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Warlord 4

Page 38

by Chen Ran

  "This, a complete transformation?" Andre tried to ask.

  The image on the electronic screen changed again, and Deess appeared again. Deess used her perfectly straight fingers to lift the frame of the mirror, and said: "You guessed most of it right, good luck. Just yesterday, one of your toys came back with a signal. To my surprise, this toy's posture of entering into disorderly mode is to change one's genes, transforming a human's body into a more convenient form of energy to store energy … "

  On the screen, a window suddenly appeared. The window expanded, revealing a photograph. On the picture, it was Soren's crystallization.

  "Oh, this is the first time I've seen such a disorderly person. My mother is too great …" Andre said with interest.

  When he heard the word "mother" from Andre's mouth, Deess's expression suddenly turned cold, and an energy flame suddenly emerged from beneath his feet, but quickly disappeared.

  Andre saw this detail, but he did not say anything. In the picture, Deess continued, "This form of disorderly person gave me a type of inspiration. In the previous research on Demon Weapons, we placed too much emphasis on the human form. Admittedly, the human form makes it easier for the soldiers to get involved and infiltrate into the human war. However, the human form had a serious flaw. This was not a perfect living body, but a semi-finished product that had evolved to adapt to the planet's environment. If she wanted to produce Demon Generals of the fifth step and above, why not just abandon the human race? So, I have a plan to look at the structure of the disordered crystal person, and use the material of the energy gathering crystal to create a Demon General with greater potential … "

  While they were talking, two windows appeared on the screen in front of Andre. Inside the window, there was a full-body image of the third generation Demon Soldiers, as well as a new genetic diagram. The two windows then converged in the middle, and when they overlapped with each other, the third generation Demon Soldiers were immediately crystallized. Deess seemed to have improved a bit. On the new Demon Soldier's body, there was a round energy crystal ball on its chest. On the other hand, biological cannons formed on the shoulder of the Demon Soldier, while on its arms and back grew crystal spears, which made the Demon Soldier look extremely ferocious and terrifying.

  "A fourth generation Demon Soldier, or a first generation Demon General …" Deess said in the screen: "According to my design, the body structure of the energy crystal can hold even more energy. According to the preliminary calculations, the Crystal Phase Demon Generals had at least the potential of the fifth step, and their bodies were even less likely to be damaged. However, there were also flaws. Firstly, there were problems with the stability of the energy, and secondly, there were problems with the energy replenishment and structural balance … "

  "This is about the second piece of bad news, the bad news." Deess said expressionlessly, "The crystallization of an unordered person's life only lasted for an hour and forty-five minutes from their appearance to their death. There are a lot of places that still need further examination and repair, and if there are no accidents, it will take at least six months before the creation of the first incomplete version of the Demon General. "

  "Half a year? Since his speed is already very fast, then go ahead, Deess. " Andre nodded.

  "In that case, don't interrupt my research." With that, Deess took the initiative to cut off the communication.

  The electronic screen flickered, and then projected the image above Asmox. Just then, an electronic voice came out from the room: "Master Andre, Master Caesar has returned. He's in the living room of room number one, and he's asking to see you. "

  "Kaizer?" Andre's expression was a little surprised, he followed: "I understand, ask him to wait a moment."

  The isolation door opened and closed, and Andre's figure disappeared from the room. A moment later, he was in another room, sitting room number 1. The living room was still inside the building. Although the outside was triangular, the hall was square. The square hall was about two hundred square meters in area, and it was simply decorated. Soft light came from hidden lamps on the walls and the ceiling was decorated with giant paintings of the crucifixion of Jesus.

  In the picture, Jesus was crucified, and under the cross were the heads of people. The faces of these people were full of hate, a stark contrast to the calm of Jesus on the cross. Jesus' hands and feet were pierced by spikes, and some of the blood that flowed from them stained the faces of others, making them look even more hideous.

  In the middle of the hall was a set of sofas with a long table in front of it. The long table was filled with fruits and delicacies, which could have been found on other continents. After all, the wealthy lords all had their own farms. Although they couldn't compare with the old era, they could still grow some fruits that could only be eaten by themselves. However, they had appeared in this land of extreme ice, which made them even more precious.

  The sofa was covered with the Blizzard Bear's fur. The fur was very complete, without a single blemish. It could be seen that the deconstructing Blizzard Bear was done in a very professional manner. Just this piece of bear skin alone could sell for one hundred thousand common currency on the mainland, and it was even more than that. But now, like a cheap blanket, it was being casually sat on.

  Sitting on top of the fur was a handsome man. He had a head of smooth black hair that cascaded down naturally from the back of his head and gently fell over the sofa and the armrests. He was dressed in a black medieval uniform with a well-cut cut design that accentuated his tall stature, its golden trim dotted with the opulence of the uniform. There was the insignia of the Six-Winged Blazing Angels pinned to the left breast of the military uniform. It was unknown if it was due to a personal hobby or some sort of insignia.

  A sword with countless gems adorned on its scabbard lay quietly on the sofa beside the man. Although the sword wasn't unsheathed, one could easily tell its magnificence from its unique design and exquisite guard. It could be said that the greater use of this longsword was to set off the man's identity, and not to kill enemies on the battlefield.

  The black haired man was holding onto an "Old Testament". Just like Deess, he also wore a pair of rectangular flat glasses on his face. A pair of eyes as bright as black jade shone through the square mirror and landed on the words of the Bible, slowly reciting them: "The time has passed, no one will remember it, and no one will remember it in the future. "My preacher was king of Israel in Jerusalem, in order to concentrate..."

  His voice was gentle and deep and pleasant. The sounds were continuous, as if a piano was playing, and a pleasant sound echoed in the hall. But at this moment, the sound suddenly stopped. Following that, the isolation door of the hall was soundlessly separated from the other side.

  Andre walked in with large strides. He opened his arms as if he was going to hug the black haired man and said loudly, "My brother, the great preacher Caesar Feng Alexander. I didn't expect you to return from the East Continent so quickly. How was it?

  The black haired man who was called Caesar did not even have the slightest intention to stand up and embrace Andre. He closed the Bible and said quietly, "Honorable Marshal Andre Alfred, a five year journey, is far from fast."

  Even though his tone was calm, it was filled with anger. However, Andre didn't mind at all. He withdrew his hands and casually sat on the sofa in front of Caesar.

  In the Asmox, Andre was the highest ruler. He called himself a marshal, and below him were four generals. They were none other than the sermon on the Dao, fire monarch Deess, judge Albert and prophet Nicholas. Other than Andre and Deess who were in the Asmox, the other three generals were going to the other continents to carry out Andre's mission.

  The mission was simple and hard at the same time. The simple thing was that Andre only requested for the generals to search for the remains of Atlantis. The difficult thing was, although most of the remnants of the Fourth Age Civilization surfaced after the Cataclysm Day, it was easier said than done to f
ind them. They could be in the depths of the Endless Sea, under the magma of a volcano, or under the ground of a powerful city on the continent.

  But if it wasn't so, Andre wouldn't have sent out the generals with eleventh step.

  The one seated opposite of Andre was one of the generals, the one who had been preaching, Caesar. He was a devout Catholic believer, and his unwavering faith allowed this general to become the Fighting Domain's high-ranked esper. With regards to his attainments in sword techniques, even Andre did not underestimate him.

  "Well, forgive me for using the wrong words." Andre spread open his hands and laughed: "Then can you tell me, General Caesar. Can you make any gains after five years of travel? "

  "Under the guidance of the Lord, I have traveled through almost the entire East Continent. Although we found a few sacred sign s on the journey, but from the structures in the sacred sign, most of them live in ordinary civilians' residences. There is too little information about the civilization, so I personally do not think that it is worth it. " Caesar said in his usual calm voice, "Of course, I have already sent back all the three-dimensional information regarding the ruins to you, so I believe that Deess has already received my documents. However, although I did not discover any useful sacred sign during the journey to the Eastern Continent, I saw some other interesting things. "

  "Oh? What is that? " Andre asked.

  "War." Caesar's face revealed a faint smile, "Different from the more stable Mainland China, or the more powerful West Continent s are, the more powerful they are. The East Continent appeared more barbaric and barbaric, the old era's China, India, Japan, Korea and a few other small countries, in order to compete over who should be the continent's territory, had already entered the stage of full-scale war. At present, the Yan Huang Empire that rose from the ruins and rebuilt the feudal system had the greatest advantage. "The second ranked powerhouse, the Sun Empire, has joined forces with other countries to fight them, so this war will not end anytime soon."

  After that, Caesar added, "In my definition, a short period of time is less than a hundred years."

  Andre vigorously nodded his head, "That's great, war, many wonderful words. If there was no war, who would buy our man-made soldiers? Without war, where would we get the money to fulfill our mother's wish to free her? Without war, this planet would not have been able to give birth to perfect life. My dear brother, only war can achieve all our goals. So you see, what you have brought here is more useful information than finding the sacred sign! "

  Chapter 287 - Ripping (V)

  "I don't remember. So you're a war maniac." Caesar said lazily, but his expression was cold, making people look like he was not joking.

  However, Andre pretended that he was joking, and made a "so what?" gesture: "War is only a method, if it can be resolved peacefully, I don't want to waste time on it. But then again, if we don't go down this planet through the war, how are we to find out where Mother is? "

  When he heard the word "mother", Caesar's expression became a little unnatural. "Lord Andre, with the resources we currently have. It doesn't matter whether we dig up the 'mother' or not. "

  "You are wrong, dear brother." Andre shook his finger and laughed as he shook his head, "You should know about the close relationship between the berserk evolution of living beings and this' mother 'this week. Caesar, although we are already standing at the peak of our power, we are only a few steps away from the true Thirteenth step. But even if we managed to reach Thirteenth step, we are still a cricket this week. We will have the power to destroy the core of the earth, but we will have to protect it carefully. Why? "Because we live in its prison..."

  Andre suddenly stood up, a berserk light surging in his eyes: "This kind of life isn't perfect, only by becoming a life form like the life form 'Mother', that can freely soar through the universe, can it become the most perfect form. Think about it Caesar, we will truly abandon this human skin, and become as beautiful as an ugly insect breaking out of its cocoon and turning into a butterfly! "

  Hearing Andre's incomparably passionate words, Caesar's expression did not even change at all. However, in his heart, he coldly gave Andre a definition: crazy.

  That's right, Andre was a madman, and one that had a terrifying destructive power. From a long time ago, Caesar understood this point. However, he still rode on Andre's chariot without hesitation. In Caesar's life, there was a period of time before he met Andre that he could not look back. In that red memory, he had witnessed far too much insanity.

  Since the world had gone mad, it would not do to let it go mad a little bit more. Caesar thought like this, but he could not achieve the kind of madness that Andre had. In his heart, there were still things like faith and rules. In the power pyramid of the Asmox, Caesar did not have Andre's craziness, focus, cruelty, nor the wisdom to see the future that Nicholas had. He only had a merciful heart, but in this cruel world, mercifulness was not needed. Therefore, Caesar wrapped it up with indifference, and used pain to forget about benevolence.

  There is a merciful heart, but there is no power to spread mercifulness. Caesar was definitely in pain. He was well aware of this fact. The purple-haired man knew that even if Caesar did not agree with what he had done, he would still pledge his allegiance to him. This was because Caesar understood that only the Asmox would have the hope to end this chaotic era. The next era might not be peaceful, but it would definitely be orderly. As for the rules, Caesar had the qualifications to draw them up.

  Only then would he be able to withdraw that layer of indifference and return to his original self.

  "Up to you." Caesar stretched out his hand and grabbed his own treasured sword, "Dawn", and stood up from the sofa. With a flick of his black hair, he elegantly walked towards the exit: "Oh, right. I want to rest for a while, so don't give me any tasks. "

  Andre shrugged, "No problem. But, can you tell me where you're going to take your vacation? "

  "Who knows. He might go to West Continent to see his old friends, or he might go for a walk. I heard that Zero also woke up. " Caesar's tone was calm, as though he was talking about something extremely urgent.

  But hearing him say that, Andre's Qi suddenly became stronger. Although he was still sitting on the sofa, all the objects in the hall buzzed incessantly.

  "This is against the rules, Caesar." Andre didn't even look at Caesar, as his gaze landed on the ground. A dangerous smile slowly rose from the corners of his mouth: "Zero is my prey, right now I'm raising him, it's not your turn to interfere. If you're interested, you might as well go hunting other people. Or, how about the person who owns the left eye of god? "

  When he heard the word "left eye of god", a man's face naturally surfaced in Caesar's mind. A man with a baby-faced face would often squint, a kind smile hanging on his face. However, when he opened his eyes, his golden left eye was extremely sinister.

  "Forget it. Personally, I have no interest in Fatty." Caesar threw out the words, and started walking towards the exit.

  The isolation door opened and closed, and Andre was the only one left in the hall. He withdrew his dangerous aura and slowly looked at the Sky Board, his gaze falling upon the image of the Sky Board. In Andre's eyes, everyone on the screen seemed to have come to life. The faces of those under the cross grew uglier, and they used all the vicious words in their vocabulary to attack the holy man on the cross. But Jesus on the cross, with a kindly face, did not take the curses of those below and the pain of the body to heart.

  How can you all understand!

  In Andre's heart, there was a voice that spoke out. In the blink of an eye, the volume had risen to the highest level. It was like rolling thunder in the winter, spreading far and wide!

  How do you know what I've done? Even if you think of me as a demon, I will gladly endure it. One day I will stand on the minarets of Babylon, foolish people, and you will understand how wrong you are!

  Andre groaned, and stood up. Just like that, he left in large strides. However, a crack silently appea
red in the wall at the top of that day. The Saints who make their way up the cross end to Jesus' eyes, just as Saints weep at the impending disaster of the world.

  The door opened and closed.

  But this time, the door was not in the underground city far away from the Arctic Lands, but in a city to the south of the Mainland China's coastline.


  This city that had once worked hard to rise, this city that had poured Theon's heart and soul into it, was now even more desolate in the cold winter. That day, Theon had not hesitated to put everything on the line for the sake of supporting zeros, and in one night, he had eliminated his political enemy and pushed himself out of the shadows into the light. But because the Death Ridge's Lorraine Bridge was broken, Theon, who was unable to send troops over in time, finally brushed past his chance of rising up.

  He, who had been branded as "working hard for everyone", was not long before he was pushed down the political stage by another political enemy, the representative of the association, Chownok. Right now, Theon still carried the title of vice president of the guild, but he lived a life of seclusion. Originally, with his influence, coupled with the fact that he had the help of the Cobra Army led by the beautiful female snake Pera, it was more than enough to eliminate any of Theon's enemies in the city.

  However, Theon did not do so. Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to see that Theon was more accurate than Chownok in pushing him down the stage. Rather, it would be better to say that Theon was already dispirited.

  Only, although Theon had stepped down from the stage, he still retained the policy he had pursued in the Remot. Behind Chownok, there was a company supporting him. Chownok did not have much intelligence in his body, and his ability to manage government affairs was average as well. He became president of the union only because of the firm's full support. The purpose of this company was naturally to control a Puppet Chairman.


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