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Warlord 4

Page 57

by Chen Ran

  Agatha immediately changed the plan. She, along with Su and a few others, had made a surprise attack on Tie Sen's company, and immediately controlled Tie Sen who was eating lunch. As for Berrien, he was in charge of supporting zeros. The other servants were led by Johnny and the two, they controlled the entire town to prevent the citizens from escaping.

  In the process, there was naturally a civil resistance, and it was extremely fierce. But after the slave soldiers shot dozens of men, the citizens finally quieted down and accepted the fact that the town had been occupied.

  After that, they were gathered outside the factory to make it convenient for Agatha to brainwash them. Agatha stored the memories she had prepared a long time ago into their heads, this way, outsiders like himself would not be suspicious when staying in the Eye of Flame.

  Right now, Agatha was going through the last task, and that was to read Tie Sen's memories. In this man's memory, Agatha saw the fact that he was the "guide".

  When Agatha let go of Tie Sen's forehead, the man spat out two streams of blood mist from his nostrils, and died with his head tilted to the side.

  This was the side effect of 'perception of memory'. It was a very heavy burden for ordinary people to allow energy to penetrate one's brain and force the nerves in the brain to reproduce clear memory fragments. Thus, when Agatha's hand left Tie Sen's body, the man's head was already turned into paste by the invading energy.

  "It's a deal."

  Agatha's face showed exhaustion. Continuously using the perceptual domain's power took a huge toll on one's mental capacity, especially on one's memory and perception. After using this ability, Agatha's face was pale white, and even her breathing became rapid.

  After continuously taking a few long breaths, Agatha's face finally had a hint of redness. She continued, "Tie Sen, including the entire Eye of Flame, has a huge business relationship with Jodtenheim."


  "That's right, this is the name Tie Sen gave the living corpse Kingdom. In the Nordic myth, Jodtenheim is the country of the Frost Giants, and is also seen as a synonym for hell. " Agatha explained: "Come to think of it, the first time Jodtenheim came into contact with the Flame Eyes was three months ago. creator traded gold pieces with the Eye of Flame for hot batteries and sulfur. The profits from the Eye of Flame was ten times the normal amount. And Jodtenheim's condition is that the eyes of flame must provide them with a guide, so they are also the guide. "

  The guide wasn't as simple as just leading the way. Jodtenheim also requested for Flame Eye to provide them information on the distribution of human settlements around the Twin Towers Mountain, the strength of the troops, and more. Therefore, during these three months, Tie Sen had no choice but to update his old information to meet creator's requirements. Just half a month ago, Jodtenheim had finally sent out his troops and used Tie Sen's creation to cross the Twin Towers Mountain and attack the Z7 base. From then on, they began to attack other settlements.

  Jodtenheim's attacks were fierce and fast. Along the way, with the help of the creator, he was able to continuously replenish energy and create new sources of weapons. They were like a swarm of locusts, the only things left in the area they swept past were empty shells, while Jodtenheim's power continued to increase. When they came to Remot, they had already increased from hundreds to three thousand living corpse s, their numbers had increased more than five times!

  All of this information existed in Tie Sen's memories, and was now being displayed in front of him. This way, the best answer would be given to the matter of the citizens of the Eye of Flame attacking zero.

  Gold is the best hard currency at any time. Jodtenheim's generosity caused all the citizens of the Eye of Flame to be tied to its chariot. For the sake of that enormous benefit, it was normal for him to kill one or two outsiders who were like Zero and were trying to find the secret of the guide.

  Fortunately, Jodtenheim had sent troops to the human settlements along the coastline. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as having a butcher in Allen's tavern. These upgraded living corpse were the weapons that Jodtenheim had left for them, they would definitely request to kill anyone who had the curiosity to explore the secrets of the living corpse Kingdom like Su Ming.

  From the looks of it, not only did Jodtenheim have an ambitious Sovereign King, she also had a brilliant strategy. No matter how one looked at it, it was already very different from a normal living corpse. At the same time, it was also the first foreign race that showed astonishing aggression towards humans.

  From the contact between Jodtenheim and the Eye of Flame, the existence of the living corpse Kingdom seemed to have existed for quite some time. The scariest thing was that it, who was located behind the Twin Towers Mountain, was completely out of the Asgard's or his line of sight. If not for the Remot's request for help, it was likely that the cities to the south of the coastline would have all been eaten by it.

  At that time, it would be a hundred times more difficult to locate Jodtenheim. After all, the Southern Lands had become its home ground. It was not a difficult matter to seal off the invasion of those with the ability. Just thinking about it, he would probably have to face countless guards, executioners, Blaster, these new types of weapons. Even the arrogant Berrien had to frown.

  "It seems that our luck isn't too bad." Feng said: "At least, the situation has not gone out of control yet."

  "Indeed." Agatha added: "The monthly transaction between Jodtenheim and the Eye of Flame just happens to happen during these few days. If we are lucky, living corpse will come to escort the goods to Jodtenheim tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The hot battery and sulphur should also have other uses for Jodtenheim, and it was not as simple as trading goods with the Eye of Flame. At that time, we might be able to impersonate the Eye of Flame and sneak into Jodtenheim. "

  "That's a good idea." Zero said, "Then let's prepare well for the next few days."

  He looked at the few colleagues in front of him, whether it was the friendly Agatha or the hostile Berrien. From the moment they crossed the Twin Towers, they had become a true loner. The towering mountains and the thousands of miles of radiation clouds became the biggest obstacle in the information flow. Zero and the others could no longer send out any messages.

  This was also the reason why Callio told them to bring along the location crystal. In a situation where electronic messages could not be sent, only through the resonance between the dimensional Su s could Asgard find out where Jodtenheim was. This was also the most important mission for them.

  When Zero got into bed, it was already three in the morning. Now that they had occupied Tie Sen's villa, Agatha and the rest were resting in the other rooms. There were zero people in the bed, but they were not sleepy. Inadvertently, he turned his head and looked through the window at the night sky.

  Even though it was late at night, the sky above the Eye of Flame was still a patch of red light. Aside from the sunlight that radiated from the clouds themselves, there was also the light emitted by the hundreds of magma rivers, large and small, in the valley. This bright red light shone straight into the sky, blocking the clouds. Due to its diffuse appearance, it formed spots of light of varying sizes, becoming a unique night scene for the Eye of Flame.

  Jodtenheim had already surfaced. As long as they found the correct location, then with the location of the crystal, the Asgard would be able to launch a ranged attack at the living corpse Kingdom. No matter what considerations were involved, the Asgard would not allow Jodtenheim to exist. But Zero thought of other problems. If a few more foreign kingdoms like Jodtenheim appeared, what kind of impact would the human world suffer?

  It was not impossible. During the turbulent times, the world that mankind was familiar with had quietly changed. In this new era, the human vision was actually very narrow. In many places where humans couldn't see, who knew what was there?

  When Su Yun laid on the bed, Avenot, who was thousands of miles away, also threw him onto a makeshift bed that was on the
command car.

  Avenot was extremely tired, his eyelids heavy like a thousand catties. The fact that Avenot had not rested for a few days also made him unable to bear it. Ever since that night when they killed the creator's Gulad, Wa pointed out the command system of the living corpse. The living corpse army that was surrounding the Remot quickly retreated, but Avenot was not prepared to let them leave just like that, otherwise, if the thousands of living corpse regrouped, they would not be able to find any safety at all.

  Thus, under Avenot's lead, the armies of the Asgard chased after the tail of the army of the living corpse. However, the living corpse had retreated back into the City Ruins, the spiderweb-like network of cities made it very difficult to chase them down. Unknowingly, the armies of the Asgard had already entered deep into the ruins. But in this kind of battle, the Asgard had little effect.

  In a complicated environment, neither firepower nor ability could be effectively used. And the number of living corpse s that appeared was very limited. They no longer swarmed towards Remot like besieging him, but used their scattered but flexible attacks to harass his troops. This made Avenot believe that there were still orderlies present in the living corpse. Otherwise, without these command points, it would be impossible for the living corpse to use such a nimble tactic.

  Of course, under the effect of absolute power, the living corpse was still at a disadvantage.

  Before going to sleep, Avenot considered whether to shorten the line in the direction of the Remot tomorrow. These few days, they were already rather far from Remot.

  Including Avenot, the rest of the soldiers who were in charge of night duty, had all fallen asleep. The people from the Remot were no exception, only the soldiers were still standing guard on the defensive line protecting the entrance of the base with the half moon shaped bow. The people from the base had also rested early.

  It was true that this line of defense was made by the high voltage electric net that was pulled up again, the temporary war cover outside the electric net, and the rapid fire heavy gun s that were taken down from the off-road vehicles. When the main force of the Asgard left, even if the living corpse attacked them from the front, it would still be able to hold on for a long time.

  The soldiers on the post tower were watching the distant wilderness all day long, and if there was any movement, they would immediately report it to the commander of the defense line.

  As a result, when a few black figures appeared in the wilderness behind the Remot, the post tower's soldiers did not notice them.

  The latent that had disappeared after being produced by the creator had now appeared in the night sky. They were a bit different than before, except that their intestines were still flying on their backs, and their four claws had become even sharper and larger.

  Right now, the latent were in different locations as they followed along with their claws and pushed the solid ground and random objects into the air. Moments later, a round hole appeared beneath them. latent did not stop there, but increased their speed instead. They drilled underground like drills, and as sand and stones gushed out of the ground, five tunnels were taking shape.

  latent dug a tunnel as the intestines on his back opened up, spitting out a dark yellow liquid. As soon as the liquid touched the walls of the tunnel, it seeped into the soil. When the liquid had completely disappeared, the soft soil continued to harden until it became like concrete, making this tunnel firm and allowing other things to pass through.

  Five tunnels were excavated from the ground. After digging to a depth of 100 meters, they were changed from vertical to horizontal. When one of the latent's claws suddenly produced a spark, an entire alloy plate appeared in front of the monster's eyes. This was the Remot's base's outer wall, constructed using a unified specification of alloy plates.

  Behind the outer wall was an unguarded underground base. Following that, the intestines on their backs started to spew out another type of green liquid at the alloy wall. When the liquid came in contact with the alloy wall, sizzling sounds came from the alloy wall. The metallic walls were melting at a speed visible to the naked eye, while wisps of foul-smelling black smoke were floating in the air.

  The liquid that was sprayed out by the latent was in fact the strong acid of life!

  Chapter 307 - Fall (III)

  Jacquaris turned his body, talked in his sleep, and tightly hugged onto his dirty and scared blanket, trying his best to roll himself into a ball before falling asleep again. He was too tired. Like most citizens of Remot, he finally had a peaceful night's sleep after half a month of restless living.

  Under the initial attack of the living corpse, as Jacquaris and the rest of the two thousand or so citizens stayed in the underground base, they were lucky enough to escape. In the ensuing chaos, Jacquaris followed the soldiers of the Remot and fought an assault against the ground. In that battle, Jacquaris lost his right leg, so he had no choice but to put on his prosthetic arm.

  However, Jacquaris was proud. His entire life, without exception, had crawled on the line of life, selling off all of his self-esteem. But this time, he was fighting for his life and for his honor. Although he had lost a leg, he had given the title of honorable citizen to the president, Mr. Theon, and had also enjoyed the free life of the Remot, asking for help. It can be said that Jacquaris will live the rest of his life without worries, that is, the Remot will raise him, and another 100 or so citizens who will be injured because of this battle.

  As a result, in his dreams, Jacquaris's rough old face kept smiling from time to time.

  What he did not know was that right next to his bed, a hole was slowly opening up in the alloy wall. There was lightning and fire dancing in the hole, but the cables hidden between the walls had been melted, causing a spark caused by a short circuit.

  The hole was expanding, from the size of a fist to an irregular shape. When the hole was big enough for an adult cat to walk through, a drop of thick green liquid at the edge of the hole pulled out a thin thread, and dripped onto Jacquaris's nose.

  Smoke suddenly rose up from Jacquaris's nose, followed by rapid melting of his skin. The cartilage in his nose became pitch black, and then also silently melted. In just a moment, Jacquaris's nose was almost completely melted by the strong acid!

  The intense pain made Jacquaris let out a miserable cry in his dreams. When he opened his eyes, he saw green smoke rising in front of him, as well as the black hole that had been soundlessly made in his own family's wall.

  Jacquaris jumped up from bed. In the dark crack, a cold and damp air was spreading inside. He looked at the gap in the wall and heard something strange in the darkness.

  Drip, drip, drip …

  There was a sound like a drop of water hitting the ground, and then there was the sound of some wild beast swallowing. Jacquaris finally regained his senses and wanted to turn around and shout. Unexpectedly, just as he half turned his body around, a few black shadows shot out from the gap, wrapping themselves around Jacquaris's four limbs and mouth respectively. One of the black figures drilled straight into Jacquaris's mouth. He could completely feel that the surface of that thing had a mucus that almost made him puke.

  But because of this, Jacquaris couldn't make a sound. Just as he was struggling desperately, a powerful force came from behind him and pulled him towards the cave entrance. The back of Jacquaris's head heavily smashed against the edge of the hole, the pain almost making him faint. But, at the edge of life and death, Jacquaris revealed an unbelievable will to survive. His hands tightly held onto the two sides of the gap, preventing the thing behind him from dragging him away.

  Unfortunately, there were times when certain things were not transferred by humans.

  For example, fate.

  Jacquaris did not know that he had been recorded in the God of Death's list. But very quickly, a claw that pierced his back and protruded from his lower abdomen told him of this fact. Jacquaris could see clearly that there were still some mincemeat and intestines left in his body
on this claw.

  The fire of life quickly faded and Jacquaris's hands and feet became ice-cold. He had lost all of his power to resist. As his hands relaxed, he could only watch himself being dragged into the darkness. Outside the crack, the wall lamp in the bedroom glowed with a faint yellow light as it slowly moved away from him. Darkness engulfed him, as well as his consciousness.

  Moments later, a creepy chewing sound came from the darkness of the gap.

  When the voice stopped, latent climbed out of the crack and jumped onto Jacquaris's bed. latent turned his head and let out a high-frequency whistle that no human could hear. At the same time, another four latent s appeared at various angles at the edge of Remot's base and released the same sound waves.

  Streams of sound waves travelled through the tunnels dug out by the latent and quickly reached the wilderness, passing through the wilderness. Not long after, darkness began to creep out from every window of a dilapidated building in the distance. From afar, it looked like there were countless cockroaches roaming about.

  These were living corpse, with hundreds, or even close to a thousand, living corpse s pouring out nonstop. They climbed out of the window and landed on the ground. Following the directions of the whistling sound, they split into five different directions and drilled into the designated passageway. Looking down from the sky, in the dark night, five undercurrents were being poured unceasingly into the ground, and in the end, they would flow into the Remot's underground base.

  After the ordinary living corpse s had all come out, another hundred Blaster s, as well as a varying number of butcher and lacerator s appeared in the darkness. The tall and sturdy butcher obviously wasn't suitable for entering the tunnel, so they stood guard at the entrance of the tunnel like guards, allowing the lacerator and Blaster to pass through different passages to enter the underground. When all the living corpse s had disappeared from the wilderness, they then ran towards another direction of the wilderness.


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