The Anarchism

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by Anna Georgieva

  The Spanish individualist anarchist press was widely read by members of anarchist groups and members of the anarchist-syndicalist CNT core. Also prominent anarcoindividualists itself as Federico Miguel Giménez Igualada Urals and were members of the CNT and individualist anarchist J. Elizalde was a founding member and first secretary of the Iberian Anarchist Federation.

  Currently one of the greatest exponents of anarchist-individualism in Spain is the writer and journalist Fernando Sanchez Drago.


  In Germany the most important propagandist for the ideals of individualist anarchism was the Scottish-German John Henry Mackay. Fused Stirner's egoism, who also discovered as an anarchist, with the positions of Benjamin Tucker and who was translated into German the latter. Two semi-fictional texts of his own, Die Anarchisten and Der Freiheitsucher contributed to updating the selfish individualist theory issues in the consideration of the anarchist movement. English translations of these works came to the UK and individualistic estadounidesnses circles led by Tucker. MacKay is also known as one of the first major European activists for LGBT rights. / pqdlink? Stirnerite Adolf Brand was an anarchist and one of the first gay activists and the first in the world to regularly edit a magazine for homosexualscalled Der Eigene (1896-1932). The name dates back to the work of Max Stirner und sein Der Einzige Eigentum ( The Ego and Its Own ). The subtitle was Monatsschrift für Kunst und Leben ( monthly magazine about art and life ). In the first issues also addressed issues such as Stirner's philosophy and anarchism, issues that just appeared in the following years. Der Eigene they contained from 1898 mainly poems, prose, nude photos and drawings. The main contributors were Benedict Friedlaender, Klaus and Thomas Mann, Theodor Lessing, Erich Mühsam, Fidus and Sascha Schneider.

  In that country also appeared publication Der Einzige (1919-1925), edited by Anselm Ruest cousins (pseud. Ernst Samuel) and Mynona (Salomo Friedlaender pseud.). The title of the publication comes from the German name of Stirner's book Der Einzige und sein Eigentum . The publication was also influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche and was connected to the artistic expression of Expressionism and the transition from this to the given

  Contemporary German individualist anarchist Hans-Hermann Hoppe are Jörg Guido Hülsmann and.


  One of the earliest history of individualist anarchism was the Russian nihilist movementof the 1860s, who rejected all authority and bourgeois morality. After the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881, the Nihilists were known throughout Europe as supporters of violence as a means to achieve political change.

  Individualist anarchism in Russia, and was greatly influenced by the ideas of Stirner and Nietzsche, and was closely associated with the intellectual and artistic bohemia and marginalized sectors, was also an inspired Tolstoy trend, pacifist and Christian roots. During the pre and immediate to the Russian Revolution of 1905 years, individualism anarchist-though not the only anarchist who made use of terorism-expressed in numerous attacks and murders, that will become the heroes of the peasantry and marginalized.

  Despite its strong antiorganizacionista trend, several groups of Russian anarchists joined the Nabat Confederation, and anarchist-syndicalists with. Individualist anarchists Russian combining classic European individualistic theories, communism, nihilism and populism, forming sometimes eclectic theories, such as inter-individualism of Bratia and Abba Gordin brothers, authors of the Manifesto Panarquista Moscow (1918).An important individualist anarchist poet Lev Chernyi was engaged in resistance against the escalating power of the Bolshevik Party. Adhered mainly to Stirner's philosophy and ideas of Tucker. Probably executed or died under torture after being arrested by the Cheka, accused of involvement in a bomb attack on the headquarters of the Communist Party in Moscow. It is believed that he was not involucado in the fact of which he was charged. After the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, persecution, repression and exile gave a mortal blow to anarchism in Russia.

  Borovoi Alexei (1875-1935) was a writer, speaker, teacher and propagandist Russian individualist anarchist. In 1921 he published The individual and society from an anarchist perspective .


  William Godwin was one of the earliest and most important influences as previously mentioned. The Irish anarchist writer Oscar Wilde, part of the avant-garde movement of decadence, as Renzo influenced anarcoindividualists Novatore and won the admiration and support of Benjamin Tucker.In his influential essay The Soul of Man Under Socialism , 1891 defended socialism as the best way to ensure both individualism and watched that "Private property has destroyed the true Individualism, and Individualism is established a fake ... Well recognition of private property has really harmed Individualism, and obscured it, by confusing a man with what he possesses. preguntárseme how that may Individualism, which practically depends on the existence of private property for its development, could benefit with the abolition of it ... The benefit will be. Under the new conditions Individualism will be far freer, more beautiful and more intense than now. "

  In the late nineteenth century in the UK individualist anarchists such as Auberon Herbert, Wordsworth Donisthorpe, Joseph Hiam Levy, Greevz Joseph Fisher, John Badcock, Jr., Albert Tarn, and Henry Seymour werewho were ideologically close to the positions of American individualists gathered around the newspaper Liberty , Benjamin Tucker. In the mid 1880s, Seymour published a newspaper called The Anarchist .subsequently also taking interest in free love, with their participation in the daily The Adult: A Journal for the Advancement of Freedom in Sexual Relationships . The Serpent , issued from London ... the most selfish prominent publication in the English language, was published from 1898 to 1900 with the subtitle 'A Journal of Philosophy and Sociology egoistic'.

  Also this individualistic movement perteneción philosopher, art critic and writer Herbert Read wrote about Godwin and Stirner, was the author of works such as Fuck culture , The Paradox of Anarchism , "Philosophy of Anarchism" , Anarchy & Order; Poetry & Anarchism and My Anarchism . In the 20th century individualist anarchist Henry Meulen known for his work on free banking.

  Individualist anarchism in Latin America

  The anarchist historian Angel Cappelletti reports that in Argentina "Among workers arrived from Europe in the first two decades of the century, there were several oddly individualistic Stirnerite influenced by the philosophy of Nietzsche, who saw syndicalism as a potential enemy of anarchist ideology. They constituted affinity groups ... in 1912 came as Max Nettlau at number twenty. appeared in 1911, in Columbus, the newspaper The Unique , which defined itself as 'Publishing individualistic.' "

  Biofilo Panclasta, was a writer, political activist and Colombian individualist anarchist. In 1904 starts using the pseudonym that would be recognized: Biofilo , lover of life, and Panclasta enemy of all.He was in over fifty countries and stoking anarchist ideas and participating in labor union demonstrations. Biofilo was seen as a very individualistic hand the idea of the superman Nietzsche and Max Stirner was follower.

  Maria Lacerda de Moura was a teacher, journalist and Brazilian individualist anarchist and anarchist-feminist activist. In his ideas on education was influenced by Francisco Ferrer. Also was a reporter for the Brazilian anarchist press and even wrote to the Spanish individualist anarchist magazine Al Margen . His writings were also broadcast in Argentina and Uruguay.In 1923 he launched the newspaper Renascença , which was connected with the anarchists freethought movements of the time. His thinking was influenced by Han Ryner and Emile Armand.


  Piotr Kropotkin specifically criticized the individualistic view of Benjamin Tucker, and declared that his ideas "flowing into the liberal individualism of the classical economists." He warns that vision Tucker where "both the citizen and the group have the right to any violence, including the death penalty. Violence is also justified for the implementation of the mandate of keeping an agreement. Tucker thus follows Spencer and as, the path opens ... to reconstitute under the title of 'defense' al
l the functions of the state. "

  Kropotkin also considered the hypothesis individualistic society as false, based on the Rousseauian model of man without social ties. Also criticized the Nietzschean individualism considering a stupid form of selfishness which lowered the quality of the individual and not reaching their supposed goals of developing a complete individuality, equaling the bourgeois individualism individuality to Kropotkin could only develop into communism.

  Before leaving anarchism, libertarian socialist Murray Bookchin criticized individualist anarchism for his opposition to democracy and to defend their "individualistic lifestyle" disregarding the class struggle. Bookchin criticized individualist sostuviesen only one idea of "negative liberty" rejecting a "positive freedom".The anarchist Albert Meltzer argued that individualism differed radically from revolutionary anarchism, and that "sometimes considered too lightly that 'after all, is a form of anarchism'." He argued that acceptance did Benjamin Tucker of private police forces (including those who broke strikes in defense of "freedom of employers") is in contradiction with the anarchist definition of "no government." He argues that "only they can take for free what is anarchism, communist and that has no economic need for contarrestarlo repression."

  According to Gareth Griffith, George Bernard Shaw initially had some flirtations with individualist anarchism before concluding that it was "the negation of socialism, and is in fact almost asocialista led to the logical conclusion that a sane man would dare to arrive. " Shaw's argument was that even if wealth was initially distributed equally, the evolution of the laissez-faire advocated by Tucker result in an uneven distribution because it would allow private appropriation and accumulation.

  American individualism has also been criticized by Errico Malatesta, for his idea of harmony by natural law , defining it as a "providential" and "optimistic fatalism." As argued, just remove the government would not reach because if not also eliminated the existing contradictions and antagonisms which it originated, the State would be played again. Malatesta was also critical to individualist anarchism antiorganizacionista communist ideology and illegality, like Rudolf Rocker, and Christiaan Cornelissen, who considered detrimental to the development of the anarchist-syndicalist movement

  There are also reviews between anarcoindividualists movements. American mutual Joe Peacott been criticized for trying to hegemony anarcocapitalistas the label "individualist anarchism" and make it appear that all individualist anarchists are pro-capitalist. Peacott said that "some individualists, past and present, agree with anarchist communists say capitalism is based on economic coercion and not voluntary contract.'s Rent and interest are the backbone of capitalism modern, and are protected and maintained by the state. Without these two unjust institutions, capitalism could not exist. "

  Related readings

  The legacy of Proudhon and Stirner there emerged a strong individualistic tradition in the French anarchist movement. One of the pioneers of the trend was Anselme Bellegarrigue. Partició in the French Revolution of 1848, was the author of the newspaper Anarchie, Journal de l'Ordre and Au fait! Au fait! Interprétation de l'idée démocratique and wrote an important Anarchist Manifesto in 1850. Between 1887 and 1888 the publication was edited individualistic Autonomie Separate , by Jean-Baptiste Louiche, Charles Schaeffer and Georges Deherme.

  Later this tradition continued with intellectuals like Albert Libertad, André Lorulot, Émile Armand, Victor Serge, Zo d'Axa and Rirette Maitrejean who developed the theory indivualista in the newspaper's top trend:L'Anarchie (1905). Meanwhile, Han Ryner wrote Petit Manuel individualiste (1903). Then came L'EnDehors , Zo d'Axa founded by in 1891.

  French individualist anarchism exposed a number of different positions. For example, Emile Armand rejected violence and claimed mutualism and was an active propagandist of free love, while Albert Libertad and Zo d'Axa was influential in the circles that adhere to violence and accept the propaganda of the deed, in addition to adhered to anarchoand refuse to work. Meanwhile, Han Ryner reconciled anarchism with stoicism. But in all circles there was a strong individualists sense defense of individual liberty. Naturism and free love were prñacticas who had a strong influence in individualist circles, expanding to the rest of the anarchist movement, particularly in Spain.

  The naturist anarchism was driven by Henri Zisly, Emile Gravelleand Georges Butaud. Butaud was a "supporter of free communities individualistic , publisher of "Flambeau" ("an enemy of authority") in 1901 in Vienna., putting their energies into creating anarchist colonies (expérimentales communautés) which often involved.

  "In this sense, the theoretical positions and life experiences of French individualism were deeply iconoclastic and scandalous, even by libertarian circles. Reclaiming nudism, the hard defense of the methods of birth control, the idea of" unions selfish "for the practice of sex, which could make troubles, established a form of thought and action that resulted in the sympathy of some and the strong rejection of the other."



  The illegality is an anarchist philosophy that was initially developed in France, Italy, Belgium and Switzerland during the early twentieth century as derived from the ideas of individualism of Max Stirner.The illegalists generally not sought to give a moral basis for their actions, recognizing only the reality of the "possible" versus "right". For most of its adherents, illegal acts were done simply to satisfy a personal desire, not to a transcendent moral order or higher, although some committed crimes within that frame it as propaganda by deed. The illegalists joined the direct action and propaganda of the deed.

  Influenced by selfish anarchist theorist Max Stirner, and by the property theory of Proudhon, Clément Duval and Marius Jacob proposed the theory of "individual revenge" which justified the theft to the rich and direct action against exploiters and government and the capitalist system.,

  The illegality scored first generation dominance in European inspired riots of 1890, during which Ravachol, Émile Henry, Auguste Vaillant, and Caserio committed daring attacks on behalf of anarchism. The most famous group was illegalistic Jules Bonnot Band.

  The interwar period

  After the First World War, the Confédération Générale du Travail took a more reformist outlook and anarchists were gradually abandoning. Initially dominated by anarcho-syndicalists, the CGT split into a fraction and a non-communist pro-communist (CGTU), at the Congress of Tours (1920) which led to the creation of the French Communist Party (PCF). A new era was edited libertaire anarchists and announced the creation of a new Anarchist Federation. The Anarchiste Union (AU) was founded in November 1919 in opposition to the Bolsheviks, and December 4, 1923 went out the first daily newspaper libertaire .

  The Russian exiles, among whom were Nestor Makhno and Piotr Arshniov, founded in Paris magazine Delo Truda (Дело Труда, Labour's Cause ) in 1925. Makhno participated in the publication of the Organizational Platform of the Libertarian Communists, who proposed ideas on how anarchists should organize, based on the experiences of revolutionary Ukraine during the Bolshevik Revolution. The document was strongly rejected by the vast majority of anarchists, and controversies still awake because currently retains a minority of adherents. The hard platformism was criticized by Volin, Malatesta, Faure, Camillo Berneri, Luigi Fabbri and other renowned theorists, warning of its potential gross and authoritarian, disciplined and hierarchical derivations. Archinov anarchism resigned and passed the Bolshevik ranks in 1927. Makhno died in 1934 and his funeral was attended by about 500 people in Père-Lachaise.

  Was published in the June 1926 Platform of the General Union of Anarchists , and was answered by Volin with the proposal from the "Anarchist Synthesis", who originated the trend known as synthesis, with the article "Le problème et l'idée organisationnel de synthèse. " After the Congress of Orléans between 12 and 14 June 1926, the Anarchist Union became the Union Communiste anarchiste. The differences between the followers of the Platform and Synthetism Volin became a chasm.

g the Congress of the Fédération Autonome du Bâtiment, 13 and November 14, 1926 in Lyon, the Confédération Générale du Travail-Syndicaliste Révolutionnaire was created with support from members of the National Confederation of Labour (CNT) Spanish, which caused revolutionaries CGT unionists join the new organization. Toublet Julien was appointed its general secretary and Le Libertaire became a weekly in 1926.

  During the Congress of Orléans, on October 31 and November 1, 1927, adopted the UAC platformism. The minority that followed Volin split and formed the Association des fédéralistes Anarchistes (AFA) that spreadlibertaire La Voix . Some synthesist subsequently reafiliaron the UAC in 1930, and were the ones who finally took the initiative during the Congress 20 and May 21, 1934, to join the anarchist movement against the rise of fascism. An anti-fascist movement in the French left, which was formed anarchists participated. The AFA dissolved itself and formed a new group, renamed Union Anarchiste. However, after a spitting of the Fédération Communiste Libertaire UA was formed.

  By then the anarchists participated in the general strike during the Popular Front (1936-38) that led the Matignon Accords of 1936, obtaining 40-hour workweek. Led by Léon Blum, the Popular Front did not intervene in the Spanish Civil War because of the presence of the Radical-Socialist Party of France in the government. Thus, the Blum government blocked the passage of the International Brigades across the border and sent ambulances to the Republicans, while Hitler and Mussolini sent arms and troops to Franco. In the same vein, Blum refused to join the boycott of the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. Some anarchists joined Solidarité Internationale antifasciste (SIA), which helped the volunteers to cross the border illegally, while others traveled to Spain to join the Durruti Column, which had a French contingent known as the Centuria Sébastien Faure.From a broken UA Fédération de la Langue Française Anarchiste (FAF), which denounced the connivance of the French anarchists with the Popular Front came, and harshly criticized the National Confederation of Labour and the Iberian Anarchist Federation for participation in the Spanish Republican government. The FAF edited Terre Royalty , with the collaboration of Volin.


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