Book Read Free

Four Steps

Page 26

by Wendy Hudson

  She allowed one last glance at Beth’s face and was resolute. If he had finally come for her then she was all he was getting. Lori would survive this. That bastard was not getting anyone else that she loved. Not today.

  She crept through the hall to the back door and began to inch it open when headlights bobbed in the distance. “Shit.” She quickly realised it was Jess and rushed back towards the kitchen where she’d left her mobile phone. Fumbling with it and the gun still in one hand she hit the call button. “C’mon, Jess. Pick up the phone.”

  The phone rang out to voicemail. “Fuck.” She dialled again, watching over the kitchen countertop as the car sped nearer. It rang out again and she threw the phone in the sink before grabbing it back. “I’m God damned brain dead,” she whispered as she dialled nine-nine-nine. In her urgency to help Lori, common sense had left her.

  The panic threatened to take over as she rushed out her name, address, and reason for calling to the operator as Jess’s headlights got brighter. She gave Stella’s name and heard the operator tell her to “stay inside the house and lock the doors. Do not under any circumstances approach the suspect.”

  Not a chance.

  “That’s not happening. I suggest you stay on the line.” She slipped the phone in her back pocket and headed for the door.

  * * *

  Stella hit speaker when Jess’s number flashed up on her phone. “Where are you?”

  “I’ve just pulled up in the courtyard. It seems quiet and I can see Alex’s bedroom light is on.”

  Stella breathed a small sigh of relief, and felt Hannah relax next to her. “Did you notice any cars along the lane, anything parked up or unusual?”

  “No, nothing at all. Hang on, my phone is beeping with another call.”

  Stella waited for Jess to come back. She didn’t slow her speed, she needed to reach the farm and see for herself that everything was fine. The line clicked and Jess came back.

  “Stella there’s two missed calls from Alex on my phone. Both were made just a minute or so ago.”

  “No message?”

  “No. And now I’m wondering why she hasn’t come out to meet me. There’s no way she wouldn’t have heard me arrive.”

  Stella’s skin prickled. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” She cussed to the rhythm of the pounding in her heart. “Can you see anything, Jess? Any sign of someone else in the house?”

  Jess’s voice came through again in a whisper. “I can’t see anything but shadows. No sign of either of them or Frank. How far away are you?”

  Stella felt the blood rush from her face to her heart as her body went cold. “About twenty minutes. Listen, Jess, you need to get out of there.”

  “Stella, I think he’s here. I don’t know where, and I don’t know if he’s tried anything, but I feel it. There’s something wrong.”

  “Shit. Jess, start the car and go. Wait for us somewhere nearby but get out of there.”

  A low laugh came through the speaker. “If you knew me you would know I’m not going anywhere. Not while Alex is still here and in danger.”

  “Jess, you don’t know what you’re getting into. Just wait a little longer for us. Don’t do anything stupid.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t leave her. She needs me. Please. Just hurry.”

  “Jess!” Stella shouted for her to listen, but she had hung up. She pressed her foot harder on the accelerator. “Hannah, if we don’t make it there in time…”

  “Stop it. We’ll make it.”

  Stella glanced her way and saw her determination. She gripped the wheel, pulling off the motorway into the darkness of the country roads, repeating Hannah’s words. “We’ll make it.”

  Chapter 50

  The only sound he could hear, beyond his own steady breathing, was the dark-haired girl, whimpering through her gag.

  Sean watched as the blonde talked on her phone, still in the car. She seemed oblivious. “Fucking idiot. Of all the nights I could have picked, it’s the one she decides to come back.” Berating himself, he paced. The adrenaline was flowing. He needed to reassess; he could handle this.

  He stopped, shook his head, and glanced at the girl tied ten paces from him. “See? See what you whores do to me? I’m here blaming myself again when it’s your fault you’re tied to that chair. My plan was perfect. And now it’s her turn to fucking try to ruin it.” He peered through the gap in the door towards the house. He could see the bedroom light still on, but no movement. The rest of the house seemed still. It’d been long enough that he was sure Alex Ryan knew something was wrong. What he hadn’t predicted in all his fantasies was what she might do if she knew he was coming. What would the bitch do? Would she be stupid enough to try to take him on? Or would he be hearing the sound of sirens very soon?

  He watched the blonde in the car put down her phone. He needed to think. Two girls were manageable…but three? How could he cope with three? What was the best plan of attack? His mouth watered at the thought, at the challenge. He could take out three. There was no one better at taking out upstart bitches like these. Make it fast. Make it hard. Grab her as soon as she opens the car door. He balled his hands into fists and felt his lips curl into a sneer. Grab her and hold the knife to her throat. Easy. As long as she’s not expecting him, it would be easy.

  Then an unsettling thought occurred to him. What if that was Alex on the phone warning her? What if it wasn’t a surprise? Would his approach work if she was expecting him? He pictured the woman, tall, slender, and weak. It would work. Besides, surely she would have sped out of there if she knew he was there. Staying was pure lunacy. Maybe the Ryan bitch thinks that Princess Posh over there is just out walking the dog. Maybe she’s passed out drunk and doesn’t even realise what’s going on.

  Maybe. Maybe not. Was it worth taking the chance?

  He strode over to the woman, held a finger to his lips and the gun at her head before removing the gag. “What’s your name?”

  She licked her lips and stuttered, “L…L…Lori.”

  “Okay, Lori, you’re going to do me a little favour.” He pulled the knife from its sheath on his belt and chuckled as her eyes widened. “You’re going to call to Blondie, out there in that stupid, little, red car.”

  She dared to shake her head at him but the knife at her throat soon stopped her.

  “Let me rephrase that.” He pressed a tiny bit harder, until the steel bit, but just before the blood would start to trickle. “Call out to the fucking blonde or I will use this knife to cut that pretty face of yours ear to ear.”

  He watched her eyes close as she gulped at the air and knew she was close to tears. “No one’s coming to save you so be a good girl now, and do as I say.”

  She opened her eyes and glared up at him.

  “Do it.”

  She leant forward into the knife, pressing it tighter to her neck, challenging him. The slow trickle of red was hypnotic as it traced a path to her collarbone. Oh how easy it would be to pull the knife across, and watch the gush of life leave her, watch her eyes dim. He savoured the thought but held firm, the anticipation burned in his stomach. He would enjoy it more with an audience.

  He watched her jaw work as she gritted her teeth, her eyes never leaving his. “Do it.”

  She licked her lips again and called out.

  * * *

  Alex chewed the inside of her cheek, and resisted the urge to call out to Jess. She watched her movements in the car as Alex cracked open the side door and risked a small wave, even though she knew she was more than likely hidden from Jess’s view in the darkness.

  She was unsure of what was out there, or where it could be hiding, and she was reluctant to give away the fact she was on to him. She had to control the almost overwhelming urge to run out into the courtyard like a mad woman, waving her gun and demanding to know where Lori was.

  No, that’s not right, Alex knew. There was no doubt in her mind. Sean Murray was somewhere on her farm. And wherever he was, he had Lori. She could feel it in her bones, li
ke the chill that was seeping into her from the cold, hard floor of the kitchen. She knew with utter certainty that Lori’s life now rested in her hands. Just as her mother’s and father’s had rested in Beth’s. The weight of the responsibility was crushing. It sucked the air from her lungs and drained the blood from her brain. And the world shrank to the tiny point of light that came from the car when Jess picked up her phone. Both of them. Both of their lives are in my hands.

  Alex pulled her own phone out of her pocket, the volume was low and she could hear voices at the other end from the dispatch centre. “Please, stay on the line and get someone here as fast as possible,” she whispered. She kept the line open, and shoved it back in her pocket. She wished she’d grabbed Lori’s phone too. Then she could have tried Jess again. But she hadn’t, and it was too late to worry about it now.

  Alex peered around the door and watched as Jess’s lips started to move, as she started speaking to someone else. “Dammit, Jess, what are you doing?”

  Alex slid further out of the door, behind a low bush, and scanned the courtyard for anything odd. Anything out of place. Her eyes had adjusted and she knew the topography as well as she knew her own face in the mirror.

  It was maybe thirty metres to Jess’s car and she weighed up whether it was worth the risk of running to it. She had no idea where Sean Murray was. She readied herself to sprint when a familiar voice called Jess’s name, called to her for help.

  Alex twisted toward the sound and her heart rate tripled to a roar in her ears.

  Lori. She’s in the barn.

  The world slowed down as she watched Jess get out of the car. Lori called out again. She could hear the pain in Lori’s voice and tried not to imagine what that bastard had already done to her. Emotion would do no good right now. Emotion would make her careless. Emotion would make her easier to kill. Emotions were for later. She choked back the fury rising in her throat, and waved toward Jess, who seemed to finally have spotted her in the shadows.

  She pulled the gun from her waistband and held it up for Jess to see. In the moonlight, the whites of her eyes shone bright with surprise. Jess knew about the knife but not the gun.

  “Jess, please. Help me.”

  Both their heads snapped back toward the barn door. It’s a trap. Alex knew it and so, it seemed, did Jess, but she squared her shoulders and started for the door anyway.

  Alex whispered as loud as she dared, begging for her to stop, but Jess shook her head. “I have to,” she hissed back.

  Alex crept sideways and found a position closer to the car, putting it between her and the barn door. She gave herself a better angle to glimpse through the door when it opened.

  Maybe she could get an idea of what kind of weapon she was up against or at least his position in the barn. Then she saw it. Frank. Lying motionless on the ground. Her fears were confirmed: Sean Murray was here, and Frank wasn’t taking a nap. The lump she’d been swallowing back rose up and threatened to escape, bringing with it bile. For a moment, the urge to vomit took hold, but she pushed it down, took some breaths. She was torn between fury and sorrow, and neither would do her any good. She needed to focus. There was nothing she could do for him now without giving herself away. He loved Lori and Jess, and would want her to protect them as he had so obviously tried.

  She wasn’t the only one to see him. Pulling her eyes away from Frank’s lifeless shadow, she watched Jess’s hand fly to her mouth and the small cry that escaped told Alex what she saw wasn’t good. Meeting Jess’s eyes she held a finger to her lips and motioned for Jess to calm down. Even across the distance Alex could tell she was on the verge.

  Pulling off her ankle sheath, Alex made sure the knife was clipped in place before holding it up for Jess to see. He might be watching them. He might know she was going to arm Jess. But she couldn’t let her go in there with nothing, and if he wasn’t watching, he wouldn’t be expecting it.

  Jess called out as Alex threw the knife, covering the sound of it hitting the gravel. “Lori, where are you?”

  Alex watched as she grabbed it, discarding the sheath, and holding it with the blade pointing up her arm in an attempt to hide it.

  Alex’s stomach clenched as Lori’s strangled voice called out again. “I’m in the barn, Jess. Please help.”

  “What’s happened? Should I go get, Al—”

  “No,” Lori cut her off. “She’s sleeping. I came to find Frank and I think I’ve twisted my ankle. Don’t disturb Alex. She needs her rest.”

  They both took deep breaths. Alex’s tightened her grip on her gun while Jess grabbed the door handle of the barn.

  Jess nodded to her and Alex saw Jess mouth, “I love you,” before pushing the door open and disappearing from view.

  Chapter 51

  Sean kicked the door closed as soon as the dumb bitch was through it. He followed up with a sharp blow from his gun, putting her face first on the floor.

  He watched in amusement as Lori strained against the tape that bound her while screaming at him through her gag. She fell sideways to the floor, the chair clattering noisily with her.

  They were his now. Both of them were his, and it was just too fucking easy. Let’s hope the main prize isn’t as disappointing.

  Blondie started to roll over, groaning with every movement. He pushed a knee into her spine and stopped her before she got any further. He grabbed for her wrists, and caught the flash of steel before it was embedded in his thigh. “Fuck!” He fell back in shock and kicked out in fury, managing to catch her hard in the stomach.

  He stood and pulled the knife from his leg with a grunt while the bitch in the chair cried out. Towering over Blondie, he looked between them both, writhing and helpless on the floor.

  Fucking whores always thinking they are so smart when all they do is ruin everything. They destroyed his career, his marriage, his relationship with his sons. They always thought they knew better than him. Always thought they were better than him.

  He offered her a smile before he charged back at the bitch who’d just stabbed him. He grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the waiting chair next to his other conquest.

  “Do your worst, you fucking pointless piece of shit.” He shouted at the closed door, loud enough for Alex to hear as he yanked Blondie’s arms behind her back and taped them in place, laughing at her pathetic attempts to kick his shins. “Because I’m not going anywhere until you’re sitting in a chair with your bitches here. Tell me, Alex, which one of them are you fucking? Or is it both?”

  He pulled the princess and her chair upright again and replaced the gag.

  “Shall we play a game, Alex?” He listened. Waiting. Nothing but silence. He smiled. Finally. A worthy adversary. He knew she was out there. Probably armed. He shrugged. I would be. He could guarantee that the police were on their way, but what else was left? This was his final stand, what he’d be remembered for. Seemed his wife was wrong all along, he wasn’t good for nothing. There was something he’d always been good at. In the army, and now here at the end. He was always good at killing.

  He waved the small blade back and forth between the two women as he shouted out again. She can hear me. I know damn well she can hear me. “It’s a game I like to call, ‘Which of your little whores should I kill first?’” He laughed. “I’ll count to five to give you a bit of thinking time before I make the decision for you.” He stepped closer to them. “One.” He tapped the posh bit on the nose with the blade. “Two.” He shouted. “Will she pick you, do you think?” He asked quietly. “Three.” He shouted without waiting for a response. “Or will she pick Blondie? Four.” He winked at Jess. “Gentlemen prefer blondes they say, don’t they?” He pressed the steel against her cheek. “But I’m not a gentleman. Five!”

  No response.

  “Dear, oh dear, oh dear. Time to up the ante, I guess.” He stood up straight and tilted his head from one side to the other, making his decision. “Have it your way, Bitch. But remember, Alex, this one’s on you.” With a sharp jab he drov
e the knife into Blondie’s stomach. The rush flew from his head to his groin when she screamed. He laughed, seeing the pure hatred in the posh bird’s eyes as she tried to shuffle closer to help her friend. Futile.

  “I’ve started without you, Alex. You should probably get your skinny arse in here if you want to stop me putting holes in your girlfriends.”

  He stepped behind them. “Now, sit still, ’cos this is gonna hurt.” He reached out and pressed on the wound. She screamed beautifully before she passed out.

  “It’s up to you now, little Alex. Your choice. Which one do I kill first?”

  Chapter 52

  Jess’s scream was too much. Alex drew the gun and ran across the courtyard, charging the barn door, she shouldered it open and finally came face to face with the monster that killed her sister. She raised her gun and aimed it at his head.

  He was ready for her, though. He stood behind the two most precious people in her life and she had no choice but to keep her distance. The knife at Lori’s throat and the casual way he waved his gun in the direction of an unconscious Jess as her life bled away ensured it.

  “Ah, at last you decide to join us. A little late for Blondie here but your posh princess might have a chance.” He chuckled. “Well…maybe.”

  Maintaining her aim, she fought to keep her voice steady. “Put the weapons down, Sean. I will shoot you.”

  He forced Lori’s head back with the knife and exposed her throat further. He pressed it tight to the jugular releasing another bloody tear. “Shoot, and it’s the last fucking breath she takes.” Sneering, he tapped his forehead with his gun. “Unless you really think you’re good enough to hit me here?”


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