Book Read Free

Enemy Myself

Page 22

by Daniel OConnell

  Abe bites his bottom lip as he locks onto the four sentinel drones and launches his attack with unbelievable speed as Zeta Seven moves at almost light speed between two of the sentinel drones firing both of his cannons at them, heavily damaging both with his opening volley. Without hesitation Abe hastily propels himself at one of the damaged drones and punches through its outer shell, ripping into two.

  Suddenly, multiple blasts rain down on Zeta Seven as its shields absorb multiple blasts. Zeta Seven alerts Abe, “We are down to ten percent shield life. It will take four minutes to recharge.”

  Abe turns and locks onto the remaining three and he launches multiple missiles as he races right behind them at amazing speeds. The barrage destroys the previous damaged one while taking down the shields of the remaining two. Abe fires once again at the remaining two, successfully destroying one while the other maneuvers away.

  Unexpectedly, several light plasma blasts rain down around Zeta Seven as the medium fighters strafe his position. Abe rolls Zeta Seven under a Heavy turret as the fighters fly by. Abe quickly looks for the sentinel drone but is surprised when it appears before him with its weapon pointed directly at him. Just as it is about to fire it explodes as Syn appears behind it and says, “We need to get to the Bridge now!”

  Abe looks up as he sees the fighters barring down on the two of them again. He acts instantly, grabbing Syn and once more using all of Zeta Sevens speed he launches Syn and himself directly against the Bridges outer shield.

  Both Syn and Zeta Seven quickly begin scanning the shield frequencies as they race to break through the shield before the fighters return.

  Zeta Seven reports, “I’m scanning two assault drones in the Bridge area and eighteen more converging on our position from outside.”

  Syn unconcerned announces, “Shield frequency is locked. Follow me through.”

  Syn passes through as Zeta Seven follows behind. Abe looks through the plasma portal as the crew races from the Bridge and the two Sentinels take up position.

  Abe looks to Syn who acknowledges what Abe is about to do. Abe pulls back Zeta Sevens massive arm and punches through plasma field as the Bridge immediately decompresses. Several crew members are launched out into space. The Sentinel drones lock themselves down so as not to be blown out. Abe quickly throws Syn into the Bridge just seconds before the emergency force field appears.

  Syn lands on his feet behind the Sentinels and fires at the force field generator above them, destroying the Bridges force field generator and allowing Zeta Seven to enter.

  The two Sentinels immediately react as one turns to Syn and the other towards Zeta Seven.

  Each Sentinel launches its attack as Syn’s personal field collapses as it is struck hard and he is launched across the Bridge. Zeta’s shield also collapses as its outer shell takes heavy damage, destroying its left arm.

  Zeta Seven reacts with the same speed it has used during its previous battles, grabbing the stationary Drone that fired upon him and ripping it from the deck floor, crushing it into the other sentinel. Abe continues to pound the two Sentinels with its one good arm until Syn stands up and says, “Master Abraham I think they are all done.”

  Abe stops as he sees Syn has survived, stating, “Well I was just making sure.”

  Syn quickly races over to the helm and turns the ship into a collision course towards the other Super Carrier.

  Abe walks over and picks up Zeta Sevens destroyed arm and places it against the damaged shoulder section.

  Syn looks over surprised and says, “That will take far longer than we have to reattach the arm. We’ll be on top of the other Carrier in thirty seconds”

  Abe replies, “I’ve modified Zeta Sevens self repair capabilities with nano technology I developed recently it will reattach the arm and accelerate the Ferrous anatanium magnetic alloys regeneration speed from hours to mere minutes.”

  Syn, surprised states, “That is an accomplishment that not even your future self ever did. My creator could manipulate Fama to do what ever he wanted but never could he accelerate its repair rate.”

  Abe smiles as he replies, “Well I’ve only been able to do this with Zeta Seven so far.”

  Several blasts suddenly rain across the Super Carrier as it races on a collision course towards the other.

  Zeta Seven reports, “They are powering up their hyperdrive.”

  Abe, who is standing right next to the weapons station immediately taps into the system and targets the other carrier’s engines as every weapon on the Super Carrier fires all at once directly at the engines.

  Syn chuckles, “They wouldn’t have been able to go to hyper space in time.”

  Abe, seeing the imminent impact looks to Syn and says, “Probably a good idea to get out of here.”

  Syn smiles and says, “You will not be able to reach Paladin by shifting for two days.”

  Abe sighs heavily, “Yeah, I’m probably not in a hurry to see him.”

  The two hastily shift away as the two Carriers collide into each other, destroying each other.



  Caleb stands in awe as looks at the holoscreen displaying the destruction of both Super Carriers. Carla who is on the open holoscreen is equally in shock.

  Paladin declares, asking, “I’ve detected two shift points a few days away from us, it would appear to be Abe and Syn have made good their escape. Shall I attempt to open a holocom channel?”

  Caleb begins to sit down, answering, “Very well. Let’s see what these two have to say for themselves.”

  A moment passes as Abe and Syn appear on the holoscreen as Syn respond, “We are alternating our com frequency every eight seconds please adjust accordingly.” Syn continues, “We have successfully destroyed two of the Super Carriers but I doubt we will be able to repeat that feat again. Currently we have several fighters searching for us as we will continue to shift towards you.”

  Abe adds, “I expect we will return to Paladin in thirty-six hours.”

  Caleb exhales heavily as he closes his eyes, stating, “We will shift to you in a few minutes, afterwards we will have a discussion on how we work together and not go off on some hair brain cowboy tactics without my approval.”

  Abe grins, answering, “Not really a discussion for us to have Caleb and most definitely not advisable for you to shift Paladin to us now.”

  Syn add in, stating, “There are hundreds of fighters in the area from the carriers we just destroyed, adding the fact that the two remaining carriers are nearby and still trying to located us so the arrival of Paladin cloaked or not would easily be detected when exiting null space. The time to retrieve us could easily be compromised not to mention the risk of further damaging Paladin. It would be advisable for you to remain where you are until we can finish our shifts to you. For now, we are cloaked and relatively small enough to avoid detection for now.”

  Carla, who is obviously enraged yells, “I’ll tell you what the hell is advisable is not going off trying to get yourself killed!”

  Abe takes in a long deep breath and slowly exhales, saying, “Yeah, I think we are going to go with Caleb’s idea about discussing this after we return. Abe out.”

  Abe terminates the com signal as he asks Syn, “So how long till your able to shift again?”

  Syn responds, “I can shift now. My shifter is powered by a Phace’mal and the creature allows me enough energy to return to Paladin if I so choose too.”

  Abe’s eye’s go wide in shock, asking, “You have a Phace’mal within you?”

  Syn, unconcerned responds, “Yes. I guess Caleb did not make you privy to my construction.”

  Abe alarmed by this, states, “Those Phace’mal are sentient living creatures and by using them as a power source your hurting them.”

  Syn looks to Abe and replies, “The Phace’mal energy I use is negligible to its existence and it is as you are obviously aware sentient and communicates with me, allowing me to use its power whenever I need to.�
�� Syn pauses as he looks towards Abraham. After a minute Syn continues, “Abe, I was created by your future self to be a vessel without emotion. A being that could not be swayed by the corruption that destroyed my Father but this Phace’mal within me has me questioning if in fact that I am without emotion. When I look at you and your children I feel as though I am….” Syn stops himself as he turns away.

  Abe considers Syn’s last statement, asking, “And this is why you are so interested in my family?”

  Syn responds, “I need to understand this concept of living on through children. To be more than you are and to see what this future may hold for me. Abe, I know that I may not be trusted by you and I accept that but hopefully if you will give me time perhaps I may gain a little bit of that trust.”

  Abe takes a moment as he looks at Syn, stating, “Trust is something that I do not give freely and something I hold most dear. I will always question your motives Syn as I do not know what your true motives may be but if we do have time perhaps I may come to trust you.”

  Syn shakes his head and briefly grins, stating, “You are much more than what I pictured Abraham Jackson. I had thought at one point to win your trust by sharing all the future technology I have but I see that is a mistake. You are unlike my creator, having already created such amazing devices that my creator never did and you have done so in such a short time.” Syn stops and points to Zeta Sevens previously damaged arm and states, “Even now your nano technology is analyzing my own make up and adding improvements into your Zeta Seven suit.”

  Abe is shocked at this revelation and asks, “How did you detect this? I just noticed the modification on the damaged arm a moment ago.”

  Syn responds, “You programmed those nanonites to adapt to any previous defect and improve. Eventually, those nanonites will be able to reconstruct Zeta Seven into a far more powerful battle suit. My Fathe...” Syn stops himself and continues, “I mean my creator was never able to accomplish anything like this. Your potential is far greater than what I could ever imagine.”

  Abe looks at the reconstructed arm and sees the enhanced armor plating as well as the improved servo’s. He looks out ahead and reaches his arm out to Syn and says, “Well if you can shift the entire distance to Paladin without harming the Phace’mal can you do so pulling me through with you?”

  Syn smiles and says, “Yes I can but it will take several minutes before we exit.” Syn takes Zeta Sevens hand and shifts.

  Back on Paladin a very annoyed and frustrated Caleb looks towards Carla on the holoscreen and exhales, stating, “Your husband is far from following in his Father’s footsteps with these cowboy antics.”

  Carla, sharing in her Father’s emotions agrees, answering, “He has changed a lot since I lost my powers and he had to save me.”

  Caleb reflects on Carla’s memories that she shared and shakes his head, asking, “Paladin report on everyone’s status.”

  Paladin reports, “The remaining carriers are on a holding pattern and appear to be waiting for the Meli’s main fleet. The Ronin of this time line is currently moving at extreme velocity and should be here within thirty-four hours, considering the holding pattern of the other two carriers it may be prudent to us wait for her to come to us and then formulate an attack plan.”

  Carla announces. “Dad we should be there long before she arrives.”

  Caleb sighs heavily, stating, “Very well, we will wait.”

  Carla smiles, stating, “See you soon.” The holocom closes

  After ten minutes Abe and Syn unexpectedly appear from null space directly in front of Paladin.

  Paladin alerts Caleb and the Bridge crew, “I’ve detected Syn and Abe directly in front of us. I will open our shields to allow them entry.”

  Caleb grumbles, stating, “They must have used the Phace’mal’s energy to transport themselves here so quickly. Well Pal get my daughter back on the com.”

  Out in space in front of Paladin, Abe maneuvers Zeta Seven as he carries Syn through the opening in the shield and quickly flies them both to the hangar bay beneath Paladins stern. Landing on the hangar deck Abe opens Zeta Seven and jumps to the deck, ordering, “Zeta Seven drone mode.”

  Zeta transforms himself into its drone persona with one notable difference its previously damaged arm now appears more human like, simulating Syn’s arm.”

  Abe, noticing this, studies the improvement for a moment and considers the consequences of his actions, creating a machine that can evolve so quickly.

  Syn, seeing this also knows what Abe is thinking and states, “The Zeta Seven armor is your creation and is limited only by your own restrictions. Your fear of it becoming like me should not worry you Master Abraham. Your creations only seek to emulate you not control or oppress you.”

  Abe looks towards Syn and shakes his head, saying, “I know you were created to be just like me but I’d prefer to keep my thoughts to myself.” Abe pauses, staring once more at Zeta Seven before stating, “Ok time to go see how angry Caleb is.”

  Syn shakes his head in agreement as the two of them walk up to the Bridge, along with Zeta Seven following close behind.

  Moments later the two enter the Bridge as Carla and Ismail are clearly visible on the holoscreen and Caleb refuses to make eye contact, instead staring at his daughter he asks, “Should I expect more of these unauthorized missions?”

  Abe huffs loudly answering, “We both know you would never have allowed me to attempt what I did.”

  Syn adds, “Our chances of success have now exceeded fifty percent.”

  Ismail stares intently at Abe, saying, “Abe, I know not why you have changed so much in the past year but I do not like this. You are a man of great knowledge and unprecedented skill. To take on such a fool hardy and risky mission is not normal for you.”

  Abe exhales as he looks towards Carla and waits for her to admonish him and after a minute she says, “Abe knows what he is doing probably better than any of us and if he is going to risk his life to make sure we all survive than we should support him not attack him. He succeeded in destroying two of those carriers.”

  Abe is stunned as he smiles at Carla saying, “Thank you Carla.”

  Carla interrupts, “I wasn’t finished. If you ever try to do anything so hair brained like that again there is no place in this universe you can hide from my fury. Do I make myself clear!”

  Syn chuckles.

  Carla, noticing this turns her rage towards Syn, cursing him, “Don’t think for one moment I don’t hold you responsible for twisting my husbands mind to follow your mad tactics and if anything should ever happen to him there will not be enough of you left to fill a thimble.”

  Abe smiles as he looks at Syn who stares at Carla in shock.

  Caleb turns to Syn and asks, “Just how much of the your Phace’mal’s energy did you use to needlessly shift here?”

  Syn glares at Caleb, answering, “My Phace’mal volunteers his energy Caleb just as the Phace’mal within your cargo hold volunteer their energy to help you.” Syn pauses as he looks towards Abe and shakes his head in disgust, stating, “For all your vaunted intelligence both your and Father never saw what Caleb did to you.”

  Caleb alarmed at Syn’s statement and scoffs aloud, asking, “What is this babble?”

  Syn turns sharply towards Caleb and then towards Carla and Ismail on the holoscreen, declaring, “You all stare at Abe and wonder why he has been acting so differently and yet the answer is so obvious clear that it has always been a mystery to me as to why Father or Abraham could never see it or understand what exactly Caleb did to them.” Syn pause as he turns back towards Ave and asks, “Ismail states that your reckless actions started about a year ago is that true?”

  Abe intently listening to Syn answers, “I guess I’ve been taking a lot more risks as of late.”

  Syn then turns towards Carla and asks, “And did something recently take place that placed Carla into a life-threatening predicament?”

  Caleb stands up in anger and yells, “Enough
with this, if you have a point make it!”

  Syn huffs, stating, “For as long as you have known of Noskcaj you assumed that the Meli was responsible for preventing him from attacking the Demon Queen when in fact it was you. You see Caleb when you down loaded your gift into Abraham you also transferred a bit of yourself with that knowledge and that part was the inescapable desire to protect her. It is at the core of who we are.”

  Carla looks at Abe in shock as her mind immediately tries to fathom just what Syn has revealed as she asks, “So Abe had no choice in his feelings for me?”

  Syn chuckles, stating, “No Mistress Carla, I said protect not love. The heart of Abraham found you all on his own. The love a Father for his child is completely different then the love of a husband for his wife. Caleb could never have enough psychic influence to make someone fall in love with someone, that is a power reserved for psychics such as yourself. Nevertheless, Abraham’s recent action have been amplified by some trauma that you must have faced recently.”

  Caleb grumbles, “That is bullcrap, I never forced my influence into anyone.”

  Syn smirks at Caleb, stating, “Perhaps Caleb, but I possess all the memories of my Father just without the emotional baggage and comes with it. I have felt an overall desire to protect Mistress Carla since the moment I’ve seen her and yet I could not understand why until now. You knowingly or unknowingly transfer a piece of yourself every time you heal or transfer knowledge. This overall feeling is a part of you Caleb and it is a part of me and Abraham.”

  Abraham quickly collect himself and refutes, “That’s pure garbage, I didn’t need Caleb to push me to protect my wife.”

  Syn shakes his head, answering, “No Abe you don’t but his influence pushes that desire even further than you know.”

  Syn quickly turns to Ismail, stating, “Even your closest friend Ismail has seen you move beyond what he would deem normal for you.”

  Caleb sits down as he tries to understand just what Syn has said and after a moment he looks up at Abe and says, “Abe if what Syn says is true I’m sorry… I didn’t know.”


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