The Anarchism
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In the early days of the Civil War, there was almost immediate seizure of the right-wing newspapers, and be in those early months when reflecting the rise of anarchism, libertarian runs of the press would be enormous. For example Solidaridad Obrera in Barcelona came to pull 200,000 copies in late 1936. In Madrid was, as has been said, the newspaper CNT during the war would reach 40,000 copies daily. forge Social Valencia pulled 30,000 copies, the same as Castilla Royalty Regional Center CNT. There were other newspapers as Land and Freedom and We of the FAI Route of FIJL, Free Women , Acracia (Lleida), Work (Manresa), etc.. CNT also had North CNT , Catalunya , Culture and Action , Libertarian Front , La Voz Confederal ... The majority anarchist press was during the war. Newspapers were generally two to eight pages, large size that could be folded into several folds. The letter was small and motley to save paper.
Among other media, anarchists also made use of radio to spread their message. For example, the CNT had an "Information Bulletin CNT-FAI" radio, even in multiple languages.We can not forget that the collectivization of the entertainment industry occur, cinema and theater remained in the hands of the CNT, to be affiliated with most of the shows workers at this plant. With collectivization produced a number of films and documentaries about the war, collectivisation, and even feature films.
With Franco, there was a cessation in the leftist press (saving for the underground press). And here also highlight the anarchist press. Solidaridad Obrera despite all prohibitions in 1945 could boast 20,000 weekly newspapers edit. In Madrid the CNT would make about 6,500 in various regions and the headwaters of the Republican period attempt to circumvent censorship. In times of increased repression (eg in the 50's) the underground press arrived from France, where it was published with some freedom until 1961, when the French Republic made a covenant with Franco's Spain to end the problems that caused him the exiles. Until then it had been published in French soil other Solidaridad Obrera and another CNT , plus Libertarian Front and others. From bans newspapers CNT merged with the daily French Spanish CNT taking sections. The Spanish anarchist press was spread throughout the exile. For example in Mexico are editing an Tierra y Libertad .
In the 70s, after the death of Franco would have another boom in the anarchist press. Again Solidaridad Obrera , a spokesman for the Catalan CNT, again have a major print run of 15,000 biweekly during a time when he even kiosks. They also aparecerieron magazines like Ajoblanco, which had a circulation of 40,000 per month, and more, as a feint , El Viejo Topo , Barcelona Llibertaria , Askatasuna , etc..In this case and failed to highlight obrerista press too, and very overwhelmed by the mass media. In this heyday almost every anarchist group, every Athenian or union took a publication. In 1976 headers have posted 63 in 1977 and 168 in 1978 up to 206. From that year he returned to the libertarian press decline coincided with the crisis of anarchism in the early 80s.
Nowadays there are also many anarchist newspapers and magazines, for example, newspapers El Pèsol Negre (Berga) In Veu High (Barcelona), Aversion (Peninsula), or Ara Mai (Valencia), All for Ask (Madrid),Voltage (Madrid), The Iconoclast (Valladolid), Germinal Libertarian (León) ... or magazines Ekintza Zuzena (Bilbao), Terra Cremada (Barcelona), La Rosa dels Ekaitza (Vitoria), Love and Rage (Valladolid), Cul de sac (Alicante) ... Press or different organizations: The CNT-AIT edit Solidaridad Obrera and CNT , CGT edit Red and Black and Catalunya , the union Solidaridad Obrera edit Solidario , the CNT of Joaquín Costa publishes another Solidaridad Obrera , libertarian anarchists edited The Bellows and Germinal Libertarian and IAF Tierra y Libertad . In both monographic magazines (single number) can be counted by hundreds.
The movement outlook for anarchist publications shoots the emergence of fanzines in the 80s. First came countercultural character, they could already be found in the market stalls of books and magazines in the late 70s. But over time they became the preferred means of communication for theyng people (and slick) anarchists. Breaking the workers anarchism in the 80s, for a more detailedcountercultural anarchism changing tastes led to a product of the times. The emergence of Free Radio also managed to bring the new generations anarchist ideas that could not easily access the anarchist press. Of course, with the advent of internet, access began to be much more massive and publications achieved a much larger spread than did under traditional distribution.
Today in both the mainstream press could be noted, first, weekly The Forward (Barcelona) where written anarchists and coverage is given to what the social movements, from a while not avowedly anarchist perspective yes next. And on the other hand, Diagonal (Madrid), which is fortnightly. These two are the most powerful social movements newspapers today. But before the crisis of the traditional media, the press has just been consolidated, without becoming an alternative to the mainstream press.
There are also numerous anarchist-themed programs in different radios. Some radios are even specifically anarchist. Most however choose not politically defined, but transmit libertarian values. For example, Bronka Radio(Barcelona), Radio Bala (Manresa), Radio Klara and Radio Malva (Valencia), Mutant Radio (Alicante), Radio Almaina (Granada), Radio Ela (Madrid), Radio Irola (Bilbao), Radio Kalimera (Compostela), Topo Radio and Radio Chabolo (Zaragoza), etc.. There is even a TV in the DVB anarchists involved as LaTele (Barcelona).
List of libertarian organizations
First International, founded in London in 1864
Spanish Regional Federation was created in 1870
International Alliance of Socialist Democracy, anarchist international organization, founded in 1868
Federation of the Spanish Region, founded in 1881
Anarchist Organization of the Spanish Region, also called OARE, created in 1888
The Black Hand, 1884, said it was a police invention
Resistance Federation of the Spanish Region, created in 1900
Solidaridad Obrera (historic union), limited to Catalonia, founded in 1907
National Confederation of Labour, founded in 1910
National Farmers Federation, peasant organization founded in 1913, then merged with CNT
International Workers Association, International founded in Berlin in 1923
Federation of Anarchist Groups of Spanish Language in France, founded in exile in France in 1924
Iberian Anarchist Federation, created in 1927
Iberian Federation of Libertarian Theyth, created in 1932
Iberian stateless Esperanto League, created in 1935
National Federation of Free Women, created in 1936
Association of the Friends of Durruti, created in 1937
Spanish Libertarian Movement, MLE, created in exile from the GCE, would be the union of CNT-FAI-FIJL
Iberian Resistance Movement (MIR), and Libertarian Resistance Movement, the anti-Franco resistance group created in 1947
Iberian Liberation Revolutionary Directorate, Internal Defense anti-Franco resistance groups of the 1960s
First of May Group, a group that evolved from the breakdown of the MLE FIJL in 1964.
International of Anarchist Federations, International founded in 1968 in Carrara
Iberian Liberation Movement Internationalist Revolutionary Action Groups, autonomous groups of 70
Anti-capitalist Autonomous Commands, originated around 1976
Prisoners Fight Coordinator, Copel, founded in 1977 in prisons
Iberian Federation of Anarchist Groups, FIGA, founded in the late 70
General Confederation of Labour, founded in 1989, although previously known as the Congress of Valencia CNT, CNT and CNT-U-Renewed
Anarchist Federation authorities of the field, created in 1990 by a group of rural communes and squats
Solidaridad Obrera (Spain), born in 1990 union
Anarchist Black Cross, founded in the 1990s
Autonomous Struggle in Madrid in the 1990s
Libertarian Solidarity International, an international network founded in 2001
Libertarian Mutual Support Network
Libertarian Students Fe
deration, founded in 2007
Abel Paz, Journey to the Past , published by author.
Abel Paz, Durruti in the Spanish Revolution , Libertarian Studies Foundation Anselmo Lorenzo, Madrid, 1996.
Augustine Guillamón Barricades Barcelona. The CNT Victory July 1936 required to defeat May 1937 , Spartacus International Editions, 2007.
Antoine Gimenez, from love, war and revolution. Memories of the war in Spain from 19 July 1936 to February 9, 1939 , Pumpkin Nuggets, Logroño, 2004.
Antonio Bar, The CNT in the red years . AKAL, 1981
Antonio Moliner Prada. way of introduction. " In Antonio Moliner Prada. The Tragic Week in Catalonia. 2000. Alella: Nabla editions
Aurora Bosch, UGT and libertarians. Revolution and Civil War in Valencia, 1936-1939 , Valencia, Alfonso the Magnanimous Institution, 1983.
Ferran Aisa. A history of Barcelona (1902-1999 Ateneo Popular Enciclopèdic) , Editorial Virus, Barcelona, 2000.
Alejandro Andreassi, Freedom is also written in lowercase , 1996, ISBN 84-88711-23-9
(In French) Jérémie Berthuin. CGT-SR et la révolution espagnole - De l'espoir à la désillusion (Juillet 1936-décembre 1937) , Ed.CNT-RP
Bolloten Burnett, The Spanish Civil War: Revolution and Counterrevolution , Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1997.
Bolloten Burnett, The Great Deception: the left and their struggle for power in the Republican zone .
Carlos Sempriin Maura, Revolució i contrarevolució Catalonia (1936-1937) , Dopesa, Barcelona, 1975.
Cesar M. Lorenzo, Spanish anarchists and power , Iberian Ring, 1972.
Dolors Marin, Anarchists. A century libertarian movement in Spain . Ariel, 2010
Eduard Masjuan Bracons, Human ecology in the Iberian anarchism: "organic" or organic, neo-Malthusianism, urbanism and social naturism .2000, Icaria
Edward Malefakis, Land reform and peasant revolution in Spain in the twentieth century , Editions Ariel, Barcelona, 1970.
Ferran Aisa, Catalunya Anarchist culture. 1984 Ed. Barcelona, 2006
Frank Mintz. Autogestión and revolutionary syndicalism in Spain . Semiotext, 2004.
Franz Borkenau, the reñidero Spanish , Iberian I roll.
Francisco Madrid, Solidaridad Obrera, and root anarchist journalism , Ed Solidaridad Obrera, Badalona 2007
George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia , Virus, Barcelona, 2003.
Gerald Brenan, The Spanish Labyrinth , Paris, Iberian Turn, 1962.
Affinity Group Quico Rivas, The Barcelona dynamite, lead and oil . From 1884 to 1909. Barcelona, 2010
Hanns-Erich Kaminski, The Barcelona , José Peirats preface, Parsifal Editions, 2002.
Hellenic Sana Libertarian Revolution , editorial Laetoli, 2010.
Ignacio Iglesias, the Spanish revolution reviews , 2003, Laertes.
Joan Zambrana, The libertarian alternative. Catalunya 1976-1979 . Fet a mà, 1999
José Peirats, The CNT in the Spanish Revolution , Paris, Iberian Turn, 1971.
Juan Avilés Farré, Francisco Ferrer y Guardia: teacher, anarchist and martyr
Juan García Oliver, The echo of the steps , Planet, 2008.
Juan Gómez Casas, The relaunch of the CNT from 1975 to 1979 .
Julián Casanova (1997). From the street in front. Anarchist-syndicalism in Spain (1931-1936).
The Invisible Ciutat, Les Cooperatives obreres Sants. It Autogestió proletarian in a Neighborhood of Barcelona (1870-1939) . Barcelona, 2010.
Miquel Amorós, José Pellicer, full anarchist. Life and work of the founder of the heroic Iron Column , editorial Virus, Barcelona, 2009. ISBN 978-84-92559-02-2
Miquel Amoros, The Revolution Betrayed. The true story of Balius and the Friends of Durruti , editorial Virus, Barcelona, 2003. ISBN 84-96044-15-7
Miguel Amorós, Durruti in the maze , Muturreko Burutazioak, Bilbao, 2006. ISBN 84-96044-73-4
Miguel Amorós, Historians against History in Guns Review , Muturreko Burutazioak, Bilbao, 2004. ISBN 84-96044-45-9
Miquel Amorós, Maroto, the hero, a biography of Andalusian anarchism , editorial Virus, 2011. ISBN 978-84-92559-31-2
Murray Bookchin, The Spanish Anarchists (1868-1936), the heroic years , Grijalbo, 1980.
Ronald Fraser, Remember remember they and the others. Oral History of the Spanish Civil War , editorial review, 2001.
Victor Alba, The Spanish Revolution in practice, documents POUM , 1978.
VV.AA. The Rebel Barcelona . Octahedron, 2003
↑ Documentary Anthology of Spanish Anarchism
↑ Web of CNT of Madrid
↑ Idem
↑ Juan Avilés Farré, Francisco Ferrer y Guardia: teacher, anarchist martyr , p.21
↑ Sources from the Barcelona dynamite, lead and oil. From 1884 to 1909 . Affinity Group Quico Rivas. Barcelona, 2010
↑ Sources from the Barcelona dynamite, lead and oil. From 1884 to 1909 . Affinity Group Quico Rivas. Barcelona, 2010
↑ Culture Anarchist Catalonia . Ferran Aisa. 1984 Ed.Barcelona, 2006
↑ The Rebel Barcelona. VVAA. Octahedron, 2003
↑ Human ecology in the Iberian anarchism: "organic" or organic, neo-Malthusianism, urbanism and social naturism, Eduard Masjuan Bracons, 2000, Icaria, Antrazyt, ISBN 84-86864-42-9, p. 231
↑ Moliner Prada, Antonio (2009). "By way of introduction." In Antonio Moliner Prada. Tragic Week of Catalonia . Alella (Barcelona): Nabla editions. pp. 11.
↑ The CNT in the red years , Antonio Bar AKAL, 1981
↑ History of UGT
↑ Biography of Joseph Canalejas Murder and Méndez , José Manuel Reverte Coma.
↑ International Peace Congress in Ferrol,
↑ M. BURGOS and GAVEL: Political Life. Historical Pages 1917, Madrid, M. Nuñez Samper (sa). See section The revolutionary program of the CNT in 1917 , referenced on the internet here:
↑ David Ruiz González: The crisis of 1917 , in Tuñón Lara, op.cit. , Volume 8, pg. 500-501.
↑ The CNT in the red years , Antonio Bar AKAL, 1981
↑ National Farmers' Federation
↑ Jacques Maurice, op. cit.
↑ Miguel Artola (dir) Encyclopedia of History of Spain.Thematic Dictionary , Alliance, ISBN 84-206-5294-6, vol 5, pg. 1162.
↑ Vera Bidasoa events
↑ Anarchism - nudism, naturism . Carlos Ortega
↑ Anarchists. A century libertarian movement in Spain. Dolors Marin. Ariel, 2010
↑ Union Opposition CNT
↑ Historical Statistics of Spain: XIX-XX centuries . Barciela Carlos Lopez, Albert Carreras, Xavier Tafunell. Ed BBVA.Foundation
↑ Giráldez Jesus. believed we were herd. The insurrection of Upper Llobregat and deportation of anarchists Canaries and Africa during the Second Republic . ISBN 9788461369423
↑ The Insurrection of 1932 Alto Llobregat
↑ Casanova, Julian (2007). Ibid. . pp. 67.
↑ Casanova, Julian. Ibid. . pp. 67-68.
↑ Casanova, Julian (1997). From the street in front. Anarchist-syndicalism in Spain (1931-1936) . Barcelona: Critical. pp.108. ISBN 84-7423-836-6 .
↑ Casanova, Julian (1997). Ibid. . pp. 109.
↑ Pérez Ledesma, Manuel (1985). "The labor movement before October: moderation revolutionary violence." In Gabriel Jackson and others. Oct. 1934. Fifty years for reflection . Madrid. Siglo XXI ISBN 84-323-0515-4 .
↑ 1936 construction agreement CNT: 36 hours per week
↑ Les Cooperatives obreres Sants. It Autogestió proletarian in a Neighborhood of Barcelona (1870-1939) . Ivan Miro and Marc Dalmau. The Invisible Ciutat, Barcelona, 2010.
↑ Liano Gil, Conchita. Mujeres Libres. Libertarian fighters .Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation. ISBN 84-86864-33-X on page 151
↑ All numerals based on a study of the civil guard Francisco Lacroix, author of The Rise, revolution and terror in Barcelona , Barcelona, 1943.
bsp; ↑ The higher the committees formed the following committees: the National Committee, Regional Committee of Catalonia, Local Unions Federation Style Barcelona (all CNT), Peninsular Committee of the FAI, FIJL committee, Solidaridad Obrera, CNT Research Committee . All were located in the CNT-FAI Layetana House in Barcelona
↑ Frank Mintz. Autogestión and revolutionary syndicalism in Spain . Semiotext, 2004.
↑ Abel Paz. Anarchism against the Francoist state (1939-1951) . Anselmo Lorenzo Foundation 2001
↑ CNT Valencia
↑ José Muñoz "Roberto"
↑ Modern History. Attacks against Franco.
↑ Franco Attacks
↑ The air attack on General Franco
↑ Franco Made Me Terrorist . Ed Planet
↑ Interior Defense and the First of May Anarchist Group
↑ The libertarian alternative. Catalunya 1976-1979. Joan Zambrana. Fet a mà, 1999
↑ Free Radios: Waves of Freedom
↑ The libertarian alternative in Catalunya , Joan Zambrana
↑ The Scala Case. A trial of anarchist-syndicalism. (Second and Third part)
↑ " After a tense debate Extraordinary Congress ratified the resolutions condemning the V councils and union elections Congress. So these new agreements again cause a split and twenty-six unions left the Confederacy. " (The divisive process. History of the CNT.)
↑ " Bondía poured from office to try to impose his reformist approaches to the organization and thus divert their principles, even to maintain contact with his back-to-organization with Alfonso Guerra, vice president of government. Promises PSOE put on table a bona fide offer to purchase the CNT. " (The divisive process. History of the CNT.)