Radiant Joy Brilliant Love
Page 85
WARRIOR / WARRIORESS – (See: Archetype, Doer)
WINNING HAPPENING – Winning Happening is a Bright Principle and also a characteristic of high drama. In contrast to Winning Happening, standard human intelligence thoughtware has you create gameworlds using “I win, you lose.” In “I win, you lose,” participants compete against each other for what appear to be limited resources. There is usually one winner and many losers. The assumption is, “If I do not win, I die,” or “If you win, I die,” neither of which is generally true. The “I win, you lose” game is a survival game. An upgrade was invented in the 1960s called, “I win, you win,” sometimes abbreviated as “winwin.” A potential defect of “I win, you win” is the “I” and the “you,” which is often played out as, “It is okay with me if you win as long as I win just a little bit more.” Then, you are back in “I win, you lose.” Another fault with “winwin” is that it can easily default into “lose-lose,” through compromising rather than creating truly new possibilities that provide what is wanted and needed. The process of rallying human intellectual capital for innovating new options is called Winning Happening. Winning Happening noticeably differs from “I win, you win” because there is no “I” and no “you.” Winning Happening is itself a Principle, and Principles are bigger than the “I” and the “you.” Winning Happening is the game in which, “If you win, I win,” or “If you win, we win.” An example may be the doctor and the family winning when a patient heals, or a teacher and society winning when a student learns, or a consultant and the economy winning when a client is more successful. A strong sense of bonded teamwork arises when you experience the Principle of Winning Happening in operation. Winning Happening is the backbone of Possibility Management meeting technologies. (See: Bright Principle, High Drama, Map of Possibility, Gameworld, Meeting Technology, Principle)
WORLD VIEW – (See: Box)
List of Thought-Maps
1. Map of the Adult Ego State 117
2. Map of Archetypal / Archetypal Relationship 332
3. Map of Archetypal / Ordinary Relationship 314
4. Map of Archetypal Relationship 401
5. Map of Authenticity 129
6. Map of the Box 81
7. Map of Boxes Come In Layers 84
8. Map of Building Matrix 16
9. Map of Centering 174
10. Map of Changed Results 202
11. Map of Child to Adolescent 398
12. Map of Communication 155 / 158 / 162
13. Map of Countenance vs. Archetypal Love 414
14. Map of Creating a Meta-Conversation 150
15. Map of Detecting Messages 168
16. Map of Double Space-Holding 294
17. Map of Early Adolescent Relationship 398
18. Map of Edgework 225
19. Map of Eighteen Standard Boxes 86-87
20. Map of Extraordinary Human Relationship 400
21. Map of Feelings and Archetypes 355
22. Map of Five Kinds of Speaking 171
23. Map of Flying 481
24. Map of Four Bodies 90
25. Map of Four Feelings (simple) 92
26. Map of Four Feelings (New Version) 96
27. Map of Four Feelings (Old Version) 95
28. Map of Four Kinds of Intimacy 235
29. Map of Four Kinds of Listening 165
30. Map of Four Kinds of Messages 169
31. Map of Four Secrets of Bringing Your Life to Life 228
32. Map of Gorilla Basics 292
33. Map of the Great Labyrinth of Spaces 255
34. Map of Guilt vs. Responsibility 266
35. Map of the Intersection of Worlds 373
36. Map of Later Adolescent Relationship 399
37. Map of Learning Soft Skills 122
38. Map of the Liquid State 127
39. Map of Low Drama 36
40. Map of Low Drama Detector 184
41. Map of Maps 94
42. Map of the Marshmallow Zone 223
43. Map of Mixing Feelings 98
44. Map of Navigating the Space of Relationship 2 / 140
45. Map of Ordinary vs. Archetypal Energetic Relationship Diagrams 268
46. Map of Overwhelm 113
47. Map of Parallel Cultures 316
48. Map of Parent Adult Child Ego States 34
49. Map of the Phoenix Effect 453
50. Map of Possibility 361
51. Map of Problem Ownership 160
52. Map of the Procedure for Manmaking 284
53. Map of the Purpose of Relationship 312
54. Map of Rapid Learning 191
55. Map of Relationship as High Drama 400
56. Map of the Requirements for Countenance 407
57. Map of Restricting Sphincters 376
58. Map of Stellating Archetypes 354
59. Map of Stories 320
60. Map of the Technology of Beliefs 135
61. Map of Technopenuriaphobia (TPP) Detection 232
62. Map of Technopenuriaphobia (TPP) Healing 233
63. Map of Three Kinds of Games 365
64. Map of Three Kinds of Love 31 / 119 / 249
65. Map of Three Kinds of Relationship 29 / 110/ 310
66. Map of Traditional Masculine Feminine Relationship Diagram 274
67. Map of the Twelve Roadblocks 156
68. Map of the Voice Blaster 115
69. Map of What We Have Words For vs. What Is 408
70. Map of Worlds 347 / 348 / 350
List of Experiments
1. Your Life as a Laboratory 7-8, 493
2. Life in the Patriarchy 52
3. Your Way of Seeing 55
4. Being Ordinary Man 57-60
5. Being Ordinary Woman 57-60
6. Clarifying Survival Decisions 61-63
7. Your Rite of Passage 67-71
8. Creating a Possibility Team 69
9. Your Various Identities 78
10. Being Radically Honesty 78
11. Your Victimhood 79
12. Being Loving 80
13. Your Box 81
14. The Gap Between You and Your Box 81-85
15. Feeding Your Four Bodies 90-91
16. Being a Story Maker 91
17. Identifying Your Four Feelings 92-96
18. Phase 1 Feelings Work 97
19. Your Depression 98
20. Following Signals from Evolution 99-101
21. Archetypal Feelings 101-102
22. Your Own Well Being 103
23. Perfect Mind 104-105
24. Your Customized Graduate Degree Program 110
25. Being Responsible for No Reason 111
26. Meeting Your Gremlin 112
27. Identifying Your Ego States 113
28. Identifying Voices in Your Head 114-115
29. Your Inner Void 116
30. Adulthood 116-118
31. Entering the Liquid State 126-128
32. False Acceptance 129-130
33. Paying Attention to Your Attention 132-133
34. Your Beliefs 133-135
35. Being Unhookable 136-140
36. Holding Space 140-142
37. The Impact of Nits 143-149
38. Creating Meta-Conversations 149-153
39. Completion Loops 154-163
40. Problem Ownership 159-161
41. Possibility Listening 163-168
42. Your Four-Body Stethoscope 168-170
43. Possibility Speaking 170-173
44. Being Centered 173-176
45. Separating Emotions from Feelings 179-181
46. Becoming a Low Drama Detector 183-186
47. Asking for What You Want 189-192
48. Asking for Feedback 191
49. Making Boundaries 192-195
50. Making Boundaries with Children 195-198
51. Trusting 193
52. Shifting Boundaries to Distinctions 194-195
53. Being-With Your Children 198-200
54. Reclaiming Your Nonlinear Imagi
nation 200-202
55. Being Happy 202-204
56. Conscious Schizophrenia 204-205
57. Meeting Your Evolutionary Needs 205
58. Doing the Italian Thing 205-207
59. Not Dating 206
60. Being Wrong 207
61. Making Do-Overs 207
62. Nurturing Your Heart and Your Soul 207-209
63. Doing Experiments 209-216
64. Being Responsible for Your Ignorance 214-215
65. Withdrawing Your Resentments 217-218
66. Separating Decisions from Reasons 218
67. Why You are in Relationship 218-220
68. Bringing Your Life to Life 221-222
69. Stepping Out of Your Marshmallow Zone 222-224
70. Cracking Your Certainty 225-226
71. Finding Your Edges 226
72. Staying at an Edge 226
73. Discovery and Adventure 227-228
74. Empowering Your Curiosity 228-230
75. Four-Body Edgework 229
76. Healing Technopenuriaphobia 230-234
77. Intimacy Edgework 234-241
78. Withdrawing Your Expectations 240
79. Enlivening Your Own Legend of Archetypal Love 248-249
80. Building Matrix 249-250
81. Your Free Will and Your Herd Behavior 250-251
82. Taking the Actions That Are in Front of You to Take 251-251
83. Consciously Declaring the Purpose of a Space 252-253
84. The Sensation of Archetypal Love in a Space 253
85. Navigating Spaces 253-255
86. Recapitulating Your Story About Being Wounded 255-257
87. Hitting Bottom 257-258
88. Using Your Broken Heart as a Gateway 258-259
89. Placing the Man's Attention on the Woman 260
90. Placing the Woman's Attention on the Man 260-261
91. Being Not Distractable 261-262
92. Conservation of Energy 262-263
93. Redeeming Pain Through Consciousness 265-266
94. Archetypal Definitions of Man and Woman 267-268
95. Double Space-Holding 268-269
96. Space Holding and Space Filling 269-270
97. Bullshit and Cowshit 271
98. Nothing is Bigger than Everything 271-272
99. Getting Killed but Not Dying 272-273
100. Being Conscious of Your Purpose 273
101. Being in the Same Time and the Same Place 273-275
102. Being and Doing 275
103. Women Shifting from Human to Archetypal and Remembering the Way 275
104. Shifting to Archetypal Identities 276-277
105. Pirate Sorceress Warrioress Queen Goddess Woman 278-281
106. Making Changes Delicately 281
107. Educating Man About Relationship 281-282
108. Being a Pigmaker 282
109. Using a Reminding Factor to Shift the Game 282-283
110. Being a Manmaker 283-284
111. Place the King on the Throne 284-285
112. Be the Power Behind the Throne 285-286
113. Learn to Be Ecstatically in Love 286
114. Create Nonlinear Opportunities 286-287
115. Manmaking Soft Skills 287-291
116. Gorilla Basics 291-293
117. Let Yourself Be Adored 293-294
118. Pirate Magician King Spiritual Warrior Man 295-296
119. Becoming a Sword 298-299
120. Being Nothing 300-301
121. Stellating Fear 301
122. Womanmaking 301-301
123. Accepting the Invitation to the Garden of Woman 304
124. Finding Internal Stillness 306
125. Refining Your Attention 306-308
126. The Purpose of Your Relationship 312
127. Taking Radical Responsibility 313-317
128. Creating Parallel Culture 316
129. Taking Radical Responsibility for Your Feelings 317-318
130. Taking Radical Responsibility for Your Stories 318-321
131. Relationship Getting in the Way of Intimacy 323-324
132. The Prerequisites for Archetypal Relationship 325
133. Going Cold Turkey on Ordinary Human Relationship 325-326
134. Constantly Detecting Where You Are 326-327
135. Creating a Box Free Zone 327-329
136. Serving Bright Principles Through the Space of Your Relationship 330-333
137. Cleansing Your Relationship Chamber 333-334
138. Finding Your Access to Natural Irresistibility 334-337
139. Hosting an Archetypal Chamber 338-339
140. Doing Your Homework 340-341
141. Getting Off Your Ass and Doing Things Differently 341
142. Questioning Your Myths 342-345
143. Transforming Your Middleworld into the Upperworld 346-349
144. Owning the Treasures of Your Underworld 349-353
145. Radical Collaboration 351
146. Stellating Your Archetypes 353-357
147. Tearing Up Your Contract About Serving Unconsciousness 356
148. (Men) Taking Your Balls Back from Your Mother 357-358
149. (Women) Taking Your Center Back from Your Father 358-360
150. Holding a Bright Principle Meeting 360-366
151. Naming Your Gremlin 366-368
152. Owning Your Gremlin 368-370
153. Putting Your Gremlin to Work 370-372
154. Being Your Destiny in Action 372-373
155. Consciously Feeding Your Gameworld 373-377
156. Reinventing People 385-392
157. Reviewing Your Relationship Evolution 397-401
158. Self-Sitting 401-403
159. Together-Sitting 403-404
160. Countenance 405-406
161. Meeting the Requirements for Countenance 406-407
162. Leaving Verbal Reality and Entering Experiential Reality 407-409
163. Touching Through 409-410
164. Moving at the Speed of Love 410
165. Being Out of Your Mind 411
166. Making Contact 412-413
167. Being a Space 413
168. Declaring Spaces in the Name of Love 413-414
169. Longing for Longing 415
170. Bypassing and Unwinding Obstacles to Countenance 416-417
171. Being Used by Evolution 417-418
172. Encountering the Archetypal Through an Artifact 420-426
173. Navigating the Space of Relationship 426-427
174. Adoration and Bringing the Woman to Life 427-430
175. Creating a Nurturing Environment 430-431
176. Staying Archetypal 432-433
177. Designating Your Partner as a Gremlin Free Zone 433
178. Avoiding Psycho-Emotional Recoil 435-436
179. Making the Most of Your Circumstances 441-443
180. Avoiding Pseudo-Archetypal Substitutes 443-444
181. Understanding Psychic Sex 444-450
182. Making Use of the Phoenix Effect 452-453
183. Keeping the Center of Your Family 454-457
184. Placing Archetypal Relationship as the Highest Priority 458-459
185. Making Time 459-460
186. Bringing a Son or Daughter into Adult Gender Culture 460-463
187. Facing Our Intimacy Devouring Monsters 465-467
188. Shifting from Nuclear Family to Network Family 468-470
189. Suspecting Your Gremlin 470-472
190. Examining Your Double Life 472-473
191. Getting Support from Other Couples 472-473
192. Choosing to Choose 473
193. Accepting Change Through Requiem 474-475
194. Being Your Own Role Model 476-477
195. Love Happening 478-479
196. Not Creating Normal 480
197. Flying in the Fluidic Unknowable Evolutionary Process of Relationship 480-482
The following books, movies and music were mentioned or quote
d in this book.
Berne, Eric. Games People Play. New York: Grove Press, 1967.
Block, Peter. Stewardship: Choosing Service Over Self-Interest. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 1996.
Block, Peter. The Answer to How Is Yes: Acting on What Matters. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2002.
Carson, Rick. Taming Your Gremlin: A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way. New York: Quill / Harper Collins, 2003. (Note: Rick Carson regards Gremlin as bad. I have a completely different experience and opinion: Gremlin is Gremlin, irresponsible King or Queen or your underworld. I like the rest of what Rick writes, especially the last chapter. – C. C.)
Castaneda, Carlos. Journey to Ixtlan. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1972.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York: Harper Collins, 1990.
Dick, Philip K. Valis. New York: Bantam Books, 1981. (“I wish to encounter a disinhibiting factor that will trigger my anamnesia.”)
Durkheim, Karlfried Graf. The Way of Transformation: Daily Life as Spiritual Exercise. London: Allen & Unwin, 1988.
Eldredge, John. Wild At Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 2001
Ferguson, Marilyn. The Aquarian Conspiracy. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1987.
Fuller, R. Buckminster. Critical Path. New York: Saint Martin’s Press, 1981.
Galilei, Galileo. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1953.
Gerrold, David. A Rage For Revenge. New York: Bantam Spectra, 1989.
Godin, Seth. Free Prize Inside: The Next Big Marketing Idea. London: Penguin Books, 2004.
Gold, E. J. Life in the Labyrinth. Nevada City, California: Gateways / IDHHB, 1986.
Gordon, Dr. Thomas. Parent Effectiveness Training: The Tested New Way to Raise Responsible Children. New York: Plume, Rei Edition, 1975.
Heinlein, Robert A. Time Enough for Love. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1973.
Heisenberg, Werner. Physics and Philosophy. New York: Harper and Row, 1958.
Herbert, Frank. Dune. New York: Chilton Book Company, 1965.
Johnstone, Keith. Impro: Improvisation and the Theatre. New York: Routledge, 1987
Keith, Kent M. Anyway: The Paradoxical Commandments: Finding Personal Meaning in a Crazy World. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2002.
Kinsella, William Patrick. Shoeless Joe. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982.
Kirk, G. S. Heraclitus: The Cosmic Fragments. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1970.