Radiant Joy Brilliant Love
Page 84
STAR – In astronomy, a star is at the center of a solar system. In Possibility Management, a Star is at the center of a gameworld. You may think that a Star has all the glory and sits in the most important position, but this is not true. Stars need planets. A Star without planets is a lone wolf. It is equally true that planets need Stars. A planet without a Star is interstellar debris. Coming together, planets and stars form something greater than each of them individually. Together they form a planetary system, an organization, a gameworld. You do not join an organization to solve the problem of loneliness. In fact, coming together in an organization is not intended to solve any problems at all. Coming together into an organization creates a gameworld that is the possibility that Bright Principles can do their work in the world. (See: Center, Organization, Stellate)
STARMAKER – Certain individuals who stellate their Archetypes serve destiny Principles such as integrity, clarity, possibility, transformation and Love. A person serving this particular set of Bright Principles loves to liberate the vast and awesome potential of others. In Possibility Management, the job of making other stars is called Starmaker. Starmaker professions include teacher, trainer, coach, consultant, healer, mediator, guide, manager, leader, doctor, nurse, therapist and so on. But where do Starmakers come from? Think about it: If we are to somehow renew our public education system, so it provides tools and techniques needed to live well in a rapidly evolving closed-ecology environment, we cannot start by teaching students. Where would we get the teachers? The answer is that we have to create the teachers first! What is the way toward making new teachers? Answer: We need men and women capable of training trainers, healing healers, and teaching teachers. We need people who can make Starmakers. This is the aim of Possibility Management, to make Starmakers so they can make other Starmakers. (See: Destiny, Possibility Trainer, Star, Stellating Archetypes)
STELLATE – To Stellate is to change from a planet into a star. A planet absorbs more energy than it radiates. A star radiates more energy than it absorbs. Human beings are designed to live as stars: creating, designing, exploring, producing, generating, and so on. Standard human intelligence thoughtware has us living as planets: consuming, imitating, criticizing, giving our center away, being adaptive, feeding off of the responsibility of authority figures, and so on. You can learn and practice with upgraded thoughtware to possess your center, to take responsibility for responsibility, and to become the source of resources. Stellating would naturally occur during a rite of passage that you are ripe for at about fifteen years of age, but this maturation process is not provided by ordinary Western culture. (See: Being Centered, Starmaker, Thoughtware)
STELLATING ARCHETYPES – Stellating Archetypes means initializing Archetypes, turning them on. Each of the four feelings is associated with a Bright World Archetype and a Shadow World Archetype (e.g., anger with both the doer and the persecutor, sadness with both the communicator and the victim, fear with both the creator and the rescuer, joy with both the Adult King / Queen and the Gremlin). Shadow World Archetypes are generally already activated through the use of standard human intelligence thought-ware. Bright World Archetypes can only be turned on consciously when they are mature and ready to be activated at about fifteen years of age. The process of Stellating Bright World Archetypes requires that you experience and express 100-percent maximum of each of the four feelings, intentionally, until you discover that although the energy of the feelings is big, you are bigger. Then, for the rest of your life, the resources of the Archetypes are available for you to use. (See: Archetype, Center, Feeling, Stellate)
STORY – As described in the Map of Possibility, everything that exists and everything that happens is without meaning and completely neutral. But, you are a human being. You do not leave things that way. Human beings are always creating. You create by making Stories about what exists and what happens. Stories are the meanings you add, your interpretations, how you see things, your assumptions, projections, judgments, criticisms, opinions, implications, conclusions, expectations, and so on. Your Stories make the world look acceptable to your Box. You package Stories in specific tones of voice and emotional moods in order to slant things, twist things, add spin, hook people, and make things important or invisible, so that your position is justified and your Box is proved right. If you can create your Box’s usual Stories, then your Box feels safe and tells you that you will survive. It is amazing that we can believe our own Stories even though we just make them up out of nothing using is-glue. The Box has an uncanny ability to pop into a gameworld created by a Story and act as if the gameworld were reality. Much of your Story making is unconscious and thus serves Shadow Principles. With practice, you can learn to use Story making to create high drama and serve conscious purposes. (See: Box, Experiment, Gameworld, Is-Glue, Map of Possibility, Unhookable)
SWAMP – If it is not okay for you to receive feedback, then, in the map of rapid learning, you go into the Swamp. The world is a giant feedback generator. Receiving direct, honest, confrontive feedback can challenge the reality of your Box. Having your Box challenged is one of the most disturbing experiences you could possibly have. When you are more committed to defending your Box than you are to expanding your Box, you must somehow avoid feedback. One very clever way to distract yourself from “negative” feedback is to enter the Swamp. You are in the Swamp when you hear voices in your head such as, “I’m not good enough, I’m a failure, I will never make it anyway, nobody loves me, nobody listens to me, I can’t do it, I’m too stupid, I’m too weak,” and so on. After awhile, you might even get to turn your story making toward the ones who gave you the feedback, “What do they know about me anyway? Who are they to be giving me feedback? Look at their life! They are stupid! They are a failure,” and so on. The energetic quagmire of having these voices in your mind is the Swamp. The voices provide your “x on the map” to clarify that you are in the Swamp. Recognizing that you are in the Swamp gives you a choice. Clarity gives you power – the power to choose. You can continue to fester and decay in the Swamp, or you choose to get out. To get out, all you have to do is say to yourself, “Ah! I have these voices in my head! I must be in the Swamp! I must have received some feedback that was not okay with my Box.” If you go to the person who gave you the feedback and say, “Thanks for the feedback,” this immediately takes you out of the Swamp and puts you back into rapid learning. Then you can use the feedback to guide you about what to shift to get better results when you try again. (See: Box, Feedback, Rapid Learning, Voice Blaster)
SWORD OF CLARITY – The Sword is the metaphorical tool of the Archetypal doer (Warrior/ Warrioress). It is the doer who establishes and cares for a relationship with Archetypal anger, such that anger informs his actions and enables him to move with precision and without hesitation. The Sword of Clarity is used to make distinctions, make decisions, create clarity, and when necessary, make boundaries. As the Archetypal doer, you learn to never put away your Sword, not even when you go to bed. This makes you potent, ever alert, attentive, hot to ask dangerous questions, and therefore useful for serving the Archetypal Man / King and Archetypal Woman / Queen. (See: Archetype, Attention, Dangerous Questions, Stellating Archetypes, Tool Belt, Victim Story)
TECHNOPENURIAPHOBIA (TPP) – Technopenuriaphobia is the fear of the lack of technology. Technopenuriaphobia is a side effect of the patriarchal disregard for the fact that we live on a closed ecology planet. Children of modern culture are born halfway up a long ladder of technology. For such a child, water comes from a faucet. Light comes when you flick a switch. Food comes from the refrigerator or grocery store. Cars or trains take us anywhere we want to go in total comfort. And money comes from cash machines. Behind a life of comfort is the subtle but pervasive terror that our thin veil of technology could suddenly fail. Since we do not know how to live on planet Earth without our technological interface, failure of our technology certifies our death. The cure for Technopenuriaphobia is repeated exposure to gradually decreased levels of technolog
y, until at last we regain the ability to live on Earth with a minimum of technology. (See: Feelings)
THEATER – (See: Conscious Theater)
THOUGHT-MAP – A Thought-Map is an energetic diagram showing the relationship and the flow of power between factors. You can understand the importance of Thought-Maps when you consider that very practical possibilities were created when people changed their Thought-Maps about the earth from seeing it as a disk to seeing it as a ball. We acquired new possibilities not because the earth itself changed, but only because our Thought-Map of the earth changed. We do not relate to the world as it is. We relate to the world through our Thought-Maps of the world. Get a new Thought-Map and you get a new world! The value of diagramming your Thought-Maps onto paper is that you can more objectively examine dynamic relationships between you, people, objects and energies in your life, and then consider additional Possibilities.
For example, there is a Thought-Map that shows the relationship between new Thought-Maps and new results. It is called the Map of Changed Results. In the Map of Changed Results (see text page 202) you can see that new results come from making new actions. (It would be a form of insanity to think that you could get new results by continuing your same actions!) New actions are produced when you make new decisions to act. Making new decisions is based on having new options to choose from. And new options come from new Thought-Maps. Instead of working on the level of trying to change your habitual actions, you can go directly to the level of your Thought-Maps. Making a small change in your Thought-Maps can produce a significant change in your results. (See: Action, Meme, Possibility, Result, Thoughtware)
THOUGHTWARE – Thoughtware is the specific formulation of memes used by a mind to create the meaning of perceptions and the decisions for actions. No matter how it may look or feel to a user, all Thoughtware is arbitrary fiction. (See: Box, Meme, Parallel Culture, Possibility Management)
TOGETHER-SITTING – Together-sitting is a contemplative form of practice done in stillness and silence as a dyad. The eyes are open and you are gazing into the eyes of your partner, exploring and deepening contact. A regular practice of Together-Sitting builds matrix and is ideal for developing inner navigation and being. (See: Being Center, Contact, Countenance, Inner Navigating, Matrix, Practice, Relationship, Self-Sitting)
TONIC GOLD™ – This substance is a true alchemical elixir with the same matrix building properties as this book and Expand the Box trainings. Tonic Gold is a catalyst that moves through your energetic blocks and harmonizes, coordinates and balances your four bodies, promoting evolution. Tonic Gold is imbued with its own intelligence; it locates and transforms irresponsible tendencies, redirecting them to strengthen the body’s own innate healing capacity. Tonic Gold is integrative and supports other healing and transformational processes. Tonic Gold is handcrafted exclusively in limited quantities in India, in the modern laboratory of a European man who is one of the world’s master alchemists. Tonic Gold is unequalled in quality and requires one year to prepare. In USA call +1 888-886-6427. In Hong Kong call +852 (0)2512 0347 or email: reflection@pacific.net.hk. In Europe call +49 (0)89-74949473. (See: Expand the Box, Experiment, Matrix)
TOOL BELT – In the same moment in which you shift identity to become a Possibility Manager, you also buckle on your Possibility Manager Tool Belt. The Tool Belt contains a full set of energetic tools for use in managing what is possible. (See: Bag of Things, Clicker, Disk of Nothing, Is-Glue, Is-Glue Dissolver, Painting Doorways, Possibility Wand, Sword of Clarity, Voice Blaster)
TRUE PURPOSE (CONSCIOUS PURPOSE, DESTINY) – The three, four or five Bright Principles that form the intention and direction of your Destiny is your True Purpose. Your life is your True Purpose in action when you are the space through which your Bright Principles can do their work in the world. (See: Destiny, Distilling Destiny Process, Hidden Purpose, High Drama, Map of Possibility)
UNCONSCIOUS PURPOSE – Unconscious Purpose is another term for hidden purpose. An Unconscious Purpose serves Shadow Principles. Serving Shadow Principles is referred to as unconscious behavior, because if you were conscious of the pain you caused to other people and yourself you could not enact it. (See: Gremlin, Hidden Purpose, Map of Possibility, True Purpose)
UNDERWORLD – (See: Shadow World)
UNHOOKABLE – The first and most crucial of the seven core skills of Possibility Management is staying Unhookable. Staying Unhookable is an art form. Humanity is so easily hooked that if you become Unhookable you almost seem inhuman. The art is to remain Unhookable and still be human. Unhookable does not mean unfeeling, isolated, shut down or numb. On the contrary, Unhookable means that you perceive the hooks with great sensitivity and precision, and, while still being compassionate, you shift slightly out of context of the hooks. Then, the hooks have no chance to set into your psychological flesh and cause a reaction. The problem is that you will always have a Box. And, if you have a Box, then there will always be something there to hook into. Many of the tools and techniques from Possibility Management aim at keeping you Unhookable, because if you get hooked you forget that you have extraordinary and Archetypal possibilities, and therefore you forget to access them. (See: Center, Core Skills, Disk of Nothing, Hooked, Springscreen)
UNREASONABLE – The Box defends itself through welding every choice that you make to an acceptable reason. You have been trained to be reasonable. Without a good reason you cannot represent your choices and actions as being sane. If you have a good reason, you can get away with (almost) any irresponsibility. The problem with making a choice for a reason is that the reason then has the responsibility and therefore the power in that choice, not you. In order to go nonlinear, you need more freedom than is allowed by being reasonable. It is possible to do the internal surgery of separating choices from reasons. Then, when you make a choice, you no longer avoid radical responsibility with reasons, and you gain access to every possible option. You have become Unreasonable. (See: Choosing, Nonlinear, Radical Responsibility, Real Question)
UPPERWORLD – (See: Bright World)
VERBAL REALITY – There are various ways to frame-up a perspective of the world. Each way creates its own style of reality. Verbal Reality assumes that what is real is what can be named, described, or thought about in words. In Verbal Reality the words lead – your experience is limited to your vocabulary. Ever since childhood, we have been hammered into Verbal Reality. Although Verbal Reality is a cornerstone of modern rationalism, it forms a poor basis for relationship because relationship is ongoing nonlinear creation. In order to appreciate the qualities of your experience, you can unbind your experience from the limits of your vocabulary and enter experiential reality. (See: Creating Possibility, Experiential Reality, Four Bodies, Mind, Nonlinear)
VICTIM – The Victim is an Archetypal Shadow World character who unconsciously uses the energy of sadness to create low drama in the service of your Gremlin. The Victim takes the position of “I am not okay, you are okay,” and uses that as justification to support self-pity, being betrayed, being resentful, blaming persecutors, or manipulating rescuers. A skilled Victim can make a persecutor or rescuer out of anyone, and is therefore the most powerful character in a low drama. From the Archetypal perspective, it is impossible to be a Victim, because irresponsibility is an illusion. (See: Gremlin, Low Drama, Map of Possibility)
VICTIM STORY – A Victim Story is one of the three stories played out in a low drama. At the core of every Victim Story is the false assumption “I am not okay.” Your Gremlin part finds evidence to create the Victim Story as a reason to justify irresponsible actions that serve Shadow Principles. For example, once you have created a good enough Victim Story, you imagine that you have the right to take revenge! When Adult responsible man or woman detects a Victim Story (their own or someone else’s), they can use their sword to make distinctions that produce a different perspective, for example, that a Victim Story can be an invitation to deeper relationship. (See: Choosing, Gremlin, Low Drama Detector, Relationship, St
ory, Sword, Victim)
VOICE BLASTER – A Possibility Management tool holstered in your tool belt that allows you to obliterate mental voices speaking irrelevancies into your head. Mental voices come from someone else or out of your past. As a way of surviving, your Box made hearing such voices normal. When the familiar messages no longer come from outside, your Box maintains its “normal” by generating the voices itself. Voices can include both praise and blame about you or others, such as, “I’m not good enough. I am the best. You are a failure. You are cool. I am an idiot. You won’t like me,” etc. Neither praise nor blame is effective communication because both of them are forms of manipulative conditioning. Every person is born with a Voice Blaster. If you never used your Voice Blaster before, that may only be because no one told you it was there. Reach down and pull it out of its holster. It looks like holding an imaginary pistol in your hand. The Voice Blaster has an infinite number of bullets and never misses. Voices flutter about outside of your head like bats. You can vanish them with your Blaster. When the Blaster fires it makes a sound, “Bang!” For particularly pernicious voices some people prefer a machine-gun or bazooka-style Voice Blaster. (See: Low Drama, Rapid Learning, Swamp, Tool Belt)