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Warlord 4

Page 37

by Chen Ran

  Countless amounts of data flooded into every part of his body. He wanted to sit up, but he found himself wrapped in layers of disinfectant bandages. From the looks of this technology, it seemed to be from Su's underlings. As this thought rose in his mind, Su's voice sounded right beside his ears.

  "He woke up." Su paused for a while, before continuing, "Don't move about carelessly, your entire body is covered in burns. I gave you a simple treatment, but as for the specific treatment, you still have to return to the Asgard to have a way to treat it. "

  Zero found himself lying in the back seat of the SUV. The seat had been removed, allowing him to lie flat on the floor of the SUV. Su stretched out half of his body from the front, and Zero could see that Su was also wrapped in bandages like him.

  Chapter 285 - Ripping (III)

  Turning his head, he suddenly saw that Soren's corpse was actually beside him. This sudden scene almost made him jump up. Luckily, Soren's greyish white corpse did not have any energy or aura, and told Ling Zero that he was indeed dead.

  "So far, I've never seen anyone with the ability to completely change their body structure. I think that those old guys at the biological and chemical base should be willing to pay a high price to study it, so I brought him up too. "

  A lazy voice came out, followed by Feng who also stuck his body out from the front of the carriage like Su. However, the two of them were sitting in the same spot, and as they moved, their bodies couldn't help but begin to rub together. Of course, Feng had a face full of enjoyment, but at the next moment, he was sent flying out of the carriage by the furious Su's punch. Just like that, the two of them started quarrelling. Upon hearing their voices, Zero actually felt at peace.

  But when he saw Soren's corpse, Su Ming frowned again. Soren had clearly already been killed by him, but after a few months, he once again appeared before Su Yun's eyes as if he was a disorderly person. This made Zero a little uneasy. He remembered that back when Hans had also turned into a disorderly person, this man had mentioned that he had been artificially transformed.

  Then, was Soren also in the same situation? And, was it also the act of the person who had transformed Hans?

  From Soren, it was clear to him that once he turned into a disorderly person, he would become a disordered one. The damage brought by the espers far exceeded that of ordinary people. If the disorderly could be mass-produced, then the person who possessed the ability to turn humans into disordered would have a formidable army in his hands!

  "— — I am the dividing line, kacha kacha.

  The location of the Yongye City was already located at the extreme north of the continent. Further north was a seemingly endless polluted sea. After the Cataclysm Day, the continental plates changed, from the original five pieces of plates, they merged into the three pieces of plates today. Other than the Mainland China, there were two other continents on the east and west. The continent and the continent were separated by a polluted sea, making it hard for birds to cross.

  In the old days, people could use aircraft and ships to travel between different continents. However, in the new era, the thick layer of radiation clouds in the sky and the contaminated sea water would constantly have strong radiation emission lines as sources of interference, rendering all electronic instruments useless in the sky and sea. As a result, the three great plates are almost inaccessible. Only those experts who had reached the twelfth step could use their own strength to form an anti-gravitational field, allowing them to freely fly between different continents.

  However, going back and forth from the continent required vast amounts of energy, and if there was no need, no powerhouse of the twelfth step would be willing to do so. In this world, there were very few powerhouses at the twelfth step, so there was even less interaction between the continents. Taking Mainland China's most powerful Dark Council and Hall of Heroic Spirits for example, they were also unable to know exactly how the other two continents were developing, how many people had the ability to do so, and so on.

  However, one thing was certain, regardless of which continent it was, the leaders of the upper echelons would definitely know one thing. That was, other than the Three Great Plates, there was actually a fourth civilized place in this world.

  From where the Yongye City was, to the north, it was the vast ocean. However, the sea also had an end. If someone was able to cross this sea, they would discover that in the extreme north of Earth, the old Arctic Region still existed. Furthermore, the frozen area was even wider, covering a total of 4 million square kilometers. This was a land of extreme ice that was frozen for thousands of miles. In this day and night, the temperature was -80 degrees Celsius, while the temperature at night was -140 degrees Celsius.

  This was already the coldest place in the world. In this vast expanse of white land, only the most tenacious plant, Frozen Fir, could barely grow. Hence, the fir tree became the last green color in the north. However, this land of ice was not devoid of life.

  The Blizzard Bear Behemoth that mutated from a polar bear was one of them. They weighed around two times the weight of a polar bear and were five meters tall at the moment. Blizzard Bear s were born with the power of a Sub-Elemental Su, which allowed them to survive in this kind of extremely cold environment. And their immense strength, became the nightmare of another kind of metamorph in the polar regions.

  The sea lion was much smaller than the sea lions of the old era. They were only as big as puppies. He had a pointed head and a round stomach. It had four claws and a sharp horn on its forehead. The sea lion had a very thick layer of fat, and was also the Blizzard Bear's favorite food for ten minutes. If a single Blizzard Bear were to eat two of these sea lion, then this giant bear would no longer need to eat anything within a month.

  At this moment, at the southeastern edge of the land of extreme ice, a Blizzard Bear was rolling about lazily in the snow. However, it was not that the Blizzard Bear was entertaining itself, but that it was using its own body temperature to melt the thinner layer of ice at the edge of the ice. Soon, the layer of ice turned into water and flowed towards the lower ground. In the eyes of the Blizzard Bear, the layer of ice was as thin as a mirror.

  A shadow passed under the ice. The Blizzard Bear suddenly stood up, and then landed heavily on the ice with a pair of claws. The layer of ice suddenly exploded and nearly half of the Blizzard Bear sank into the ice and snow. Its claws in the water clawed wildly, as if trying to grab something. But at this moment, a black shadow very nimbly jumped out of the water.

  This was a sea lion, its entire body was drenched in water, ice water gathered up droplets of water on its thick fur, and quickly formed ice crystals. The sea lion shook its body, and all of the ice balls on its body shot out and slid on its claws. It then used its round and smooth belly to propel the sea lion far away as if it was skating on the ground.

  Only then did the Blizzard Bear realize what had happened. It let out a heaven-shaking roar, turned around, and chased after the sea lion. However, the sea lion's speed was faster than it by quite a bit. After chasing it for one kilometer, within the vast earth, the figure of the sea lion could no longer be seen. The Blizzard Bear let out a cry of unwillingness, but could only helplessly turn around and walk towards the edge.

  The sea lion that survived the attack continued to slide towards the depths of the Arctic Lands in panic. This kind of animal had always been timid, and the little thing that had just escaped from the claws of a Blizzard Bear was still extremely afraid. As a result, when it saw a huge ventilation duct that protruded from the ground, the sea lion's four claws slapped the ground and its body bounced up, accurately landing into the ventilation duct.

  Inside the ventilation pipe was a vertical and downwards metal wall of tube, the wall of tube was deep and profound, one could not see the end of it. The sea lion bounced into the ventilation duct and immediately slid down along the wall of tube. After a long while, the sea lion still did not stop its gliding. The little thing panicked. It used its four claws
to randomly scratch but couldn't grab anything. It grazed the wall of tube and made a few sparks as well as a sharp sound. But after a while, the gliding gradually slowed down and after a few minutes, the sea lion finally stopped. At this point, the tube had gone from vertical to horizontal, otherwise, how would the sea lion stop?

  But it was pitch black all around, making the little guy feel very uneasy. So the sea lion was running around randomly in the wall of tube s. The sea lion used the sharp thorns on its forehead to pierce into the wall of tube. These wall of tube were just ordinary alloys. The sea lion felt the touch of ice water from the other side of the angle. It was happy and tried its best to arch its head, trying to make the angle expand the crack in the wall of tube.

  After 20 minutes of hard work, a hole big enough for a sea lion to pass through was forcefully dug out with a spike. Immediately, ice water was poured into the wall of tube. The sea lion cheered, and with a slap of its four claws, it jumped into the ice water through the hole.

  Returning to the familiar icy water, the sea lion heaved a sigh of relief. But suddenly, it discovered that the ice water seemed to be too bright. It had to be known that it had been born in a sea of ice. Aside from the daytime, the world within the sea of ice had always been dark. However, even in the daytime, it was not as bright as it was now. The sea lion looked towards the direction of the light. It was a large amount of strange things that appeared at the bottom of the sea. They were clearly defined and flickered with different colors of light, completely unlike the sea reefs that sea lion were familiar with. Besides, there was no hidden reef that could last for thousands of miles like these strange things in front of his eyes!

  The sea lion did not know that the so-called strange thing it saw was in fact a huge underwater city. The city was about 10,000 square kilometers wide, and in the three-dimensional space around the city, there was a layer of something like a light film. This layer of light was in fact an isolation force field, generated by the 10,000 force field generators that filled the edges of the city.

  The isolating force field could absorb the impact of energy, and at the same time, it could isolate the ice water in the sea. From the huge light barrier, he could see that it was a well-equipped city with roads everywhere.

  However, it was different from an ordinary city. The largest building in the Undersea City was not a towering building, nor was it a residential building. It was a factory!

  From the food processing plant to the weapons and weapons factory, from the war machine assembly plant to the large nuclear power station, there were countless factories. The tall smoke pipes were continuously emitting white smoke, showing the vitality of this industrial city. The entire city was like a factory that worked day and night. The dazzling lights that lit up the sea of ice were the lights of this city that would never go out!

  The full name of the industrial city which reeked of insanity was Asmox Tills, but those who knew of it would usually call it Asmox for short. However, not many people knew that Asmox Tills was the master of the ninth level of hell. According to the legends, this emperor of hell was the oldest and most evil existence in the world. The city named after it meant the City of Demons!

  Chapter 286 - Ripping (IV)

  Looking down from high above, one would find that in the center of the city was a circular grassland. Cultivated by the artificial green in the circular shape, there are white channels in the shape of a cross flat on the green. In the middle of the cross passage stood a square apex column. The square apex column was over a hundred meters tall, and its surface was engraved with the Siberian language. These words would occasionally flash with the light of energy, causing the square apex column to be filled with a mysterious aura.

  With the square apex column as the center, to the south of it, there was the tallest building in the entire city. The building was triangular, its top and bottom pointed wide, as if a sharp knife had been thrust straight up from the ground, toward the sea above the city. On the surface of the building, there was a metallic glowing alloy plate. Each of the alloy plates was ten meters squared, neatly arranged and pieced together. On these three metal walls, there were things similar to the crystal tank s that were spreading out from the wall. They followed some kind of mysterious pattern and movement. From afar, the walls of the building looked like a giant electronic board, and those crystal tank shaped things were the circuits on the electronic board. There were no windows in the entire building.

  The fact that there were no windows did not mean that the people in the building could not see what was happening outside.

  Just like Andre, this purple-haired man had his arms crossed in front of his chest. He was still wearing the same leather clothes that he had worn earlier, and a faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth. Andre looked at the wall in front of him that had a rectangular electronic window that appeared. At the same time, it was connected to the internal probes of all the buildings in Asmox. As long as he typed in a simple instruction, Andre could freely look at any angle in the city.

  Right now, the electronic window reflected the bustling scene of all the factories in Asmox working day and night. The scene in the window was spinning horizontally, allowing Andre to see the scene of the entire city. He smiled and reached out his hand. After inserting a string of simple commands into the operating table's light key, the intelligence brain immediately helped him connect to a probe in a certain area. As a result, a laboratory-like scene appeared in front of Andre's eyes.

  In this laboratory, a row of barrel pillars of culture tank were working. There was one man in each culture tank, and these were people that were cultivated by the cells' basic fluids and nutrients. They didn't reproduce naturally, they were more like robots programmed early in the morning. These biological humans had the potential to be at the fourth stage of strength from the moment they were born. All that was required was for the laboratories authorized by Andre to fill them up according to their needs.

  With a perfect and beautiful gene drug, as long as Andre was willing, he could nurture a great army of powerhouses at the fourth step. Furthermore, other than the rules, he could nurture anyone from the other four domains. These biochemical human beings were the third generation of Asmox's Demon Soldiers. This third generation of Demon Soldiers' abilities had already reached the critical point. Even with the Asmox's power, it was impossible to raise their strength by even a single rank.

  Beside the culture tank, there was a white-robed, long-haired woman who was currently registering the data of the biochemical human onto the flat panel intelligence brain in her hands. As if noticing Andre's gaze, the woman turned around. Thus, a peerlessly beautiful face appeared in the middle of the screen. However, if someone were to watch this face for too long, they would definitely feel a chill in their heart.

  If one measured the face with an instrument, they would find that the woman's left and right faces were perfectly symmetrical. Her precision was such that not even an eyebrow could be deviated from her line of sight. It was as if the quantifiable beauty itself was a type of ice-cold beauty. At least, Andre was unable to look at her face and found it pleasing to look at.

  "Master Andre, peeping is not the work of a gentleman." The woman on the screen said coldly.

  Andre unintentionally shrugged his shoulders and said, "Dear Deess, I am sorry that I didn't inform you in advance. As for peeping, this crime is a bit too big isn't it? "

  Deess wore a pair of plain glasses. Even with the lens blocking her view, people could clearly see that she had a pair of beautiful ruby like eyes. From time to time, an aura of energy would surge within her eyes. It was like boiling lava, exuding a threatening aura. Anyone who stared at those eyes for a moment wouldn't feel happy at all. Right now, Deess was using this pair of eyes of flame to closely watch Andre.

  Even Andre gave her an uncomfortable stare, and her skin started to exude a hot, manic feeling.

  "Alright, I take back what I said before. Master Andre, what can I do for you? " Al
though he was calling her Master, Deess's expression was definitely not respectful. She was proud, and at the same time very rude.

  But in the city of Asmox, Deess was one of the few people who did not need to be respectful to Andre. Regarding this, Andre had long gotten used to his tone. His gaze landed on the culture tank behind Deess, and asked indifferently: "I just want to know, when the third generation Demon Soldiers will be officially put to use. and even higher level Demon Generals, do you have any mature plans? "

  "There's good news and bad news." Deess asked in a mechanical voice: "Which one do you want to hear?"

  Andre unconsciously used his pinky to rub his ear. Every time he heard Deess use honorifics, this woman's voice would sound like a sharp needle, and at the same time, like a flame that was constantly burning, making him feel that it was extremely ear-piercing. He said indifferently, "Anything is fine."

  After Deess heard this, she did not reply. Instead, she lowered her head and continued to type out some orders on the intelligence brain s in her hands. Following that, an image popped up on the electronic screen in front of Andre. It was a three-dimensional model of a robust man. Beside the model was a genetic composition diagram. Andre recognized these gene composition diagrams. It was the final plan for the third generation of Demon Soldiers.

  At the same time, the genetic composition continued to evolve into new data. They made the gene map more complicated, but the data generation soon stopped, and there was still a lot of data to be filled in the gaps. With the generation of new data, a new module appeared on the human body model. The new module covered his entire body like a biological armor, but it did not stop there. Along with the appearance of the new module, the interior of the human body also appears corresponding changes, finally the whole model inside and outside are filled with the same module.


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