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The Anarchism

Page 42

by Anna Georgieva

  European individualist anarchism

  The anarchist individualism was one of the three main anarchist movements in Russia, with the most prominent anarchist-communism and anarchist-syndicalism. Members of the Russian anarchist individualism were predominantly of the intelligentsia and the working class.

  Among the major European individualist anarchists are Max Stirner, Albert Libertad, Shmuel Alexandrov, Anselme Bellegarrigue, Émile Armand, Enrico Arrigoni, Lev Chernyi, John Henry Mackay, James L. Walker, Dora Marsden, Auberon Herbert, Wordsworth Donisthorpe, Henry Meulen, Henry Bool, Han Ryner, Renzo Novatore, and now Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Anthony Jasay, Jorg Guido Hulsmann, Jesus Huerta de Soto, Lottieri Carlo, Pierre Lemieux or Michel Onfray. Two influential authors in the European anarchist individualism were Friedrich Nietzsche and Georges Pallas.

  The European anarchist individualism is rooted in the thought of Godwin, Proudhon, Stirner and Spencer.



  Mutuality is a stream of anarchist thought that goes back to the ideas of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, who envisioned a society where each person might possess the means of production, individually or collectively, with trade that represented equal amounts of work on a Free remarketing. Incorporated into the scheme, was established a mutual bank credit, which would provide the porductores with a minimum interest charge to cover administrative costs. Mutualism is based on the theory of labor value which postulates that when the work or products are exchanged or sold, must be received goods or services incorporating "the amount of work required to produce a artículode the same and equal utility". Some argue that if state intervention is ceased, these ways of making profits disappear due to increased competition in capital. Though Proudhon opposed this type of income, saying:. "... I never wanted to say ... had to ban or delete, by decree, the land rent and interest on capital I believe that all these human activities should remain free and optional for all. "

  Mutualists, following Proudhon, originally considered as libertarian socialists, but now some have abandoned the labor theory of value. Mutualists have differentiated state socialism and advocated not control the means of production.


  Another important trend especially in the French and Spanish anarcoindividualists groups was naturism. Naturism promoted an ecological point of view, small ecological communities, and most prominently nudism as a way to avoid the artificiality of the industrial mass society. Naturists anarchist-individualist saw the individual in the biological, physical and psychological aspects and tried to avoid social determinations.An important early influence in this line was the American Henry David Thoreau and his famous book Walden .Important French anarchist-individualist promoters were Zisly and Emile Henri Gravelle who collaborated in publications such as La Nouvelle Humanité followed by Le Naturien , Le Sauvage , L'Ordre Naturel , and La Vie Naturelle .

  Lawlessness and insurrectionalism


  1 Theory and History

  2 Review

  3 Related readings

  4 Bibliography

  4.1 References

  Theory and History

  The contemporary insurrectionary anarchism is heir to the Italian and French antiorganizacionism illegality of the early twentieth century.The concept of propaganda by deed and confrontation are the usual practices of "insurrectionist anarchism" in asserting that act violently against systems of domination can influence others to decide to act against what the press and, if given the Accordingly, the effect may even result in a general insurrection. Such a chain reaction of disobedience and rebellion would not need political entities or projects that organize to confront their enemies, who identifies as more violent than them.

  This trend emerged in Italy theoretically of the 1980s, inspired by subversive experience of the past decade (1970s) in a climate of political turmoil dense lived. Its main figure is Alfredo M. Bonanno. Some of his supporters see a precedent to his ideas in the violence of some anarchists of the early twentieth century, through the propaganda of the deed or individual expropriation.

  This trend has some individualistic influences, but can also be considered as part of the post-left anarchism. Conceive individual relationships based on affinity groups, not to sacrifice individual autonomy autodefiniéndose as "a collective movement of individual fulfillment." Other authors are Wolfi Landstreicher insurrectionalists Constantine Cavalleri, Gustavo Rodríguez Killing King Abacus and. The recent insurrectionalist individualism has been influenced by the postmodern critique of modernity; in turn, makes a critique of permanent organizations classical anarchism and syndicalism

  Insurrectionalism has been developed mainly in Italy, Spain, Greece and the United States, and has gained some notoriety for some violent direct actions in Europe and America, and disruptive participation in the anti-globalization movement.


  Insurrectionalism arose precisely to question the stagnation of the classical anarchist organizations in the mid-1980s and early 1990s, so they appealed to the organizational informality to overcome, this informality is emphasized so often can be considered exaggerated for other anarchist organizations who also question the "cult of secrecy" of certain insurrectionary groups who are branded as extremists or lacking in projection.

  Related readings


  The illegality is an anarchist movement that developed primarily in France, Italy, Belgium and Switzerland during the first decade of the twentieth century, as an evolution of Stirnerite individualism. The illegalists tried not normally find a moral basis to justify their actions, most of the acts were done illegalists simply to satisfy their personal needs and desires, were not always as a means to achieve higher goals, although some committed crimes in what became known as propaganda by deed. The illegalists were both supporters of direct action, and the propaganda of the deed.

  Influenced by theorist Max Stirner (egoism philosopher) and by Proudhon's phrase ("property is theft"), Clément Duval and Marius Jacob proposed the theory of individuelle reprise (see Single Expropriation ).

  The illegality reached prominence in the first generation of European-inspired social tensions of the 1890s, during which Ravachol, Émile Henry, Auguste Vaillant, and Sante Geronimo Caserio challenging crimes committed in the name of anarchism,within the framework of the propaganda of the deed. The French side of Jules Bonnot assailants was the most famous group practice illegality.

  The movement Insurrectionary anarchism is heir to the Italian and French antiorganizacionism illegality of the early twentieth century.This stream has some individualistic influences, but can also be considered as part of the post-left anarchism. Conceive individual relationships based on affinity groups, not to sacrifice individual autonomy autodefiniéndose as "a collective movement of individual fulfillment." The main theorist insurrectionalism is Italian Alfredo M. Bonanno, author of several writings where he outlined the main arguments of this movement. Other authors are insurrectionalists Constantino Cavalleri Wolfi and Killing King Abacus Landstreicher The recent insurrectionalist individualism has been influenced by the postmodern critique of modernity; in turn, makes a critique of permanent organizations classical anarchism and syndicalism

  Insurrectionalism has been developed mainly in Italy, Spain, Greece and the United States, and has gained some notoriety for some violent direct action in Europe, and the disruptive participation in the anti-globalization movement. The Italian anarcoinsurrecionalista Michele Fabiani writes from an individualist anarchist stance trials as "individualistic Critica Anarchica alla modernità"


  From the legacy of Proudhon and Stirner there emerged a strong French tradition of individualist anarchism. One of the first influences was Anselme Bellegarrigue. Participant in the French Revolution of 1848, was the author and editor of Anarchie, Journal de l'Ordre and Au fait! Au fait! Interprétation de l'idée démocratique and wrote an early Anarchist Manifesto in 1850. Autonomie Separate individu
alist anarchist publication was one that existed from 1887-1888. It was edited by Jean-Baptiste Louiche, Charles Schaeffer and Georges Deherme.

  Later this tradition continued with intellectuals like Albert Libertad, André Lorulot, Émile Armand, Victor Serge, Zo d'Axa and Rirette Maitrejean developing the theory in the main anaqruista newspaper in France,L'Anarchie in 1905. Outside of this publication, Han Ryner wrote a Petit Manuel individualiste (1903).

  The French anarchist individualism had a variety of positions, for example, with respect to violence and nonviolence, among other topics. Emile Armand rejected violence and promoting mutualism supported the theory of subjective value, while it was also a famous propagandist of free love, but instead Albert Libertad and Zo d'Axa was influential in circles violent methods accepted style of propaganda by deed, in addition to adhering to communitarianism or anarchoand refuse to work. On the other hand, Han Ryner reconciled anarchism with stoicism. However, the French individualist circles had a strong sense of individual freedom and experimentation.Naturism and free love were subjects with a strong individualists influence in these circles, expanding to other anarchists, even going to arise between the Spanish individualist.

  Emile Armand called to live under the conditions and characteristics desired shapes in the present, rebelling against the social condicionamento in everyday life and through the living with those who have an affinity to one group in accordance with the values and desires that shares. He claims that the individualist anarchist is a "presentist" and that "he could not, without evil or an illogical reasoning, think about the sacrifice being, until the coming of a state of affairs that would not enjoy immediately."

  "In this sense, the theoretical positions and life experiences are profoundly individualistic French iconoclastic and scandalous, even among many of the libertarian circles. Reclaiming nudist naturism, the stubborn defense of contraceptive means, the idea of" unions of egoists "with the sole purpose of sexual practice (loving comradeship), which seek to implement, not without difficulty, scored their thinking and acting, and will encourage admiration between them, and a strong rejection among others."

  After World War II French anarcoindividualists agropados with Emile Armand, published L'Unique . L'Unique was published from 1945 to 1956 a total of 110 numbers.


  In Italy individualist anarchism had a strong tendency toward violence and illegality by the propaganda of the deed, similar to French individualist anarchism, but perhaps something more extreme. In this regard we can take into account the notorious assassinations carried out by individualists Giovanni Passannante, Sante Caserio, Michele Angiolillo, Luigi Luccheni, Gaetano Bresci that executed King Umberto I.

  In the Italian anarchist also existed an individualist side based on the ideas of Kropotkin, known as antiorganizacionista whose individualism was based on questions of tactics and organization, but did not differ much in its final proposal of other communist tendencies.In the early twentieth century was important intellectual work of Renzo Novatore that was influenced by Stirner, Friedrich Nietzsche, Georges Pallas, Oscar Wilde, Henrik Ibsen, Arthur Schopenhauer and Charles Baudelaire. Collaborated in numerous anarchist periodicals and participated in the Futurist avant-garde trends. His thinking was aligned with Stirnerite disrespect for private property, only recognizing ownership of the spirit itself.

  Novatore collaborated in the publication individualistic Iconoclast! Stirnerite with the theyng and illegalistic Bruno Filippi Novatore belonged to the leftist avant-garde movement of Futurism with other futurists Carnesecchi anarcoindividualists as Dante, Leda Rafanelli, Auro d'Arcola, and Giovanni Governato.Pietro Bruzzi also edited the publication L'Individualist in the 1920s along with Ugo Fedeli and Francesco Ghezzi but that publication was suppressed by the new fascist government.Pietro Bruzzi also collaborated with the publication Eresia New York edited by Enrico Arrigoni

  After the Second World War in 1945 the Founding Congress of the Italian Anarchist Federation presence there anarcoindividualists led by Cesare Zaccaria. Then during the IX Congress of the Italian Anarchist Federation in Carrara 1965 a group decides to separate from the Federation to create posterioriormente Gruppi di Iniziativa Anarchica . In the seventies was mainly "nourished especially anarchist-individualists pacifist, nudist orientation veterans, so he defends personal autonomy and rejects strictly all forms of intervention in the processes of the system, as would for example unionism. Their spokesman is L 'Internazionale based in Ancona. ".


  Spain was influenced by American anarchist individualism, but was more closely connected with the French movements. At the beginning of the twentieth century individualism in Spain took booming thanks to the efforts of men like Dorado Montero, Ricardo Mella, Federico Urals, Miguel Gimenez Igualada and J. Elizalde, translated into French and American individualists.Important in this regard were periodicals like The Idea Royalty , La Revista Blanca , Ethics , Initials , Outside and Us . The most influential thinkers in the Hispanic individualism were Stirner, Emile Armand and Han Ryner. As in France, the spread of Esperanto had its importance, as well as cultural movements as naturism and free love.Time later, Armand and Ryner made their own contributions to the Spanish press individualistic. Armand's idea of "loving comradeship" played an important role in the sexual liberation and individual fulfillment.

  The Spanish individualist anarchist press was widely read by members of anarchist groups and members of the anarchist-syndicalist CNT core. Also prominent anarcoindividualists itself as Federico Miguel Giménez Igualada Urals and were members of the CNT and individualist anarchist J. Elizalde was a founding member and first secretary of the Iberian Anarchist Federation.

  Currently one of the greatest exponents of anarchist-individualism in Spain is the writer and journalist Fernando Sanchez Drago.


  In Germany the most important propagandist for the ideals of individualist anarchism was the Scottish-German John Henry Mackay. Fused Stirner's egoism, who also discovered as an anarchist, with the positions of Benjamin Tucker and who was translated into German the latter. Two semi-fictional texts of his own, Die Anarchisten and Der Freiheitsucher contributed to updating the selfish individualist theory issues in the consideration of the anarchist movement. English translations of these works came to the UK and individualistic estadounidesnses circles led by Tucker. MacKay is also known as one of the first major European activists for LGBT rights. / pqdlink? Stirnerite Adolf Brand was an anarchist and one of the first gay activists and the first in the world to regularly edit a magazine for homosexualscalled Der Eigene (1896-1932). The name dates back to the work of Max Stirner und sein Der Einzige Eigentum ( The Ego and Its Own ). The subtitle was Monatsschrift für Kunst und Leben ( monthly magazine about art and life ). In the first issues also addressed issues such as Stirner's philosophy and anarchism, issues that just appeared in the following years. Der Eigene they contained from 1898 mainly poems, prose, nude photos and drawings. The main contributors were Benedict Friedlaender, Klaus and Thomas Mann, Theodor Lessing, Erich Mühsam, Fidus and Sascha Schneider.

  In that country also appeared publication Der Einzige (1919-1925), edited by Anselm Ruest cousins (pseud. Ernst Samuel) and Mynona (Salomo Friedlaender pseud.). The title of the publication comes from the German name of Stirner's book Der Einzige und sein Eigentum . The publication was also influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche and was connected to the artistic expression of Expressionism and the transition from this to the given

  Contemporary German individualist anarchist Hans-Hermann Hoppe are Jörg Guido Hülsmann and.


  One of the earliest history of individualist anarchism was the Russian nihilist movementof the 1860s, who rejected all authority and bourgeois morality. After the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881, the Nihilists were known throughout Europe as supporters of violence as a means to achieve political change.

  Individualist anarchism in Russia, and was great
ly influenced by the ideas of Stirner and Nietzsche, and was closely associated with the intellectual and artistic bohemia and marginalized sectors, was also an inspired Tolstoy trend, pacifist and Christian roots. During the pre and immediate to the Russian Revolution of 1905 years, individualism anarchist-though not the only anarchist who made use of terorism-expressed in numerous attacks and murders, that will become the heroes of the peasantry and marginalized.

  Despite its strong antiorganizacionista trend, several groups of Russian anarchists joined the Nabat Confederation, and anarchist-syndicalists with. Individualist anarchists Russian combining classic European individualistic theories, communism, nihilism and populism, forming sometimes eclectic theories, such as inter-individualism of Bratia and Abba Gordin brothers, authors of the Manifesto Panarquista Moscow (1918).An important individualist anarchist poet Lev Chernyi was engaged in resistance against the escalating power of the Bolshevik Party. Adhered mainly to Stirner's philosophy and ideas of Tucker. Probably executed or died under torture after being arrested by the Cheka, accused of involvement in a bomb attack on the headquarters of the Communist Party in Moscow. It is believed that he was not involucado in the fact of which he was charged. After the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, persecution, repression and exile gave a mortal blow to anarchism in Russia.

  Borovoi Alexei (1875-1935) was a writer, speaker, teacher and propagandist Russian individualist anarchist. In 1921 he published The individual and society from an anarchist perspective .


  William Godwin was one of the earliest and most important influences as previously mentioned. The Irish anarchist writer Oscar Wilde, part of the avant-garde movement of decadence, as Renzo influenced anarcoindividualists Novatore and won the admiration and support of Benjamin Tucker.In his influential essay The Soul of Man Under Socialism , 1891 defended socialism as the best way to ensure both individualism and watched that "Private property has destroyed the true Individualism, and Individualism is established a fake ... Well recognition of private property has really harmed Individualism, and obscured it, by confusing a man with what he possesses. preguntárseme how that may Individualism, which practically depends on the existence of private property for its development, could benefit with the abolition of it ... The benefit will be. Under the new conditions Individualism will be far freer, more beautiful and more intense than now. "


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