Makin’ the Cut

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Makin’ the Cut Page 4

by Rennie Rivera

  I’m anxious about today’s news. What could it possibly be?

  I wash my hair and body before getting out to towel dry. I decide to just do my go-to messy bun after brushing my hair and apply some eyeliner and mascara before sliding on my skinny jeans and a tank.

  Grabbing my satchel, I take a quick glance around my studio to ensure I grabbed everything I need for class today. Then I rush out the door and down to my car.

  When I get to school, I park quickly and get out, making my way to the art building. As I’m approaching class, I notice a small crowd gathering outside the door. I wonder what’s going on. So, I pick up the pace only to get to the door to find a flyer posted.

  Attention Fashion Design Students

  Now’s your chance to shine!

  Amateur Fashion Show

  To enter you must submit 3 original designs

  1 casual, 1 evening, 1 party

  These designs will determine whether you make it in the show or not, so be original!

  There are only 30 slots available

  Bring your “A” game

  Do you have what it takes to “Make the Cut”?

  Details about the show & prizes will be revealed to those who qualify!

  Holy shit, this is opportunity knocking. I immediately walk into class to find my seat and rummage through my sketches from over the weekend. I shoot a group text to momma, Fia and Rhen.

  Me: Omg u will never guess what just happened

  Fia: U met the one.

  Me: Bitch give it up, I don’t need a man right now.

  Momma: Ok spill lol and Sofia Maria don’t keep stressing her.

  Fia: Yes Momma... Ok bitch spill, what happened?

  Me: I entered my name in for a chance to be a designer in an amateur fashion show.

  Momma: Baby girl that is amazing. I’m so excited for you.

  Fia: Awesome when will you know?

  Me: We will receive official invites if chosen, on Friday.

  Fia: Sweet, tell me more tonight at work. Love ya

  Momma: Awesome, so we’ll have something more to celebrate this week at brunch. Have a good day ladies, I love you both.

  Me: Love ya both too. ttyl

  I go back to sketching while others in class speculate on the show and who’s sponsoring it. I mean, sure I’m slightly curious who’s behind this amazing opportunity, but I’m more focused on prepping my sketches for it. Man, it’s going to be a long week, but planning the bridal shower and finals will be a good distraction!

  Next week is graduation, so this fashion show will be a great start to my summer and help me decide on what my next step is. Will I go on to university or start my career now?

  Plus, Momma and I are having a small bridal party for Fia and Rhen because the wedding is only three and a half months away! So much going on.

  I hope I can make the cut!



  The entry designs started pouring in Monday evening and they’re incredible! I mean, sure, I expected the best from all who submitted entries, but I didn’t expect them so quickly.

  I love attending fashion week and seeing all the new trends, which is why I’m so excited about this baby. I’ll give all the designs to Izzy for her to take to the judges in the conference room. Then, she’ll do a random draw, one that decides which designers get which day. Doing it randomly makes the competition fairer.

  “Hey Izzy,” I called to her from my office.

  She immediately peeked her head in the door. “What’s up?”

  I laugh. “I just had another idea. Don’t kill me, just hear me out.”

  She gives me a look of irritation but nods.

  I round my desk to lean against it. “I think the welcome meeting the day of check-in is the perfect time to announce the prizes. Once they’ve signed the nondisclosures, of course. I want to see their reactions. So in the email only include the details of the hotel, venue, check-in day, and the meeting information. We’ll have a lunch meeting. I’d like to meet each of the designers personally and congratulate them on making the first cut.”

  She chuckles. “Lukah, I think that’s a really good idea, except you forgot one thing. Did you get the professor’s email?”

  I rack my brain, then frown. “Shit, what am I forgetting? I thought we ironed out all the details last week. When did he send it?”

  She shakes her head. “I got it right before I was summoned in here. He said the check-in date next week was that it was graduation day for half of our entries. He asked if there was any way we could push it back a little later or to the next day.” I open my mouth to object but before I can, she continues. “I already called the venue and let them know we were adjusting the check-in time to six pm because graduation is at eleven am.”

  “See, this is why I love you. You’re always on top of it. I’ve already started preparing a draft of the invitation email. I just need to finish it up and then need you to edit it and send it out once the decisions have been made. Also, can you get me an invitation to the graduation?”

  Izzy nods and runs off to get things done.

  I sit down and put the finishing touches on the invitation email draft. While going over it, I notice the email from the professor in my junk folder, which explains why I never saw it. Thank goodness for Izzy. I mean who looks in their junk folder?

  This event is turning out to be more exciting than I’d originally anticipated. I wish Pops were here to see it all come together. I hope to make him proud with this one.

  Gazing out the window, I remember when I first started modeling and how Pops would always tease me. He used to say I looked like a walking Ken doll. I know he was only teasing and was actually proud that I never let the fame go to my head. Honestly, I hated the extra attention, but loved the clothes and designers, so that made it totally worth it. That’s another reason why this competition is so important to me.

  My phone dings, interrupting my thoughts. I glance down and see a message from Izzy, apparently too lazy to come into the office.

  Izzy: What’s taking you so long with that email?

  Me: Lol, impatient much? I’m almost done with it. What’s up?

  Izzy: I’m ready to go home and you have a date.

  Me: a date? Izzy seriously? WTF So this explains why you didn’t come into my office to talk.

  Izzy: lol yup. And you’re welcome. The car will pick her up and meet you at Adrienne’s on 85th street.

  Me: Um no, I need to go home and get my stuff together for the event.

  Izzy: Um no fuckin way, you’re NOT skipping out on this. You promised to give dating a real shot. Do it for Pops!

  Me: Ugh, low blow, FINE I’ll go. GO HOME SEE YOU TOMORROW.

  I throw my phone across my desk, then send her the invitation email. Shoving my chair out with some force, I stand and stalk toward the door. By the time I open it she’s gone. Slippery little bitch, I’ll get her for this one. Groaning, I grab my shit and head for the elevator. I hope this broad has some kind of smarts. I’m tired of dates with beautiful airheads.

  I take my car keys from the valet, saying thank you as I jump in and head to the restaurant. Why did she have to set it up for my favorite place? Boy, is she fighting dirty. I know she means well but damn it, I’m just not ready.

  As I walk in the door, someone runs right into me. Before I even have a minute to react, I grab her to avoid her falling backwards. “Excuse me, I’m sorry. Are you okay?” I mutter.

  The girl looks up at me with the most beautiful set of mismatched eyes I’ve ever seen. “No, no, please excuse me. I’m fine. I wasn’t watching where I was going. I’m sorry, I just can’t seem to get out of here quick enough. Thank you for not dropping me.”

  I’m frozen at the sight of her. She has beautiful chestnut hair with hints of auburn running through it. And those eyes, how beautifully unique and mesmerizing. I wonder if they’re contacts. She isn’t super skinny, but has curves that make you want to grab her hips and yank her towards

  “Well, enjoy your night. Again, I’m sorry.” And with that she’s gone.

  I stand there staring for a moment before the hostess snaps me out of my daze.

  “Good evening, Mr. Jacobs. Your party has already arrived and is waiting for you at the bar. Your usual table tonight?”

  “No, Becky. Any table will work this evening, thank you. I’ll go greet my guest and wait at the bar.” I look around, curious whom I’m meeting.

  She nods and wanders off into the dining room.

  I take a deep breath before heading towards the bar. A ding from my phone stops me as I open another message from Izzy.

  Izzy: Forgot you might need this. The pic below to help you find who you’re meeting tonight, her name is Josie. Enjoy. Loves ya. Goodnight xoxo.

  Me: Thanks, just got here. Headed to meet her by the bar now. Goodnight loves ya, xoxo.

  I head over to the bar, but images of that unique, beautiful woman who ran into me dance around in the back of my mind. I should’ve introduced myself and asked her name. Maybe Becky knows who she is. Wait, what the hell is wrong with me? I’m here to meet my blind date and just can’t seem to focus enough to even try.

  As I approach the bar, I see Josie sitting at the end, nose deep in her phone. I flag down the bartender. “The blonde at the end, her tab is on me. Dinner and drinks included. All I ask is that you deliver a message to her for me.” The bartender nods and I jot down a message on a napkin.

  Josie, I’m sorry but I have to reschedule. Something came up and it can’t wait until morning. But please enjoy a nice dinner and drinks on me.

  - Lukah

  With that, I’m ducking out of the bar. On my way out, I stop at the hostess stand. “Becky, did you happen to notice the young woman I bumped into on my way in?”

  She looks up and thinks for a moment. “Yes, that was Savannah. She was here on a date. Which, by her storming out of here, I can assume didn’t go well. She and I have design class together. Why do you ask?”

  I blink at her a few times. “I sensed she was having a rough night and wanted to buy her a drink, but she ran out of here so quick I didn’t get the chance to offer. Do you by chance have her number?”

  “Sure.” Becky picks up her phone and scrolls before jotting down a number on her note pad and handing it over to me. “Here ya go. I think she’d appreciate talking to a nice guy like you. Have a good night, Mr. Jacobs.”

  I thank her and walk out to the valet. Once my car arrives, I head home.

  As I walk into my apartment, I wonder if I should call her tonight. Maybe I should wait. Yeah, I’ll wait. I really do need to focus on this show first. Maybe I can message her after we get all the designers checked in and settled. With that, I decide to shower and try to sleep.

  It’s definitely been a long week and I still have a long weekend ahead. Tomorrow, the lucky thirty will wake up to their invitation emails and then the real fun will begin. I’ll prepare my speech for the welcome dinner, along with creating the model portfolios for us to distribute to the designers. I know once they get the invitation, the acceptance emails will immediately start rolling in. Yep, going to be a long weekend. Time to shut off my brain and try to sleep.

  I have a great feeling about this show!



  I barely slept last night. Got in late from work and had so much running through my mind.

  First, the hot guy I accidentally ran right into as I tried to flee yet another awful blind date. Those enticing hazel eyes and brown hair with sexy auburn tones styled ever so perfectly, not a curl out of place. Just his stare alone made my panties wet. Why couldn’t he be my blind date? Ugh, oh well maybe we’ll run into each other again in the future.

  Today’s the day I’ve been waiting for all week. I’m too anxious to check my email yet, so first I’ll shower and have some coffee. Once I’m out of the shower, I head into the kitchen. Staring at the clock I see the time. Thirty-seven minutes. That’s how long I’ve tried to avoid my email. I can’t take it any longer. I need to know now. As I sit at the table with my coffee, I open up my laptop and sign in.

  I’m tapping my foot at how long my laptop is taking to wake up and function. Ugh this is taking forever. I really need to sync my email to my phone. I mean, sure it’ll go off constantly but at least I won’t miss any messages.

  “Finally,” I yell as I click the email icon.

  I sit in silence for what seems like hours but may really only be minutes before I scream at the top of my lungs. Ahh! Oh my gawd, oh my gawd, oh my gawd! I did it. I fuckin’ did it! Holy shit, I can’t believe this! I run into my room and grab my phone to send a group chat.


  Momma: ok baby girl be there in 10

  Fia: me too picking Rhen up now

  Rhen: whatever it is, stay calm... on our way…

  I run to get dressed and try to stay calm as I await their arrival. I’m so giddy I can hardly contain myself, but I need to reel it in because I don’t want to give it away just yet. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, I hear keys jingle at the door, so I put on my best upset face and attempt to cry.

  Momma is the first through the door. Running to my side, she wraps me in her arms. “What is it, baby? What happened?”

  I hear Fia and Rhen come in as I’m actually crying in Mommas’ arms. They’ll think they’re tears of sadness when really, they’re tears of joy and excitement!

  Momma pulls away slightly to look at me. “Come on, baby girl, you know you can tell Momma anything.”

  I look at her before jumping up and yelling, “I did it, I made the cut!”

  Fia stands a few feet away staring for a moment before she starts jumping up and down and clapping with me.

  Rhen pulls me into a big hug. “I knew you would! Never doubted you for a second!” He punches me in the arm.

  “Ow, what the fuck, Bubba? What was that for?” I grab my upper arm.

  “For scaring the living shit outta Momma and your sister. Dick move, sis, dick move.” He starts to laugh and pulls me into another hug.

  I look at Momma. “I’m sorry, Momma. I didn’t mean to upset you. I was just so excited when I opened the email that I had to tell you now rather than wait until later or until brunch tomorrow. Please don’t be mad.”

  She stands and pulls me into another hug. “I’m so proud of you. I knew you could do it. I’m not mad, I’m just glad this meeting didn’t go a different way.”

  I step back and look at Fia. She may have squealed in excitement, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t fuming over how I tricked them.

  Finally, she speaks. “Bitch, that was a good one! Props on the tears too! Shit, I knew you were getting in. You’re just that good. You may not think so, but we all know it! So, let’s see the invite. Is it fancy?”

  I laugh and pull my laptop onto my lap waiting for it to once again boot up. I seriously need to invest in a new one. Oh, that’s a great gift to reward myself for getting in, I think, smiling.

  Finally, the damn thing finishes loading, I click on the message and let it load before setting it down on the coffee table for them to see.

  Congratulations #17!

  You Made the First Cut! We’re happy to welcome you to the competition!

  Now to make the next cut!

  The Emerald Suites

  May 20th

  Check-in 6 p.m.

  Welcome Meeting & Dinner

  7:30 p.m.

  **Extra details below**

  Can’t wait to meet you!

  You’ll check- in under the assigned number at the top of this email. You’re required to make 3 original pieces for the show. You’ll be given your competition day along with the names of your models at the welcome meeting. You’ll be asked to sign a form of nondisclosure upon arrival. It is to protect not only you and your work, but also the work of every other person participating in this competition.

  We’ll have photographers on site for you
r runway show. Details of the final show and prizes will be released at the welcome dinner and meeting. You’re required to bring at least one person to act as your personal assistant. We’re looking forward to a great adventure over the next three weeks. See you at check-in!

  Momma is the first to speak. “Hot damn, this is going to be a legitimate show, isn’t it? I mean, I figured it was just you submit some designs and then some finished products. But now I see this is some serious shit. Hell yes! I’m so excited for you! Okay, well we have a lot to do.”

  I speak up, cutting Fia off when she opens her mouth. “I think a list is a good idea because we all know how forgetful I can be when stressed. Fia I’d like you to be my assistant. You don’t have to stay there with me every night, but you would have to take time off work. I mean, I have enough savings I can afford to pay you, so there are no worries. Plus, Momma can be our outside source for running and stuff. Bubba, I hope you don’t feel left out.” I suddenly have an idea. “I’ve got it! Bubba, I know the perfect way you can help me! I need you to compose a playlist for me for round one.”

  Fia puts her hands on my shoulders to calm me. “Okay, as my first job as your assistant, let’s get your list done and order food. I’m starving and I’m sure you haven’t eaten yet. Plus, you’re not paying me, I’m doing this one pro-bono”

  I nod in agreement as she orders Chinese. Then my thoughts wander. It’ll most definitely be intense, but I’m also sure it’ll be rewarding. Man, I can’t wait! Even with all this prep and show talk, I still can’t shake the thought of the mystery guy from last night.


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