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UnScrew Me (Savage Beast MC Book 1)

Page 11

by Hayley Faiman

  His eyes glitter in the moonlight at my words, his smile broadening. “Sleep, mi vida. Duerme conmigo adentro de ti.”

  I hum, my eyes closing slowly as my breathing begins to even out. “I need a Google translator when I’m with you, Joel.”

  His arms tighten. “Sleep with me inside of you, my life,” he whispers.

  I’m too far gone in my sleep to wake up and comment on the fact that he’s just called me his life. Sleep takes over, completely consuming me.


  I feel something warm and wet against my chest and a weight against my hips. I groan, lifting my hips slightly my morning wood pressing against a soft body. My eyes slowly open to catch a glimpse of bright blue ones looking up at me. Lifting my hand, I slide my fingers through the hair at the side of her head, holding it back so I get a clear view of her face, and tongue, as she traces my ink.

  “Why do you have a monkey on your chest?” she asks, moving down to my stomach.

  I keep my fingers in her hair, lifting up onto my elbow as I watch her move down toward my cock. Widening my legs, I hiss when she licks the head of my dick.

  “Suck my cock, cariña and I’ll tell you,” I grunt.

  Her blue eyes meet mine again, a smirk appears on her lips, but I’m not feeling as playful as she is. “Suck,” I growl, tightening my fingers in her hair.

  I watch as her face grows wary. I’m sure she’s never been with a man so demanding before, but she is now, and I’m not playing at the moment. I’ll play, just not right now. She wisely opens her mouth, swallowing as much of me as she can.

  “My road name is Silver because I’m named after the Silverback Gorilla,” I grind out as she works me. Her soft tongue tasting me, her warm mouth enveloping me, fucking owning me—mierda.

  I’m no stranger to having my cock sucked, but Cristo, she’s fucking good, or maybe it’s just her, and just her touch alone sends me on edge. I thrust up into her heavenly mouth, my eyes sliding closed as I fill her.

  “Silverbacks are known for being gentle, social, quick to laugh and show affection,” I murmur as she continues to work me, her hand wrapping around the base of my dick, squeezing and twisting as she moves her mouth up and down my length. Her tongue swirls my head and I groan, my fingers tightening in her hair. “I used to be like that when I was younger,” I admit.

  She stops, and I sense her eyes on me. Slowly, I open my own and meet her gaze. “What changed?” she innocently asks.

  I clench my jaw, tipping my head down to my cock. She rolls her eyes, but I see the little smirk on her lips before she takes me inside of her hot little mouth again.

  “Life, cariña. The life,” I admit. Clearing my throat, I tell her something I’ve never admitted aloud. “Falling for someone who doesn’t even know you exist. Being stuck with that for twenty years changes a man.”

  Confessing the truth, saying the words out loud to another person, it does something to me. It takes that weight away from me. Tugging on her hair, I lift her mouth from my dick. The sadness I see takeover her features pisses me off.

  I didn’t tell her so that she would feel pity for me. I told her so that she could know more—know me. Savanna and my fucked up non-relationship with her is what makes me the man I am today. A man that is so much different from the boy I was twenty years ago.

  Without a word, she climbs over me, straddling my lap and sinks down on my cock. Releasing her hair, I keep my gaze focused on hers. She doesn’t move, once she’s taken me completely inside of her drenched pussy, she doesn’t move. I fucking need her to move.

  Lifting both of my hands, I cup her cheek with one palm, then slide the other from her throat to the center of her chest, feeling her heartbeat beneath my fingertips.

  Presley wraps her cool fingers around my wrist at her chest, her blue eyes looking not only at me but fucking into me like no other person ever has before. “She is a fool, Joel,” she breathes. Her hips roll and I smirk at the hitch in her breath. “Thank God she’s a fool, too,” she states. “If she were smart, I wouldn’t be right here.”

  My fingers twitch against her soft skin. No other words are said. Not sure I could come up with anything to say anyway. Moving my hands, I cup her tits, rolling her nipples with my fingertips, then tugging on them. I watch as her back arches beautifully and she grinds down against my pelvis.

  I clench my teeth together, her pussy feeling so fucking good that I’m finding it hard to hold off my climax. Keeping one of my hands on her tit, I move my other to between her thighs. Pressing my thumb against her clit, I feel her shudder as she moves.

  “Come, Presley, ven por mí,” I groan.

  Her head tips back, her tits push out closer toward me and I feel her hair skim across my thighs as she cries out with her release, thank fuck. Moving my hands to her hips, I hold onto her and thrust up from the bed. I keep her body still, fucking her until my back tingles and my balls draw up. When I’m about to explode, I hold her down, filling her completely full of my release.

  She gently falls against my chest as soon as I’ve come, her lips touching the side of my neck as she nuzzles against my beard. Sliding my hands to grab ahold of her ass, I spread her cheeks apart and continue to lazily lift my hips, fucking her until my semi-hard cock softens.

  “Joel,” she exhales against my neck. “So good.”

  I grunt, gripping her cheeks tighter. I pull her ass down as I lift up, not wanting to ever leave her fucking body. I want to crawl inside of her, stay buried in her for the rest of my goddamn life.

  She whimpers, her hips shifting with my movements, her sensitive clit most likely, in pain as I push her through. She can handle more, she’ll need to learn how if she thinks she can’t. In my bed, she’ll need to know how to take, and give. Take me, and give me the orgasms I demand. I want her weak in the legs for days, aching, and thinking of only me with every fucking move she makes.

  “Thank fuck she’s a dumb bitch, cariña. I wouldn’t be where I am if she weren’t. I wouldn’t be fucking happy for the first time in my goddamn life,” I admit.

  Presley lifts her head, her brown hair like a curtain around us, her lips brushing mine. I swallow her second orgasm as it takes over her body and she shakes above me.

  Yeah, thank fuck Savanna is a dumb bitch.

  Chapter Twelve


  After Joel takes me home so that I can change, we make our way toward his place where Buster is. My stomach twists more and more with each mile we ride closer toward the house. I don’t know where they live, or what the house looks like, but Buster is my student. I’m not sure what he’s going to think about me being with his dad, or if he’ll even care. I’m just so nervous, I don’t know what to think, or do.

  The bike stops and I look to the side. The house is small, a single story bungalow style. The outside siding needs a coat of paint. At one time it was a light blue, now it’s smudged with dirt and the paint is actually chipping off in places. However, it has me in awe.

  Well, not the house, but the white horse fencing that surrounds the perimeter. The lot is oversized, it doesn’t really need fencing, but it has it, and it looks like every dream I’ve ever had. It doesn’t look like a typical desert home, it looks like an oasis of suburbia in the middle of the sandy rocky terrane.

  A throat clears, and I look over from the house to see Silver standing in front of me. He has a funny look on his face as he takes me in. “You okay?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “This is my dream house,” I admit.

  His brows snap together, immediately. He looks behind him, then back at me. “Dream house?” he murmurs.

  Sliding off of his bike I close the small distance between us. Placing my hands on his chest, I tip my head back to look into his eyes. “Dream house,” I smile.

  He shakes his head once, one of his hands wrapping loosely around the side of my neck, the other around my waist. “Got weird dreams, cariña,” he grunts. His eyes say something completely different though, h
is eyes are content in that knowledge.

  “Not weird, just simple,” I explain. I don’t need to though, he gets it, even if he doesn’t admit it right now. I have a feeling he has simplistic dreams too.

  He nods, lowering his head, his nose touching the tip of my own before his lips press against mine. “A simple easy life. I could get down on that shit, Presley. Fuck, baby, that sounds good. You naked and in my bed, my boy happy with a good woman to help raise him. Fuckin’ heaven,” he mutters.

  His tongue fills my mouth immediately. I moan, pressing my chest against him, melting against his big warm body. His beard brushes my face as he tilts his head, diving deeper inside of me. I love the way his hair scratches me, my legs clench, remembering how it felt between my thighs.

  Once he slowly breaks the kiss, I know that my lips are swollen and my face is probably red and splotchy, but I find it hard to care. “Then one day,” he continues, and presses his hand against my belly. “Then one day we’ll add to the good life with our own.”

  I gasp at his words. Opening my mouth to respond, I hear a door slam. We both look to the side and there standing at the bottom of the stairs is Buster, the perky twenty-something girl is standing behind him, but I don’t see her. My eyes are focused on his and what I see hurts me. He looks, betrayed.

  “Bust,” Silver shouts, sounding happy. “Missed you, boy,” he announces as he releases me and quickly starts to walk toward his son.

  Buster looks from me to his father, then back to me again. Silver wraps him up in his arms, but Buster doesn’t hug him back. Joel slowly sets him down, crouching in front of him and I watch as he puts his hand on the side of Buster’s neck like he does to mine. They talk low, between one another for a few moments, their heads close together.

  Joel nods before he slowly stands. He walks over to the girl, my eyes flick up, watching him making his way over to her. He digs into his pocket and pulls out a handful of cash. She grips it, and I take her in as she wraps her arms around him, he returns her hug. I tamp down the jealousy, he’s explained the situation, she’s like a daughter to him, but that doesn’t make her less gorgeous.

  “Swear you won’t hate me when he messes up?” Buster asks from my side.

  I’m surprised that he’s standing in front of me. I hadn’t even seen him make his way over here. “I wouldn’t ever hate you, Buster,” I state.

  He snorts. “My dad isn’t a nice guy,” Buster announces. My eyes widen as I look at this little boy who has obviously not been sheltered a day in his life.

  “Buster,” I say softly.

  He shrugs. “I know he’s not. I’m sure he’ll make you cry, and you’ll hate him. But can you not hate me too?” he asks. He’s dead serious and I want to pull him into my arms and hold him. I don’t. Instead, I reach out for his hand and give it a small squeeze.

  “Whatever happens between me and your dad like that, it’s between us. You and I have our own friendship that doesn’t have anything to do with him,” I wink.

  He smiles, though not widely, more of a twitch of his lips. He looks exactly like his father. I give him a wide smile of my own, just as a car honks. It’s the girl, backing up and waving. Buster releases my hand, waving back at her, I smile in her direction as well as she leaves.

  “Breakfast?” Joel asks, his eyes dancing as he looks between me and Buster.

  He digs into his pocket and pulls out some keys. “Go hop in the truck, Bust. Start it up for me, yeah?” He winks, tossing the keys to Buster who catches them immediately. He runs off toward the house, slamming the front door behind him.

  Joel wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me against him, his lips brushing my own. “You good, cariña?” he asks.

  Clearing my throat, I look into his dark eyes. “He’s afraid I’m going to hate him if we don’t work out,” I admit. A shadow crosses his features, but I don’t let him talk, I continue. “I promised him that my friendship with him, was my own, that it didn’t have anything to do with us.”

  I watch, mesmerized by his features as his eyes soften at my words. “Yeah. I want to fuck you again, mi vida,” he mumbles. I can feel my face heat from his words, embarrassment and desire both flow through my veins.

  “Let’s get Buster fed,” I mutter.

  He smirks. “Yeah,” he agrees. He turns to face the garage, and I think he’s going to walk off, but he doesn’t. He slips his hand in mine, lacing his fingers with my own.

  Together, we walk toward his pickup truck hand-in-hand. Buster is standing at the tailgate of the running truck. His head is tipped slightly and his eyes focus on our hands. There’s an expression on his face that I can’t read. If Joel sees it he doesn’t mention it, so I don’t ask him or try to dig deeper into the expression.

  “In the back, bud,” Joel announces. Buster’s head jerks, he gives his dad a nod and then runs to climb into the back of the truck.

  Joel walks me to the passenger side and opens the door for me. He releases my hand, and I hate that I mourn the loss of his warm fingers mixed with my own. As I’m climbing up into the truck, he wraps his hands around my waist to help me up inside. I don’t need the help, but I don’t tell him that, I like that he’s attempting to be a gentleman.

  The door slams closed and I turn around to see Buster watching me, a puzzled expression still on his face. “You okay, Buster?” I chance.

  He lifts his chin, his eyes meeting my own. “Yeah,” he says slowly, then his lips finally turn into a smile. “Yeah,” he states again, a little more enthusiastically.

  Joel climbs into the truck and shifts it into reverse. He throws his arm over the back of my seat, turns his head, and backs out of the drive. I watch every single second. It’s one of the sexiest things in the world. His brows are furrowed as he concentrates, his black eyes focused behind him. His strong jaw, his dark beard.

  I want him again, just like he said a few minutes ago. I wish I could fuck him right now. I can’t believe how damn hot I am for this man. I have never felt like this before in my entire life.

  “What do you want to eat?” he asks as he shifts the truck into drive, turning the wheel I can’t help but stare at his strong fingers as they move.

  Buster doesn’t say anything right away. I watch as Joel’s eyes shift to the rearview mirror to look back at the boy. Then he suddenly speaks. “Pancakes?” Buster announces, although it sounds more like a question than anything else.

  I don’t look back at him, instead I reach over to touch Joel’s wrist. “Pancakes sound awesome,” I grin.

  Joel’s gaze meets mine for just a second before he grunts. “Fuck yeah,” he chuckles.

  Together we go to the small diner in town, we walk in and sit down. For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m really living. With this man, with his wild life, and then this calm piece of him as well. It is like nothing I’ve experienced before, and I have to admit, that it is more than I ever dreamed I could ever have.


  Pancakes consumed. Boy and woman happy. I can’t stop smiling. Well, at least on the inside. Outside I still look like the gruff asshole I am. Once we’ve eaten, Buster and I take Presley home. She has shit to do, and I need to spend some one-on-one time with my boy.

  Walking Presley up to her porch, I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her against my chest. She gasps, and I take that opportunity to fill her sweet mouth with my tongue. Her hands press against my chest, but I don’t let her push me away.

  Only when I break the kiss do I allow an inch of space between her body and mine. “Buster,” she warns.

  I snort. “Cariña, he better get used to seeing me kiss his teacher. Mouth is too sweet to stay away from, can’t keep from kissin’ you,” I grin. She shakes her head, but her smile can’t deny that she likes it, too. “Party tonight, want you on the back of my bike, and at my side.”

  She frowns, her eyes shifting to the truck, then back to me. “What about Buster?”

  “He’ll join at the beginning. Dinner barbeque
. When it turns dark, he’ll go home with Trista,” he shrugs.

  She bites the corner of her lip and I’d pay money to know what she’s thinking. I wait her out, knowing that she’ll need to tell me eventually, I’m not leaving until she does. “But haven’t you spent enough time away from him?”


  This fucking woman.

  Most bitches would be happy to party on a Saturday night, especially at the Beast clubhouse. My woman? She wants to make sure my boy is good. Dipping my chin, I brush my lips across hers. “Spending all day with him, then this evening too. Tomorrow will be the same, then it’s back to school and on regular schedule. He’ll be good, cariña, swear to fuck.”

  She nods once, rising to the tips of her toes and giving me a sweet kiss of her own. “I’ll see you tonight then,” she breathes.

  Without another word, she turns from me and walks into her house leaving me on the porch. Shaking my head, I turn toward the truck, making my way in a jog. Once I’m inside, I point the truck toward one of Buster and mine’s favorite pastimes, the dinosaur exploration center. I’m not into dinosaurs and shit, but Buster loves them, has since he was five.

  “Dad?” he asks as I park the truck in the building’s parking lot.

  Shifting the truck into park, I look over at my boy, waiting for him to speak. “You really like Miss Gray?” he asks, his voice full of obvious worry.

  Lifting my hand, I scrub it over my face, then let out a sigh. Do I tell him how I feel about her? Do I admit to him that I’m falling for the woman when I haven’t really even admitted it to myself let alone her? I didn’t think I would ever find someone other than Savanna that fit. I never imagined I would find someone who made me forget her. I forget every other woman exists when Presley is around, including Savanna.

  “I do, bud,” I admit, my voice sounding rough.

  He shifts his gaze to the front window. I watch him, waiting, as he’s obviously deep in thought. “Don’t jerk her around, Dad. She’s the nicest teacher I’ve ever had. She deserves a nice life,” he says.


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