Makin’ the Cut

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Makin’ the Cut Page 3

by Rennie Rivera

  “I’ve been overwhelmed with Pops’ passing and taking over the company. I’ve barely had a moment to let it all sink in. But I realize this needs to be handled in a timely manner, so I thought it best to get it over with now instead of continuing to put it off,” I reply, trying not to sound too much like an asshole.

  What did this guy expect? Within the last six weeks, I lost my grandfather to cancer, and I went from being a male model and labeled a playboy, although that was the farthest from the truth, to being flung into the role of president and CEO of my grandfather’s investment company.

  Of course, it would’ve been nice to have someone at home to comfort me through the loss of the only man who gave a shit about me, but Lindsey ruined that for me. If it weren’t for Pops, I wouldn’t be here today. I miss him so much, but I know he’s no longer suffering.

  “Lukah, does that work for you?” I finally hear Greg ask, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “I’m sorry, what was that? I drifted for a minute.”

  “Oh, no worries. According to the note left by your grandfather, along with his will, he left everything to you with just one stipulation. He wants you to fall in love and get married. And it must be real, not any type of scam. He has people watching who will know whether it’s real or arranged. He doesn’t want you to work yourself to death or end up alone.”


  That is the only word I can form. I’m at a total loss. It feels as though a rug has been ripped out from under me. How could he do this? Did he not think about how Lindsey stomped on my heart? Did he not think about my feelings at all? Leaning my forehead on the window of my office overlooking the lake, I can’t help but feel slightly betrayed.

  “I’m not really sure how to respond.”

  I imagined Greg nodding on the other end of the line. “You’ll have access to the company car, and still hold the president and CEO position. You’ll also keep the estate for the duration of the time you have to find love and get married. Should you find love before the deadline, everything will be yours. You have twelve months from today.”

  Utter shock settles in. “Well, okay then. I mean, I knew my grandfather wanted me to eventually find these things but now he’s basically forcing me into it.”

  “Lukah, he isn’t going to completely cut you off if you don’t fall in love in the allotted time. He just has someone in line to share the company with you and what not. But we’ll discuss that if it comes to it. I have faith that if you stop being a workaholic and actually get out there and mingle, you may just find ‘the one.’ She’s out there. Good luck and keep in touch.”

  I thank him and end the call, still in shock. Feeling a little nauseated and flustered, I sit quietly, letting the information sink in. Izzy walks into my office with lunch in hand, and I hadn’t even realized she was back, still lost in the conversation I’d just had and what I learned.

  “Lukah, are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost. What did Greg have to say?”

  Utterly speechless, I just stare at her, shaking my head in disbelief. It takes a few moments before I finally find my voice. “Pops still has jokes, even in death. He’s still trying to look out for me from the grave, too.”

  I proceed to tell her all about the call and the fun surprises my grandfather had for me.

  Izzy sits, laughing hysterically, as I finish my tale. “He knew damn well you’d never settle down. Shit, he has the best ideas. I mean, I love you and all, Lukah, but we both know you are not the commitment type. This is going to be interesting. But you have to promise to give it a real go. Really get out there, date and see what the world has to offer.”

  I stare at her in even more disbelief than I had when first given the news. I can’t believe she’s really entertaining this idea.

  “What the fuck am I going to do, Izzy? He can’t be serious. I have too much on my plate right now to even just get laid, so what the fuck gave him the idea I’d have time for a relationship? Damn it, this is the last thing I need.”

  “Okay, well how about you keep an open mind, continue on with the plans for the show, and let nature take its course.”

  “Yes, let’s focus on the show and I’ll try not to let the current situation distract me. So, let’s get started.” I set my lunch to the side and grab a legal pad and shove it at Izzy. “First, I’m thinking we should get in touch with the design professor at the design college on Fifteenth. I think the fashion students will love this opportunity. Instead of putting a limit on entries, we’ll require a submission of three sketches per entry, and then have a panel of judges choose the top thirty designers and invite them to the competition. They’ll have to be original sketches and must be three different styles or trends. Like an evening wear, casual, and a party look. Get all that?”

  She finishes whatever she was writing. “Okay, got it. Now we’ve reserved the venue for five days. How shall we break the competition up for that week? I have a really good idea on how we can do it, if you’d like to hear it.”

  I look at her with a smirk. “Okay, tell me yours and then I’ll tell you mine, and we can maybe meet in the middle.”

  She just smirks. “I was thinking day one, three, and five would be competition days, and days two and four will be prep days for the designers. And then maybe we should extend the reservation an extra two days so that on day six we announce the winners.”

  Izzy finishes skimming through her notes. And I just sit patiently observing her as she’s obviously making sure not to miss anything.

  “Day seven can be for a banquet for the first-place winner. But day six can be a day for the first-place winner to prepare a couple of pieces to maybe auction off at the banquet.” She puts her hands in her lap indicating she’s finished.

  “I like the idea of extending the venue by two days. But as far as the schedule, I was thinking of something else. The first three competition days will be divided into ten designers per day. Each day will end with one winner. These three winners will need to submit a single design to the judges, and from that the first, second, and third place winners will be decided. Of course, they will be judged on their overall work from the show too. And absolutely no press will be permitted in during the competition days.”

  Izzy is writing furiously, while shooting glances at me like I’m crazy.

  “I haven’t quite figured out what the prizes will be for the second and third runner up. Obviously, grand prize is access to the top investors, and an opportunity to meet with them, pitch their designs, and maybe get help to open their own boutique. They will also have their debut show on the seventh day, that’s when we’ll allow the press in. Also, we’ll require them to arrive a week in advance to sketch, sew, and prepare.”

  Izzy interrupts. “Wow, you’ve seriously thought this through, haven’t you? I’m impressed.” She smiles.

  I nod. “This is something I’ve always wanted to do. I used to love watching the designers during the shows as they exhibited pride in their masterpieces. Sure, wearing the clothes and modeling them was fun, but I want to be on the other side of it this time. There’s one thing Pops instilled in me, and that’s to pay it forward. It makes me proud to know I’ll be helping someone realize their dreams. I just want to make him proud, and although he isn’t here to see me, that doesn’t mean he isn’t watching over me.”

  Suddenly, I feel the air change and a shiver run up my spine.

  I pause for a moment, thinking of Pops, before I shake my head and go on. “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to get off track. Anyways, back to the show. I do want three of our own photographers in attendance to take pictures of each show. They will be required to sign non-disclosure forms. I also need to book rooms for all the designers. We’ll hire the models so they don’t have to fret over that part. We’ll set up a meeting room for the day of arrival where we’ll have a lunch buffet and meet all the contestants. They’ll each be required to sign a non-disclosure form too. This way no one will be tempted to leak someone else’s work, or the
ir own for that matter. Am I forgetting anything?”

  She sits back with a smirk on her face, shaking her head. “Only one thing. Will we be providing meals for them the whole two weeks? I’m thinking catering for dinners and buffets for breakfast and lunch. I know the venue offers all of it, so maybe we should see if they’ll offer us some kind of package deal. I’m so excited with how it’s all coming together.”

  “See, this is why you’re not only my assistant, but my best friend. Yes, find out if the venue is offering any package deals. Make sure the design professor knows to explain that we welcome any entries, but only thirty designers will be chosen. So, let’s get the flyers up.” Standing up, I start to gather my things, pausing as I remember something. “Oh, don’t forget to contact the modeling agency and tell them we need fifteen ladies and fifteen men.”

  Izzy nods. “You got it, boss. I’ll work on the flyer tonight and email you the proof. I’m gonna go ahead and head home, it’s late. See you tomorrow.”

  “Excellent, I look forward to seeing the final draft before they’re sent out.”

  With that, we clean up and Izzy leaves. I walk to my window and gaze out over the city lights. I hadn’t even realized it was already so late. As I stare, I begin to think about the stipulation my pops set in his will.

  Can I really settle down? Can I really trust my heart to someone and make a true commitment?

  I swore when Lindsey shattered my heart four years ago, I’d never give it away again. I’ve yet to meet anyone worthy of my whole heart. I mean, of course I have Isabella, and Pops will forever hold a piece of my heart, but to truly find real love is like finding a needle in a haystack.

  I’ll keep an open mind but not get my hopes up. Besides, dating could be fun. And I remember Pops always saying that “you’ll never know until you try.” I honestly want what Pops and Nana had. They were the poster couple for madly in love. And until Nana passed away ten years ago, Pops was the happiest man I knew. I want that. I may sound like a bitch but, I’d give anything to find that kind of happiness. So, I’ll take Izzy and Pops’ advice and attempt to find love.

  On that note, I gather all my shit and head home. It’s about to be a very busy couple of weeks before the crunch of the competition. Oh shit, better text Izzy.

  Me: Hey Izzy, just remembered, add judges to the list of new hires we need.

  Izzy: Damn I totally forgot about that. It’ll make the competition fairer if we hire those rather than leaving it up to you or me lol.

  Me: Ok thanks lol. And thank you for all your help with this. You’re all I have left anymore. I truly appreciate you

  Izzy: Aww aren’t you sweet. You’re damn straight I’m all you have FOR NOW. We’re on a mission to find MRS. JACOB. Loves ya, see ya in the morning

  Me: lmfao ok crazy ass, if you say so. Loves ya too, goodnight.

  I slide my phone in my pocket and head down to the waiting car. Time to head home and get some sleep. Tomorrow I need to get working on the necessary emails needed to send to the venue, photographers, and investors to update them on the upcoming events. So much to do, but thanks to Izzy splitting the workload with me, it’ll get it done faster.



  Well that date was a bust. I can’t believe I let Fia set me up with that douche. Suddenly I hear my phone ding. Speak of the devil:

  Fia: So, how’d it go? If you’re getting laid just text me in the morning or after he leaves.

  Me: Bitch I’m never letting you set me up again.

  Fia: Lol shut up, it couldn’t have been that bad

  Me: Ha-ha it was worse; I have never met anyone more self-absorbed in my life. All he talked about all night was himself and his car

  Fia: Bitch I’m comin down, bringin’ wine and pizza

  Me: lol ok good cause I could use a drink

  I throw my phone on the couch, unlock the door, and grab the wine glasses and plates. No sooner do I sit the plates down than Fia comes waltzing through the door. My feisty, sassy, brunette twin that’s always there when I need her most. Tonight being a perfect example.

  “Hey, boo-thang, hope you don’t mind Rhen tagging along. I kinda stole his dinner right out from under his nose. Literally.” She laughs.

  I wave them in. “Rhen is always welcome, silly. Bubba, you’re the only man I know who enjoys girl talk with us.”

  Rhen chuckles and then replies, “That’s because your girl talk not only amuses me, but also gives me ideas and pointers on what to do or not to do.”

  Fia kisses him as she hands him his pizza and beer that I’m assuming she snagged out of the fridge. Rhen isn’t a wine drinker, says that he hates the aftertaste. I think it’s because he thinks he may look too feminine. I smile at the thought of how cute they are before sitting down and grabbing a few slices myself.

  “Spill, slut, what happened?” Fia demands.

  I sigh. “He asked that we meet because he didn’t want to drive too far, so I agreed because I’d rather have a getaway car if I got bored. Good thing too, because I definitely needed it. We met at Johnny’s Pizzeria. Right after we’re seated, he starts talking about himself in third person. Plus, not even once did he ask about me or what I like or anything. He told me all about his car, parents, trust fund, his dog, and even his sexcapades. I couldn’t get a word in edgewise.”

  Fia laughs hysterically.

  Rhen shakes his head, “So let me get this straight. He boasted about everything him as though someone was narrating his life, plus neglected to get to know you?”

  “Well the only thing he asked was did I want to split the bill and if I was interested in going back to his place for a booty call. I got straight up, slapped the shit outta him for assuming I was easy, and walked out without paying my half of the bill.”

  At this point Fia is rolling on the floor, holding her stomach while laughing. It looks like she might just be crying too.

  “Bitch, what the fuck is so funny? Did I tell a joke? Do I have something on my face? Are you fuckin’ laughing at me? That’s great, just great. So, glad my misery amuses you.” I snap, trying to be serious but winding up laughing at her instead.

  She lays there and tries to calm her giggles. “Bitch, you have the worst luck with men. You are oh for two right now. But the good news is, third time’s a charm. You’ll see.”

  I stare at her in amusement but silently tell myself there’ll be no more dates for me. Not any time in the near future, that is. I pour us more wine and sit down, tucking my feet under me to get comfortable.

  Rhen looks at me for a moment. “Okay, sissy, I’ve got an idea. I know you say you’re done with dating, but I want you to give this a full effort for another three months. Fia and I just want to see you find your happiness like we have. And I think you’re just giving up and taking the pussy way out because you’re afraid of being hurt again. But that’s part of love, we have to hurt in order to feel. Do you really think that it’s all rainbows and candy between Sofia and I?”

  I nod.

  “Well it’s not. She does things to piss me off and I know I do things to piss her off. We have our arguments, real ones, where she’s actually put me out on the couch. Sure, halfway through the night one of us caves and we have some of the greatest sex of our lives, but it really happens.”

  I scrunch my face in a gagging motion. “Okay, you could’ve left that last part out.”

  He scoots over next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulls me close. “I know it’s scary. I know Gavin crushed your heart. But you gotta just get back up and jump back in. Take a leap of faith and trust that your heart will truly heal when it finds its other half.”

  I sit with tears streaming down my face, staring at a man who stormed into Fia and I’s life like a hurricane and saved us both. This big, burly, bald man that’s covered in tattoos, looking like a badass biker but really is a giant teddy bear. I’m so lucky to have such an amazing big brother to not only look out for me but love my sister and best friend.
Plus, Fia is truly one of my soulmates. I firmly believe you have two soulmates in this world. One intimate and one a friend.

  I have my friend soulmate. Now if I could just make myself get back in the ring and find my intimate soulmate. Although Rhen is right. I’m not just scared, I’m terrified. But I’ll make this deal. Because at the end of this three months they’ll see that I was right to take a hiatus from dating.

  “Okay, three months. That’s it though. When it’s over and I am still single, you’ve gotta promise to let this fantasy go that my happily ever after is out there.”

  Grabbing my hand for a handshake, Rhen nods. “Deal.”

  We sit and drink some more while laughing and joking about my awful date. Realizing it’s almost one thirty in the morning, I decide I should get some sleep or I’ll be miserable in class tomorrow.

  I stretch as I get up from the couch. “Okay, guys, as much as I love sitting here bashing on my date, I need to get to bed. You can let yourselves out and lockup when you’re done. Plus, the professor sent out an email yesterday saying that she has a huge announcement.”

  After I give hugs, I start towards my bedroom when Fia flips me around and gives me another big hug. I swear she gives the best hugs. Because no matter if I’m in a bad mood, depressed, or just upset, all I have to do is let her hug me and share her energy with me. She really is my best friend, soulmate, and sister from another mister.

  Finally releasing me, she kisses my forehead and I made my way to bed. I strip down to my panties and crawl in. Cuddling up in my fuzzy blanket, I drift off to sleep.

  * * *

  The alarm goes off at six a.m. and I groan as I roll over to hit snooze, but instead I sit up and hit stop before crawling out of bed and dragging ass to the shower. I set the water to the perfect heat, getting in and letting the scalding hot water run down my back as I think of the possibilities of today’s announcement.


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