite before wrapping her arms around Lori’s waist. “Let’s go then, driver. Show me what you got.”

  Chapter 22

  Once back in the warmth of the farm, they both changed out of their mud spattered clothes while Jess finished with the food prep. As she headed toward the kitchen, Lori could hear an unfamiliar voice. She guessed it was Susie as the rest of the guests weren’t due until later in the afternoon. After the stories
she’d heard the night before, mainly from Jess, she was determined to be on guard and not rise to any bait Susie might throw.

  Alex had assured her that Susie’s heart was in the right place, but Lori thought she knew her type. The type of girl who was your best friend until you got in the way of something they wanted. She’d met many Susies at boarding school.

  Putting on what she hoped was her warmest smile she moved into the main room and found the three other girls lounging on the sofas. Her nerves must have been showing as Alex quickly stood and came to her side, smiling reassuringly. “Lori, this is Susie.”

  Lori held out a hand, keeping her smile fixed. “Great to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Susie glanced in annoyance in Jess’s direction before leaning up from the sofa to shake her hand. “I’ve no doubt you have.”

  Jess looked away guiltily, jumping up from her spot on the sofa where she’d been sitting next to Alex. “Here, Lori, have my seat. Let me get you something to drink.”

  “Oh sure, thanks, Jess.” She caught Alex’s eye and fought not to laugh at Jess’s hasty retreat from trouble. She turned to straighten out the cushions and her face, before sitting down with Alex.

  “So, Lori, Alex tells me you’re an interpreter who speaks like a gazillion languages? Her words, not mine.”

  The way she said it sounded like an accusation rather than a question. “Yeah, that’s right, although not quite a gazillion. I learnt at a young age, so, you know, it’s easier. Not such a big deal.”

  Lori had expected someone stern and professional looking, maybe a little older than them from Jess’s description. Someone tall and too skinny, with pointy features and a severe fringe to go with bobbed hair. Okay, so maybe her imagination had created a modern day witch of sorts, but the girl before her was more pixie than witch. She looked to be around Alex’s age and height, but with a physique more like a teenage boy, and blonde hair cropped short with a shaggy texture. She had a pretty, petite face and a clear complexion interrupted with nose and lip piercings that gave her a hard edge. She was dressed in baggy, boyfriend jeans with a checked shirt open over a Blondie T-shirt. Lori guessed this was what Jess meant by the term ‘baby butch,’ although she seemed a little old for the look.

  “Ah, so you went to some posh school? I should have known from your accent. Let me guess…” She put on a mock English accent and sat up prim and proper. “The boys preferred a good game of ruggers rather than that ghastly game, football, and you were on the tennis and lacrosse team?” She laughed derisively.

  Lori attempted to laugh with her, trying to hide her annoyance. Deciding to play the game she plumbed up her own voice. “Yes, daaahling…guilty as charged.” She tilted her head in challenge. “I also shared my chamber with a princess, my correct title is Lady Hunter. I had a maid to dress me in the morning and we only dined off solid silverware. Oh, and one mustn’t forget summers at the yacht club.”

  Alex burst out laughing, choking on her beer while Jess roared from the kitchen, “Lady Hunter. That’s brilliant.”

  Even Susie couldn’t help but laugh now. But Lori didn’t get the joke which now seemed to be at her expense.

  Susie rolled her eyes. “As in a girl who hunts for ladies? A lesbian?”

  “Oh!” Embarrassed, she squirmed at the statement and was clearly getting no help from Alex who was mopping up her beer. “Funny. I get it.” She needed to get this conversation back on safer ground. “So you know Alex from school? She says you travel a lot with work. Do you speak any languages?”

  “Aye, we’ve known each other since primary school, and no, I never saw the point of languages at school. It’s not as if we could afford to go abroad anywhere. Now, I can probably say ‘beer’ and ‘cheers’ in about ten languages. That’s all you need to get by these days anyway, isn’t it?”

  Lori didn’t bite, deciding a lecture on the value of learning languages wasn’t going to be the way to get on Susie’s good side.

  She caught Jess rolling her eyes as she came back from the kitchen loaded with more drinks. “Okay, Susie, enough. You’ve been here five minutes. At least have a few more drinks before you get your bitch on. That way you can at least use the alcohol as an excuse in the morning.”

  “What?” Susie was indignant. “I’m just getting to know Alex’s new ‘friend’ here.”

  Lori didn’t miss the emphasis on the word friend and watched as Susie sat back in her chair smugly, seemingly pleased that Jess’s admonishment must mean she had scored a hit.

  “Here.” Jess shoved another beer into her hand. “Drink that and give it a rest, eh? I know you struggle with those two personalities of yours, but we’d really prefer a visit from your good twin for the one night you’re here.” She winked over at Lori in solidarity.

  “Oh, you’re as funny as ever, Jess, really. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “All right you two, that’s enough.” Alex held up her hands. “Behave or I’m kicking you out. Tonight is for relaxing, enjoying the one night we are all here together, and welcoming Lori to the farm. Clear?” She looked back and forth between the two of them.

  “Crystal,” they mumbled in unison.

  “Okay then, who’s for getting the barbeque started? The boys just texted that they’ll be here in an hour and the girls won’t be far behind.”

  “Aye, okay, I get the hint.” Jess got back up again, pulled on some trainers, and headed for the patio doors.

  “What a good little wife you’ve got, Alex. You realise that’s your competition, Lori?” Susie smirked.

  Alex just glared back. “I said enough. Go get some meat out of the fridge and take it out to her.”

  Susie huffed but got up, and Alex followed suit. Alex put an arm around her shoulder and gave her a peck on the cheek. “C’mon, play nice, Susie.”

  Susie looked guilty then and a tinge of pink came into her cheeks. “Aye. Okay, sorry.”

  Alex looked back at Lori and mouthed a silent “sorry” before nodding in the direction of the bar. “Want to help me set up the bar?”

  Lori smiled, letting out the breath she’d found herself holding while Alex and Susie had been talking. “Only if I can drink while we work.”

  Alex laughed then, flinging an arm up around her neck and pulling her down for a quick peck to her cheek as well. “Anything you want for being such a good sport.”

  * * *

  The boys soon arrived in a flurry of hugs, kisses, introductions, and good spirits. They were happy to see treats already being cooked up on the barbeque and the bar ready to go.

  Neal and Mike quickly emptied the car of bags and booze before grabbing beers and giving their manly opinions to Jess and Susie on how the steaks should be cooked.

  It was tradition for Alex to serve them their first drink at the bar, but then they were on their own. “Fancy helping me with a round of cocktails?”

  “Sure. I love a cocktail.” Lori stepped behind the short bar with her as Chris and Danny appeared, perching on the two stools opposite.

  “So how do you guys all know each other? I lost track of all the links when Jess tried explaining it last night.” Lori started muddling limes in glasses, adding sugar syrup as instructed by Alex.

  “Well, these two are my fellow computer geek friends from university. We’ve spent many an all-nighter together, and not in the fun way.”

  Chris laughed. “Hey, we had a few party nights. And don’t forget our all-night Red Bull and cheese puff binges when assignments were due. They were pretty epic.”

  Danny chimed in, “Don’t let them fool you, Lori. We partied with the best of them when the notion took. Besides, I’d say we’ve more than compensated for all those sensible nights by now.”

  “Red Bull and cheese puff binges?” Lori raised an eyebrow in Alex’s direction.

  “Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. All that caffeine and preservatives were the main source of our imaginative power.”

  “I bet. I’d be on the
ceiling.” Lori finished with the last of the lime and sugar, wiped her hands, and took down a bottle of Havana rum, handing it to Alex.

  “What about Neal and Mike?”

  “Neal and Mike are twins, non-identical, obviously,” Chris answered while appraising them both through the patio doors. “Neal is my better half but they are pretty much inseparable so if one is around, you’re almost guaranteed to find the other.”

  Lori eyed them both. “Nice catch, Chris. He’s very handsome. Mike isn’t bad either. Does he have a better half?”

  Alex looked up sharply at her comment, spilling the rum she was measuring.

  Lori didn’t seem to notice but unfortunately Danny caught it and decided to have some fun as he answered for Chris. “Oh, he’s very much single and would be a great catch to the right girl.” He winked at Lori.

  Alex watched her blush. Had she been checking Mike out? She had stopped mid-pour and gave a start when she realised Lori was looking at her, still blushing as she backtracked and directed her words at Alex. “Oh! I didn’t mean for me, not that there’s anything wrong with Mike. I’m sure plenty of girls would be lucky to have him but, you know, I just broke up with my boyfriend and—”

  Danny held up his hands in surrender. “Hey, Lori, sorry. I’m just teasing.”

  Chris didn’t seem convinced as he said, “I thought maybe Alex had invited you up here with Mike in mind?”

  Alex felt Lori’s suspicious eyes on her. She smiled, ignored the look, and carried on with the cocktails. Satisfied Lori wasn’t actually checking out Mike, she decided to have some fun of her own. “Well, you know, he is a great guy: handsome, smart, and funny—” She smirked at her teasingly.

  Lori bumped her shoulder. “Enough. And the same goes for you.” She playfully scowled at Danny.

  “Am I missing something here?” Chris looked from one to the other.

  “Ah, Chris, slow as ever.” Danny put an arm across his shoulders. “How about we go thrash on the drums for a bit before Mike gets to them?”


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