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UnScrew Me (Savage Beast MC Book 1)

Page 10

by Hayley Faiman

  He reaches out, cupping my cheek. “You don’t ask what I do, Presley. I won’t treat a good woman in any way less than she deserves, but I’m forty-five years old. The man you see in front of you is the man I am. You have to decide if you can live with that, with this life. I assume you’re at an age where you don’t want to fuck around, you’re ready to settle,” he murmurs.

  His voice is soft, gentle, but his words—they send a chill up my spine. “Silver,” I whisper, unsure of how to even comment on his speech.

  Silver’s thumb runs along my bottom lip, his liquid black eyes focused on the path before they reach mine. “Can’t tell the future, mi vida. Don’t know what will happen tomorrow or next week.”

  Pressing my lips together, my eyes travel down to his strong stomach, but I’m not really seeing anything. I’m wondering how in the fuck I ended up here, right here in this bed, with this man? Why he wants to keep me when he doesn’t really want a relationship.

  Lifting my gaze up to his, I look into his black eyes. “You’re right. I’m too old to mess around,” I agree. “Please take me home.”

  His hand shifts from my face, he moves it until he’s wrapped his fingers around the back of my neck. He squeezes, and his eyes hold a glimmer, a twinkle that looks almost dangerous.

  “Presley,” he warns.

  I shake my head. “You fuck me twice. You disappear for a week. You send some twenty-something to pick up and drop off your son and don’t even care about how that made me feel. It wasn’t good, and I didn’t like it. Then, I go out with a friend and you come barreling in there, trying to, I don’t know, lay some kind of claim to me.

  “You killed a man in front of me, Silver. I don’t even know your real name and you’re trying to make me be this woman who lets you come and go into her bed, expecting nothing, yet giving you everything. I thought I could do it, last time you came to me I thought I could handle it. But, you’re right. I’m too old for that shit. I want children, I want a husband, I want an exciting life,” I cry.

  Tears fall from my eyes, those tears that won’t fucking stop. His hand falls from the back of my head and he takes a step back from me. I’m breathing heavily, attempting to calm down, but it isn’t working. I’m starting to get really upset and my breath is becoming short. I’m hurting and I’m freaking out again.

  “Seems like you got it all figured out,” he spits.

  Lifting my eyes to his, I frown. “Are you mad at me?”

  He leans forward, his eyes dark and menacing, his face clenched hard. “Bitch, I don’t date, I don’t even think about it. Not for years, then you show up and you’re all I can think about. You throw shit in my face, run off to a place you really shouldn’t fucking be, I take you out of there, protect you, and this is the thanks I get. You want me to commit to you, I don’t know you.”

  Placing my hands on his chest, I push against him, catching him by surprise so he takes a couple steps back. “You want the same fucking thing from me,” I hiss through my heavy breaths. “You want me to commit to you while you figure out if that’s what you want from me. Fuck this, and fuck you.”

  I spin around, thankful that I’m still in my regular clothes and didn’t take anything off. I start to stomp away when his arm wraps around my waist from behind. My hand is on the knob of his door, his mouth presses against the side of my neck, his lips traveling up to my ear.

  “I like you feisty. Fuck me, never thought I wanted that, but you make me hard when you get all bitchy, mi vida,” he rasps against my ear.

  One of his hands slips beneath my shirt and travels up, his fingers wrapping around my breast. His other hand slips around my waist and his fingers quickly unbutton my jeans before his hand dives between my legs. I gasp when two of his fingers fill me without warning.

  “Wet, Cristo. Don’t tell me you don’t want me, don’t want what I give you,” he murmurs against my ear. His fingers begin to work between my legs.

  I can’t deny that he turns me on, he has since the moment I saw him. I shamelessly moan, pushing back against him, feeling his hard length press against my jean covered ass. His mouth moves down to my neck and his tongue licks my skin, sucking gently.

  “This doesn’t mean I want what you’re offering me.”

  The trembled lie comes out of my mouth, but he can read it for what it is. I know that he does. He chuckles against my skin, almost immediately after I say it.


  The good girl inside of her is scared, ready to run. I almost let her go. That is, until I put my hands against her pussy. The second I felt that wet hit my finger, I knew this girl was just fighting herself. Sure, I have no doubt at all that she’s scared shitless. But her body knows what it wants, and it wants me—all of me, inside of it, inside of her.

  Pumping in and out of her tight, wet heat a few times, I drag my fingertip over her clit and circle it. Her head falls back against my shoulder, her breathing coming out in short pants and not because she’s pissed or angry anymore, but because she’s turned on.

  “Don’t think you can give me this sweet cunt, then take it away before I’ve had my fill. Cariña, how good it is, I don’t know if I’ll ever have my fill,” I admit.

  I should feel like a pussy saying the words, but the way she moans, rubs her ass against my cock and her pussy clenches with them. I don’t. Not in the goddamn slightest. What I feel like is, fucking great.

  “Come for me. Come on my hand, maybe I’ll give you my dick,” I whisper.

  She whimpers, her hips jerking. I chuckle when her hands slam against the closed door and she grinds down. “Yes,” she sighs.

  I grunt, words escaping me as I feel her sweet body against my own. “You better hurry, cariña,” I grunt. I fill her with two fingers, curling them inside of her while I cup her pussy, feeling her clit against the palm of my hand.

  Her body shakes against my hands. Pulling her bra to the side, I tug her nipple and roll it between my fingers, before I open my mouth and sink my teeth against her neck. “Fuck,” she groans. Her entire body tightens, and I can feel her cunt squeeze my fingers as it floods my hand with her release.



  Removing my hands from her pussy, I yank down the zipper of her jeans and tug them down her hips until they reach mid-thigh. Shoving my boxers down, I wrap my one hand around the base of my dick, the other around her hips and I tug her back as I fill her from behind.

  “Yes,” she cries, pushing back, taking more of me inside.

  Grabbing ahold of her hips, I watch as she fucks me. My cock is coated with her wetness, her pussy moving along it, working it like only she can. I’m in awe of how fucking beautiful the sight is, the way her lips fit snuggly around my dick. Her pussy is so pink against my tanned cock. We are night and day, almost, dark and light. Inside as well as on the outside.

  “Come again, cariña,” I demand. Sliding my hand up her back, I tangle my fingers in her hair and pull her head back. Twisting it to the side, I watch as her mouth parts slightly and her eyes, fuck me, they’re bluer than I’ve ever seen them before. “Show me how wild you are, Presley. Show me how much you want the adventure that is me. That I can offer you,” I grunt, remembering her words from the last time we fucked. She’s searching for a life that she can live, not just muddle through, and only I can give that to her.

  She slams against me, both of us groaning and I watch in complete amazement as she fucks me harder than any woman ever has. I do nothing but hold on for the fucking ride. “Make yourself come, cariña. Goddamn, so good, I’m close,” I warn.

  One of her hands disappears between her legs and I feel her fingers spread out on either side of my cock as she continues to push back against me, fucking me. “Presley,” I bark.

  She laughs, her hand moving and I know when she’s touching her clit. A sweet little moan escapes her lips. “Yes,” she chants. “Oh God, don’t stop,” she cries as her pussy begins to almost vibrate around me.

  It clamps d
own and I let out my own groan. I grip her hips tightly as I piston in and out of her, unable to control my strength or speed as I fuck her sweet tight body. When I come, I bury myself deep inside of her and I spill my release, filling her full of my cum.

  “Fuck,” I curse. “Eres mi vida. ¿Qué me estás haciendo?”

  She doesn’t speak, her head hangs down between her arms which are both now against the door again. I stay planted deep inside of her, one of my hands still loosely tangled in the back of her head. The other I wrap around her jaw and gently force her face to look back at me.

  “You will not leave me,” I state.

  “Silver,” she breathes.

  I shake my head once, pulling her back until her body is pressed against my chest. Moving my hand from her hair, I wrap my arm beneath her breasts.

  “This is where you belong. I don’t know how it happened. Three fucks should not be enough for me, at my age, to even think about claiming a woman. But Presley, I’m thinking about it, I need to know you’re solid. Especially since my boy is involved, I have to know you aren’t going to run from me. I won’t allow it. I’ll drag your ass back here every time, and I’ll fuck you just like this to remind you why we work.”

  “You know you’re an asshole,” she sighs, her eyes closing. She moves along my semi-hard cock with a low groan.

  I chuckle, my teeth catching her earlobe and tugging slightly. “You like it, cariña.”

  Slowly, I pull out of her, missing her heat immediately. I tug my boxers back up over my hips before I help Presley out of her clothes. “This doesn’t mean we’re anything,” she announces.

  I snort. “Cute. Don’t lie though, Pres, that ain’t cute.” Wrapping my hand around her wrist, I tug her toward the bed.

  “Those sheets are gross,” she points out.

  Looking down at the sheets, then back at her, I shrug.

  “You’ll survive one night, princess. You want to wash them in the morning, be my fuckin’ guest. It’s late, I rode up from Dallas, then I dealt with all that shit in New Mexico, I’m fuckin’ beat,” I inform her.

  She sighs, reluctantly crawling in behind me. I gather her in my arms, pulling her front against my side as I lie down on my back. Her soft tits press against my torso. The arm beneath her body, I adjust to cup my hand around her ass, the other I reach over and gently comb my fingers through her hair.

  Presley settles against me, relaxing and even her breathing calms as I continue to run my fingers through her hair. “Joel Hernandez,” I say, informing her of my name.

  “Joel?” she asks sleepily, not even able to lift her head. “Yeah, cariña. My name, Joel Hernandez.”

  I think she’s asleep. but she surprises me by turning her head, her lips touching my nipple, then her eyes lifting to mine. “Thank you, Joel,” she exhales.

  The tips of my fingers tighten in her hair, and against her ass with her words. Thank you. I’ve never had a woman thank me before, not with sincerity, not like this. She kisses my nipple again, lays her head down and her breathing quickly evens out. She’s asleep in minutes. I hold her against me a little tighter.

  Chapter Eleven


  There are hands wrapped around me, they’re tight and my arm hurts. I whimper, the hands slowly falling away. Turning around, I see the man. His black eyes are focused on me, lifeless. There’s blood pooling around the back of his head. I open my mouth, the scream that erupts is ear piercing. I feel my body shaking as if I’m in an earthquake.

  I look up at the person who is gripping me and it’s the dead man, miraculously up from the ground, he’s shaking me violently. His eyes black, his face turned up into a cruel sneer. “You fucking cunt. This is all your fault,” he shouts.

  He opens his mouth and black snakes slither out, which causes me to scream again.

  I feel something against my face and my eyes open. It’s Silver’s black eyes staring at me. He’s straddling my hips, his hands holding mine firmly against my side. I can’t catch my breath, I know my eyes must be wild as I take in Silver above me.

  “Mierda,” he hisses. “I knew you wouldn’t be good,” he says, releasing me. I think he’s going to roll off of the bed, maybe walk away, as agitated as he seems, but he doesn’t. He wraps his arms around me and forces my stiff sweaty body against his. I feel his lips touch my hair before he speaks softly into the dark room. “What do you need, Presley? What do you need from me, mi vida?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know,” I choke.

  He reaches down, wrapping his hand around my thigh, and drags it across his hips, then moves my body until I’m straddling him. I can feel his dick against my center, it’s hard, but the look in his eyes, it’s more concern rather than desire.

  “You need to fuck? You need me to spank you? What do you need?” he practically pleads.

  I wipe the tears from my eyes, placing my hands against his chest. “You killed him. Right there in front of me, you killed him, you didn’t care,” I repeat my words from earlier, but I can’t get past it, I don’t know that I ever will. He killed a man, zero remorse, nothing.

  Silver’s hands wrap around my waist and he holds me firmly, his fingers squeezing for a moment before he speaks. “It wasn’t that I didn’t care. I did, I do. Not just because his death and the deaths of some of the other men with him means war. But I care because it’s another notch against my already black soul. I also care, but not much about him, more so about you,” he murmurs. “And all the things he would have done to you had I not gotten you outta there.”

  I close my eyes in a slow blink, then reopen them. “He had black snakes coming out of his mouth, he was shaking me, saying it was all my fault,” I admit on a whisper.

  Silver moves his hands, adjusting them so that they’re holding me around my back. He pulls me down, my chest pressing against his and he holds me. His lips brush my temple. “Nothing will happen to you, not ever again,” he chants against the top of my head.

  “You can’t promise that, and I have a feeling the way you and your men and even Esther were so used to it, that this is more common than not.”

  His arms hold me, flexing to keep me closer as if he wants to absorb me. “Presley,” he whispers. “Not letting that shit touch you again, cariña.”

  I lift my head, looking into his face. “How will you stop it?”

  He grunts, a cocky smirk appearing on his lips. “Baby, you’re mine and I’ll keep you safe. You follow the rules, you listen to me and keep your sweet ass out of trouble and you got nothin’ to worry about.”

  I frown, pressing my lips together. “I didn’t get myself into trouble,” I snap.

  He rolls me over onto my back, shifting his hips so that his hard cock slips through my center. When it slides over my clit, I whimper, and shamelessly widen my legs.

  His lips find mine and he places them there, breathing against my mouth, but not making a move to kiss me. “Cariña you are nothing but trouble,” he rumbles. He flexes his hips, positioning the head of his cock against my pussy.

  I lift my hips, taking him a little farther inside of me. “Mierda, but Presley, you were made for me,” he hums, sliding deeper inside of my body. My pussy stretches, a moan escaping my lips at the feel of the way he consumes me.

  “I will keep you safe,” he promises as he fucks me, his body moving inside of me, slow and steady. It’s almost beautiful. If I just hadn’t had a nightmare about a man he killed in front of me hours ago, it would be beautiful.

  Wrapping my hands around his sides, I hold onto his trim waist. “Look, Presley. See how good this is between us. Don’t run, mi vida.”

  Tears fill and then slide down my temples, they fall down against the pillow beneath my head. Silver’s head is tipped down, his eyes watching our bodies. The way he fits inside of me, the way his cock glistens with my wetness. Tipping my hips, I sigh as he slips a bit farther inside. He grinds down against my clit, a growl escaping when I clench around him.

  I feel my bod
y climbing toward another release. He is right about one thing, this part of us, in bed, it’s so good. He starts fucking me harder, his hips moving and slamming against me. I throw my head back, crying out as my hips lift and meet his, my climax exploding throughout my entire body, the intensity like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

  Opening my eyes just in time, I watch as Silver comes. His head tipped back, his full lips parted, and the groan that implodes is the sexiest thing I’ve heard to date. He lowers his chest, burying his face in my neck, attempting to catch his breath. I tighten my arms and legs around him which causes him to grunt.

  “Wrap me up, cariña. Yeah, fuck. Wrap me up in you,” he murmurs. “Nothing will ever happen to you again. Swear to fuck,” he grunts. We stay like that for a few minutes, both of us catching our breath.

  He eventually rolls off of me but doesn’t go far. Reaching for me, he gathers me in his arms. “I should clean up,” I whisper sliding my hand along his muscled stomach.

  “Fuck that,” he grunts. I lift my head, my eyes looking up at him in obvious confusion. “You sleep with me inside of you, Presley. No matter where I come on, or in you, you sleep with my cum.”

  Wrinkling my nose, I press my lips together. “Silver,” I whisper.

  He shakes his head. “Call me by my name. I gave it to you for a reason, nobody calls me that, nobody even knows it, probably. But I gave it to my woman to use.”

  My forehead drops against his chest, as I try to gain my bearings from the blow of his words. It’s too much. He’s too sweet, he’s going to make me fall in love with him. He wraps his fingers in the back of my hair and tugs my head back, his eyes searching mine, and finding them. He grins, his white teeth showing and I shake my head.

  “My cariña likes me,” he chuckles.

  Rolling my eyes, I shake my head. “I’m just not used to having a conversation with you where you aren’t either scary or pissing me off,” I snap.


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