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Page 79

by Kyra Anderson

  He moved back to my face, supporting himself on his wings again as he took my mouth in his. I felt his tongue against mine, soft but insistent, telling me that he was trying his best to control himself. It was a huge turn on, knowing that my body excited him. It made me feel powerful and beautiful.

  My hands, which had been uselessly gripping and releasing the sheets, moved to his lower back, pulling his hips over mine as we kissed. The intensity of feeling the fabric of his pants against me was too much. I let out a small shout that caused him to smile against my lips and push his hips forward into mine again, trying to elicit the same response.

  I tore my mouth away, unable to focus on kissing him. It was too intense to feel him grinding against me.

  My hands scraped down his back, grabbing at any part of him I could until one of my hands grabbed at his back pocket and the fingers of my other hand hooked into the belt loops, trying to push the fabric away.

  “Slow down…” he whispered, licking up my neck from my collarbone to my earlobe, which he took between his teeth teasingly.

  “No,” I whined. My brain finally scrambled a fraction of control together as the initial shockwave of intense pleasure dulled. My hands moved from where they were to the front of his pants, fumbling with the button. His hips stilled. He did not make an effort to stop me, his fingers taking my chin and turning my head to kiss him again.

  My fingers finally succeeded in getting the button undone and work the zipper down.

  I moved my hands around his hips and under the fabric of his pants and boxers, pushing them down as I grabbed at the warm skin desperately.

  His breath caught and his body shivered, which made me smile and my own arousal spin even higher.

  Mykail’s eyes locked with mine and he pulled away. My hands slipped from him as he sat up, removing his clothes.

  My eyes moved hungrily over his body as he kicked the pants from his ankles. I felt a carnal hunger grab at every cell of my being. I had no comprehension of the fact that the lights were on in the room, hiding nothing. I greedily studied him for the short time that his entire body was in sight.

  I thought that he had leaned down to kiss me until the sudden rush of cold air against my back made me realize I had launched upright, grabbing his neck and kissing him passionately, pressing my body to his. My hand carded through his hair desperately as our mouths worked together.

  He guided me back down to the bed and smiled against my lips as his hand skimmed down my body, causing me to arch up to his touch, greedy for any sensation.

  I stiffened when his hand rested on my thigh, running up and down the same patch of skin, soothing me, trying to keep from startling me. At this point, the pace was torturous. My body was singing with pleasure and I craved more. I groaned in frustration, trying to push my leg up so that his hand would fall where I wanted it most.

  He broke the kiss, looking into my eyes as his hand finally moved upward and touched where I desperately wanted.

  I gasped and my body jolted, but I did not break eye contact with him. He was just barely smiling, his eyes as gentle as his fingers as he touched me intimately, both emotionally and physically.

  I felt the heel of his hand press to my pubic bone as one of his fingers slowly eased into me, aided by the lubrication of my aroused body.

  I could not keep my eyes open. They snapped shut as a blinding bolt of pleasure ripped through me, his finger pushing deeper until his finger was not only inside me, but his palm was also pressed to my clitoris, causing continuous bolts of lightning to tear through me.

  His finger stilled for a few moments until my eyes fluttered open. He was watching me, gauging my reaction. Gently, he pulled the finger out to the first knuckle and pushed it back in, pushing upward on the front wall, causing me to feel pressure that was not painful, but strange.

  However, when his second finger began to push in to accompany the first one, I could not stop my cringe at the stretch.

  His hand stilled immediately and I tried to relax, nodding to assure him I was alright. Carefully, he pressed his fingers deeper and I did my best to keep my body relaxed.

  Mykail kissed me, his fingers stilling once again. He waited until my focus on his lips caused my body to relax and allow his fingers deeper. The pressure was not something I was expecting and, as turned on as I was, I could not help but focus on the foreign feeling.

  “Take a deep breath…” he whispered. I did so, slowly drawing oxygen into my lungs. “And slowly let it out…”

  As I pushed the air out of my lungs his fingers pushed deeper into me and caused the last part of my exhale to become a confused, yet pleased, groan.

  I shifted my hips to meet him, trying to get accustomed to the stretch of his fingers, but he pulled his hand away, pulling his fingers out and moving his hips to settle between mine.

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in immediate understanding, trying to prepare myself for what was about to happen.

  “We can stop…” Mykail’s voice betrayed how much he hated to say the words. I opened my eyes and looked at his face above mine before my eyelids lowered again and I licked my lips, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him closer, tilting my hips.

  “If you say that again, I will never forgive you,” I near-panted.

  One of his hands went to my thigh, pushing it to open my legs wider as he steadied himself on his wings, his other wrapping around himself as he moved to enter me. My heart stilled and apprehension took hold. I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down.

  He hesitated.

  “You really will never forgive me?” he asked, his eyes on my face, seeing my nervous expression.

  “No, I won’t,” I chuckled breathlessly. I took one of my hands that had been employed scratching his shoulder and placed it against the side of his face, focusing his attention on me. “I’m ready.”

  He kissed me once and began to push in.

  My back arched and a choked cry managed to make its way out of me, but it was not out of an intense spiral of pleasure.

  It was painful. It burned to have him pushing into me, filling me and taking my virginity. My body fell back to the bed and my head snapped to the side, my eyes tightly closed as I grit my teeth, trying to get used to the invasion.

  When I thought that there was no way I could be stretched anymore and the pain was unbearable, he pushed in further.

  When he was completely seated inside me, I let out a shuddering breath as he pressed kisses to my face, his body shaking above mine.

  “Don’t…don’t move…” I pled around my teeth.

  He did not speak, but he remained still, allowing me to scratch his shoulders and lower back as I tried to force my body to relax and accommodate him. No matter how much I tried, I could not get over the pressure and stretch. It was too painful to push aside.

  My breathing began to slow, Mykail peppering comforting kisses over my cheek and forehead. I turned to him and kissed him fully.

  “Go slow…” I breathed against his lips.

  His hips slowly pulled away from mine and the burn of my stretched skin almost made me cringe, though I bit it back to be sure that he didn’t worry further. He slowly pushed back into me, his arms and shoulders shaking as a small breath tripped over his teeth, his eyes fluttering closed. I watched his face, fascinated by the pleasure that was etched into his features.

  The pressure was only slightly unpleasant because it was so different, but the burning and stretch was the worst, chasing away the acute feelings of pleasure and leaving behind only dull signals that made the experience tolerable.

  The burning slowly ebbed and I carefully moved my hips to meet his as he continued to thrust. He moaned and my body shuddered from the sound. It was almost enough to chase away the discomfort.

  Mykail began moving faster and my nails dug into his skin. There was just enough pain to keep the pleasure at bay.

  The burn was still present, but my body was becoming acclimated to the sensat
ion, I was able to focus entirely on his movements. He began moving even faster and I pushed my hips up to meet him, bringing him deeper and causing my body to tighten.

  Mykail let out a moan that hummed along my spine and my body began to glow. I closed my eyes, grabbing his head and moving it from my neck to kiss him deeply. His moans caused me to shiver and pleasure began to build in my body. Before it could reach the intensity from earlier, his hips stilled and his body shuddered.

  He collapsed with a small groan and draped over me, his hips stuttering slightly as he came inside of me. I shuddered at the intimacy of the moment. Though I did not orgasm, knowing that I had brought him such pleasure made me feel like I was glowing.

  I kissed the top of his head, running my hands through his hair as we both caught our breaths, his breath ghosting over my chest as I held him, my heart soaring, reveling in the moment.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  I felt different when I woke up Saturday morning. My body felt sore all over, but the feeling was concentrated mostly in my legs and pelvis. I slowly turned onto my back, coming face to face with Mykail, who was awake, his fingers playing over my ribcage and waist.

  “Good morning.”

  “Morning…” I murmured.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked, his voice strained. I smiled and stretched, trying not to cringe at the sparks of pain radiating from the movement.

  “A little sore…” I admitted. He smiled and his hand moved down my hip and to my thigh, his eyes looking down my body.

  “We probably should have waited until you were a little more rested…” he mused.

  “In that case, it would have never happened,” I chuckled. “We have less than a week…”

  “Shh…” he smiled, pressing a finger to my lips. “We don’t need to talk about that right now.”

  I grinned and snuggled into the pillow, sighing in contentment. I moved my hips to turn on my other side, and while I expected the twinge of pain, I did not expect the feeling of my thighs being slightly wet and sticky. I thought I had cleaned myself up enough from the previous night before returning to bed. I furrowed my eyebrows and concentrated on the feeling.

  “What is it?”

  “I think I need to take a shower,” I said, sitting up.

  “Is everything alright?” he asked, worried, propping himself up on his elbow.

  “Yes, everything’s fine,” I assured with a smile. “I’m just kind of…” I motioned to my sheet-covered lap, “sticky?” I completed stupidly.

  His eyes widened and his breath caught in his throat. He turned away and I blinked at his reaction. At first I thought he was embarrassed, but then I realized that his reaction was something else entirely.

  I guess it was pretty sexy, actually. I recalled him coming inside me, how much pleasure he felt from me, the evidence of which was still between my legs.

  “Oh…o-okay,” he said as casually as he could manage.

  I smiled, kissing him on the cheek before extracting myself from the sheets, trying not to cringe at the sticky, wet feeling stuck to my thighs—and probably the bedding.

  “We should wash the sheets,” I chuckled weakly, walking down the hall toward my bathroom, feeling only a slight twinge as I walked, ignoring my naked state.

  As I stepped under the warm spray, one thought was stuck on repeat.

  I did it…

  It had not been as pleasurable as I had hoped, but the intimacy and connection I had shared with Mykail had been so intense it was almost painful. I felt the curling of warmth through my sore muscles as I recalled his voice as he moaned my name, and the way his hips fit between my legs, stuttering as he began moving faster…

  I swallowed hard, trying to keep myself from craving the intimacy again. I had always expected the first time to hurt—a thought that had been amplified by my friend’s constant gossip—so there was a part of me that was not sure I would feel as good as I hoped the second time, another part of me, a bigger part of me, was more than eager to try.

  A cold rush of air caught me off-guard and I turned around quickly, surprised to see Mykail stepping into the shower, folding his wings tight into his body to fit in my large walk-in shower.

  “Hey…” I whispered, my eyes travelling over him, appreciating the strong muscles of his chest and shoulders. My eyes also drank in the way his waist gently tucked in to his hips and the toned muscles of his legs that guided my eyes upward toward his half-hard erection. My heart fluttered at the sight.

  He stepped forward and trailed the backs of his fingers over my jaw as I stood still, feeling the hot water beat on my shoulders. I watched his eyes travel over my lips and neck, his hand leading his eyes down my shoulder and arm, dipping down further to my waist.

  “I wanted to thank you…” he whispered, his arms circling me.

  “For what?” I blinked, trying to catch my breath. Between the steam produced by the hot water and the electricity humming along my nerves, it was becoming difficult to breathe.

  “Last night…” he breathed, his fingers spreading over my lower back as he pulled me close. I could not stop the moan that bubbled out of my mouth. “I’m sorry that you didn’t enjoy it more…”

  “I enjoyed it,” I protested weakly, my self-control slipping as my skin, sensitive from the hot water, was touched by his soft, strong hands.

  “Well…” he whispered, pressing his head against mine, his breath at my ear, “I didn’t feel you cum…” he breathed. I shuddered and my eyes rolled back as the short sentence crashed through my barriers. “I’m sorry…I tried to get you there.”

  Oh my God…

  “So…I want to try again,” he hissed. “Right now. Just my fingers and maybe my mouth.”

  “Holy shit…” I breathed, my legs buckling underneath me, but he held me, keeping me upright. I took a few deep breaths, taking in his intoxicating scent as my heart thundered against my ribs.

  “Is that okay?”

  I was not sure how he expected me to be able to answer when he spoke to me like that. I could only nod furiously, clutching at him as though he was the only rock in a river of intense sensation.

  “You’re so beautiful…” he breathed, his hand moving down my back and groping me, pushing my hips against his and rekindling the fire from the previous night. My hips had a mind of their own, grinding against his for any friction I could, seeking the release I had been unable to achieve.

  Mykail’s lips captured mine and I immediately grabbed his hair, tangling my fingers in the wet tendrils and trying to suck the soul out of him with the intensity of our kiss.

  His fingers kneaded my skin as his other hand wrapped in my hair, gently tugging our mouths apart and tilting my head back to kiss my jaw and neck. I was useless in his arms, a creature of feeling and pleasure, lost in the waves of his touch.

  Suddenly, his hands were on my hips, turning me around, pressing my back to his front and dipping his head to my neck, nipping at the area where my neck met my shoulder. One of his hands pushed my breast upward, his fingers pinching the sore nipple, but the pain was not only tolerable, it was exciting.

  His other hand cupped me, his palm resting against the hair of my pubic area. I moaned and my knees went weak. One of my hands went to his arm, while the other one wrapped in his hair, holding his head as I turned to kiss him deeply.

  Two of Mykail’s fingers began circling my clitoris and I arched into the touch, my moan echoing around the bathroom, though I paid no attention to it. I felt his erection against me and pushed back, moving my hips to give him friction, which earned me a slightly harder bite on the shoulder.

  His fingers pressed harder, moving in a countering motion to my hips as his hand against my breast pinched and teased my nipple.

  “Please…” I whispered.


  “I want…I want more…”

  Boldly, I released my hand from his hair and moved it behind me to wrap around his hard length, surprised at the feeling of it in my ha
nd. He stopped in his movements and let out a moan before shaking his hand and grabbing my wrist, crossing it over my body so that we were both holding my breast.

  “You first…”

  I almost collapsed again.

  His fingers working me carefully, he brought me closer and closer to that cliff I had teetered on a week before and I wanted nothing more than to throw myself over the edge again. But every time my body tensed, ready to soar, he would stop, paying attention to my breast or kissing my neck to force my body back down before starting the torture again.

  I finally growled in frustration, turning around and crashing our mouths together, lifting my leg to hook over his hip as his hand held my thigh.

  He pulled me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, eagerly waiting to feel him fill me again. Instead, he carefully maneuvered, lowering to his knees. Rather than feeling myself seated on his hips, I felt the cold bite of tile against my skin, hissing at the contact and breaking our kiss.

  He had sat me on the seat in the shower, kneeling with my legs still looped around his waist.

  Smiling confidently, he leaned forward and kissed me once on the lips before his head dipped to my neck, trailing kisses between my breasts. He sat back on his heels, his tongue dipping into my navel as I was left a writhing mess between the cold tiles and the stifling steam of the shower.

  His hands wrapped around the backs of my bent knees and tugged gently, bringing my hips forward. Then, one of those strong hands trailed along the inside of my thigh and, as he made eye contact with me, he pushed one finger inside.

  My head fell back against the tile with a dull thud, but the pain of my skull and the small burn of his finger pushing into me only intensified the pleasure this time, particularly when his finger crooked forward and stroked my front wall.

  “Does that hurt?” he asked, kissing the inside of my thigh.

  “God, no.”

  I felt him smile into the next kiss on my thigh and then his head moved between my legs where his finger was gently stroking my inner walls in an agonizingly sweet way.


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