Prior to the start of the Second World War, in France there were two anarchist organizations: Anarchiste Union (AU), with the newspaper Le Libertaire , and the Fédération Française Anarchiste (FAF) that published the above mentioned free Terre . However, unlike the French Communist Party had formed an underground network in the imminence of war, anarchists organized not any underground infrastructure by the year 1940, when France mobilized its troops. During the Battle of France, the anarchists were completely disjointed and disoriented.
In the Republic of Vichy
The occupation of France by the German army, left the country divided by an edge-Nazi Marshal Philippe Pétain, French government and partly controlled by the Germans controlled area. The French resistance against the Nazi occupation began organizing around 1942-1943. French police led by René Bousquet and Jean Leguay, supervised by the Gestapo, he began the persecution of anarchists, communists, socialists, Jews and Freemasons.
The July 19, 1943, a clandestine meeting of anarchist activists in Toulouse was performed. During 1944, the new Fédération Anarchiste secretly decided to relaunch Le Libertaire , in December 1944. After the Liberation newspaper began to leave every two months.
The Fourth Republic (1945-1958)
The Fédération anarchiste (FA) was founded in Paris on December 2, 1945, choosing 1947 to George Fontenis as its first secretary during its 3rd Congress of Angers. It consisted of activists who mostly had belonged to the old FA (drawn in synthetism Volin) and some members of the dissolved Union Anarchiste, who had supported the collaborationist tactics CNT-FAI with the Spanish Republican government as well as Theyth who participated in the resistance to Nazism. A theyth organization, the libertarian Jeunesses (Libertarian Theyth) was also created.
Except for some individualist Émile Armand groups of followers, who edited L'Unique and L'EnDehors , and some pacifists as Louvet and Maille who published A contre-courant , the French anarchists had been united in the FA. In addition, a confederal structure was established to coordinate publications and newspaper Louvet Ce qu'il faut dire , the minority anrcosindicalista reunified CGT (grouped in the Fédération française syndicaliste (FSF), representing the movement 'Action syndicaliste' within CGT), and the weekly Le Libertaire . The FSF finally became the Confédération Nationale du Travail movement (CNT) on December 6, 1946, published as press organ Le Combat Syndicaliste . Participated Spanish anarchist-syndicalists in exile along with former members of the CGT-SR. The French later split CNT Two: CNT-Vignoles and CNT-AIT (AIT French section).
Insurrectionary anarchists drove the 1947 strikes in factories Renault factory, suppressed by socialist Interior Minister Jules Moch, who created that situation for riot police Compagnies républicaines de Sécurité (CRS). Due to internal divisions of the CNT, some activists FA dicidieron participate in the creation of the CGT-FO l reformer, born of a spitting of the communist CGT.
The FA participated in the International Anarchist Congress of Puteaux in 1949, bringing together structured organizations, autonomous groups and individualidaes (Germany, United States, Bolivia, Cuba, Argentina, Peru and others). Some anarchist were organized around 1950 in a fraction called Organisation Pensee Bataille (OPB), which aimed to impose a single policy and a centralized organization to the FA.
Between 12 and 14 May 1951 Congress will durnate Lille, the FA decided to replace the individual vote by the group, accepting a proposal by the Group Louise Michel who led Maurice Joyeux. The positions taken would get a federal satus, but not be imposed on individuals. Individualists opposed this proposal, but failed to block approval. On July 6, 1951 the Surrealist Manifesto "Haute fréquence" was published in the newspaper Le Libertaire . By then, some surrealists began to work with the FA. On 12 October published the "Declaration préalable" an anarchist-surrealist manifesto, in that newspaper.
During the June 1952 Congress in Bordeaux, the FA took a clear libertarian communist orientation, which led to her first split in October. The splinter group gathered around the bulletin entitled anarchiste l'Entente, bulletin of relation, d'information, de coordination et d'étude du mouvement organisationnelle anarchiste , whose first issue came out on October 30, 1952. The "Entente" between other militants gathered Vincey Georges Tessier, Louis Louvet, André Prudhommeaux, Raymond Fernand Beaulaton and Robert.
Le Libertaire published on June 5, 1952 letter from Albert Camus on the study of Gaston Leval on "L'Homme et révolté Bakunin"
The FA became the Fédération Communiste Libertaire (FCL) after the Paris Congress of 1953, by 71 votes against 61, while in Le Libertaire an article that announced the end of cooperation with the surrealists was published. The FCL was able to regroup between 130 and 160 activists. During the 25th to December 27, 1953, at the Congress of Montmartre, the reconstruction of the FA was organized (as synthesist organization) from excluded groups and former militants who in previous years had given up FCL due to its "Leninist practices." The "Entente Anarchist" was disbanded and joined the new reconstituted FA, Maurice Joyeux forcing the leader to reach a compromise with the individualists of the Entente. The new method of decision-making was based on unanimity: each person had the right of veto of the federation orientacionesd. Meanwhile, the FCL published the same year the Manifeste du communisme libertaire (Manifesto of Libertarian Communism).
The FCL published in 1954 his "worker program," inspired reivindicacines CGT. In Paris the Internationale comuniste libertaire (ICL), which brought together the groups Italian GAAP, the Spaniards Road and nord-africain libertaire Mouvement (MLNA), but was short-lived, was founded. That year appeared the "Memorandum du Groupe Kronstadt" (Memorandum of Kronstadt Group), which denounced the "Bolshevik orientation" FCL OPB infiltrated by the secret group. In October 1954 the first issue was published Monde libertaire parallel libertaire'' FCL'' and edited the newspaper of theyth, monthly output révolutionnaire Jeune . With the start of the Algerian War in late 1954, the FCL openly supported the struggle of the Algerian people, becoming targets of state repression.
Gaston Leval left the FA in 1955 to found the Cahiers du Socialisme libertarian . Some groups left the FCL in December 1955, disagreed with the decision to present "revolutionary candidates" for the legislative elections. This cleavage emerged Anarchistes Groupes d'Action Révolutionnaire (GAAR), which published the newspaper until 1970 Rouge et Noir (Black and Red). The GAAR be demonstrating the "expression of the anarchist tendency of the libertarian movement." They adopted the platform Arshniov its proposed tactical and ideological unity , the collective responsibility and support for the National Liberation Front of Algeria.
The Fédération Communiste Libertaire (FCL) then pointed his critical support to the Algerian independence struggle: anti-colonialism, support for Algerian resistance factions, and work in the sense that the defeat of colonialism would lead to a revolutionary transformation of society. The FCL provided MLNA explosives and weapons. A member of the FCL, Pierre Morain, was sentenced to prison in 1955, being the first Frenchman to be incarcerated for their solidarity with the Algerian cause.
Robert and Beaulaton regrouped after some activists antiegua "Entente Anarchiste" left the FA and formed the November 25, 1956 in Brussels Ouvrière Anarchiste Alliance (AOA), who edited the newspaper L'Anarchie , which give a turn to the right during the Algerian War.
In legislative elections held in January 1956 in Paris, the FCL presented some candidates and scored a few votes. State repression intensified, with trials, censorship and newspaper closures libertaire they became movement.Some militants FCL went into hiding to evade prison (George Fontenis, Philippe, Morain and others), while the libertaire ceased publication in July 1956. The MNLA linked to the FCL, dissolved because of the harsh repression, the last members of the FCL were arrested in 1957.
The Fifth Republic (1958-1968)
In 1960 the GAAR boosted Fédération Communiste Anarchiste (FAC) soon began merger talks with the FA, which mostaría a similar intent for Congress Trélazé. But not all members of the FAC
agreed to integrate the FA. The following year the Kronstadt groups, Maisons-Alfort, Lille, Strasbourg and Grenoble, excised during the congress Montlucon, who entered the FA forming an internal movement: the Union des Groupes Anarchistes Communistes (Ugac). FAC members not joined the FA continued nucleated around the magazine Noir et Rouge , which would continue until 1970. A second stream emerged during 1962 within the FA: The Anarchist-Syndicaliste Union (UAS), which was formed at a meeting in January 1962 in Niort, involving groups of Niort, Saintes, Bordeaux and Nantes, which in turn came to break the CLADO, Committee Liaison et d'Action .Soon, the UAS sought a rapprochement with Ugac.
But Ugac began to play the same methods as the OPB parcticaba extinct into the FA (internal reports, entrism and maneuvers to seize leadership positions ...), and tensions acrecientaron seriously. This led groups Ugac abandon the FA in 1964, except Strasbourg and Grenoble groups.
In 1965 a Committee of Liaisons des Jeunes Anarchistes (CLJA), regrouping the FA individualities of Ugac of FIJL (Spain) and autonomous groups was created. Maurice Fayolle that year published his Reflexions sur l'anarchisme . The following year the Ugac publishes international Lettre au mouvement anarchiste (Letter to the international anarchist movement), where the belief that anarchism could no longer assume the leadership of the revolutionary movement was expressed and should be resigned to be a component of a movement wider. The Ugac frentista initiated a policy that led to an alliance with Maoist and Trotskyist factions.
The theyth and campus activism, which had been gaining a greater role, resulted in the establishment of the Liaison des Etudiants Anarchistes (LEA). In 1967 another internal tendency within the FA was founded; libertarian communists gathered in Révolutionnaire Anarchiste Organisation (ORA), which published'''' l'Insurge.
The French May 1968
During the 1960s the International Situationist influenced mostly libertarian and leftist thought in France. Anarchists had an outstanding performance in the French May events, along with other organizations of the left. Among the leaders of the strike and student-worker rebellion was Daniel Cohn-Bendit, who by then was claimed anarchist. This had left the Fédération anarchiste in 1967 and had joined the small Groupe anarchiste of Nanterre and the magazine Noir et rouge . Also participating in the new social movements, and the autonomy movement anticarcelarios movements.
During 17 and March 18, 1968 in Paris members Jeunesse Communiste anarchiste (JAC), the Ugac, the Libertarian Communist Federation and former individuals who met at the initiative of Georges Fontenis met. At the end of the year create the Mouvement Communiste Libertaire (MCL) as a result of this meeting.
In May, former members of the Spartacus group and the Anarchist Federation (FA) group created in Paris Pour une critique révolutionnaire which Bonnot sympathizer and Durruti is claimed and situationist theories com.
That same year, the Ugac participated in the "Initiative Committee for a Revolutionary Movement" (IMIC) with Alain Krivine, Daniel Bensaid and Henry Weber de la Jeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire (JCR), members of the movement "Pabloist" (Trotskyist) and activists libertarian communists led by George Fontenis.
In Carrara, Italy, the Congress will rise to the International Anarchist Federations (IFA) meets. But the FA was divided over participation in this conference, so he sent two delegations, one explaining his opposition to the Congress, and one as a participant.
1968 may be included within the anarchist movement to the following organizations and publications: anarchiste Fédération , the Mouvement Communiste libertaire the fédérale Union des anarchistes , the Alliance ouvrière anarchiste , the Union des groupes communistes anarchistes magazine Noir et Rouge , the Confédération nationale du travail , the anarchist-syndicaliste Union , the Organisation révolutionnaire anarchiste and various groups (self, spontaneists, councilists, situacionestas), the libertarian socialistes Cahiers de Leval, publication À contre-courant of Louvet, La Révolution prolétarienne and individualist Émile Armand magazines.
From 1969 to the present
Creation of the Fédération Communiste d'Occitanie's anarchiste (PHACO) by Guy Malouvier, which adheres to the ORA, which is separated from the FA and eun is a specific organization. Veterans veterans during the Spanish Civil War division, offered support to the ORA and gave the use of their premises in the street Vignoles (Paris 20e). Daniel Guerin Read For a Libertarian Marxism . The Ugac dissolves itself, but his newspaperTribune Anarchiste Communiste continue publication until the 1990s.
On January 31, the Alliance Syndicaliste Révolutionnaire et Anarchist-Syndicaliste (Asras) is founded in Paris. He later became the Alliance syndicaliste being its press organ ouvrière Solidarité.
The MCL and an attempt to try ORA approach that fails despite the intervention and mediation of Daniel Guerin. In July, a group of MCL was passed to the ORA. Also, four groups of ORA joined the MCL and gave birth to the first Organisation Communiste Libertaire (OCL-1) at a conference in Marseille. The OCL initiated contacts with the group Councilist Marxiste Gauche . Guy Malouvier ORA waiver after disagreements on the national question. From 1 to 4 August, the International of Anarchist Federations held its second congress in Paris. Some members of the ORA retire and enter the Communist Union of France (Maoist ultra-Stalinist).
Confrontation Anarchiste is formed splinter groups of AF; published newsletter Combat Anarchiste and newspaper Free Commune . Until 1976 the trend organisationalist not be the majority in the group. Auto-solution group révolutionnaire Pour une critique . ORA expelled from the militants who supported the 'unique revolutionary applications' in the legislative elections, will swell the ranks of Lutte Ouvrière and the Ligue Communiste .
Birth of Marge group, which seeks to bring together all marginalized (criminals, prostitutes, ex-convicts, drug addicts, homosexuals, transvestites, squats ...). Creation of Groupe d'Etudes et d'Action libertarian (GAEL), from the group Noir Poing associated with other non-anarchists organizacionistas. Magazine is published La Lanterne noire edited by ex-members of the magazine Noir et Rouge . The OCL is definitively broken after the 1971 Councilist derived. The rest of its militants, swelled by the arrival of two splinter groups of the ORA, founded a new organization and the magazine Rupture , but have very short duration. After the 1974 strikes in banks, railways and post office, a revolutionary syndicalist and obrerista trend within the ORA was founded. This trend, Union des Travailleurs Communistes libertarian (UTCL), criticized the ultra-left ORA (his anti-unionism) deviation and its political turmoil. December 5: is arrested Jean-Marc Rouillan in Paris.
ORA Congress in Orleans, confirming the exclusion of UTCL trend. The ORA is renowned libertarian Organisation Communiste (OCL-2), which publishes Front libertarian . Excluded from the collective created ORA Union des Travailleurs Communistes libertarian (UTCL), with newspaper Tout le pouvoir aux travailleurs . The Confrontation Anarchiste group dissolves and results Anarchiste Combat Organisation (OCA), which is now driven by organizacionistas militants.
In May is liberated Jean-Marc Rouillan. In late October, is made of the Libertarian National Workers Conference in Paris. It is convened at the initiative of the AS, Groupe Anarchist-Syndicaliste (GAS) of Rouen and UTCL. The FA, the CNT and the UAS were present as observers. The Monde libertarian libertarian becomes weekly.
25 and February 26, the Constituent Congress meets UTCL. The FA now included in the basic principles of the class struggle. Are separated from the FA some militants disagreed on the integration of the concept of class struggle in the basic principles governing the functioning of the federation. They founded the anarchiste Union (AU) with Le Libertaire as newspaper.
In September the met in Rouen Conférence nationale des anarchist-unionists (CNAS) initiative GAS AS and Rouen. And groups FA, the FA as an observer, and CNT (Vignolles), CNT (Tour d'Auvergne), the UTCL,
UAS, Syndicat des Travailleurs Autogestionnaire (SAT) of Lyon and independent people are present.
Auto-solution "Marge". In March the CNAS meets in Lyon. Leave out the weekly Front libertarian . George Daniel Guerin and Fontenis UTCL are incorporated. First appearance of the group Action Directe.
Emarzo 27 and 28, 32 people were arrested in connection with an investigation on Action directe. Contacts between OCA and UTCL, complete with the integration of the first in the UTCL. The newspaper Lutter who was the spokesman for the OCA, thereafter becomes UTCL newspaper. The OCL publishes the monthly newspaper Courant Alternatif . The work of an undercover police informant (Gabriel Chahine) allows the arrest on September 13, a dozen activists of Action directe (including Jean-Marc and Nathalie Rouillan Ménigon).
Anarchist Federation Congress in May, birth of Radio Libertaire, booming free radio. On June 10, five people are accused of stealing Condé sur l'Escaut are arrested. On August 7, most political prisoners were pardoned: Jean-Marc Rouillan is released. On August 22 started a hunger strike in prison and Nathalie Ménigon accused of stealing Condé sur l'Escaut. Libertarian Radio begins broadcasting on 1 September. On 17 and 26 September, Nathalie Ménigon and most of the prisoners on hunger strike are released for medical reasons. In October is released the last prisoner on hunger strike.
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