The Anarchism
Page 15
Nationalist groups were furious because of Russification held since the reign of Alexander II. The Poles, Finns and Baltic provinces demanded the autonomy and freedom to use their national languages and promote their own culture. Muslim groups were also particularly active, the First Congress of Muslim Union was held in August 1905. Some groups took the opportunity to make a difference to each other rather than with Russia. Some nationalists, in turn, held antisemitic actions (pogroms), possibly with help from the state.
The government responded quickly. The Tsar had hoped to avoid any major changes, as a means of avoiding greater animosity toward the crown of the town sacked his interior minister Sviatopolk-Mirsky, holding him responsible for the slaughter of Bloody Sunday. After the murder of his relative, the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich February 4 (CJ) agreed conducting various concessions. On 18 February (CJ) signed three statements, the most important of which would announce the creation of a consultative body, the State Duma. On August 6 (CJ) an electoral law, the Constitution was enacted Bullyng. When released the limited powers of the Duma and restrictions on the electoral roll, impatience would increase, leading to a general strike in October.
Surrendered on 14 October (CJ) the tsar's October Manifesto, written by Witte and Alexei Obolensky. It demands most of the Zemstvo Congress in September, as the granting of civil rights, the legalization of political parties, universal suffrage and the establishment of the Duma as the central legislative body is indicated. The Tsar waited and argued for three days, but finally signed the manifesto on the 17th in order to avoid bloodshed, as well as being aware of the shortage of troops available. Finally ended up regretting heading, justifying that he did so under duress.
When the manifesto was proclaimed there were spontaneous demonstrations of support in all major cities. The strikes in St. Petersburg and elsewhere were officially desconvocadas or failed shortly afterwards. Amnesty for political prisoners was also proposed. The concessions were accompanied by a repressor redoubled effort against the riots. There was also a reaction from the more conservative elements of society, especially in the form of sporadic anti-Semitic attacks: about five hundred Jews were killed in one day in Odessa. The Tsar himself would claim that 90% of the revolutionaries were Jews.
The riots ended in December with a final rally in Moscow. Between 5 and Dec. 7 (CJ), a Bolshevik committee forced a general strike threats by those who do not respect it. The government sent troops on the 7th, beginning a bloody battle street by street. A week later, Semiónovski Regiment, which used artillery to disperse demonstrations and bomb deployed workers districts. On December 18 (CJ) the Bolsheviks would surrender, leaving behind a balance of a thousand dead and entire areas of the city in ruins. In subsequent retaliation the number of injured or dead is unknown.
Among political parties formed or legalized, was the Constitutional Democratic Party (the Kadets ), intellectual-liberal, the Labour group of farmers, the less liberal Union of October 17 (the Octobrist ), and the reactionary Union landowners.
The electoral laws were enacted in December 1905: the population 25 years elect four polling stations. The first Duma elections were held in March 1906 and were boycotted by the socialists, the SRs and the Bolsheviks.In the first Duma 170 Kadets, 90 trudovíks, 100 farmers apolitical representatives, 63 nationalists of different groups, and 16 were chosen Octobrist.
In April 1906, the government promulgated the Constitution, settling the limits of this new political order. He confirmed the Tsar as the absolute leader with total control of the executive, foreign policy, church and military.The Duma was reformed, becoming a junior chamber of the State Council, whose members were elected directly by the monarch. The laws had to be approved by the Duma, the Council and the Tsar prior to its enforcement process, in "exceptional circumstances," the government could bypass the Duma in the process.
Also in April, after having negotiated a loan of 900 million rubles to repair Russian finances, Sergei Witte resigned. Apparently, the Tsar had "lost confidence" in him. Known then as the "political highlight of the last Imperial Russia," Witte was replaced by Ivan Goremykin, a lackey of the Tsar.
After defendant deeper liberalization, and served as a platform for "agitators", the First Duma was dissolved by the Tsar in July 1906. Despite the hopes of Kadets and the fears of the government, there was a widespread popular reaction. However, the attempted assassination of Pyotr Stolypin sparked a hunt for terrorists after the next eight months would settle with a thousand-rope hanging from the gallows end popularly being called "Stolypin's necktie".
In essence, the country remained unchanged, political power continued to belong exclusively to the Tsar, with wealth and land in the hands of the nobility. The creation of the Duma and repression, however, destabilized the revolutionary groups. Their leaders were imprisoned or fled into exile, while organizations were discussed in internal disputes: they should be submitted to the Duma or continue outside? Subsequent divisions remained disorganized radicals to the relaunch of the First World War.
In the Grand Duchy of Finland, the general strike of 1905 led to the abolition of the Diet of Finland in the four states and the creation of modern Finnish Parliament. Also temporarily stopped the Russification of the country, started in 1899.
In the early twentieth century, Russia was one of the great European powers, although he was recently out of feudalism, and its level of industrialization was delayed compared to Britain, Germany and France. Under intense pressure from the grassroots who sought political and economic change, from the autumn of 1904 the imperial autocratic government oscillated between repression and indulgence, but none of these positions was successful in ending the widespread unease among various groups social: the liberal bourgeoisie, industrial workers, peasants and national minorities. The January 22, 1905, led by Russian Orthodox priest Georgi Gapon, a popular leader of the working class, a peaceful mass demonstration outside the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg was regarded as an uprising and attacked by the troops guarding the palace in what became known as Bloody Sunday, generally considered the beginning of the active phase of the revolution.
Although several major anarchist thinkers were Russians, it was not until 1903 that anarchism appeared in Russia, with very few followers. With the onset of the 1905 revolution began to spread, and members of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party and the Social-Revolutionary Party joined the ideology. Although a small group of anarchists followed the milder Kropotkin ideas, especially those that followed highlighted the strategy of propaganda by deed, convinced that the violence would stimulate the uprising of the masses against their exploiters. Explosions of Hotel Bristol in Warsaw and Café Libman in Odessa are two of the most spectacular attacks that occurred in the last months of 1905 violent.
In October 1905, after a series of general strikes in various parts of the Russian empire promoted by industrial workers in response to the events of January, the St. Petersburg Soviet was founded. The idea of a soviet as a body to coordinate the activities of the striking workers emerged during the meetings of the Socialist-Revolutionary workers and later anarchist Volin, between January and February 1905.
The revolution spread throughout the empire. On 15 June, the battleship Potemkin mutinied, an imperial decree created on August 6, the Duma of the Empire, a consultative assembly on 12 October, following the approval of the October Manifesto, proposal of Count Sergei Witte, rose to the category legislature, extending the right of suffrage to the small urban bourgeoisie and the workers, in fact, were conquered democratic freedoms, and a revolutionary press that had to be tolerated by the authorities came. While the St. Petersburg Soviet thrust lost in December 1905 a general strike in Moscow immediately became a strong prompting insurrection had to be made to the artillery to dominate. In early 1906 he had the remains of uprisings in the empire, with punitive expeditions restored order. The first Russian revolution resulted in nearly 15,000 dead, 18,000 wounded and
79,000 prisoners, but the masses of Russian workers and peasants had lost their fear of autocratic rule, and the core of the Bolshevik party was tuned for future struggles.
The interwar period
The revolution Marxism
1 Origin
2 Transformations
3 Conflict
4 Betrayal
5 Related readings
6 References
Black Army
The February Revolution of 1917, which put forward Aleksandr Kerensky's bourgeois republican government in Russia, Ukraine is settled with the government of "Democratic" Petliurist, leader of the nationalist bourgeoisie.The Bolshevik revolution that overthrew Kerensky not be played in Ukraine, since despite a proliferation of Soviets (already working when Kerensky had power in Russia) and been expelled landowners, attempts at infiltration and control by the Bolshevik Party were resisted (or, better to say, ignored).
This drift of events deepened when, in early 1918, the new Bolshevik government in Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk a pact of non-aggression with the Central Powers that de facto gives them large amounts of territory, including Ukraine. In short, Austrians and Germans reset the power of nobles and landowners and plunder the country, were confiscated and sending the goods value (food, weapons, jewelry ...) to Germany.
Workers, peasants and small landowners Ukrainians took up arms to defend their recent conquests, and formed partisan units fighting a guerrilla war against the Germans and Austrians. They eventually become the so-called "Black Army", after also fighting the "Reds" (Bolsheviks), White (anti-Bolshevik promoted by Western powers) and pogromists (Semitic), implanted an anarchist revolution (or at least a germ of such ) managed their territories with a "politics from below" without hierarchies.
Free Territory
The guerrillas were voluntary: in them the designation of grades is elective and acceptance of discipline is voluntary. The strategy is apuntarlar a liberated region from which extend the concrete strength while the revolution on libertarian grounds. They are organized in "free soviets" or also called free agricultural communes (these should be completely independent of any political party and make decisions in assemblies). Communes (soviets / Municipalities) are federated into districts, and these regions. Thus, in the south of Ukraine (a territory which formed a kind of circle of about 250 by 280 km and its center was Guliaipolé) is achieved by implementing the idea. They write manifestos about the social revolution and the free communes and continuously hold meetings (meetings and conferences).
Ukrainian bourgeois nationalists, led by Petliurist, are made with the territory that was still in German hands. And when they try to conquer the South, the libertarian Insurrectionary Army (Army Black) constantly repelled, asestándoles serious setbacks. However, the area in the hands of Petliurist soon falls into the hands of the Russian Bolsheviks.
In December 1918, General Denikin starts the first of the monarchists and counter attacks Ukraine. Marxism-Bolshevik alliance comes to confront the threat, but Leon Trotsky says Denikin prefer a victory in Ukraine, which allow for expansion of the anarchists and the "contamination" of the masses,therefore refuses to give weapons to the guerrillas Makhnovists. A military campaign by the Bolsheviks occurs on June 19 to prevent the Fourth Congress of Soviets Libres, and defined as an act of high treason any participation in this conference (almost a year earlier had declared "counter" to the Third Congress) and attempt to assassinate Nestor Makhno
Denikin and still gets through Ukraine to Moscow, annihilating the Red armies in their path. While anarchists recede slowly regroup and fight. Finally, the libertarian army suddenly attacked the main army of Denikin and the Battle of Uman annihilate almost completely, so that the white army withdraws to Crimea.
In November 1919 the Bolsheviks attack the South of Ukraine. No less than two hundred thousand peasants and workers were shot or maimed by the Bolshevik army, considering them Majnó supporters. A higher number is conducted at that stage Siberia.
In April 1920, enters Wrangel from the Crimea with the last reserves of the Tsarist armies. In the agreement, the anarchists, insisted that the following clause be added:
In the region where it operates the Marxism army, workers and peasants free to create their own economic and political self-administration institutions, these institutions will be autonomous and will be linked federatively - by covenants-with government agencies of the Soviet republics ".
Internally Makhno and his inner circle have particular practices that are not well regarded by his colleagues and supporters, which did not help the situation of conflict with other armies.
In November anarchists enter Crimea and end with the tsarist army. Shortly after the Bolshevik government officials invited Marxism army in Crimea to participate in a military council. As soon as they arrived at the meeting, were arrested by the Cheka (political police) and shot. At the same time thoroughly offensive was launched against Guliaipolé. The libertarian guerrillas decimated by the war against the whites, only 3000 available fighters should face the Red Army 150,000. All groups will be annihilated. In the summer of 1921, a group of 100 riders (30 were wounded, including Makhno) gets across the Dniester River, from Romania. Definitely guerrillas annihilated, the Bolsheviks engaged the months following the "clean sweep" (executions and deportations) of Ukraine. In the years since removed the memory of which represented the majnovschina and the anarchist movement in Ukraine.
Related readings
Theoretically, in the writings and lives of Bakunin, Kropotkin and Tolstoy, Russia contributed probably more than any other country in the development of anarchism as an international movement. However, in Russia itself the anarchist movement soon appeared, and remained in the background against the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks, the Social Democratic Party in the cities, the Social Revolutionary Party in rural areas and Bundism in Poland. Only at the end of his career, during the Russian Civil War that followed the October Revolution, between 1918 and 1921, the Russian anarchism had a brief and sudden glory, when the peasants of Ukraine joined by tens of thousands of flags Black, anarchist guerrilla army led by Nestor Makhno.
Besides the obvious differences in doctrine, Bolsheviks and anarchists were faced for his views on the peasant question. While the Bolsheviks advocated the nationalization, the peasants who supported Majnó wanted both the land and the means of production remain in power; supporters of the Bolsheviks who gave them the land, the Communists were trying to remove them. Makhno's inability to understand the problems of the urban workers and the lack of an organizational structure that would support a state structure were the factors that benefited the authoritarian socialism of the Communists. While the Bolsheviks needed anarchist support for their struggle in the south of the former Russian Empire, cooperating with Makhno, but when the defeat of the White Army was evident, proceeded to the total elimination of majnovism in a bloody cleansing carried out by both Cheka as Lenin's Red Army. However, the libertarian social and economic organization based on autonomous communities, were dominant from the peasantry to the period of Stalinist forced collectivization.
Platformism and synthetism
After the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War, anarchists were either imprisoned underground or joined the victorious. Some figures such as Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman wrote against the growing Bolshevik authoritarianism, seeing as Bakunin's predictions about the consequences of a Marxist government were met. The Bolshevik victory severely damaged anarchist movements internationally, when workers and activists interpreted their success as the example to follow, in France and the United States members of the majority unions (CGT, IWW) left organizations to join the International Communist. In Paris, a group of exiled Russian anarchists, the Delo Truda (Workers Cause), including Makhno was in, they concluded that anarchists needed to develop new forms of organization in respon
se to the Bolshevik structures.
They understood that anarchism was represented by a number of local organizations to advocate contradictory theories and practices, without prospects and continuity in militant work, disappearing without a trace behind, in what they described as "chronic disorganization". In the Organizational Platform manifesto for a General Union of Anarchists, Delo Truda exiles proposed a principled anarchist organization as ideological and tactical unity, collective action, discipline and federalism.Platformism was supported by some anarchist-communists, although opposed by many others. The tradition continues today in platformism federations in different countries based on these principles.
ca.1910]] The idea of organizing was well received, but generated some criticism by most thinkers and anarchist groups. Errico Malatesta, a supporter of anarchism without adjectives , argued that it was wrong and impracticable desire to unite all anarchists in "an active and only revolutionary group", due to the differences between different streams. He noted that such a union would be authoritarian, "a government and a church" and its educational effects would antianarquists. For Malatesta, an anarchist organization should be based on full autonomy, independence and responsibility of individuals and the group.The response of Volin and Sebastien Faure was the anarchist synthesis . Suggested the existence of three main branches of anarchism, the communist, the anarchist-syndicalist and individualistic, and saw that the internal conflict between them had led to the weakening of anarchism. In the coexistence line anarchism without adjectives , indicated that the fusion of theoretical and philosophical teachings of the three branches would address the structure and format of an organization to represent the three tendencies.
Other revolutions and anarchists made
In Korea anarchist Anarchist Federation of Korean immigrants in the region of Shinmin (in Manchuria, China) organized the Free Shinmin Province in late 1929. Declared autonomous political and economic, associated in a decentralized federal structure under the administration of the Korean People's Association in Manchuria (APCM), covered a population of about two million people. A popular guerrilla army led by anarchist jwa-jin Kim, who fought the Japanese occupation forces and the Chinese Stalinists was also organized.