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Custom Love

Page 20

by Chantal Fernando

  And she has no idea what I’m going to ask her tonight.

  In fact, as far as she knows we are having a birthday dinner for her, here at our house, and all of our friends and family are coming.

  Everyone knows except her. She’s going to hate that, but I thought it would be nice to share this moment with everyone that we love. She always says she has never had the whole big family thing before, and this way just shows her that she does have that now, and that she is so loved by so many people.

  Unless she says no to me. Then it’s just awkward for everyone.

  “It looks so beautiful,” she comments, glancing out at the garden, which I’ve turned into an outdoor dining setting. I’ve put out lots of round tables, chairs and fairy lights, setting the mood. I’ve even stolen one of the DJs from Kamikaze to come here tonight and play music for us all, and the food is going to be catered by the clubs, too.

  It’s nice having a brother who owns half of the city.

  “It does,” I agree, looking over at her. “And you look stunning tonight, Nadia. I am the luckiest man in the world.”

  At least I will be if she says yes tonight.

  “You look pretty handsome yourself,” she replies, touching the collar of my fresh white shirt. “Thanks for making this night so special. I don’t think I’ve ever had a birthday like this, or had anyone put in so much effort for me.”

  “Better get used to it,” I tease.

  She smiles, her brown eyes lighting up. “I love you.”

  “I love you more.”

  She rolls her eyes and smiles even wider when there’s a knock on the door. “Someone’s here.”

  She rushes off to answer the door, and I pull the red box out of my pocket to look at the ring. Bronte helped me pick it out. It’s a black diamond with a halo of white diamonds surrounding it, her dream ring. Trust her to want something so different, so unique. I love the idea of a black diamond, and it suits her perfectly.

  AJ comes over and grins, clapping his hands together. “I’m so excited.”

  “Me too,” I reply, winking at him. I hide the ring as Nadia reappears with Bronte and Crow, holding a birthday gift.

  “Do you need me to help with anything?” Bronte asks.

  “Nope, the staff from the club are setting up all the food, and the DJ is on her way. I think we are all good.”

  “The cake looks amazing,” I muse.

  Bronte beams. “I can’t wait for her to see it. She’s going to love it.”

  Everyone arrives, which is pretty much everyone from the MC and two of Nadia’s friends, Decker and Felix. Felix brought his wife, Clover. She told me her father used to be the president of an MC and she was raised as part of one. Crazy how everyone is connected in weird ways.

  The music starts playing and the food and drink start flowing. Every time Nadia moves around the room, my eyes follow her.

  “You all right, brother?” Temper asks, studying me.

  “I feel sick,” I admit. “I just don’t want her leaving my sight. You know what happened last time.”

  “I know. That’s not going to happen this time. You need to relax and enjoy the moment. This is the start of the rest of your life, Trade. Not going to go well if you throw up right now,” he says, lip twitching. “We are all here, and she is here. No one is going anywhere. No one is leaving. It will all be okay, I promise you that.”

  I feel so fucking stupid, but I keep taking deep breaths. Realistically I know that he’s right. She is right here in our home, and nothing is going to go wrong.

  But that doesn’t mean it’s that simple. I don’t think I’m going to be at ease until she says yes, and then I might be able to relax and enjoy the rest of the night.

  Temper pours me a scotch, and I gulp it down. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Nadia comes and sits down next to me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “Guess what?”

  “Hmm,” I say as I take a gulp. I really need to get my shit together.

  “Decker asked if I’m looking for a partner at the firm.”

  “What?” That is the last thing I expected to hear.

  “Yeah, he said that he’s tired of the bureaucracy and he really enjoyed the work we did. So I think he’s going to come work with me. Isn’t that awesome?”

  “Wait, what?” I mean, I like Decker, but I still have a feeling he has a crush on Nadia. The idea of them working together all the time—I don’t know how I feel about that. It’s irrational, I know. But I’m just processing it all. “Is that what you want?”

  “Yes, I think so. It would mean I wouldn’t have to take on as many cases at once and would have time for you and the kids. I think it will give me the flexibility I want for us.”

  I can’t argue with that. She has been working so much, balancing me and the kids with her business.

  “If that is what you want, then I support you.” I’ll just have to deal with Decker being around her so much. I guess it could be worse.

  “I feel so spoiled tonight, Trade. This is the best birthday ever.”

  Hopefully, it’s about to get better.

  I nod to the DJ, who stops the music, and I can feel all eyes on me as I stand up, pull the ring out of my pocket and get down on one knee.

  Hey eyes widen as she realizes what’s happening. “Oh my God.”

  “Nadia, I love you more than you will ever know. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  “Of course, yes!” she says, smiling through tears as I put the ring on her dainty finger.

  Everyone cheers, and she jumps on me, almost making me fall backward onto the grass. “I love you,” she says, squeezing me.

  “I love you more,” I reply, kissing her.

  More cheers.

  The moment is magical, and I feel silly for feeling so fucking anxious for the whole night. But it was all worth it.

  She’s worth it.

  She looks down at her hand at the ring and smiles so widely. “This ring is perfect. I love it so much.”

  “Good.” I owe Bronte.

  “I can’t believe...” She trails off, shaking her head. “You are so amazing.”

  “I’m glad you think so, because you’re stuck with me...with us now.”

  The kids all come over and hug both of us, and my heart has never felt so fucking full.

  The music and the party resumes, and everyone comes over to congratulate us. Izzy gives me a warm hug, and I wish I could explain to her how much her support means to me. She has accepted that Mila has a new mother figure, and has never made any of us feel bad about moving on with our lives.

  “Thank you.”

  She smiles and gives me another hug. “I’m so happy for you all. You make the most beautiful couple.”

  “That means a lot to me, Izzy.”

  “How long have you been planning this for?” Nadia asks when everyone has returned to their tables to enjoy the night.

  “Months,” I admit. “I wanted it to be perfect, and I wanted to share it with everyone we care about.”

  “It was perfect,” she replies, resting her head on my shoulder. “And I had no idea it was coming. I can’t stop smiling right now, Trade.”

  “Would you like to dance?” I ask, standing and offering her my hand when she nods yes.

  I take her out to the middle of the garden, where a makeshift dance floor has been set up, and hold her against me. “I’m not the best dancer,” I admit.

  “Me either, at least not slow dancing,” she responds, laughing. She looks so happy right now, and I wish that I could be in this moment forever.

  We are joined on the dance floor by everyone else, even the kids coming to have a dance.

  At the end of the night, after everyone leaves, I peel her little black dress off her and lay her back on the bed,
her ring gleaming in the moonlight.

  And then I make love to her as my fiancée.

  And yeah, she’s not going anywhere.

  * * *


  A big thank-you to Carina Press for working with me on this new series!

  Thank you to Kimberly Brower, my amazing agent, for having my back in all things. We make a great team, always have and always will.

  Brenda Travers—Thank you so much for all that you do to help promote me. I am so grateful. You go above and beyond and I appreciate you so much.

  Tenielle—Baby sister, I don’t know where I’d be without you. Thanks for all you do for me and the boys, we all adore you and appreciate you. I might be older, but you inspire me every day. When I grow up, I want to be like you.

  Christian—Thank you for always being there for me, and for accepting me just the way I am. I always tell you how lucky you are to have me in your life, but the truth is I’m pretty damn lucky myself. I appreciate all you do for me and the boys. I love you.

  To my three sons, my biggest supporters, thank you for being so understanding, loving and helpful. I’m so proud of the men you are all slowly becoming, and I love you all so very much. I hope that watching me work hard every day and following my dreams inspires you all to do the same. Nothing makes me happier than being your mama.

  And Chookie—No, I love you more.

  And to my readers, thank you for loving my words. I hope this book is no exception.

  About the Author

  New York Times, Amazon and USA TODAY bestselling author Chantal Fernando is thirty-four years old and lives in Western Australia.

  Lover of all things romance, Chantal is the author of the bestselling books Dragon’s Lair, Maybe This Time and many more.

  When not reading, writing or daydreaming, she can be found enjoying life with her three sons and family.

  For more information on books by Chantal Fernando, please visit her website at

  New York Times bestselling author Chantal Fernando brings you Fast & Fury: A sexy new series fully loaded with intense emotions and edge-of-your-seat suspense.

  Read on for an excerpt from Custom Built by Chantal Fernando, out from Carina Press!

  Chapter One

  “I’m sorry, Bronte,” Nadia says, shoulders hunching. “You know how much the business has been struggling for months, and now it’s barely making enough money for me to cover my own ass, never mind have an employee. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” I tell her, forcing a smile, even though I feel like crying. I mean, I knew this was coming. I’ve worked as an assistant for Nadia’s private investigator firm for years now, and I know how hard this decision must be for her. We had spoken about it a few months ago, and to be honest I’m surprised she has kept me on for this long.

  However, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. I need this job, and I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do without it. I don’t have any other qualifications, and I can’t afford to go back to college to finish my teaching degree. And I don’t even want to talk about health insurance. Thank God I had my second surgery several months ago. I can’t even fathom what I will do if the abnormal cells come back.

  I know how bad times are for Nadia, though, with us getting less and less work with every passing month. I’d spent this week cleaning and rearranging the office because I didn’t have much else to do.

  I see Nadia more like family than my boss, but I know that she has to do what’s best for her. I understand that—it’s just going to be a shit time for me right now.

  “I’ll pack up my things,” I say, and swallow hard, looking at my desk. I pick up the picture of me and my dad, both of us smiling, his arms wrapped around me. It was taken last year at Christmas, my red lipstick all over his cheek where I had kissed him. Dad has always been my rock, and I know he’d help me if I need it, but I’m too old to be running to my daddy. I need to sort this all out myself and find a new job as soon as possible, before my savings dry up and put me in deeper shit.

  “I’m really sorry,” Nadia repeats, her voice cracking.

  I put the photo frame down and turn to give her a hug. “It will be fine, it’s not the end of the world. I’ll find another job, and hopefully business will pick up for you and you can keep this place running.”

  This might not be what I need right now, a kick when I’m down, already stressed out over my health issues, but you can’t control what curveballs life decides to throw you.

  No matter what happens, I know I’ll be okay. When one door closes, another one opens, right?

  I comfort Nadia, I gather my things, and I leave.

  I woke up this morning employed and fairly optimistic, and now I’m going home without a job and no idea where my next paycheck is going to come from.

  Life can be a bitch sometimes, can’t it?

  * * *

  Just before Christmas isn’t the best time to try to find employment. Everyone has already been hired for the season, and no one wants to take on someone they would have to train during the busy festive season. Not surprisingly, my resume isn’t remarkable, and my private investigator skills aren’t even going to help me work in a bar or restaurant.

  “Have you ever worked in a bar before?” a manager at one of the establishments asks me.

  “Well, no, but—”

  “I’m sorry,” he says, cutting me off. “We need someone with experience.”

  “I’m a fast learner.”

  I mean, how hard could it be, right? It’s not like I’m a doctor looking for a new job. I can learn to serve drinks and food and wear a smile while doing it. I’m a hard and efficient worker; I just need someone to give me a chance. I didn’t finish college because the timing wasn’t right for me.

  “Come back after the holidays” is all I get in response.

  I decide to call up all the private investigator firms in my city, but none of them are hiring either. In the world of easily accessible technology, people are probably handling their own investigating, cutting out the middleman and leaving me jobless. I really hope Nadia will be okay and not have to shut down the firm. The thought saddens me, and I hope there’s a way she can stay open and get more clients in the upcoming weeks. Otherwise she might be here along with me, trying to get any job she can.

  My phone rings, “All I Want for Christmas Is You” playing loudly. “Hello?”

  “Hey, princess,” my dad says, and I can hear the smile in his tone. “I haven’t heard from you in a week. Is everything okay?”

  I haven’t spoken to him since I got fired, because I don’t want to admit that I’m currently failing at life. Asking for help has never been my strong point—I prefer to suffer in silence and try to solve all problems on my own. I know I’m going to have to tell him, though; I’m just going to buy myself a little time.

  “Everything is fine, Dad,” I assure him. “How are you?”

  My dad lives about an hour away from my apartment, and we catch up for family dinner every week or so. Besides that, we usually text or chat every day or every other day. I love spending time with him, and I look forward to seeing him. Yes, I’m a daddy’s girl.

  “I’m good, just busy with work. You know how it is,” he says.

  Actually, right now I don’t.

  My dad has always worked hard, and that’s where I got my own work ethic from. As soon as I was old enough to get a job, I did. I was never spoiled, and had to work for everything I had. For my first car, he told me he’d match whatever I saved, which taught me how to work for my money, but also allowed him contribute.

  Dad now owns a construction business, along with my uncle Neville, who also owns and runs a farm. Dad mainly does the admin side of things, but he started off as a laborer, so he isn’t afraid of hard work.

  “I’ve been thinking
about you today, so I thought I’d give you a call.”

  “When are you free this week?” I ask. Might as well face him, because avoiding him isn’t going to help the situation. I can’t lie to him, though, so I guess I’m just going to have to tell him what happened in person. Or maybe I should try to secure a new job first.

  “Always free for you,” he says, voice gentle. “I was actually calling to invite you over on the weekend. I’m having a barbecue, and everyone will be there. Your uncle wants to see you too, so I hope you can make it.”

  “Okay, message me the details and I’ll be there,” I reply. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  We say our byes and I love yous and hang up. Sighing, I glance down at my handful of resumes and lift my chin. Surely there’s something for me out there. I’m too old to have no job security, and it annoys me that it has come to this. I should have gone back and finished my degree—then I’d have something to fall back on—but there’s no point with the what-ifs now. I just need to find something, anything, and if I don’t like it, I can always just stay in that job until I find something better.

  “Who knows? In a few weeks I might have to come apply here,” I mutter to myself as we pass Toxic, a well-known strip club.

  If I didn’t think my father would kill me, I might even consider it.

  I spend the rest of the day handing out my resume, smiling and trying to act as charming as can be.

  Just hoping the next door to open for me will be a good one.

  Don’t miss Custom Built by Chantal Fernando, available wherever books are sold.

  Copyright © 2020 by Chantal Fernando

  Don’t miss the rest of the Fast & Fury series by

  New York Times bestselling author Chantal Fernando!

  Custom Built (Book One)

  Custom Made (Book Two)


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