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Warlord 4

Page 32

by Chen Ran

  Zero could understand his feelings. In the Asgard, everyone felt like they were back in the old era. The environment in which this city is trying to operate is something that no other city has. Victor liked it with a glance, but in reality, very few people would leave after coming to the Asgard, and Victor was no exception. Regarding this, Zero expressed that it was possible to think of a way for Victor to obtain the right to permanent residence.

  Hearing Zero's words, Victor was very happy. He hoped that after settling down, he could move her wife's ashes over so that she could rest in peace in this heaven. The doctor's request was insignificant, so naturally, Zero had no reason to refuse. In fact, before that, Zero had also considered letting Victor stay in the Asgard for a long time. Other than the rebirth plan, Victor could also become the party's private doctor.

  After the plan was completed, the laboratory could be maintained. In the future, the laboratory could be used to research and manufacture medicine. If Zero could get more resources, it could even research and produce gene drug. Initially, Zero was worried that Victor would not like living here, but once the plan was successful, he would take his leave.

  Following that, Victor brought Zero along to take a look at this remodeled laboratory. When he arrived at the cultivation area, he saw that the culture tank had already been set up and was in the process of disinfection and cleaning. This was the entire core of the laboratory. Lea's blood, after separating and releasing all kinds of genetic information, would eventually be reborn from the culture tank by combining them together.

  The cloning techniques of the new generation were already very advanced. As long as the gene samples were kept, they could construct a clone that was no different from a larva. As for the biochemical technology of the Hall of Heroic Spirits s, they could even clone the competent person. The cloned esper was not different in personality, physique, or abilities, so it was regarded as another way to live forever.

  However, the highest level cloning technique required an astonishing amount of resources. Hence, only people at the level of the main brain had the right to leave behind their own gene backups in case of need.

  Su Yun's lab naturally could not perform the highest level cloning technique, but she could still clone an ordinary girl like Lea.

  His hand gently caressed the cold culture tank protective shield, and he thought to himself: Lea, you'll wake up soon.

  "Take your hands off the cover!"

  Unexpectedly, a loud shout came from behind Zero, and it sounded very familiar. Zero turned his head and saw Eva in her work clothes. The dangerous woman was biting a ballpoint pen and holding a folder in her hands. She walked in quickly and slapped away Zero's hand. "You outsider, don't delay our work. If there's nothing else, please leave."

  Eva very aggressively ordered the staff members to set up all sorts of tools after sending Ling Er and Victor out of the training area. Her imposing manner made it seem as if the training ground was her home ground.

  "This Miss Eva said that she's your friend, and I've talked to her before, her attainments in the field of biochemistry are indeed extraordinary, and she has many thoughts that I've never thought of before. "So I invited her to join me, and she …" Victor looked at Zero and asked.

  "She is my friend."

  nodded in reassurance as he heard Zero's answer. However, he did not see the bitter smile on Zero's face. Eva was indeed his friend, but he was classified as a troublesome person, and at the highest level of trouble.

  When he left the laboratory, the Asgard's holographic board had already reflected the red glow of dusk. After bidding farewell to Victor, he drove away. The rebirth plan had been carried out step by step. Right now, all that Zero had to do was earn money. In the rearview mirror, the laboratory was a blur of shadows in the simulated sunset, but that was where the hope of zero lay.

  What Zero did not know was that this small laboratory was the rudiment of the research institute that was responsible for biochemical research in the future of his kingdom!

  It was nine o'clock in the evening when he lay down on his bed in Zero's room. Zero was wearing Su's white pajamas and laid down in a relaxed posture. The so-called relaxation, is to let the body's 70% of the senses into a resting state, to make up for the long-term stress caused by the loss. This relaxation was a luxury for Zero. He recalled the days he had lived in the wilderness, when his body was resting even in a safe base, but his senses were still working to monitor the sudden dangers.

  While he was resting, he closed his eyes and silently calculated the points of evolution that he had obtained in the past few days. The data flowed like water, and the remaining senses continued to work, then quickly gave him a number: 51.

  51 evolution points was the result of the battle that he had been accumulating ever since he leveled up. Amongst them, by killing Gounabel, the person who was at the sixth stage of cultivation, she gained a total of 013 evolution points!

  It had to be known that killing so many monsters at the military base of the Cossacks only gave him 20 points of evolution. Furthermore, taking away Salton's life with one shot in the Parkland's territory only gave him 4 points of evolution. However, profit was often accompanied by risk. If it was not necessary, Zero did not want to do this anymore.

  After all, evolution points can be obtained in almost unlimited ways. However, Zero only had one life.

  As he willed it, the points of evolution were all absorbed into his strengthening ability. Each enhancement of an ability required a different evolution point, from the first stage to the second stage required 4 evolution points. And every time he leveled up, it would double, it was not as cheap as raising the Basic Competencies at all.

  51 evolution points might seem like a lot, but when all four of his abilities had advanced to level 2, he only had 7 left. This was also because he had previously advanced Gale Shot to rank 2, otherwise the remaining points of evolution would have been even lesser.

  In any case, the increase in his abilities had brought about a direct benefit to Zero. For example, the multiple shooting's limit had increased from three times to four times, and the spirit mark had expanded from three hundred meters to five hundred meters. The extent of the improvement didn't seem like it was the end, but in actual combat, even the smallest of improvements would often play a decisive role.

  When he reached Stage Four with his [Zero] levelling ability, he was at the point of evolution that Valkyrie had mentioned. By then, without the help of a debugging machine, the genes of zero would be able to deduce high-level occupations and their corresponding abilities in accordance with the planned sequence.

  Zero's current job was the wind shooter. According to the information from the evolution tree, when the necessary conditions were met, he would be able to evolve the high-leveled job, the Shadow Wanderer. Shadow Wanderer evolved into a high-levelled profession that had a certain amount of dimensional stealth and concealing ability based on the enhancement of wind shooter's characteristics. It was a qualitative leap, and Zero was looking forward to it.

  But now, all Zero needed to do was rest. Then he would enter the headquarters the next morning to take on missions, get paid and strengthen himself through combat. There were no shortcuts in the path of evolution. There was only sufficient potential and talent, as well as the necessary hard work.

  To those who had the ability to sleep, this method of rest was already a form of surrogate for a low-level life. For ordinary people, sleep could make up for one day of mental and energy consumption. But for the competent, there are many ways to replenish energy. When one's energy reached a certain level, they could stay awake for several days until their energy level fell. Only then would they be able to restore their body's energy through such a low-level method.

  However, this method of recovery was simple and slow. Even for those with low-level abilities, if they slept for seven hours, the amount of energy they could recover would not even reach 20% of their total energy. As for those with high-level abilitie
s, the amount of energy they could recover from their sleep was even lower.

  But sleep is more of a habit to zero, and at the same time zero still feels like a human means. From another point of view, though, the capable are out of the realm of humanity.

  The sleeping time could be very long or very short. Time lost its meaning when one's consciousness was shrouded in darkness. But Zero had given his body clock seven hours of sleep before he went to sleep, so when the body clock counted down to zero, he opened his eyes and saw the dim light outside the window.

  He stretched lazily on the bed, as it was meant to help his body awaken. But now, to zero, this action meant more than it actually did. By the time he woke up, the nerve center had already sent out a huge amount of data to the various nerve endings in his body. After less than a second of synchronization, his body of zero had already entered its optimal state of activity, without the assistance of any other actions.

  It was just that Zero enjoyed this action. After all, only ordinary people could enjoy this kind of action.

  He jumped out of bed, washed himself briefly, and changed into his new uniform. When the standard Doomhammer uniform was put on, a handsome, upright figure was reflected in the mirror. And against the background of the black uniform, the zero in the mirror and the golden light in the right eye were even more dazzling.

  It was just that Zero didn't like being special, so he opened the drawer and put on the eyepatch he had prepared that morning, covering up the special pupil.

  After doing all this, Zero left the dormitory. As for his destination, it was the headquarters' office building.

  At eight in the morning, when Zero and Feng arrived at the headquarters' office building, the building had just opened up. In the mission hall on the first floor, the electronic board began its work and posted the tasks one by one onto the electronic board to facilitate selection.

  The headquarters of the Asgard had replaced the common guild hall in the wilderness. Here, you can register the adventurers, receive quests, complete delivery, and so on. Above the third floor was an office area that normal people were not allowed to enter. In Asgard, other than the soldiers from the military system, the adventurers team that were registered in the headquarters were also made up of capable people from the civilian population. However, whether it was Su's ability or her strength, these abilities could not be compared with a team born in the military system. Especially the Hammer of Destruction that was originally formed as a small team.

  Among the five legions, Doomhammer's soldiers had a higher degree of freedom. Soldiers do not have to undergo regular training to be free to take on tasks in the headquarters during a non-war period. Freedom was the privilege of every single warrior. And the higher the rank, the greater the degree of freedom.

  Su Yun and Feng had come to the headquarters early in the morning to earn money from missions. However, because there were no Quest Records, the party's Level Evaluation was currently at the lowest Level E, so quests that met the inspection criteria were all low-difficulty and low-income quests. This made the two of them lack interest. Just as the two of them were about to accept all the E-class missions, a uniformed office staff member appeared before them.

  "Gentlemen, may I ask which of you is Zero?" She was a beautiful woman with long golden hair. Her long hair was tied together, forming a dignified hairstyle. Even in the rigid uniform, the ground did not prevent her large peaks and perky hips from attracting the male creature's burning gaze.

  Hearing that he had been called out, he stepped forward and revealed his identity. The woman's expression did not change at all, she only said lightly: "Please follow me, Officer Callio is waiting for you in the strategy room."

  Hearing Callio, Zero's eyes lit up. However, at the same time, he was also confused as to why Callio, the recruit instructor, would appear at the headquarters.

  Leaving Feng in the hall, Ling Xiao followed the female staff in the office into the elevator specially used by the staff members in the building. The elevator could accommodate fifteen people at the same time, but there were only two people on it now: Zero and the blonde. Whether intentionally or not, the office girl was standing in front of Zero. And she was standing closer, no lower than zero, and when she stood like that, her perky buttocks would inadvertently touch zero.

  When the elevator doors opened, the brief "harassment" came to an end. The girl led Zero to the door of an office. Before she left, she whispered to him, "I'm free tonight."

  Even the stupidest person would be able to understand the meaning of this sentence. Of course, Zero would be able to understand it. In fact, the Hammer of Destruction he was wearing was already a symbol of his identity. His warrior rank was already at the middle to lower ranks in the Asgard and if an ordinary woman could hook up with a man of that identity, it would be equivalent to finding a better home for herself. Especially since he was still so young, he completely fit the needs and image of a husband in a woman's mind.

  Zero smiled, but did not put this easy to come across in his heart. Compared to this chance encounter, Su Xin Feng was more interested in it.

  He pushed open the oaken door of the office, and saw Callio standing by the window with his back facing him. Hearing the sound of the door opening, Callio turned around. As before, a smile appeared on his face that was talking about a cigar as he said, "You're here, you're a bit slower than I expected. It seems like the little golden kitten isn't going to let you off."

  Chapter 280 - Extinction (II)

  Seeing Su Yun's doubtful expression, Callio chuckled. The instructor sat down on his own chair and pointed to the chair in front of her desk, indicating that Zero should sit. Callio laughed: "Look, it's not always possible to recruit new soldiers for the Doomhammer of Doom. After all, there aren't many new soldiers with an average level above the third step. So in the course of a year, the training camps that you guys stayed in only open once or twice. But the rest of the time the damn bourgeoisie wouldn't let me have time, so I had to work as a dispatcher when I had time. "

  If Valkyrie was here, she would definitely be dissatisfied with what Callio had said. The responsibility that the Asgard had given him was not just some simple mission height officer, but the first class strategic staff officer. The mission announcement of the headquarters was only a small part of his work, Callio's main job was responsible for the strategic planning and dispatch of the entire Asgard. In the headquarters, she had extremely high authority.

  Naturally, Zero did not know about this. Thus, he only nodded his head and asked, "Instructor, your injuries …"

  "It's alright, Angelguet still doesn't have the qualifications to kill me. In fact, I, your father, do not even need to enter the culture tank to recover from this minor injury. " Callio said very stubbornly. Then, as if he thought of something, he waved his hands in annoyance, as if he wanted to sweep away the topic of discussion between the two of them. He said, "Back to the main topic, the reason why I had the cat call you up here was to give you a task to take advantage of."

  The word "cheap" made Zero's nerves throb slightly, with his understanding of Callio. The cheapness of Chief Instructor was usually related to the difficulty.

  Callio typed a few more commands into the light key at the corner of the table, and then the window in the office closed up automatically. The wall behind Callio also revealed a screen of light, which displayed the map west of Julian Mountains. On this five thousand kilometer long map, a blue light band extended from the Asgard to the west, towards the Frozen Plains Plateau. On this band of light, there were red and green dots of light flickering.

  Callio explained: "These two specks of light represent the foreign race that we have discovered so far. "Green dots represent friendliness, and red dots represent hostility …"

  There were a total of seven red and green dots on the blue band of light. While they were flashing, a green dot of light suddenly extinguished and turned gray.

  "This is your mission." Callio pointed to the gr
ay dot of light and said, "Aaron race, an alien whose appearance is similar to a half-human bird. They retain the ability of birds to fly, possess intelligence equivalent to that of adults, and have started to use simple weapons. "

  As he said that, a three-dimensional model of a half-human bird appeared on the screen. It had a human-like upright body, but its two arms were like wyverns, connected to its side like carbuncle s. Aaron's model held a spear and automatically made some thrusting movements. His movements were simple but very refined. It was an effective combat technique.

  "This gray dot of light is the village of the subraces. The village was small, and there were about a hundred Aaron. In these friendly alien territories, we all have Life Monitor. Just a few days ago, the Life Monitor set up in the Aaron race village showed that all life in the village had disappeared. It's not an invasion, but an extermination, with no signs of life. " Callio said as he smoked, "Regarding this, we have issued a series of orders to the headquarters to investigate the cause of Aaron race's death. This order was to be sent out in the morning, but I saw you coming back, so I'll let you carry it out. "This is a D1 level mission. If it wasn't for me, your team wouldn't even have the authority to accept this mission."

  According to the difficulty of the task, the headquarters would classify the missions according to their difficulty. From lowest to highest were the E, D, C, B, A, and S grades. Each level is further divided into three levels by 1 to 3. Team zero was only E-class, so they naturally could not accept D-level missions, so they directly left the unpublished missions at zero. It could be said that Callio was already taking great care of him.


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