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Enemy Myself

Page 21

by Daniel OConnell

  Abe puts out his hand and says, “Well sir I did what I had to do just like you or my Father would have done.”

  Caleb lowers his head as he reflects on the moments he transferred the X’ena knowledge into Abrahams mind. Caleb looks up and takes in a deep breath, stating, “Yeah son, I’m sorry about what I did to you. I was wrong to do what I did to your mind.”

  Abe shakes his head and rebuts, “Well sir.” Abe pauses for a moment as he looks at Caleb and then continues, “For half my life I hated you for what you did to me but the day when Carla needed me to be there for her and I knew just what to do to save her.” Abe pauses once more, continuing, “Well sir, that’s the day I came to terms with what you did to me and accepted it. I’ve grown a lot in my life and I owe who I am to my family and you’re a part of that family and you’re the part that made sure I could keep us together.”

  Caleb takes Abe’s hand and pulls him into him, embracing him for a moment. Caleb steps back and slowly exhales, changing the subject he asks, “So what’s the status of our repairs?”

  Abe looks to Zeta Seven and orders, “Zeta Seven report.”

  Zeta Seven replies, “The ship will be fully repaired within six hours and fourteen minutes.”

  Syn, reviewing the data speaks up, stating, “We still have five unaccounted fighters out there.”

  Abe looks towards Syn and says aloud, “Zeta Seven please give Paladin their cloaking frequency.”

  Zeta Seven responds, announcing, “They are working at a sub-wave frequency of point seven with an alternating wave of three hundred nanowaves. They are alternating the frequency every eleven seconds.”

  Paladin quickly reports, “I have the remaining five fighters locked onto, they appear to be just observing us for now. I have been able to tie this frequency into my long-range scanners and have confirmed Syn’s program as to the exact location of the approaching fleet. Syn’s program was accurate to within a few meters of there location.”

  Syn steps forward and approaches Abraham and says, “It is odd to meet you in person as I know everything and nothing about you.”

  Abe’s eyes fixate on Syn as he studies the synthetic android’s appearance, noting the artificial but accurate representation to himself, asking, “You were made to think, act and even look like me?”

  Syn responds cautiously, stating, “My creator…” Syn pauses, “Perhaps I should rephrase that. Your alternate future self began my creation thousands of years ago as one of many different plans to extend his life. I was a project that became obsolete when he found a way to transfer his consciousness directly into the Skull super station. Over the last few centuries he would tinker with me by downloading pieces of himself into this host. Eventually he disregarded me all together until the day the Demon Queen took over Skull. With little or no time left he released me in the hopes that some part of him would exist. I do not know if he would have anticipated this alternate time line but regardless of my origin I hope that we may be able to co-exist.”

  Abe stares at Syn for a moment and says, “What and where your place in our universe is not for me to decide. I am still trying to come to terms with all the secretes that have been hidden from me. Seeing you is just another in a long line of self doubts I have.”

  Caleb lowers his head, stating, “Abe I know you have issues with many things I have done, including hiding your part in the alternate future but I did what I did to protect you.”

  Abe exhales stating, “Perhaps it is better if I get to work on some of the ships systems so we can get back on track, we only have a few days before Carla gets here.”

  Syn reflects for a moment and states, “The Carriers will have their shift drive recharged by then.”

  Abe becomes alarmed, asking, “These Super Carriers have shift drive capability?”

  Syn responds, “Limited in comparison to Paladin or the fighters as the Super Carriers are only able to shift once every three to four days.”

  Paladin adds, “Currently, the four Carriers are continuing their course towards us at an accelerated speed. The Meli’s ship and it’s two escort vessels are still maintaining a holding pattern more than a week away. Oddly enough I am picking up gravitational disturbances near their ships.”

  Syn quickly pulls up the data on his holopad and studies it for a moment and responds, “They may be trying to affect the wormhole probabilities in that area.”

  Abe, trying to grasp the conversation asks, “Is the area they are in susceptible to wormholes?”

  Syn turns towards Abe, answering, “In the alternate timeline you studied this particular area of space because of the gravitational fields creating natural wormholes. The Meli was heading here to try and use one to accelerate its return to your galaxy.”

  Abe shakes his head as he looks to Caleb, stating, “Perhaps it would be prudent for us to confer on all our data and assemble a proper plan.”

  Caleb huffs as he turns away, “For now let’s just walk back to the Bridge and talk for a bit. I’d like to get to know my Son-in-law a little more.”



  Several hours pass as Paladin announces to everyone on the Bridge, “Repairs are fully complete. I’m showing our five enemy fighters to be keeping a fair distance from us while remaining cloaked. For now, it appears that they are unaware that we have discovered their current cloaking frequency.”

  Abe looks over the data on the C.i.C holoscreen and states, “The four carriers are still moving towards us, even if they don’t use their shift drive they will be in range to attack us long before Ronin arrives.”

  Rooke, also looking over the data turns to Caleb and asks, “It might be sensible if we change course and head towards Ronin.”

  Syn adds in, “We could easily shift to them in less than a day. It would be prudent.”

  Caleb shakes his head as he exhales, replying, “Very well, prepare to shift.”

  Abe suddenly realizes something, exclaiming, “Wait. I have an idea that may be useful to us.”

  Caleb looks towards Abe, shaking his head in disbelief and asks, “What are you thinking?”

  Abe looks towards Syn and states, “I can take Zeta Seven and attach myself to one of those fighters, possibly getting myself onboard one of those carriers.”

  Syn becomes alarmed, stating, “That would be ill advised Master Abraham. Those ships have sentinel assault drones aboard that have very advanced scanning systems you would most likely be discovered.”

  Rooke looks to Caleb and asks, “What about attaching a few of those anti-matter nukes you have aboard to those ships?”

  Abe calculates the probabilities in his head, asking, “What is the detonation time?”

  Paladin responds, “Thirteen seconds.”

  Syn looks to Abe and reports, “They could easily shift it off the ship before it detonates.”

  Abe grins, “Not if I attach a scrambling field generator to the bombs.”

  Caleb thinks over Abe’s suggestion for a moment, saying, “Ok Abe get started on your plan.”

  Syn steps forward, asking, “Master Abraham I would appreciate it if you would allow me to help?”

  Abe shakes his head in agreement, stating, “Very well Syn, you can assist me.”

  Caleb looks to Abe and Syn and asks, “Are you sure about this now? You’re not going to have another great idea after I say let’s start with this?”

  Abe smiles, answering, “No Caleb, I’m all set with last minute idea’s for now.”

  Abe and Syn exit the Bridge and head down to armory as Syn says, “I appreciate you allowing me to work with you on this project.”

  Abe looks at Syn for a moment and replies, “Look Syn I really don’t know what to think about you yet, my gut tells me not to trust you completely, at least not as of yet. I really have lot to process about you and by working with you I hope this allows me the time to figure you out.”

  Syn shakes his head in agreement and responds, “I understand that my presences m
ay be a reminder to a possible future that you know very little about and have great reservation to learn more about.”

  Abe exhales heavily as he continues walking towards the armory, stating, “I won’t deny my scientific curiosity is standing on the edge of a knife wanting to learn everything about you. but with that being said, knowing just what I could become also makes me weary of wondering what might be. It really feels like I’m standing on the edge.”

  Syn looks to Abe in amazement, stating, “An excellent analogy Master Abraham.”

  Abe reluctantly asks, “What do you think of my plan on placing the bombs on the fighters?”

  Syn stops and quickly activates a device on his arm as he turns to Abe and answers short, “It will fail Master Abraham.”

  Abe suddenly stops in corridor, stunned he asks, “Wait. What do you mean fail? Why would you agree to this if you know it fail?”

  Syn responds, “My motivation was to speak to you alone. I have activated an energy field that will block Paladin’s ability to listen to us. His sensors will show us discussing energy probabilities of the scrambling field. Nevertheless, that will only fool him for a few minutes at best. Master Abraham the Carriers are equipped with an energy dampening scanner that will easily detect anything that you attached to the fighters. Nevertheless, your original plan of sneaking aboard their Carrier is sound but needs modification. Your Zeta Seven is a very powerful assault armor drone. I have scanned it and see you have integrated most of my suggestions into it. The Drone is impressive, considering the time line and your current development within it. If you can get your armor aboard one of those carriers the sentinels assault drones will have great difficulty against it for a short time but with my help we should be able to overcome them and take control of one of those Carriers.”

  Abe, shaking his head asks, “And why are we discussing this in private and not with Caleb’s knowledge and or approval?”

  Syn smirks, “Caleb would allow me to risk my life as he sees me as an expendable piece in this war but not his son-in-law. Not the Father of his grandchildren. No master Abraham, if we are to succeed it must be done with great risk to our own survival and you must know by now that Caleb will never risk you.”

  Abe reflects on Syn’s statement and answers, “Very well let’s get to work on this.”

  An hour passes as Abe reports to the Bridge over the holocom from the armory, “Caleb, Syn and I have attached scrambling generators to each of the five bombs.” Abe pauses as he looks to Syn and says, “I think this may go quicker if Syn were to help me attach the bombs to those five fighters.”

  Caleb shakes his head in agreement, replying, “Very well but no crazy business. Just attach them and get your asses back here now.”

  Abe looks to Syn as he answers, “Yes Caleb.” Abe closes the holocom.

  Syn turns on his dampening field and states, “We must act quickly once we take control of the fighter’s. We will only have a brief window before Caleb realizes we have altered the plan and he interferes.”

  Abe sighs, “I’m aware of the obvious.”

  Abe and Syn take a hoverboard carrying five modified anti-matter nuclear warheads to the hangar bay.

  After a brief walk the two arrive as Abe approaches Zeta Seven, ordering, “Zeta Seven combat armor mode.” Zeta Seven transforms around Abe incasing him in a massive armored shell.

  Syn picks up two of the bombs and holds them, stating, “I can carry these you should be able to hold the other three.”

  Abe acknowledges as he grabs the three remaining bombs attaching them to his armored suit, answering, “Ok let’s cloak and get moving.”

  The two lock their sensors onto the five cloaked fighters as they shift away. Abe exits null space first as he appears cloaked directly under one of the fighters. Syn appears a moment later directly above his target and acts instantly as he lands on the vessel and punches his fist through the cockpit canopy, killing the pilot instantly just as Abe had done earlier. Within a few seconds, he rips the dead pilot from his seat and takes control of the fighter placing both bombs beside him.

  Abe, not as ruthless as before tries a different approach this time as he attaches his armored suit to the ship and immediately overrides the control systems just as he had done on the other fighter earlier and shifts the pilot away from the cockpit.

  Paladin, immediately aware of the alteration of the plan alerts Caleb, “Cale, Abe and Syn are not following the plan! They have taken control of two of the fighters.”

  Caleb stands up, alarmed and yells, “Abe get back here at once!”

  Abe responds, “Not an option Caleb.” Both ships quickly target the remaining three fighters and destroy them just as they shift away.

  Caleb enraged barks out, “Get me Ronin on the holocom at once!”

  A moment later Ismail appears with Frasier on the screen. Caleb, clearly annoyed reports, “It would appear that Abe and Syn have decided to embark on some suicide mission, would someone please get my daughter to find him in psychic plane.”

  A second later Carla appears on the holo screen, asking, “What did Abe do?”

  Caleb confused that Carla is unaware asks, “Did you not try and find him on the psychic plane?”

  Carla frustrated answers, “I looked quickly but can’t sense him and with the Meli floating around out there I can’t spend to much time in the plane.”

  Paladin reports, “We were planting bombs on five enemy scout ships, which we had hoped would be able to sneak them onto the carriers but for some unknown reason Abe and Syn have instead commandeered two of the vessels and have shifted away.”

  Rooke suddenly announces, “They just exited null space directly in front of two carriers.”

  Paladin reports, “I’ve detected all five bombs are armed as they approach. At that distance, the bombs will destroy both of those Carriers.”

  A second later multiple plasma charges attack the two fighters, destroying both. Although none of the bombs could reach critical mass they do have enough energy to disrupt both Super Carriers shields.

  Carla enraged returns to the psychic plane where she finds Abe but is unable to pierce his psychic shield. Nevertheless, the Meli appears, discovering her as she lashes out multiple psychic blasts.

  Carla reacts instantly as she dodges the blasts and creates hundreds of duplicates of herself, announcing, “You may be more powerful than I for the moment but I know how to slow you down.”

  The Meli laughs as she replies, “Foolish girl you are a whelp to who and what I am.” The Meli launches a massive wave of energy across the plane as Carla quickly retreats to the physical world.

  Carla appears back on the Bridge, stating, “Well I found Abe and he’s alive but I can’t talk to him and the Meli is not making it easy for me to try.”

  Caleb sits down as he rubs his hands across his face and says, “I’ll go get them.”

  Rooke, alarmed reports, “Caleb that would take all our shift energy to reach them at this point and we will need that to hop around that many fighters if we have any chance of surviving.”

  Paladin interrupts, “I have Abe on the holocom.”

  Abe appears, reporting, “Sorry for not letting you in on the new plan but I knew you wouldn’t let me do it. We are entering one of the Carriers now I’ll report back in a few min...”

  Paladin reports, “Abe’s signal was cut off from the source. They are being jammed.”

  On the Super Carrier. Abe enters the ship as over a hundred crew members charge him.

  Abe activates targeting systems as his missile pods appear from Zeta Seven, instantly locking on to multiple targets, firing a massive barrage down the hangar bay and killing off many of the attackers.

  Syn appears behind Abe and assess the situation and sees an unoccupied fighter directly next to the remaining crewmembers where he hastily shifts to it.”

  The remaining crewmembers return fire as Zeta Seven’s shield holds up. Zeta Seven reports, “There are far too many to stay here. O
ur shields are down to forty six percent and I’m detecting several of those heavy assault drones approaching quickly. It would appear that their weaponry is far superior to what we are facing now.”

  Abe launches a second assault as his plasma cannons streak across the hangar bay but several force fields appear deflecting the assault.

  Three assault drones suddenly appear behind the shields. They are half the size of Zeta Seven but appear to have similar armament. Zeta Seven reports, “I’m detecting multiple target locks which the energy readings are enough to pierce our shields.”

  Suddenly Syn fires multiple torpedoes directly at the group, destroying everything. He opens the canopy and states, “We won’t have a lot of time before they regroup and come at us again.”

  Abe shakes his head and responds, “Okay let’s take their bridge as quickly as we can.”

  Syn looks over the data and says, “the Bridge is seventeen decks above us but they have scrambling fields up there and I’m sure the way will be filled with those lovely sentinel assault drones.”

  Abe looks outward and says, “Well we don’t need to go through the ship, we can go outside and let ourselves in to the Bridge from exterior of the Carrier. That should keep the crew off our backs.”

  Syn shakes his head in agreement and says, “Well as long as we remain close to the deck they won’t be able to fire upon us but the sentinel assault drones will still be able to follow us.”

  Zeta Seven reports, “I’m showing the closest Carrier to us is launching its fighters while the other two Carriers are now changing course to assist. We will only have a few minutes to act.”

  Abe looks to Syn who shakes his head in agreement as the two run out of the heavily damaged hangar bay and out into space. Abe uses Zeta Seven to grab Syn and throws him as far across the outer deck as he can, launching his rockets to propel himself right behind him.

  The two of them both reach half way across the main gun deck as Zeta Seven reports, “We have four sentinel drones ahead of us and three enemy fighters approaching from above.”

  Syn turns to Abe and says, “They are as strong and as powerful as you but not as fast. You can outmaneuver them if you go now. Don’t wait for me.”


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