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Warlord 4

Page 58

by Chen Ran

  The direction that the butchers were headed towards was where the Asgard's army was temporarily stationed!

  The electronic clock on the wall chimed in at 4: 35 AM in the morning. A sharp gunshot woke Theon up from his sleep. In a trance, Theon seemed to hear the sharp cries of a woman and the loud roars of a man. Following that, Theon's entire person started to shake violently. Pera's low and gentle voice sounded beside his ears: "Mr. Theon, you must leave immediately. We are being attacked! "

  For a moment, Theon thought that he was in the wilderness. But after coming back to his senses, he remembered that he was in the Remot's base.

  What could attack the underground base?

  "Pera, what's going on?" Theon asked as he put on his clothes.

  Outside the window of his apartment, the Remot's underground base was glowing with red warning lights. Sharp beehives sounded in all directions, filled with gunshots and angry roars.

  The Remot had already become a chaotic vortex.

  "It's the living corpse!" Pera looked outside the window anxiously: "These things came out from who knows where. They have already occupied West Street and the Trade Area, and are moving towards us. The rattlesnakes have all entered the battle, but we are too small in numbers to last very long. "

  "What about the ground troops? Inform them immediately! " Theon roared.

  Pera said indifferently: "The communication has been cut off, seems to be due to a circuit failure. But now, we don't have any electricians to do maintenance, and many people have already died before the battle even began. "

  Theon gasped.

  At this time, Pera's communication device sounded out with an anxious voice, "Miss Pera, quickly bring Mr. Theon away. We can't hold on much longer, ah …"

  The communication ended with a short scream, followed by the sound of chewing from the equipment. Theon's scalp tingled.

  Pera closed his communication device expressionlessly, and said to Theon: "Let's go, Sir, before we lose control of the situation."

  Theon nodded, he had no choice but to accept the situation. After putting on his clothes, Theon thought for a moment, then pulled out a drawer again and took out an old-fashioned revolver. This revolver only had one bullet. When necessary, Theon would use this bullet to finish him off. His nobility, cannot be violated by the living corpse!

  Pera kicked open the door and left the apartment while protecting Theon. As they walked out of the street, the noise suddenly increased tenfold. Theon looked at the main street, only having one thought flashing through his mind.

  Remot is finished!

  The city which held all of Theon's hope was like a delicate woman's naked body being exposed to the wild street. The Remot in Theon's eyes was burning as the flames mercilessly stripped the city of its outer clothes, and the buildings and people collapsed under the flames. Countless living corpse were having crazy banquets, they were chewing on all the lives in their line of sight.

  lacerator moved between the walls and ceiling, using their claws to break down the rattlesnake army's defensive line.

  The last one was the Blaster. As if they had obtained accurate information, the moving biological bomb detonated every single one of the key buildings in the Remot, ruthlessly destroying the hard work that Theon had put in for the past few decades.

  The Remot was finished. Theon said with incomparable desolation in his heart. Just before he fell asleep, he had still seen the hope that existed in this city. But after waking up, all hope was collapsing. Was there anything more cruel than this?

  The sounds of gunshots rang in his ears. In a trance, Theon saw Pera holding a spear in each of his hands, and shooting crazily at both sides of the street in the direction of the base.

  The automatic machine gun in Pera's hand roared, the bullets in the long flame tongue poured like rain, as though it was spitting out the final remnants of the Remot's dignity, shattering the living corpse that had appeared in Pera's line of sight.

  The line of fire formed by the bullets constantly cut at the buildings and the living corpse, allowing Pera to carve a path to survival.

  Perhaps, there was still hope.

  As Theon said this in his heart, his dazed eyes also gradually became determined.

  "Pera, do you still have a gun?" Theon roared.

  Pera remained silent, but with a tremble of his hand, he threw a shotgun that he carried behind his back to Theon. Right after Theon caught it, the living corpse's roar sounded behind him. He turned, loaded, raised his gun, fired!

  The shotgun exploded into a ball of flame, and in the flame, the body of the living corpse that was pouncing towards Theon, instantly exploded.

  Blood sprayed all over Theon's face, but Theon felt extremely satisfied.

  Just like that, the two of them, one in front and one behind, arrived at the entrance of the base.

  The armored door at the entrance closed its doors silently. This door, which had once blocked the living corpse's constant attacks, had now become the life threatening barrier of the Remot. Pera rushed towards the manual console beside the door and discovered that the Remot's power had been cut off, and even the backup power source could not be activated. This caused the operating table to not react at all, much less open the door to escape.

  Theon shot another living corpse, and more than ten living corpse s fell at the feet of the chairman. Theon's entire body was already dyed red with living corpse's blood, and he looked like a ghost.

  Looking at Pera who uselessly beat up the operating table, Theon revealed a wry smile: "Forget it Pera, it's not bad to be able to die together with you."

  "No!" However, Pera screamed. This usually calm female bodyguard, now had tears rolling out of her eyes: "I can't let you die here, Mr. Theon, you are everyone's hope!"

  With that said, Pera suddenly ran towards the armored door.

  To Theon's surprise, Pera actually retracted his right fist, and followed up with a punch.

  Pera's slender fists were wrapped with energy ripple s as he punched the floor beneath the door. The alloy floor immediately caved in, and the electrical circuits in the layer shattered. But more importantly, a gap appeared between the armored door and the ground.

  "Pera, what are you doing?"

  Pera did not bother with Theon's question, she only inserted his hands into the gap of the door and clenched her fists tightly.


  In that instant, the alloyed floor beneath Pera's feet sank, while the female snake's entire body spat out a mist of blood. This was because the pressure that the body had to bear had already exceeded the limit of the blood vessels, causing them to burst. Suddenly, Pera became a blood man!

  "Heavens, what are you doing? Stop, don't be silly, you can't possibly lift up the gate. " Theon shouted anxiously.

  Pera completely ignored him, his eyes staring angrily, he still opened his mouth and screamed, his pair of arms grabbing onto the armored door tightly as he continued to raise it.

  The door emitted a sharp sound, and under Pera's desperate strength, it actually started to rise slightly.

  With a kacha sound, Pera's right leg suddenly kneeled onto the ground, only to find that his ankle bones had been crushed by the immense pressure. But even so, Pera still used his knees as a fulcrum to support his body and continued to support his way out of the door.

  who was in the midst of shouting, thought back to a moment from a long time ago.

  It was a day when he was fifteen. Back then, when Pera was still a young girl, he had used his own body as a trade, in exchange for food to support himself and his parents. He remembered that after completing a trade that day, Pera returned home with an expired bread only to find that his aged parents had already died.

  When they died, they were as thin as a twig, and there was not even a trace of fat on their bodies. The radiation had drained all the nourishment from their bod
ies, and they looked exactly like the old people in the gathering area when they died.

  Pera still remembered that his parents had begun to attract blood sucking flies. Flies circled around the corpse. Even after so many years had passed, and even when he occasionally slept, Pera seemed to still be able to hear the buzzing sounds made by the flies that afternoon.

  After that, Pera seemed to have lost all desire to live. However, her instincts did not allow her to commit suicide. She continued to stay in the area and used his own body to exchange for resources to survive.

  One night, Pera laid on the thick wooden board numbly. On her naked body, there was a man venting his desire. This man's entire body was covered in mutated tissue, and even that thing was riddled with bumps. It was this dirty thing that continued to haunt Pera's body. When the man reached his climax, the sounds of people coming from the living quarters were followed by the sound of the door being violently kicked open.

  When Pera was still confused about what had happened, a group of soldiers rushed in. They had caught the man, but when they saw Pera's ceramic body, the soldier's eyes were filled with desire.

  At that time, to Pera, the man in his body was just a different face, she didn't care at all. Just as one of the soldiers was gasping for air and was about to take her, the sound of gunshots rang out behind them. With a startled expression on his face, the soldier fell onto the ground beside Pera's bed.

  The sound of footsteps sounded in Pera's ears, and in the next moment, he saw Theon.

  Theon's gaze fell on her body as well, but he did not reveal any lustful thoughts like the others. He merely looked at Pera quietly, then asked. "Do you want to leave hell?"

  "I can give you hope!"

  Pera's words ignited a spark in his lifeless eyes.

  It was on that night that Pera followed Theon and left, along with all the captive slaves of the living quarters as they arrived at the Remot. At that time, the Remot was still in the process of being built, but Theon told Pera and many others his ideal blueprint.

  It was a city that everyone in the colony had hoped for. It was a city of hope!

  Thus, Pera stayed in the Remot and found a reason to survive.

  Live for yourself!

  That was something Theon had told her before. Hence, the fifteen year old Pera had joined the Remot.

  Become a Magistrate at the age of 16.

  She joined Theon's newly formed rattlesnake army at the age of 17. In the same year, she became the leader of the rattlesnake army, as well as Theon's bodyguard.

  "Pera, live on … …" The words from back then still lingered in his ears and lingered in his ears.

  "Live!" Pera closed his eyes and used all his strength to shout: "Mr. Theon, you must live!"

  Ten years ago, Theon said these words to her. After ten years, she returned these words to Theon.

  In Theon's unbelievable eyes, under Pera's delicate body, a crack that was around 30 centimeters wide actually appeared on the armored door. Pera used his shoulder to block the door, and turned to look at Theon.

  She no longer had the energy to speak.

  But Theon was able to read all of the content.


  Theon didn't hesitate as he ran towards the door and rolled out through it.

  Behind the door was the cold air that could only be felt in the wilderness. Theon's spirit was lifted, he turned and said to Pera: "Quickly come out, we will … …"

  Theon's voice suddenly stopped, and then his eyes became misty.

  Beneath the armor, Pera was still half kneeling. Her eyes were wide, and she was still holding the door. However, there were two thin streams of blood flowing under her nostrils.

  Her chest had stopped heaving.

  Pera died, but when he opened the door, the pressure in her body was enough to shatter all her organs. In order to lift a door that weighed tens of tons, only someone with the ability to reach the fifth step of strength strengthening would be able to do so. However, Pera was able to do it with his two steps, at the cost of dying on the spot.

  Theon reached out his hand, wanting to touch Pera's face again.

  However, the door suddenly slammed down, ruthlessly crushing that once beautiful face. Seeing the blood that was slowly flowing out from the ground, Theon, who thought that he had become as hard as steel, started to cry like a child.

  So it turned out that losing one's true love would hurt so much!

  Chapter 308 - Jodtenheim (I)

  Winchester looked at the man in front of him, stunned. The Theon who had dressed himself as meticulously as an aristocrat of the old era, still maintained his calm and collected demeanor, possessing the disposition of a general even when he was in the attacking city of the living corpse. Yet now, he was like a homeless person in the wilderness, pouring alcohol that Winchester had given him to warm his body into his throat, as if his life depended on it.

  As the man who was bestowed the responsibility by Avenot, Winchester knew that this was not the time to be concerned about Theon's transformation. Theon, who ran out of the Remot's base, brought back shocking news. No one knew what method living corpse used to ambush the underground base, but the base had now become the living corpse's playground.

  This news not only shocked Winchester, but also made him feel like he was being slandered.

  The dignified elite warrior of the Doomsday Hammer was actually being attacked and occupied by monsters like the living corpse, who didn't have any intelligence. Whether it was out of honor or responsibility, Winchester could not accept this fact. He had his aide-de-camp report the situation of the Remot to Avenot while he gathered troops on the defensive line, preparing to rush back to the Remot base and chase the living corpse out.

  There was still no reply from Avenot. Winchester could no longer wait. Looking at the soldiers who were ready to go, he raised his arm and said, "Gentlemen, those filthy things actually sneaked into our rear when we weren't paying attention. I don't think anyone would let that happen. Our honor is being trampled upon. Only by killing them all can we regain our reputation! Only by killing them, will we be worthy of the name of the Asgard's Warriors! "Now..."

  Winchester faced towards the direction of the base, waving his arm down heavily: "Charge!"

  As soon as the commander finished speaking, the five hundred soldiers roared and charged towards the base. Not only did they want to redeem themselves, but they also had the mission of avenging the victims of Remsky. The crowd surged and charged towards the base's entrance like a torrent. Soon, a huge explosion sounded from the entrance. It was the sound of the soldiers blowing up the base's armored door.

  Hearing this loud noise, Winchester quietly placed a machine gun in front of Theon: "Mr. Chairman, no matter what kind of setback you encounter, this is not the time to be depressed. I'm going to fight too, you... Take care of yourself! "

  After he finished speaking, Winchester left with large strides, not even sparing Theon a glance.

  As he slowly walked forward, the muscles on Winchester's entire body expanded, and his entire person grew close to a meter in height. He was originally almost two meters tall, so he became a three meter tall giant. However, his ability was not Fighting Domain's, thus the upper part of his military uniform that was crammed with sparkling armor plates kept appearing on his strong and robust body. The plates overlapped and formed a crystal armor. Instantly, Winchester's entire body was enveloped in a seamless crystal suit.

  The design of the crystal armor was filled with a magical style. There was a natural crystal tank wandering around the crystal armor, and he also drew a mysterious rune on both sides of his chest. When the crystal armour was formed, Winchester shook both his hands, and his five fingers closed together, immediately forming a crystal armour that covered his five fingers and continued to multiply. Finally, it formed two crystal sabers that were one metre long and two palms wide.

  The shape of the crystal sabre was rough, the sabre's edge was uneven, and it was full of savager
y. There was a crystal pattern on the surface of the blade and the energy inside it was overflowing, causing the two blades to be wrapped in a hazy light. Following Winchester's path, both blades dragged out faint blue colored flames that lingered in the air for a long time.

  Winchester was an ability user of the mutation domain, and one that was rarely seen among the demon dwellers in this ability domain. Different from the most common beastmen and botanical types in mutation domain, the demon dwellers were one in a million. Winchester was a Demon Soldier that had levelled up. He was similar to the Fighting Domain's Berserker that used his weapon to attack in close combat. The only difference was that regardless of which class of demon type they belonged to, their attacks would carry different types of energy.

  Scholars who had studied various types of abilities had done a detailed ability derivation diagram for the demon dwellers, and finally concluded that the demon dwellers were at the top of their abilities. which is to say that at the time of the Thirteenth step, there was a large possibility of it becoming a legendary Angel or Demon.

  The potential of a demon dweller was enormous, almost catching up to the theoretical experts of the rule-type domain. So when Winchester's ability in the Asgard was actually the mutation domain's demon dweller transformation, he was invited to join. After completing his training, he was finally promoted to become a Blade Warrior, and became an official member of the Doomhammer.

  The crystal armour on its entire body resembled the onychogastric s of demons. Apart from having a certain level of defense against both physical and energy attacks, it also had a random rebound effect against energy attacks. This was the unique characteristic of demon descent espers, which also gave them the beautiful reputation of being the bane of Su's domain. After all, practically all the cultivators in the Meteor Shower region specialize in energy attacks.

  As for living corpse and the lacerator, their claws simply could not tear apart Winchester's crystal armour. Only the great strength of a butcher could cause some damage to the crystal armor. Therefore, to Winchester, there was no such thing as a threat to him inside the underground base.


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