The Anarchism
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The original appropriation allows an individual claim as theirs any "virgin", including land, property and possess the same "absolute right" to having his own body, to improve it or use it. According to Rothbard, the property can only legitimately arise through work, so that the original appropriation of land is not legitimate simply by proclaiming or build a fence around the delimitation, but just working it (mixing work with land) is that they can legitimize land ownership.
Anarchist-capitalists of Property-Rothbardian tradition are, that is, they consider the right to property as a natural right derived from the ownership of oneself (see: theory of property-work). According to the Lockean philosophy, free-market anarchists Rothbardians believe that the property can only come as the result of the work, and can only legitimately change hands by trade or gift. Anyway, Locke had a "condition" that says the resource appropriator must leave "enough and as good in common ... to others." Rothbardian market anarchists do not agree with this condition, arguing that the individual may originally appropriated as much as they mix through their work, and remains their property until he decides otherwise. They referred to this as "neo-Lockean". Libertarian anarchists see this consistent with his opposition to the onset of coercion, since only inappropriate land can be taken. If something is not appropriate, there is an original appropriator against which coercion is starting. And they do not think that the mere claim to generate property. Anarchist-capitalists accept voluntary forms of collective ownership, which means property open access for all individuals.
Common property
Though anarchist-capitalists are known for defending the right to private property (whether individual or public), non-state collective properties may also exist in an anarchist-capitalist society.So as a person comes to possess something unowned by mixing his labor with it or using it regularly, many people can become owners of one thing in common by mixing their work together with it, in the sense that no person can appropriate it as their own.This may apply to roads, parks, rivers, oceans and parts. The anarchist-capitalist theorist Roderick Long gives the following example:
Consider a village near a lake. It is common for the villagers to walk down to the lake to go fishing. In the early days of the community is difficult to reach the lake because of all the bushes and fallen branches in the way. But over time the way is clear and takes shape - not coordinated efforts, but simply as a result of all the people walking down that road every day. The clear path is the product of labor - not the work of any individual, but all of them together. If determined to reap the benefits of the newly created path villager holds up a door and tolls, it would be violating the collective property right that the villagers together have earned.
Roderick Long
However, since the property is owned collectively tends to lose the level of accountability found in individual ownership to the extent that there are more owner-or make such accountability proportionately more complex- anarchist-capitalists have sometimes distrust and try to avoid intentional communal arrangements, even if, as demonstrated not fall in any way conflict with their ideology and are more a matter of individual criteria.
Privatization, decentralization and individualization of responsibility are goals anarcocapitalistas. But in some cases, not only provide a challenge, but they themselves consider it impossible, to establish ocean routes is a common example of hard goods considered as private ownership. Negatives and yes contradicts their ideology is the state or forced collectivization (allegedly on behalf of the "majority") which strengthens the power and legitimacy of the government, in which the accounts are rendered to third parties and not between and no particularized responsibility.
Central governments generally tend to advocate censorship actions or polluters in order to benefit the "people" or "most". However cartelized economy and polluting corporations receive government subsidies (corporate state capitalism), as in the case of highly polluting heavy industry that obtains legal and economic subsidies politicians arguing job creation or of incentives for private investment.
Air pollution, water and earth, for example, is seen as the result of state collectivization of property, natural assets when public are not maintained or renewed by anyone and no responsibility for them (tragedy of the common). Anarchist-capitalists tend to coincide with market environmentalists relate the destructive tendencies of the environment with the state and its collectivist provisions.
Anarchist-capitalism is opposed to coercion, therefore, advocates the free possession of weapons. Although private property allows their rightful owners decide if others can enter with weapons on their territory or not.
Law & Order
In the libertarian anarchist theory law and by a voluntary society can be provided by a competitive market of private institutions offering security, justice, defense and other services - "Private allocation of force, without a central control." A market where providers of security and law competing for customers who wish to receive voluntary payment services instead of individuals taxed without their consent to those who are given a monopoly supplier of force there. The belief among anarchist free market is that competition tends to produce cheaper and better quality legal and law enforcement, including "high quality good fair, efficient arbitration of conflicting rights claims."
The market anarchism developed by Murray N. Rothbard theorizes a society where justice providers compete for customers (polycentric law, private defense agency) and where the law is based on natural law or the negative duty. David D. Friedman proposes a market anarchism where in addition to the security provided by the market, the law itself is produced by the market.
Varieties of anarchist-capitalism
The adoption of "free market capitalism" (understood as private property, free market in the absence of state law) in this philosophy was developed by American economist and historian Murray Rothbard, who was the first to theorize anarchist-capitalism. In the first Rothbardian anarchist-capitalism would be the implementation of a "legal code that would be generally accepted, and which the courts would fold." This code would recognize the individual sovereignty and non-aggression as inalienable rights, this conception of anarchist-capitalism is based on natural law arguments.
Other thinkers, like David Friedman, anarchist-capitalism proposed by utilitarian arguments, that is to say, the notion that the adoption of anarchist-capitalism would produce better results than any alternative social and economic order. In anarcocapitalsimo proposed by David D. Friedman, "systems of laws are created for profit on the open market"which would lead to widespread libertarian society if not absolute. Rothbard bases its philosophy on the basis of absolute natural law but also provides economic explanations of why they think that anarchist-capitalism is preferable from a pragmatic point of view. Friedman says he is not a theorist of absolute rights but also "is not a utilitarian" but thinks "utilitarian arguments are often the best way to defend libertarian points." Meanwhile, Hans-Hermann Hoppe's argumentation ethics used to support the "private property anarchism"and is closer to the vision of natural law Rothbard. Not all those in favor of a capitalist anarchism call themselves anarchist-capitalists, such as Wendy McElroy prefers the term anarchist-individualism.
Anarchist-capitalists have different visions of how to eliminate the State. Rothbard advocated use of any tactics not immoral available for free. Agorists, followers of the philosophy of Samuel Konkin proposed eliminating the state's fiscal strength and practicing the use of illegal black market strategies called counter-economics until the state security functions can be replaced by free market competitors.
History and Origins
Classical liberalism
The first source that will serve to support the modern theory of market anarchy is the classical liberal John Locke, who argued that as people mix their own labor with unowned resources, make these resources property.People can acquire new property for work on unowned resources or trade in goods created. This
idea is used by anarchist-capitalists to explain why to them the sovereignty of private property conflicts with state sovereignty.
One of the first individuals to propose the concept of privatization of the protection of individual liberty and property, foreshadowing what will then anarchist-capitalism, Jakob Mauvillon was French in the eighteenth century.Later in the 1840s, Julius Faucher and Gustave de Molinari advocated the same. Molinari, a favorite pupil of Frédéric Bastiat in his essay "The production of security," he argued, "No government should have the right to prevent another government from competing with it, or to require consumers of security to come exclusively to that for merchandise. "
Molinari said the monopoly on security because high prices and low quality. Said Les Soirées . "government monopoly is no better than any other A government administers well and do not especially low, when there is no competition to fear, when the governed are denied the right to freely choose their Production rules ... security inevitably becomes costly and bad when it is organized as a monopoly. " The weight of Molinari's argument for free market anarchism is based on economics and not in moral opposition to the state.
The anti-state liberal tradition in Europe and the United States continued after Molinari in the early writings of Herbert Spencer, as well as thinkers such as Paul Émile de Puydt and Auberon Herbert.
Nineteenth century American anarchist-individualism
The theory of natural law, the lawyer Lysander Spooner, is considered among the main predecessors of anarchist-capitalism and the closest to the contemporary idea by legal doctrine. In 1845, the lawyer Lysander Spooner wrote an essay radical anti-slavery unconstitutionality of slavery . Installed firmly in the tradition of natural law and faced since the beginning of his professional career with the ideological and protected by the State, in 1870 wrote monopolies No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority , explaining that all legislation is opposed to natural law and is therefore criminal. An example of its antitrust company was founded in 1844, theAmerican Letter Mail Company , which competed with the legal monopoly of the Postal Service United States in violation of the "Statute of Private Delivery", which restricts U.S. transport and delivery of letters by any organization outside the Postal Service. Spooner believed that monopolies were immoral restraint, and although he had some success lowering prices, the government of the United States challenged Spooner with legal measures, forcing him to cease operations in 1851.
His abolitionism led him to criticize the reasons for the Civil War (1861-1865): understood that fighting for the false issue of marriage, when should have been fought over the issue of slavery. Spooner thought that slavery would not have dared to rebel against a government that gave freedom to the world while defending their own freedom, southerners won a moral and psychological advantage that sustained during the war. Thus, in 1864 published a letter to Charles Sumner in which he accused northern politicians have 'on their head, even more, if possible, on the same slave (who have acted according to their associations , interests and principles held as slave) rests the blood of this horrible, unnecessary, and therefore guilty, war. " In contrast to the legal matches, Spooner's ideas in favor of intellectual property are faced with the anarchist-capitalist ideas, which reject ideas that are privately owned.
Benjamin Tucker (1854-1939) developed the individualist anarchism in a series of articles later collected in Instead of a Book (1893). Its basic principle was that each individual should enjoy maximum liberty compatible with a like liberty for others, particularly involving unlimited rights to acquire and dispose of property on the market. In the old American tradition of anarchism, especially among those known as "anarchists Bostonians' there an assertion of the value of private property; committed to the idea of a free market, it was not possible for them to develop correctly by the distortion produced by the monopolies, which primarily blamed the government.Tucker, Josiah Warren and influenced by the theory of labor value, long considered the land was justifiable only when the holder in use. The latter unlike his predecessor who was traditionally Lysander Spooner Lockean regarding private land ownership (original appropriation). Tucker later abandoned his idea of the land and say that it is legitimately transferred through the tackles unless specified by a contract. Tucker's theories about the market value and land ownership have always been rejected by the anarchist-capitalist economic and legal doctrine.
As Spooner, Tucker attacked monopolies created by the state, without a state, each person would exercise their right to protect their own freedom, using the services of a private association of protection if necessary.Benjamin Tucker advanced the idea then deepen anarchist-capitalism: that defense is a service like any other, a job and a commodity subject to the law of supply and demand, prevailing competition sponsorship will go to whoever offers the best product the most reasonable price, and that the production and sale of this merchandise is now monopolized by the State as a monopolist charging exorbitant prices for poor service. He noted that anarchism he proposed included prisons and armed forces. Tucker also launched the idea of the possibility of government agencies funded through "voluntary tax".
Austrian School
The Austrian School of Economics was founded in 1871 with the publication of Carl Menger's book Principles of Economics . The focus of this school economics as an a priori system like logic or mathematics, rather than as an empirical science such as geology. It seeks to discover axioms of human action (called "praxeology" in the Austrian tradition) and make inferences from them. Some of these praxeological axioms are:
human beings act intentionally;
humans prefer more of a good to less;
humans prefer receiving a well sooner than later, and
each party to a trade act benefits ex ante .
Even in the early days, the Austrian economy was used as a theoretical weapon against socialism and statist policy. Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, a colleague of Menger, wrote one of the first reviews of socialism in his treatiseThe exploitation theory of socialism-communism . The most influential Austrian economist was, perhaps, Ludwig von Mises, author of the praxeological work Human Action . Later, Friedrich Hayek, Mises disciple, wrote The Road to Serfdom , stating that a command economy destroys the function of price information, and authority over the economy leads to totalitarianism.
Murray Rothbard, another disciple of Mises, is the man who tried to merge Austrian economics with classical liberalism and individualist anarchism. He wrote his first article advocating "private property anarchism" in 1949, and later came up with the alternative name "anarchist-capitalism". He was an economist by training, but also knowledgeable in history and political philosophy. When theyng, it was considered part of the Old Right, one anti-statist and anti-interventionist branch of the Republican Party. In the 1950s, briefly involved with Ayn Rand, but after he had a fight with her. When interventionist cold warriors of the National Review, William F. andBuckley, Jr., gained influence in the Republican Party in the 1950s, Rothbard left the group and formed an alliance with leftist groups against the war, given the antiwar tradition among a number of self-proclaimed leftist and a level closer to the Old Right conservatives. He believed that the Cold War was more indebted in theory, left and imperialist progressives, especially in regard to the Trotskyist theory.Later, Rothbard initially opposed the founding of the Libertarian Party, but joined him in 1973 and became one of its leading activists. Rothbard books, as Man, Economy and State , Power and Market , The Ethics of Liberty and For a New Liberty , are considered classics of libertarian thought of natural law.
Movement references
In English
Are important references in English studies recognized members of the Mises Institute, the Cato Institute and the Independent Institute. Other sources are more explicitly anarchist Center for Libertarian Studies, the Journal of Libertarian Studies, sites,,,, the Seasteading Institute or the Molinari Institute, in the USA. W. .. They also highlight
the Freedomain Radio podcast Canadian Libertarian Alliance organization and the UK, among other sources.
In Spanish
In Spanish language, there is an important benchmark of anarchist-capitalism, Deputy Ludwig von Mises Institute and exponent of the Austrian School, Professor Jesús Huerta de Soto, along with contemporary exponents as Anxo Miguel Bastos, Albert Esplugas and analysts and some members of the Instituto Juan de Mariana. Editorials in their catalog including texts are liberal anarchism Editorial Union of Spain, Argentina and Sacred Cry.
Other languages
In Portuguese can be found at Instituto Ludwig von Mises Brasil, the Flemish and Italian Rothbard Instituut important Istituto Bruno Leoni members, who adhere and promote anarcocapitalism from these institutes.
Historical examples
Some theorists point out historical examples anarcocapitalism having similarities with their ideology. While it is untimely to the formulation of this doctrine or social processes are not derived from this philosophy societies, these theorists highlight real situations where the protection of individual liberty and property were voluntarily funded rather than provided by the State through taxes.
Celtic Ireland
A common example of a company with anarcocapitalistas features is Celtic Ireland in the Middle Ages, its legal system and clan-based courts to which one could freely join and leave the union.
Medieval Iceland
According to David Friedman, "Medieval Icelandic institutions had several peculiar and interesting features, could have been created by a crackpot economist to test the scope in which market systems could supplant government in its most fundamental duties."Although not directly qualify as anarcocapitalista, Friedman argues that the Icelandic Commonwealth between 930 and 1262 introduced "some features" of the anarchist-capitalist society (due to the existence of a single legal system, security was entirely private and capitalist), providing some evidence of how such a society would work. "Even though the Icelandic legal system recognized an essentially offense" public ", the managed giving some individuals (sometimes chosen from those affected) the right to take the case and collect fines, thus engaging in a system essentially private ".