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Warlord 4

Page 39

by Chen Ran

  This weapon development company named "Dark Dragon" had a background that developed along with the development of the Remot. But in reality, behind it, was the overlord of the Northern Lands, the Dark Council!

  Companies of this nature are not uncommon in many neutral cities. Their use was just like what happened in Remot. When the time was right, they would support a puppet to go on stage, and gradually bring the neutral city under the banner of Dark Council.

  It was dusk, and the safety valve to the ground was slowly opening with the unique roar of a hydraulic machine. Then, fully armed soldiers filed out of the base. The soldiers walked towards the defensive line that surrounded the entire Remot with familiarity. They activated the defensive system through the intelligence brain, and then set it up on the battle platform to start working.

  Within the defensive line, other than the Remot's underground base, it also included the residential areas on the ground that had been completed and rented to the citizens for them to enjoy. The residential area had already expanded by about a third of its original size since the day they arrived at. Currently, the Remot already had six thousand square meters of land that could accommodate ten thousand or even more citizens.

  The expansion of the residential area was one of the few public welfare policies that Chownok had adopted after coming to power. It was also a sign that he wanted to ingratiate himself with the citizens of Remot.

  However, this measure does benefit more people. After all, staying underground for a long period of time was not something to be happy about. To be able to stay in a residential area at night and reminisce about the leisure time one could enjoy during the old era had already become the dream of many citizens.

  In order to attract more citizens to rent, Chownok not only lowered the property rating for the applicants, but he also lowered the property rating by a large margin. As a result, the newly developed three thousand sets of economic rental housing were snatched up by the crazy citizens the moment they were released, showing a prosperous look in the eyes of the Remot's economy.

  But because of this, Chownok had no choice but to increase the number of soldiers. Otherwise, the Remot's defense line, which was originally so tight, would have become too empty.

  After Theon left the stage, the Cobra Army had reduced back to 50 people from their original 200. They became Theon's personal guards, if not Chownok would have made his move against the previous president of the trade union. As for the others, they either didn't leave the Remot, or were absorbed into Chownok's newly established army. Amongst these people, there were even three who were of the fifth step that were invited by Theon with great amounts of money. And now, these three people had become the leaders of the new army.

  When night fell, Remot entered the most bustling period of the day. On the surface of the ground, as the lights of the houses lit up, the Remot's brilliance became even more enchanting, giving people the illusion that it was back in the old era. And for the sake of this fake and bustling night, there were many people who were willing to mortgage their wealth to the Remot in exchange for the right to live in a building on the surface.

  Klein was such a person.

  First of all, he was a man. Secondly, he was a man with a family. Klein was already 35 years old this year, and in the new era, he was already a step towards becoming an elder. He worked in a food processing plant in the Remot, and his position was as an accountant. In an era where force was paramount, civilian workers earned little more than hard labor.

  Other than some special jobs, there were also accountants like Klein. Or doctors and lawyers, the jobs that were popular in the old era, were still highly paid in the new era. It was just that the so-called "high salary" was quite a distance away from the "old era".

  Take Klein for example, his salary was already considered not bad, but it was equal to a Ordinary Soldier. This kind of income was more than enough to feed his family of three, and they even had the right to submit their housing on the surface. After half a year of approval, not long after Theon left the stage, Klein's application finally passed. Today, he happily led his daughter's wife and people out of the underground base to the surface where the wind was howling.

  He was happy because tonight was his first night on the surface with his wife and children. Klein firmly believed that tonight would be of great significance to his family. It was also the case, but the meaning was a little different from Klein's own definition.

  "Daddy, Daddy. Is this the world of the surface? " Little Fanny was holding a somewhat old Teddy bear in her hands. Wearing a snow-white earring, she was as adorable as a kitten. She was wearing round leather shoes that Klein had given her for her birthday and black bubble socks on her legs. Her delicate body was wrapped in a thick layer of cold clothing as she jumped around in the snow outside the base.

  If there was a sunset, the scene would be absolutely beautiful. Klein thought about this, but he still called out to little Fen Ni, "Darling, don't leave my sight. "Okay?"

  Little Fanny nodded obediently, then threw herself into her mother's arms.

  Just like that, the family followed the stream of people out of the base. Under the command of the soldiers on both sides, they and the other citizens orderly entered the residential area and found their own rented house.

  Room 607, G.

  This was the house that Klein's family was given. The house was not big, it was only around 30 square meters. In such a small space, there were two bedrooms, one living room, and the kitchen and bathroom were next to each other. This kind of house was much smaller than their living quarters in Remot. The only good thing about it was that they could breathe the air in the wilderness and see the sky shrouded in radiation clouds.

  When Klein had gone through the double identification of the eye pupils and finger print, the door opened in front of the family of three. Seeing the brand-new house, little Fanny let out an excited scream, rushing into the house while Klein and his wife smiled, and staying in every room for a moment. Klein believed that this was the starting point of their new life.

  Since it was his first day in residence, he naturally did not bring any ingredients with him. Therefore, Klein's family's dinner tonight was made up of cheap bread, clean water and three yellowed apples. But even so, they ate happily. Klein and his wife even talked about their daughter's matters after she had grown up.

  Just as Klein and his family was enjoying the start of a happy night like the other families, a hand appeared at the mouth of a sewer hundreds of kilometers away from the base.

  The lid had been removed to make it easier for the owner of the hand to climb out of the sewer. Very quickly, under the reddening night sky, a figure appeared from the sewers with slow movements. The dark red light of the sky shone on him. He was a man, bald, his hair damp from the mud and sewage, sticking to his head like a clump of seaweed.

  A hole had been split open in the middle-aged man's forehead. The edge of the hole was tainted with blood, and there were even some eerie white bones that had been pierced through. This kind of injury was obviously not something an ordinary person could bear. Even a capable person would be severely injured. However, this man didn't seem to feel anything as he woodenly looked in the direction of the Remot and opened his mouth. Eight of the ten teeth in his mouth had fallen off, revealing the dark flesh of his overturned gums. A fat maggot slithered out from behind his front teeth, and the man rolled his eyes. It was unknown whether it was because of the daylight or because of the color of a man's eyes. His pupils were filled with a dark red color.

  The man suddenly closed his mouth, and with a huge force, bit the maggot into two pieces. The front end of the maggot fell to the ground, still struggling desperately. However, he swallowed the latter half of it. When half of the worm was completely swallowed, he opened his mouth and let out a blood-curdling howl.

  His voice spread out far and wide, shuttling through the enormous City Ruins, until he was thousands of miles away!

  In the
next moment, the ruins seemed to have come to life. In the collapsed buildings, in the abandoned sewers, in the disarrayed shops, in the shadows of everything, sudden specks of scarlet light appeared. Following that, living corpse came out of the shadows one by one. Looking down from high altitudes, one could see specks of black gushing out. There were so many of them that the dense black dots took up almost all of the space in the ruins.

  Three thousand living corpse were gathered together, forming an army of death. Just like that, the ruins became a graveyard for the dead. Here, all the metamorph were far, far away from these living corpses. After the normal living corpse s had gathered, on the western side of the army street, a few cars parked on the street suddenly flipped over and flew towards the direction of the living corpse.

  The force of these giant iron pieces fiercely smashed into the group of corpses in the front row. The car created sparks on the ground and at the same time, turned the twenty odd living corpse into a pile of meat paste. Following that, the ground started to shake as a few huge figures rushed out from the streets. They were so tall in the light of day, with chains and shreds of cloth draped over them, and in their hands were large and crude weapons that made one shiver to look at them.

  They were butchers, terrible monsters who enjoyed tearing people apart.

  After the butcher appeared, a sharp voice came out from behind the living corpse army. The sound was like fingernails scratching at glass, and in the night, a slender figure jumped from a nearby building. They were either half-kneeling on the ground or half-standing on the roof of the car, but no matter where they were, ordinary living corpse would always be able to avoid them.

  After all, those sharp nails and bone spikes were able to cause the living corpse to feel faint stabbing pains.

  The lacerator s and the living corpse mutated beasts that were on the same level as the butcher had also joined the army. After the dead had gathered, their scarlet eyes reflected the light of the city on the ground of Remot. The lights that dotted the building were so bright in their eyes.

  A butcher raised his giant hammer full of spikes and pointed it towards the direction of Remot, followed by a loud roar that shook the heavens. When the roar came out, the lacerator had already pounced towards the darkness. They climbed up the outer walls of the building, passed the cars that were blocking the road and headed straight for Remot. Behind them, the remaining butcher and the three thousand ordinary living corpse s also started to move.

  Under the night, they were like a pitch-black torrent, and also like a gigantic black blade that was about to ruthlessly tear apart the Remot's fragile peace!

  Chapter 288 - Crisis Outbreak (I)

  "Have a cigarette?" "Captain."

  On the southeast side of the Remot's defensive line, a soldier who was climbing down the iron stairs from the post tower and taking out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket asked Green.

  Greene is 35 years old, just before his prime, the golden age of his life. With his height of 190CM and solid muscles, Glenn looked like an iron tower. He had a squarish face and a chin full of green stubble. Glenn's neck was short and thick, which made him look like a lump of iron.

  In fact, during his 20 years as a mercenary, Glenn had won the title "Iron Man" for his eternal faith. In fact, the strength and defense of the fifth stage made Glenn look like an iron man, and he would never fall.

  In the Remot, he and the other two also had the power of the fifth step and had become the city's captain. Each of them had around a hundred soldiers under their command, and all three of them had different chiefs. Like Green, his team was mainly responsible for the night defense. Glenn worked from six in the evening until eight in the morning. For this, he was paid one thousand yuan a month.

  This reward was already very high in the wilderness. After all, the Ordinary Soldier didn't even get a hundred crystals per month.

  He took the cigarette that the soldier passed to him, and after the soldier tapped it with his lighter, a red light appeared in the darkness. Following that, a second red light lit up. However, the soldier had also lit one.

  The soldier took a drag on his cigarette and slowly exhaled a mouthful of hot, spicy smoke. The soldiers looked up at the flashing red lights in the residential area. It was already late at night, and the citizens living in the buildings on the surface had long since fallen asleep. Thus, the scene of the ten thousand lights also disappeared. But there were still warning lights flashing, like lighthouses in the night.

  "What is it? You want to rent a house there too? " Glenn yawned and stared at the soldier blankly.

  The soldier smiled and shook his head, as if trying to shake out some unrealistic idea. "I do, but I'm still single. It would be a waste to rent a single unit."

  "Then hurry and find a girl." Glenn said with his usual expressionless face.

  "Who would want to live with someone who doesn't know what tomorrow will bring? When I need to, I prefer to go to the red light district and have fun with some girls. At least that's what you want me to do. " The soldier laughed and said.

  Glenn lowered his head and spoke in a voice that he could only hear, "In this world of dog shit, who knows what will happen to their tomorrow?" Perhaps, those men … "

  "Captain, what did you say?" The soldier obviously didn't hear what Glenn said, so he asked with his ears stretched out.

  "Nothing." After putting out the cigarette and putting it in his pocket, Glenn looked at the soldier and said, "It's still a long night and I'm feeling refreshed."

  The soldier immediately straightened up, dropped his cigarette, and saluted. "Yes, sir."

  Glenn nodded and walked to the next Pointer. After walking a few steps, he stopped. Without looking back, he said, "Next time you go to the red light district, don't forget me."

  "Yes, captain!"

  The cheers of the soldiers came from behind. Glenn's poker face finally revealed a faint smile. He continued to walk, but at that moment, a slight vibration came from beneath his feet, leaving Glenn in a daze for a while.


  Glenn froze for a moment, but the vibration had already disappeared, as if nothing had ever happened. Glenn shook his head and didn't take the vibration to heart.

  The soldier climbed up the iron stairs again and saw another young soldier yawning on top of the post tower. Seeing his comrades, the soldier immediately straightened himself.

  "Relax, Yarvik."

  "Yes, Sir Gino."

  Gino shook his head, and said to the new recruit: "Yarvik, how many times have I said it? "The word 'sir' only applies to Captain Green."

  "Yes, sir!"

  Gino was defeated by the young soldier. He speechlessly shook his head and made a gesture: "You can rest for a while, I will stand guard. I will change my watch two hours later."

  "Yes, sir." With that, the young soldier, Yarvik, walked to the corner of the post tower and sat down cross-legged.

  "He's still a child." Gino lamented, his hand on the post tower's railing, his gaze sweeping across the vast land under the darkness.

  After Theon left the stage, Chownok began his large-scale recruitment. New recruits like Yarvik, who looked like a teenager, accounted for more than half of the total number of soldiers. Veterans like Gino disapproved of the new chairman's actions. A soldier was not someone who could become a qualified warrior just by putting a gun in his or her hands. For the new President, however, there did not seem to be any such considerations.

  Chownok was more concerned with the number of soldiers than with the quality of their quality.

  The wilderness under the night sky was especially cold and desolate. The ruins of the distant city became a strange silhouette under the night sky. It was as if they had stood here since the ancient times and had not changed in the slightest. However, Gino knew that in the huge city that Remot resided in, there were at least three million people living there.


  An extremely ancient word surfaced in Gino'
s mind. In the new era, there were large cities, but they were far from the meaning of the word 'bustling'. In the surrounding wilderness, the Remot was considered the largest city. However, Gino still did not believe that it could be associated with prosperity. Whether it was the culture of the city or its economy, they were both far from the standards of the old era.

  At this time, while Gino was still in a daze, the figures of people seemed to be moving far away in the wilderness.


  When he recalled that name in his mind, Gino immediately took out the field telescope that was hung on the side. The telescope was already in night vision mode, so when Gino picked it up to take a look, he saw a clear, yet red, picture from the telescope.

  Gino adjusted the magnification of the telescope, and the image in the device immediately zoomed in. Gino saw a person.

  To be exact, it was a woman. She was wearing a nurse's robe that reached to her knees, revealing a pair of long, straight legs. She was clearly still wearing her stockings, but they were riddled with holes, revealing the skin of a woman. She was very dirty, the soldier thought when Gino saw her.

  Indeed, the woman in the telescope was far from clean. Large patches of stain appeared on her clothes. Under Nocturnal's red mode, the stain looked like a congealed stain of blood. One side of the woman's face was wrapped in gauze, and she looked wounded, so the unnatural feeling of walking was perfectly explained. But when Gino saw her face that was missing half of her forehead, the soldier immediately knew what he saw.

  living corpse, female living corpse! There was no doubt that women were such cursed monsters. The dead body, under the intervention of a virus, mutated, and the dead came back to life. They have no intelligence, only the primal instinct to kill, and hate all living things. Any living thing that entered their line of sight would be mercilessly killed.

  At the same time, when necessary, they release the virus from their bodies through saliva and blood, thus transforming their prey into their own kind. This was living corpse's unique breeding method, and also the fastest and most effective breeding method among all mutated organism!


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