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Bred by the Bully

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Standing up, he moved them a short distance from the table. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a couple of men clearing away the dishes as Drake pulled her into his arms.


  “I am.”

  “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  She released a sigh and smiled at him. “Like this?” she asked, pressing her body against his.

  “Yes. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  “It was terrifying. I don’t know what I’m doing.” She giggled.

  “You’re with me. There’s nothing you need to do other than enjoy.”

  “It’s easy for you to say.”

  “So very easy.”

  Her gaze landed on his lips and she quickly averted her eyes. She didn’t want to think of his lips, or what they could do to her body.

  Drake leaned down. His lips brushed across her cheek. “You’ve got to stop hiding from me, baby. You’re going to be my wife. That means not a single part of you is going to get away. I’m going to cherish you for every single day of our lives.”

  “What if you regret this decision?” she asked.

  She didn’t know where these thoughts were coming from, or even why she had them. None of them made any sense to her. She pressed her lips together, trying not to freak out. It was hard for her to accept unconditional love without being suspicious.

  “Do you regret saying yes?”

  Mira shook her head. “No. You don’t think things are moving too fast between us?”

  “I don’t think it’s moving fast enough.”


  “Yeah, oh.” He ran his hand down her back, gripping her ass. “I want you, Mira, all the time. Not a moment goes by that I don’t think about you. Where I don’t imagine what our life can be like together. It’s all I want with you, but it’s going to require you to put some things in the past. They don’t matter anymore. All that matters is you and me. No one else.”

  Could she really trust it?

  Did she have a choice?

  He owned her, but he hadn’t forced her to put the diamond ring on.

  Drake stopped dancing with her. Holding her hand, he led her below deck. She refused to look at anyone else for fear she’d see judgment and that, she couldn’t handle.

  The way he held her, she knew his intent without a doubt. He opened a door and she cautiously stepped inside.

  In the movies where there were a lot of boats, the rooms were shown to be small without any real luxury. What she saw now was pure extravagance. The bed was huge and could fit at least five people, if not more. She rubbed at her arms, and Drake came up behind her after she heard the door click.

  His face pressed against her neck and he groaned. “I never stop working. Normally, I never want to stop working, but seeing you when I got back to the office, you make me want to be a rebel.”

  “You work too much.”

  “And now, I’m going to learn to enjoy my reward.” He wrapped his arms around her and began to open the button of her shirt. She didn’t fight him. His movements were quick as he opened her blouse. His hands on her shoulders had her turning toward him.

  Biting her lip, she stared at him, waiting.

  He ran his hands up her body, pushing the shirt back until it fell to the ground.

  With the flick of his fingers, the catch was released from her bra, and next, he took care of her skirt.

  Drake had her naked in such a short amount of time while he was still fully dressed.

  “Fuck, now this was where I struggled through my meeting.” He reached out to cup each breast, slicking his thumb across each nipple, teasing the hard bud.

  She closed her eyes, releasing a moan as his touch ignited in her core. An answering pulse went straight to her clit. Clenching her hands into fists, she opened her eyes the moment he stopped touching her. She didn’t want him to stop.

  He removed his jacket, followed by his shirt. She loved his hard body. When he went to the belt of his pants, she couldn’t allow him to do it. She took over, tugging at the belt. Next, she flicked the catch and lowered the zipper.

  Sinking to her knees before him, she pulled his pants down and realized the position she was in. He shoved his boxer briefs down and his cock sprang forward. Already rock hard with moisture at the tip.

  Her mouth watered for a taste. Staring up at him, she bit her lip, waiting.

  Without any instruction, she wrapped her fingers around his length and teased across the tip. The moment she touched him, he growled, a deep guttural sound, as if he couldn’t get enough of her touch, and she was more than happy with that.

  Teasing down the long vein, she didn’t cover the head of him just yet, but moistened his length, licking, nibbling, and then she moved and slowly took him into her mouth. Drake grabbed her hair, fisting it as he held her against his erection.

  He hit the back of her throat, but rather than jerk away, she held herself perfectly still, waiting.

  He groaned and then began to use his grip on her head to create a tempo he enjoyed. She stared up at him and moaned deep, which made him pump a little faster, clearly wanting to go as deep as he possibly could. She expected him to use her, but he didn’t.

  He held himself back until he finally pulled out of her mouth, and within seconds, he had her flat on her back, her legs spread, and his mouth was between them. His tongue flicked across her clit, circling her bud before gliding down to plunge inside her.

  Drake held her open. The pleasure was almost too much. She couldn’t bear it, but he didn’t let up. He worked her pussy, driving her to the edge. He knew exactly what she liked and took her to heaven. The moment she came, he didn’t linger.

  He settled his strong body between her thighs, and she gasped as he pressed the hard length of his cock against her. He slammed inside her and she cried out in raw pleasure.

  The sudden pressure took her by surprise when he didn’t give her a chance to get accustomed to the sheer size of him. No wonder women couldn’t get enough of Drake. He was made for sex.

  He pulled out only to slam back inside.

  She whimpered. “Please,” she said.

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. Never.” She couldn’t handle it if he stopped. The pleasure was out of this world.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said.

  He grabbed her hands, pinning them to the bed as he rode her hard, making her take all of him.

  “Look at us,” he said. He lifted up and she stared down, seeing his cock glisten with her release. They both groaned, and she arched up, not wanting to stop.

  He held her down and pounded inside her pussy.

  Their moans combined together, and she thrust up against him, begging for more.

  He gave it to her.

  She took it.

  The fact the rest of the boat staff could probably hear them fucking was only an afterthought.

  His face pressed against her neck and then he jerked. His entire body went tense as his cock pulsed. She felt each wave of his cum as he flooded her body.

  Would this be the one to make her pregnant? He said he wanted her to make lots of babies for him.

  She licked her suddenly dry lips as he collapsed on top of her. The weight of him was a comfort.

  Tightening her hand around his, she felt the weight of the engagement band once again. Her brother might be pissed off with her, even though she’d done everything to save him, to protect him.

  Fucking Drake had been there to protect her brother.

  Marrying him … that was something else entirely, and the truth was, she was too scared to even consider what emotion that was.

  Biting her lip, she let out a little moan.

  Drake lifted up, and much to her surprise, he was already getting hard again.


  The yacht was a huge success.

  He’d kept Mira underneath him for the remainder of the day, and all night. They hadn’t left the bedroom, and he had the waiter bring food to the
door and he’d wheeled it in. Neither of them had gotten changed. They’d enjoyed their food without anything between them.

  Now though, it was a new day, and he was pissed off.

  All it had taken were a few phone calls, and he’d gotten the information he needed. One of his exes, Katherine, was in fact working as an aide to Nigel. She went to Mira’s brother every single day. The bitch dug for information and used her connections at the hospital to get the job to get closer to him.

  With that knowledge, he’d run a background check. With all the women he’d used for sex, he’d given some of them a decent settlement to keep them quiet, and Katherine had a huge shopping problem.

  She loved to spend money that wasn’t hers.

  Her apartment was in a shitty neighborhood, but the credit card bills, the mountain of debt was extreme. He was shocked she’d been able to hack it as an aide. She cared for no one but herself.

  In order to deal with her, he’d sent Mira to her brother. He’d been the one to arrange a new aide with the hospital and seeing as he handled the bill, no one appeared to have any complaints. If they did, they kept it to themselves.

  He had one of his men pick Katherine up.

  This woman had been a giant pain in his ass, and that was putting it nicely. She was a piece of work. She liked to play the victim when in truth she’d been a spiteful, vicious bitch from the start.

  She’d even tried to manipulate him to get her pregnant.

  He’d never been with anyone but Mira without a condom. The moment he caught her trying to steal the condom, he’d ended things, paid her off, and never thought about her again.

  His new PA alerted him to her arrival, and he got up from behind his desk. Arms folded, he leaned against it, waiting.

  Katherine entered his office. She wore a short dress, barely covering her ass. “I’m sorry, baby. I would have come sooner, but I just wanted to pick the right outfit.”

  He nodded at his man, who left without a word.

  Drake caught the pity in the man’s eyes. Clearly, Katherine’s incessant chatter hadn’t faded during their time apart.

  “Sit,” he said.

  She paused and the smile on her face dropped. “I can sit wherever you like.”

  He pointed at the chair in front of him.

  She tutted. “You know, I always knew you’d call back.”

  “Where are you getting your information,” he asked.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Katherine, you’ve got one choice here. You think I don’t know how heavily in debt you are? Who you’re in debt with? Every detail of your fucking life?” This time, he tutted. “I have to say you’ve got balls, going to my enemy, getting a loan from him. Did he tell you the repayment cost with him? How if a woman doesn’t pay, they end up becoming whores for him?”

  “We’ve got a special arrangement, but it means nothing. He’s not like you.”

  Drake felt nauseous.

  “Come on, Drake, baby, you know how I make you feel. You know what I can do to you. How you like it.”

  He’d heard enough. “You’re going to stay away from Mira and her brother. I’ll settle your debts, for you to leave the city. Go anywhere else. I don’t want you here.”

  Katherine pouted.

  This was a once-in-a-lifetime offer, but he should have known.

  “Where is your little whore, anyway? Nigel told me all about her. I never thought you’d have to stoop to fucking the women you bullied as a kid.”

  “Be careful,” he said.

  Katherine got to her feet and stepped toward him. She put her hand on his thigh. “Remember how it was between us? Remember what I could do to you? How hard I could make you? There’s no limit with me. You can take it all, Drake.”

  He grabbed her neck, drawing her close, and she gasped. He saw the spark of victory in her gaze, how her smile seemed to deepen as if she’d won.

  She hadn’t won a single thing.

  He pulled her close. Lips barely touching hers.

  “And all that time, I was thinking about Mira,” he said.

  She tried to jerk back.

  The door to his office opened and he turned. Everything happened so fast. Mira entered his office, and Katherine, taking advantage of his surprise, threw herself at him, kissing him hard, moaning and rubbing herself against him.

  It was offensive, and he was pissed off.

  The split second he didn’t react had Mira already rushing out of the door.

  He threw Katherine off him and she stumbled to the floor. The dress she wore rode up her body, revealing she wasn’t even wearing any panties. Filthy bitch.

  “You disgust me. If you even for a second try anything again, you’re going to regret what you just did. Leave the city and pay your own fucking debts.”

  He rushed out of his office. “Hold my calls.” He spoke to his PA as he made his way toward where Mira stood.

  She glanced back at him and immediately rushed toward the stairs. They were on the penthouse floor, and he’d never even entered the stairwell before.

  All this time they’d been together, she’d rarely shown him any emotion that would give him even a single hint that she cared. With the tears he caught glistening in her eyes, it had to be a sign. He refused to ignore it.

  “Mira,” he said.

  She was a couple of stairs ahead of him. “Leave me alone.” She didn’t stop.

  He ran down them, advancing on her. The moment she got to the bottom step of another half flight, he captured her arm, pushing her up against the corner of the wall, trapping her.

  “Let me go.” She tried to fight him, but she wouldn’t look at him.

  This, he couldn’t stand. He had to have her gaze on him at all times. “Mira, for fuck’s sake, stop this.”

  “Stop this? Why don’t you fuck off!” She put her hands on his chest and tried to shove him away, but he wouldn’t budge.

  He was stronger than her.

  She tried to do it again, and still, he didn’t move.

  Her little growl was cute, and he captured her hands above her head, pressing his body against her.

  Mira squeezed her eyes shut, and he hated that she tried to lock him out.

  “Don’t,” he said.

  “I don’t want to look at you. I hate you!”

  “You don’t mean that. What you just saw was nothing.”

  “No. Katherine’s ass was nothing? What the hell was my brother’s aide doing here? Is this some form of humiliation? Is that it? You want to break me, Drake? Hurt me? I’ve done nothing to you. I never did.”

  “I was trying to get Katherine out of your life. What you saw, I was … threatening her.”

  Mira laughed, her eyes finally opening. “Really, you were threatening her? Your kisses are so scary. Imagine if I hadn’t shown up!”

  “I wasn’t kissing her, okay. I never … fuck, Mira. You’re always so quick to believe the worst of me. I wanted her out of your life. She’s fucking crazy. I get that. Yes, I was in a relationship with her before, and I didn’t want you to know. It was just fucking. That was all it was. Nothing else. The way I feel about you doesn’t compare, okay? That was sex. This is … more.”

  Tears spilled down her cheeks, and it tore him apart. He wanted to make her pain go away.

  “Please don’t, Mira.”

  “I need to get some air.”

  “No. I’m not letting you go. This between us isn’t changing.”

  She sighed. “Drake, I just walked into your office and saw a woman who has threatened me all over you. Think about how you’d feel if that was me.” She licked her lips. “If that was a man you couldn’t stand, holding me, kissing me…”

  He didn’t even give her time to finish. The very thought had his hand clenching, and he slammed it against the wall at the side of her head.

  She let out a little cry and Drake immediately regretted his reaction. He was going crazy. He was truly fucked when it came to this woman. “No!”

stayed perfectly still. “And yet you expect me to give you time? To accept your lips on another woman?”

  “Then admit to me, Mira. Admit that you want me, that this isn’t just to keep your brother safe.”

  Her jaw clenched. She stared at him. “I need some air.”

  “You can’t even admit it.”

  She tried to tug on her hands, but he wouldn’t let her go, and it caused her to growl. “You know what, Drake? Yes, I care. Yes, I’m here for more reasons than keeping my brother safe, and that makes me the fool. I knew you were going to hurt me, and you’ve proven that. I can’t stand the thought of another woman kissing you. I want to wipe the memory from my mind. You’re a goddamn bully, Drake, and it hurts to know that I want to go in there and hurt her for even thinking she could touch what is mine!”

  Chapter Eight

  Mira had been avoiding Drake for days. He continually ranted about his innocence. Should she believe him? She knew what she’d seen with her own eyes. The entire world had come to an abrupt halt when she’d walked into his office, and the pain and trauma from her past came rushing back with a vengeance. All this time, she’d actually believed all the lies and his professions of devotion. He’d even proposed to her, so that could only mean he planned on having plenty of mistresses. She’d never be enough of a woman for a playboy bully like Drake.

  What did she even expect? Their relationship started with blackmail. He always got what he wanted.

  She stared out the windows of his condo, feeling utterly alone. There was no one she could confide in, no place to call home. Even her brother saw her as a problem. She fought back the tears, remembering bits and pieces of her childhood, the bullying, and even dealing with cruel coworkers as an adult. Why couldn’t things ever be easy for her? Life was a constant struggle. Even now, surrounded by luxury, it was a false paradise.

  The doorbell rang, pulling her from her reverie. She walked through the empty condo to answer it. She’d refused to accompany Drake to work all week, too busy feeling sorry for herself and not willing to play his games.

  As soon as she opened the door, she was bombarded by more flowers than she’d ever seen in her life. Mira knew there was a delivery man behind the massive bouquet, but the dozens and dozens of rainbow roses hid him from view.


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