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Bred by the Bully

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  She struggled to take the load of flowers from him, bringing them inside and setting them on the kitchen island before returning to the door.

  “Sorry about that,” she said.

  “No problem. Sign here, please.”

  After she signed his delivery form, he handed her a card with a gold seal.

  She closed the door and immediately started to open the envelope, half in a daze. The card was from Drake Eastwood. He apologized again for what had happened and swore on his life it wasn’t what she thought. God, she wanted to believe him more than anything. But she wouldn’t turn a blind eye just because she was falling for her bully.

  Unlike his past women, she couldn’t be bought. Not with money, sweet words, or these beautiful, beautiful roses. Even if she had to return to her shitty apartment and tedious job, it would be better than being trapped in a fake, loveless marriage. She wanted all or nothing when it came to love. Only their arrangement wasn’t so simple.

  If she had to stay forever because of the contract and Nigel’s best interest, she’d do it but refused to put her heart into anything. She’d exist, nothing more.

  As she set down the card, she couldn’t stop staring at the flowers. The entire room was perfumed with their sweet scent. She sighed, wishing she could have the fairytale ending. When a set of arms wrapped around her from behind, she squealed so loud she scared herself.

  “You like your flowers?” Drake’s voice whispered next to her ear, dark and delicious.

  She whirled around in his strong arms. “What are you doing here? You scared me. I didn’t even hear you come in.” Her heart was still racing.

  “I wanted to see your reaction.”

  “Well, they’re beautiful, obviously.” She tried to move away, but he had her pinned between his arms against the island. “You’re trying to buy my forgiveness. But flowers can’t change what happened.”

  “Nothing happened.”

  “So you keep saying.”

  Why was he lying? He could get any woman he wanted. The man was rich, powerful, sexy, and addicting. It didn’t make sense to sneak around when plenty of other women would accept him and his roving.

  “Do I have to prove it to you, Mira? What will get you back on my side?”

  She exhaled. “We’ve been through this a thousand times. You can’t change the facts, Drake. I saw what I saw.”

  He reached into his suit jacket and handed her his cell phone, the one he was never without. “I have no secrets from you, Mira. Check the messages from Katherine.”

  She hesitantly took the phone. If this were all hearsay, she’d try to trust him, but she’d seen the incident herself. “What am I looking for?”

  He didn’t answer, waiting for her to check for herself. There were a ton of messages from Katherine, minute after minute, and none of them had responses from Drake except the last one. Mira narrowed her eyes as she read the messages on the day she’d caught them together. She’d apologized to Drake for what she’d done, telling him she was desperate for him to take her back. She saw Mira as the enemy and wanted her out of the picture. The messages confirmed everything Drake had said. Mira continued to scroll through the messages before reading Drake’s final response.

  “You told her to leave town?”

  “I won’t have some crazy bitch threatening my woman. You’re all that matters to me now.” He cupped her face, making eye contact with her. “I’ll do anything to protect you. I’ve never had anyone, Mira. I want to make a family with you.”

  She swallowed hard. It was like a beautiful dream, and she was afraid to believe it.

  “Thank you for the flowers.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “There are no other women. None. The day you signed that contract was my last day as a single man, in my opinion.”


  He nodded before kissing her lips. It felt like a lifetime since they’d had a physical or emotional moment. Their time on the yacht had been like a dream, and then everything came crashing down.

  “I’ve been thinking of ways to prove my innocence all week. If I had a camera inside my office, you’d see for yourself. But I need you to trust me, Mira. I have a lot of enemies and a tainted past. But you have to believe that my feelings for you, my loyalty for you, is solid.”

  “Why didn’t you show me this sooner?”

  “I was hoping you’d come to trust me without having to constantly prove myself.”

  She bit her lower lip. “Is it wrong to feel so jealous? You’re not really mine.”

  His smirk was so sexy, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “I like that you’re jealous. It’s a big step. It means you care,” he said. “But I’m definitely yours.”

  She held up her hand with the engagement ring she couldn’t bring herself to take off. “What about this? What about us?”

  “Baby, nothing’s changed. It was all a misunderstanding. That woman has been after me for over a year and all I’ve ever done was turn her away.”

  Mira remembered Katherine from the stairwell, and she had to agree that she wasn’t stable at all. If that woman was chasing after Drake, it probably would be more of a nightmare for him than anything else.

  She took a cleansing breath. This was what she’d hoped for, a true misunderstanding. Mira didn’t want to be Drake’s second best. Hopefully, Katherine had left town and would leave all three of them alone forever.

  “I want to believe you. I really do.”

  He ran the backs of his fingers along her cheek, and she savored his touch. Since signing the contract, she’d avoided touching him. She felt like a commodity. A womb for hire. She was in a constant state of protest, even when she craved to give in. To have a real connection, she needed more—commitment, trust, and love.

  Yes, she’d started falling for Drake. He was proving to be much more than he was in his youth. He continually kept trying to court her, to win her heart.

  And it was working.

  “Believe me, Mira. When I heard your name come up during Nigel’s affairs, my heart never stopped racing. I thought it was the perfect opportunity. I’ve been thinking about you for years. You’re the only woman for me.”

  “Then why the contract?”

  “I couldn’t risk losing you.”


  Drake was fucked up. He had issues, and he knew it, but he was trying to overcome them. He’d realized his mistakes with Mira in the beginning and wanted to win her over the right way. She deserved to be romanced, spoiled, and adored. He’d been a fool to let his insecurities push him into preparing that contract, but it was done now.

  “I want to be with you, Drake.”

  God, those words were intoxicating. His own parents had never wanted him, creating a toxic environment that left permanent scars on his psyche. His childhood was a shitstorm of beatings, starvation, and anger. Most days he’d gone to school with nothing to eat, dirty clothes, and a lot of fucking rage. He blamed his behavior in school on his broken home, but he was taking responsibility now that he was an adult. Drake refused to let the past control him, and he pushed himself to be the best he could be. He craved power because it had always been stripped from him as a kid.

  Even now, it was difficult to accept that he could have a relationship without using force. Why would a woman choose him without using him for his status or wealth? Why would they want Drake, the unlovable man? Hence the contract for Mira, the one locked away in his office for safekeeping.

  “I’ll never hurt you.” He trailed his hands down her sides. She’d been avoiding him all week, and the rift was getting to him. “I’m going to marry you and fill you with my babies.”

  “You’re waiting until we’re married now?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No, let’s start now. Practice makes perfect.” Drake cupped her ass with both hands, but she’d yet to touch him. “Why are you holding back? You said you’re here for more than Nigel.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

sp; Drake scowled. He scooped her up in his arms, loving the sound of her feminine squeal again. He carried her to their bedroom and set her down on the edge of the mattress.

  “I’m taking the rest of the day off. I want to make love to you, Mira. But it doesn’t work unless you want it, too. What is it? Are you not attracted to me?”

  He got down on one knee in front of where she sat on the bed.

  “I’m just shy,” she said. “I’ve never touched a man.”

  Drake couldn’t help but smile, she was so damn sweet. “Shy is good. You weren’t too shy on my desk at the office, though.”

  “I was following instructions.”

  “Well, you take the lead now, Mira.”

  She nibbled on her lower lip, looking him over. “Okay, take off your shirt.”

  He did exactly what she asked, thrilled she’d actually given him an order. When her little hands ran soft, tentative circles over his shoulders, he closed his eyes and savored her touch. When she moved lower to test his pec muscles, his cock turned ramrod hard. But he didn’t dare act. Mira’s simple touch was the ultimate aphrodisiac.

  Drake groaned, deep in his chest.

  “I do love your body,” she said. “You’re so hard.” Had she ever complimented him before? It was a heady experience.

  “I’m all yours.”

  After running her nails up his abs, she moved to his face, outlining his features with a gentle fingertip. They remained quiet, and the moment was vulnerable and intimate.

  “Will you kiss me? Kiss me like you love me.”

  That wouldn’t be hard at all. Did he love Mira? He wasn’t even sure what healthy love looked like, but what he felt for his bride-to-be was pure and all-encompassing.

  He leaned closer, her arms encircling his neck as he neared. After a soft brush of their lips, he kissed her slowly, deeply. This was more than a kiss. It was different than all the others. He wasn’t good at expressing his emotions, but he could show her like this, with his kiss, with his body.

  She closed her eyes, kissing back, mewling softly as her fingers combed into his hair. He began to lift her shirt, breaking the kiss only to pull it over her head. He loved every inch of her body. So many soft curves to savor.

  “You take the lead,” she whispered. Mira leaned back, taking him with her.

  He complied.

  Drake stood up and stared at her prone body on the bed. Her chest already heaved in anticipation. He tugged off her pants and tossed them aside. “You make me crazy. You’re so fucking luscious.”

  “I’m not stopping you.”

  He growled, unbuckling and removing his pants. “Do you want me to eat your pussy first?”

  She shrugged. Was she being shy again?

  “Mira, you know I could live between your fucking legs. If you like it, you need to tell me.”

  “I like it.”

  His cock jerked. Knowing what she liked and hearing her ask for it was exactly what he wanted. He brought her knees up, then parted her thighs. After pulling her panties to one side, he saw she was wet and ready to be fucked. He pressed one finger inside her, her body immediately arching up.

  “Let’s get these off of you.” He slid her panties down past her ankles, the spread her legs again. Drake used the flat of his tongue to swipe up her folds. She cried out, her hands reaching out for anything to anchor her. He settled in for the long haul, completely addicted to her pink little pussy. She was all his, now and forever. His to enjoy, to love, to breed.

  He slid his hands under her hips and suckled on her swollen clit. She was already ripe, her body a live wire, flinching with every flick of his tongue.

  “I love this pussy. Tell me it’s all mine, Mira.” To punctuate his request, he picked up the momentum, rubbing his face and stubble against her pussy.

  “It’s yours, Drake. I’m yours.”

  The words settled in his mind, filling a void. He continued to pleasure his woman, sucking, licking, and teasing until she was screaming and coming against his face.

  He watched her panting and writhing on the bed. “Take off your bra.”

  She didn’t even bother opening her eyes as she flicked the clasp and pulled the offensive material free of her gorgeous tits. He crawled up her body, kicking off his boxers as he went.

  “Please, Drake.”

  “Patience, baby. Let me enjoy myself.” He covered her areola with his mouth, sucking her nipple and circling it with his tongue. After alternating back and forth between breasts, he kissed up her neck before teasing her erogenous zones. Her body was receptive, and she shifted to give him better access as he trailed kisses higher and higher.

  Her hands smoothed up his back, testing his muscles. When her legs wrapped around his waist, spurring him on, he poised himself at her entrance.

  “Do you want my cock?”

  “You know I do, Drake.”

  “Ask for it. Demand it,” he said. “Don’t be afraid to get dirty when I’m between your legs.”

  She wriggled under him, trying to get him to fuck her. “Please, Drake. I need you. I need you to fill me with your cock.”

  “Was that so hard?” He kissed Mira as he entered her, inch by thick inch. “Damn you’re so tight. So perfect.”

  She kissed him back—his lips, his neck, even nipping his ear. Her hands and legs actively around him. Having Mira willing and passionate was heaven on earth.

  He rocked his hips, pushing in hard, then pistoned in and out of her tight cunt. A sheen of sweat broke out between them.

  “More,” she chanted.

  They were a tangle of limbs, pure dirty desire, and more than he’d admit. He was falling hard for his future wife. It scared and excited him simultaneously.

  He gave Mira exactly what she wanted, fucking her hard and fast, shaking the entire bed. She spurred him on with her heels, arching up to meet him thrust for thrust.

  “Please, Drake. Oh, God…”

  She was close to coming again, her body already hot-wired from her recent orgasm. This was the best sex he’d ever had. No other encounter could ever compare. He picked up the tempo, rubbing against her clit with each pump of his hips. Over and over until she was gasping and chanting his name.

  He exhaled as he released inside her, filling her with his cum. He relished the moment, the intensity of his orgasm, and the vision of Mira pregnant with his child. Her stomach swollen, her tits even larger. He couldn’t wait for that day.

  Drake wanted a chance to do things right, to create heirs who weren’t fucked up in the head like him. He’d live vicariously through his kids, give them everything they dreamed of. Most of all, love.

  He rolled beside Mira, tucking her in close to his side. As he looked at her, brushing some stray hairs from her face, he couldn’t imagine a better mother for his children.

  “You won’t regret this, Mira. I’ll give you everything you want and more.”

  She snickered. “You still don’t know me very well, Drake. I don’t need anything to be happy. I only want you.”

  “All those years, I’d messed with you. Hurt you to the point it affected you as an adult. I don’t deserve you,” he said.

  “People change, Drake. I refuse to keep living in the past. I’m ready to move forward—together.”

  He kissed her forehead.

  “Will you come with me to the office tomorrow? I’ve missed you all week.”

  She painted patterns over his chest with a finger. “I’ll come. And I’ll be sure not to wear any panties.”

  Chapter Nine

  Mira stared across the office at Drake as he handed yet another business call. She’d already done her weekly trip to see her brother, and Nigel seemed happy to be left alone. He didn’t care about her and hadn’t asked how everything was getting on with Drake. He caused her so much trouble, and now it was like she didn’t even exist.

  “I can hear your thoughts all the way over here,” Drake said without looking up.

  She couldn’t help but admire his wor
k ethic. Considering what she remembered from when they were in school together, he’d done a complete one-eighty on her. Gone was the disruptor and in his place sat the hard worker.

  “I’m admiring you.”

  This made him glance up. “Do I need to get that in writing?”

  She rolled her eyes and got up from her position on the chair, walking over to his desk. She leaned against it, arms folded.

  “How was Nigel?” he asked.


  “Your brother doesn’t deserve your loyalty, you know that?”

  The last thing Mira wanted to talk about was her brother. He’d already upset her with his complete disregard.

  She turned on her heel and walked back to the chair, perching on the end. “Is there anything I can do?” She looked around her at how neat his office was. “I can’t stand to be useless. I’m a hard worker.”

  “I know you are. No one could comment on your commitment to hard work.” Drake stood and rounded his desk.

  She couldn’t help but glance down to see the hard ridge of his cock pressed against the front of his trousers. The outline clear to see, and her mouth watered for a taste of him. What was going to do with her? Her mind already sinking to the gutter.

  “Take off your clothes,” he said.

  Mira didn’t move as he leaned over his desk, telling his PA not to interrupt, and to cancel all of his appointments. Pleasure rushed down her spine.

  “You’re not getting naked.”

  Standing up, she watched him move to his office doors, flicking the lock into place. Biting her lip, she quickly removed the dress and the bra. She’d kept to her promise of no underwear.

  “Sit down. Touch your pussy. Let me see what you do to make yourself wet for me.”

  Without hesitation, she sat down and spread her legs for him to see. Drake already had his pants open and his dick in his hand. He worked from the base up to the tip and back down, creating a steady pace.

  She loved his cock. He was so long, thick, and each time he plunged inside her, she wanted more of him.

  “I’m not going to be able to last if you keep on looking at me like that.”


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