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Warlord 4

Page 31

by Chen Ran

  "I want to duel you!"

  Suddenly, the young John Sen moved between Zero and Old Brent. The young man opened his arms to block the old Brent, and his eyes were filled with a complicated light. There was fear, there was hesitation, there was contradiction, and there was even a little bit of courage.

  If it had been another time and place, Zero might have appreciated this youth. But right now, he didn't have the time to chat with people he didn't care about. As a result, the automatic pistol was lifted up, and under the sound of the gunshot, John's left leg fell down. However, to his surprise, the young man clenched his teeth as much as he could to prevent himself from shouting out.

  But that was all there was to it. John did not allow Su Wei to stare at him for a moment longer. Pointing her gun at Old Brent, she said blandly, "Hello, patriarch of Parkland family, I think it's necessary for us to sit down and talk."

  The battle ended at dawn.

  This was an uneven fight. All four of them were at least at the fifth step of cultivation, and they were at the level of an advanced vocation. There was a qualitative difference between them and the ones at the lower levels of the wilderness. Although there were a lot of soldiers in the Parkland and there were twelve low-ranked warriors, they were all weak in front of the four of them. When the battle ended, the number of soldiers in the Parkland directly decreased by 70%, and all the capable people had been annihilated, leaving as many as half of the buildings that had stopped working. Without a doubt, this was a huge loss to the Parkland family, and the damaged vitality was unable to recover in a short period of time.

  This is the result of zero expectation, with overwhelming advantage to give the big chauffeur a heavy blow. Apart from weakening their strength, the most important thing was to shock them. The reason why he wanted to shake the Parkland family was naturally to fight for more benefits at the negotiating table. After all, even though the starting point of zero was to take revenge on what the Parkland had done to him, most of the time was to get compensation from this tycoon, not just destruction.

  It would not be difficult to completely destroy the family, but it would not benefit them in any way. They would even call for the Dark Council's intervention just because they had done too much. No matter what, Parkland family was still inside the array. Although this family had started to decline, for Dark Council, to watch outsiders single-handedly wipe out their subordinate companies was something that was not allowed to happen no matter what!

  Chapter 278 - Interests Only (II)

  At the moment, just before six in the morning, the A Land Cruiser had already entered the Parkland's territory from the road in the wild. It followed the road that ran through the city's central axis through most of the city before finally coming to a stop in front of the Tulip Building. A few people jumped off the carriage, with Masters as the leader and a few other so called assistants. In total, the five of them went from the elevator in the building all the way to the 16th floor. Finally, under the guidance of Parkland family's butler, Bai Ni, they arrived at the hall specially reserved for the clan's internal meetings.

  The hall was very spacious, almost five hundred meters squared. The furnishings in the hall were relatively simple. Apart from the necessary tables and chairs, there were no other decorations. To a large family, this seemed relatively simple and crude. However, the design of the hall was reserved and generous, matching the calmness of a tycoon. The only decoration in the hall was a large portrait of old Brent on the other side of the stage.

  It was a gift from a member of the side line of the family on Old Brent's fiftieth birthday, as a token of his utmost respect for the head of the family.

  But now, the old Brent, who was sitting on the main platform, was no longer as radiant. His face was ashen, as if he was an old man late in life. He didn't have the dignity of a family head at all. And on the left side of the audience, there were all important figures from the Parkland's valve. They were the cousins of old Brant and also the heads or senior executives of the various departments in which the chauffeur operated. To the right of these people, there were only a pitiful few people. It was as if there were only four people there.

  But even so, the Parkland family members who were sitting on the left had ugly expressions on their faces. Although this was the territory of their family, these people were more like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

  This was the scene Masters saw when he walked into the hall.

  During the turbulent two hours of the previous night, the important members of the Parkland were keenly aware of what had happened. In that short span of two hours, the Parkland's valve had suffered the most severe test in all of history. However, it was not like before, where it was like a reef that could stand tall amidst the raging waves of the ocean. This time, the Parkland, which had been standing on the edge of the Deep Sea Abyss for more than 35 years, was finally smashed by the storm when the soldiers in the territory were almost scattered and those with enough power were all killed.

  On the other hand, there were only four people who created this disaster.

  In the old days, this was something unbelievable. But in this era, four powerhouses of the fifth step could do this.

  When the night quietly retreated and light scattered across the land, the Parkland family lost control of his own territory. There was nothing more ironic than this, I'm afraid.

  Now, under the gazes of all the members. Then Masters and the rest, who they had definitely categorized as poor people and Masters and the others, arrogantly sat next to Ling Yun and the others, and used a superior gaze to examine every member of the group.

  The hall was abnormally quiet and the atmosphere was stifling. Old Brent, who was sitting on the main platform, watched the proceedings without any interest. Under Zero's gaze, he coughed dryly and said, "I'm sorry to have to gather everyone here at this time. I'm sure everyone knows what happened last night, so I won't beat around the bush here. To put it simply, these gentlemen and ladies, including Zero, used their exceptional abilities to make me submit a special application to participate in the management and operation of our family business. Therefore, I hereby announce that these few people, represented by the Mr. Zero, will have 50% of the controlling rights of our corporate powers. And this gentleman appointed the agent to join our chaeological valve action management, we hope you will cooperate with their work in the future. That's all I have to say!

  Old Brent gritted his teeth as he said the last sentence, as if he had made a huge decision. And his words made the family members who were already mentally prepared for it to finally be unable to stop themselves from clamoring.

  One of them, a potbellied fatty, stood up and shouted: "Why should we give our wealth to these greedy dogs!"

  Before he could finish his sentence, one of Masters's assistants took out a gun and shot a black bullet hole into the fatty's forehead. Fatty fell to the ground with his eyes wide open, as if he couldn't believe that he had just died.

  This shot caused the bustling hall to become silent once more. At this moment, Zero slowly stood up. A cold and inorganic light shot out from his golden right eye, flashing past the faces of the Parkland family members. When these people, who had been extremely excited a moment ago, came into contact with his gaze, it was as if cold water had been poured over them. They couldn't help but shiver.

  "I know you'll think it's unfair, and so it is." Su Leng said, "But it is not up to you to choose. Either you cooperate with us or all of you die here. There is no third possibility! "

  This was a naked threat. In the old era, this was a completely useless method, but in the new era, where individuals were highly respected, it was the most effective way to shock others. The weak were dependent on the strong. In these two roles, the weak had no right to speak. Looking at it from another perspective, for the members of the Parkland, Zero and the others only wanted half of the shares and not the entire shares. Thus, after experiencing the initial agitation and reaching zero, they who had c
almed down could only obediently accept the fate that was imposed on them.

  What followed was a series of matters concerning the delivery of rights. Therefore, he gave all of his authority to Masters to represent him. Masters had become Zero's representative in the wilderness and helped him enter the Parkland's business kingdom. Masters would participate in the entire operation of this Kingdom and confirm that half of the Parkland's profits from each year would be zero. In this income, he will be paid a 7 per cent agency fee in accordance with the agreement he has drawn up before zero.

  7% might not seem like a lot, but for an agent, it was already a huge amount of wealth. No one would reject such cooperation, especially at this moment when the Hall of Heroic Spirits was backing Zero up. Even if Masters didn't dare, there were still plenty of people who were willing to become his current role.

  The delivery of power, the construction of trade chains, effective communication and the timely transfer of funds are not a one-day affair. What he could predict was that Masters would stay in the Parkland territory for a long time, and he would also join the circle of Parkland one after another. From today onwards, the management of this corporate sector will no longer be an internal issue. In the near future, there will be a lot of managers from outside the family.

  Even if the Dark Council were to forcefully take over this tycoon, it would not be able to change the fact that the Parkland's power had been dispersed.

  In order to ensure the safety of Masters and the others, at the same time, he had also wanted old Brent to obediently follow his orders. Su Yun and the others took another measure, which was to take Hein and John Sen away. Hein was the most highly regarded son of Old Bent. In the face of his death, Hein was the legal successor to Old Bent without any choices at all. As for John Sen, even though his family's position was far below Hein, this uncle, he was the only young man in the clan's direct bloodline.

  He represented the future and hope of the family, and was also someone old Brent could not give up on.

  With a point of his finger, he used these two important people as hostages to threaten the Parkland. This was something that old Brent did not expect. He had also considered the matter of the hostages and was prepared to send out the useless Jester. He did not expect Zero to be so familiar with the members of the Parkland's family, but in reality, this information was provided by Masters.

  But no matter what, old Brent could not save the situation. Thus, under his helpless gaze, he could only watch helplessly as the two cars drove through the Parkland's territory. These two SUV were naturally none other than Masters and his group. And at the back of Masters's car, sat Hein who had an unwilling expression on his face, and John who was curled up and trembling.

  The SUV followed the road in the Blue Ridge Mountain Range to the south. When it was about 30 kilometers away from the Parkland, it suddenly turned to the west and drove into the bumpy wilderness. After another half an hour, the two cars stopped at an abandoned electric tower.

  "Let's say our goodbyes here. As for the Parkland, I'll be troubling you." Zero said lightly.

  Masters laughed and said: "You trust me this much? Don't you worry that I'll be rich? "

  After thinking for a moment, Zero said, "You wouldn't be that stupid, right?"

  The two of them went silent for a moment, then Zero smiled. Masters, on the other hand, was laughing so hard that he almost couldn't breathe. He pointed to himself and said, "Of course, I'm not stupid enough to erase the power of a big chaeker. After all, you know too many things about me. If you want revenge, there are too many things that you can choose from, no? "

  "So, it's better to be friends than to be enemies." Zero added.

  "Yes, that's it." Masters strongly patted Ling Su's shoulder, and whispered: "Let me give you a little more courtesy."

  The moment his voice fell, two gunshots rang out. Su Yi was stunned as he looked towards Masters's car. In the backseat, Masters's assistant put away his gun. Yet Hein and John Sen had already been shot in the head!

  "Why did you do that?" Su Ming's gaze turned cold as he said in a deep voice.

  "Relax, my friend." Masters said solemnly, "I know you keep your promises, but you have to understand, in this dogshit era, there are some promises that will only make you make the wrong judgement."

  "Like them?"

  "Like them!" Masters affirmed: "Leave these two people alone, they'll leave you with too many variables. Since the establishment of Parkland's valve, it had been almost forty years. Their relationship was definitely not as simple as it looked on the surface. It was like the root of a tree, with its roots twisted around it. Last night, we only caught them by surprise, and once they react, neither you nor I will know how many invisible enemies we have. "

  Masters lit up a cigarette for himself, then looked at the assistant who was moving Hein and Yue Yang downwards: "If we keep these two by our side, they will become the best spy for the invisible enemies. Friend, I don't think you want to be killed by them one day. So this uncertainty was due to Su, and it would be better to get rid of it as soon as possible. As for the Parkland's valve asking about the two of them, I will handle it myself. You can rest assured that you will do something else. "

  Su Yun fell silent. In reality, Masters was right. But if she really wanted to be like Masters, and kill the two harmless lives for the sake of the theory of danger, Su Mo herself wouldn't be able to. Zero is not a merciful person. When necessary, he can use cruel means to shock the enemy. Only, he still could not achieve what Masters had done.

  At the same time, he did not think that Masters was cruel, cruel only this era.

  "Never mind, my friend." Masters gave him a thumbs up: "It's all for benefits."

  After saying this sentence that had the characteristics of this era in it, Masters waved goodbye to Zero and walked towards his own car. Zero returned to the car, he was silent and did not say anything, allowing Ma Pei to start the car, and bring him back to the wilderness.

  Chapter 279 - Extinction (I)

  He was already middle-aged four days later when he returned to Asgard. After a bumpy journey, they finally returned to the city of the heaven like God Kingdom. After the four of them went through the report and the holiday at the Doomhammer's military office, Zero said goodbye to them for the time being and drove to an open area in the western suburbs of the city by himself. There was an abandoned factory, a small derelict power station, and two working dormitories.

  This was originally one of the many food processing plants in the Asgard, owned by the merchant Prospero. But a year ago, when Prospero was unable to repay his debt to the Asgard due to him owing a large sum of money, he pledged it to the Asgard. The factory had been empty until now because there was no reason to find the right person to take over. After learning that Zero was looking for an experimental site, under Ben's instructions, this factory was rented out to Zero at a very low price, and the required apparatus and related personnel were added to it.

  At present, the factory is ready to be put into use after a simple renovation. People and equipment were arriving, and by the time Zero arrived, the last truck was leaving. He stopped in front of the factory entrance just in time to see Victor instructing the workers to assemble the equipment. The doctor's radiant face was very different from the drunken face Zero had when he first met him.

  "Move the culture tank a little. Gentlemen, please let it go gently."

  "Damn it, why is there no electricity? As for the electricians, quickly turn on the power, all instruments must be tested for the first time! "

  The content of the factory had already completed its initial modifications, establishing a cultivation area, an office, a machine room, a disinfection zone and other areas. But cables of all colors were everywhere on the ground, and staff were careful not to trip over them as they walked. Even though it was messy, it made people feel busy and angry.

  Other than the technician assisting Victor, Asgard had also specially arranged a six man team of guar
ds for the laboratory. They were drawn from the city's security system, but the guards, the technicians, and the equipment had to be paid for every month. Thus, looking at this busy laboratory made him feel like he had just started a new career. At the same time, he knew that the burden on his shoulders had become heavier.

  In this way, he was glad that he had time to make a trip to the Blue Ridge Mountain Range. Although it would take at least three months before Parkland's first funds would be remitted over, at least there would be a good start to everything. However, in these three months, there were still a lot of things that Zero had to do. In addition to the fees to be paid for the scheme, a general account is to be opened for foreign exchange funds.

  Besides developing internal demand, the Asgard also had economic interactions with other cities in the wilderness. For this reason, the Asgard provided banking services. Therefore, the general account is not difficult to do, let zero headache is the income problem. Apart from the loan of the site, the collateral for the equipment, materials and the salary for the first quarter, there is not much left of the loan.

  Even if he received the first bonus from the Parkland s after three months, it would still not be enough to support his plan's requirements for the mid to late stages. Therefore, Zero was currently very poor and was also in need of money.

  Just as he quickly analyzed the current situation, Victor finally discovered his arrival. The doctor called out his name, bringing Zero back to life. Victor walked over with large strides, and gave him a firm hug.

  "I didn't expect such a city to exist in this world. Oh my god, this place is like a paradise." Victor said excitedly.

  When Ling Yun and the rest left the Angry Reef City for the Blue Ridge Mountain Range, Ling Que and the others applied for Victor's right to stay there temporarily. Due to the fact that he had already greeted them, the application was approved quickly. On the third day, Asgard's personnel came to pick up the doctor and left. When he arrived at the, this city of the Divine Kingdom, Victor's shock was even greater than the zero shock he received on that day.


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