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Page 13

by Brad Stucki

  The temptation came to reach out to the 2nd Article of Power, while still holding the energy of the 1st Article of Power, to use them both, the 1st to hold them and the 2nd to pierce through their shielding and pull from them the knowledge he sought. And still in the back of his mind was the subtle rapturous feeling, beckoning him to do so.

  He caught himself, remembering of a sudden the feeling of horror, fear and utter revulsion he'd felt from one of his Masters at the thought of ever joining the Articles of Power. That warning won over. It would bear more study first. More testing. For now, Nemesis had what he wanted.

  "You cannot move, and you cannot escape." Nemesis moved closer and Javin met his eyes. Javin tried to talk but the web was so tight, he couldn't move his jaw. Nemesis enlarged the web enough that Javin and Sauros could now stand at ease within a small bubble. Each reached out a hand and touched the barrier that was still there. Nemesis was sure they could 'feel' it surrounding them completely.

  "Just the man we were looking for," Javin said.

  "Yes, I'm sure," Nemesis said. "But probably not the meeting you were hoping for."

  Javin looked around him, as if he could 'see' the barrier he was contained in. He sheathed his knife. "We want to talk. We want to find out what is going on."

  "I'm sure you do. So do I. However, you're not going to like the way I intend to 'communicate.'

  "As you can see, you cannot escape. You will follow me to where we can conduct our interviews." Nemesis turned to the guards. "You have done well." He spoke out loud rather than using the 2nd Article of Power to reinforce his control. He couldn't risk it while he still maintained contact with the 1st Article of Power. Instead, he heightened his words using his own gestalt crystal. "Remain at your posts and continue to watch for any intrusion." The leader of the guard bowed, and then stared at Javin and Sauros and the confusion returned. Nemesis senses his confusion and smiled.

  "Come," he said to Javin and Sauros, and reaching out with his control, he made the bubbles of energy follow along with him. Javin and Sauros were forced to follow as the energy barriers bumped them along. A growl escaped from Sauros. Nemesis' smile grew. He was going to enjoy this.

  Chapter 27

  Nemesis lead them through the hidden doorway into the other chambers of the pyramid. Javin appeared surprised. Nemesis could tell he didn't recognize this area of any of the pyramids. They moved into the room with the pedestal. Sauros, at least, appeared familiar with this room. Then Javin recognized it also. So they'd been in at least the pedestal room before. It was curious. Well, Nemesis would soon learn all they knew. He could be patient a while longer.

  "You will remain here," Nemesis said, moving toward the doorway. As he spoke, he manipulated the bubbles of power, expanding them out and joining them until a single web of power encompassed the whole room effectively sealing them into a prison of sorts.

  Nemesis tied off the energy and sealed it together, much like he'd done with the compulsion he'd given to the people of this world. It was self sustaining and self maintaining. He didn't think it would be wise to try and maintain hold of the 1st Article of Power when he needed to use the 2nd Article of Power.

  It worked. Javin and Sauros were now locked into a bubble of power. There was no energy leakage Nemesis could detect. It was holding fast. Good.

  "Make yourselves comfortable. I must go and prepare for our 'interviews.' I'll be back after a time and we can begin.

  Nemesis moved back to the living quarters. He knew he'd need to rest up for what he was planning to do. Using the 1st Article of Power in this way had been exhilarating but also tiring. Then there was that low euphoric thrumming of the 2nd Article of Power that was growing in distraction. He needed to separate the two now or he'd succumb. He arrived at his bed chamber, took the two Articles of Power from his pouch and set them on the floor on separate sides of the room. That done, Nemesis collapsed onto his bed, allowing himself to drift off, realizing he was much more drained that he thought.


  "That went well," Javin said to Sauros as they watched Nemesis depart. At the same time he sent his senses out to test the limits of their boundary. It went along the insides of the walls, the floor and covered the doorway. Javin could feel Sauros doing the same thing.

  "Oh yes," Sauros said. "Just as we'd hoped. Is this what you mean when you say that we're 'playing things by ear?'?"

  "Just so." Javin smiled. "You just made a joke!"

  "It seemed the proper thing to do," Sauros said as he strode around the room, looking for any physical way out he could detect. "You have a plan?"

  "The beginnings of one, at least," Javin said, sitting on the floor, his back against the way facing the doorway. "If Nemesis is getting some rest, then so should we. I think I know what he means by having an 'interview' and I don't think it's going to be pleasant."

  Sauros came to sit beside Javin. "Yes. You sensed the power he was using?"

  Javin nodded.

  "I doubt we will be able to resist when he starts to probe," Sauros said.

  "That's part of the plan," Javin said. "At least we'll resist at first, trying to make as good a show as we can, then we'll open up . . . completely." He turned to look at Sauros.

  Sauros immediately got it. "Yes, I see. Part of why we are here is to gather information, and you intend to 'get' information as well as give it?"

  "Exactly. The rest, we'll have to just 'play by ear.'"

  "But when Nemesis knows all we know, won't he also know what we were planning?"

  "He will," Javin agreed. "Only after, and then only after he's had a chance to assimilate the memories. By then, it will be too late for him to do anything about it. Besides, he'll be confident enough he can hold us that it won't worry him much."

  "He may be right," Sauros said. "I detect no way out of captivity if he holds us in this energy web. He's not even taking any effort to maintain it. It's self sustaining. We could be held here forever."

  "That's a cheery thought," Javin said. "One thing at a time. I'm betting that once we have his memories, we'll have something that will give us the key to unlocking the web holding us. I'm also betting there are other things we can use that I dare not think about right now."

  "You don't want him to suspect?"

  "You should stop thinking about it also," Javin said.

  Sauros nodded. There was silence for a time.

  "He will also discover the Archive," Sauros said. "Are you sure it's a good idea to allow the sharing?"

  "Like you said, we probably won't be able to stop him. If we can't, at least we can use what we gain in return to try and fight him, to prevent his access. Besides, he would have to control access to the Archive in order to protect himself when he tries to access it. You saw and felt how absorbing it is to be connected. Nemesis wouldn't trust anyone else to access besides him. And while he was doing so, he would be helpless. In fact, I'm 'thinking' right now about how helpless Kokos is while she's accessing the Archive."

  Sauros chuckled. "You are being strategic. I like that. Using our own memories and thoughts to 'plant' what you want Nemesis to know. I am now thinking the very same thing."

  Again there was silence.

  "Anything else we should 'think' about?" Sauros asked.

  "Now that you mention it, I'm thinking about our 'secret weapon' we've got hidden in a very secure place that would easily destroy Nemesis if we could only get our hands on it."

  "But we don't . . . Ah yes, that secret weapon. I will think about it too." Again Sauros chuckled. "Your mind is much more devious than I supposed. That is good in this case.

  "I will concentrate on other things which may deflect and distract and stay away from things of real import."

  "Very good," Javin said, closing his eyes to do the same. It was the best defense they had for now. He only hoped they could gain something that would do any good. He dared not think about what, for fear of tipping his hand.

  The room fell into silence as Sauros and Javin each
focused on thinking 'strategic' thoughts.

  Chapter 28

  Kokos slowly came back to herself. When she 'felt' her body again, she was still sitting rigidly at the work station. She looked up at the screen and it was blank. Her mind was a swirl of information she'd just 'downloaded?' Isn't that what Javin had called what she was doing? It seemed appropriate. There was so much there! She felt dizzy and was about to fall sideways when she felt hands grasping her, helping her up and over to one of the couches.

  She opened her eyes and focused on Manos. "Oh, it's you," was all she could manage. He supported most of her weight as they moved and finally, thankfully, she reclined on a couch as it enfolded around her, warm and inviting.

  Fighting the urge to drift off the sleep, she clenched her eyes tight and willed her mind to calm itself, pushing all the swirling images back and down into the recesses of her mind. She would need time to assimilate it all, and wasn't sure how she would ever do it.

  A cold cloth brushed against her face and she opened her eyes to find Manos staring down at her, concern in his face as he wiped the cool cloth he'd wetted across her brow and along the side of her face.

  "Are you alright?" he asked.

  "I'll be fine." She managed a reassuring smile and hoped her statement would be true in time.

  "Where is Javin and Sauros?" She looked around noticing for the first time they weren't there.

  "They have gone to do something."

  Manos' tone of voice was bland, as if he was hiding something. She had always been able to read him, especially when he'd been trying to hide something.

  She wanted to ask more, but Manos put a hand to her lips. "First, drink." He held a cup to her lips and helped her sip. It took her a moment, carefully remembering how to drink and swallow. It was as if her body had been inert long enough it was learning how to do even the simplest of things over again. She hoped all the information she'd 'downloaded' hadn't 'pushed out' all the other knowledge and memories she possessed. She started to get apprehensive, then felt the cool cloth against her face again, bringing her back. She looked up at Manos realizing she still remembered him, remembered Javin and Sauros. A quick check with her memories confirmed they were still there . . . at least those she remembered. How would she know if some of her memories were gone if she didn't remember them? She smiled at Manos. He looked back in confusion.

  "How long?" She asked.

  Manos knew exactly what she meant.

  "You were with the machine for almost two days. Javin and Sauros left shortly after you began."

  Kokos was silent a moment, the time sinking in. No wonder her body felt so stiff and weak. She hadn't moved in that long and her body was now just coming back awake.

  Manos interrupted her thoughts helping her to sit up and holding a bowl of paste for her. "Here. Eat. You need to build your strength again."

  It was then she realized how ravenously hungry and thirsty she was. She carefully took the bowl, willing her hands to work, having to concentrate on not dropping the bowl and thinking carefully how to bring the paste to her lips. The food was bland, and Manos continued to hold the cup of water for her, helping her drink when she indicated she was ready. It was very short work of the first bowl, and Manos refilled it for her, along with the cup of water. Her stomach was less demanding now and her mind was starting to feel less turbulent, like the knowledge and her own memories were settling and finding a peace between them.

  After the third bowl and cup of water, she felt closer to normal and felt she could take a break from replenishing her bodily needs to ask again.

  "Where are Javin and Sauros?"

  It was then Kokos started getting her answers. Manos told her about what he'd seen on the other view screen, and had helped Kokos over to see for herself. Manos then explained how Javin and Sauros had left to see if they could stop it at its source. They had told him he and Kokos should try and find a way to block, or disrupt whatever was causing the trance, in case Javin and Sauros failed.

  From what Kokos could see on the view screen, her people were still under that influence. She thought a moment, trying to focus her thoughts and filter through all that she had acquired to see if there was something . . . anything . . . she could find that would be of help.

  Thoughts, impressions swirled in her mind. She reached out for Manos' hand to help her maintain a grip on reality as she allowed the thoughts and impressions, the tiny nuggets of knowledge to try and coalesce into some semblance of an answer. There was just too much there! She'd never be able to assimilate it all. But she had to! There had to be a way! Her people would starve!

  "Help me to the couch," she said, standing, still holding onto Manos for stability. They moved and she reclined, still holding Manos' hand. Then closing her eyes, she let herself go, delving into all the swirling maelstrom of knowledge, trying to attract what she was seeking, realizing she first must focus on what it was she needed to know. Her thoughts until now had been a jumble of searching and she realized she wouldn't find what she was looking for until she narrowed her search focus.

  Kokos took some deep breaths, squeezing Manos' hand occasionally for reassurance. She calmed her mind and focused in on one thought: How do I break the spell Nemesis has put on my people?

  Immediately flashes of thoughts, memories, and ideas came to mind. She had a memory flash from one called 'Chahzuu' whom Sauros and Javin had mentioned. His people had also been put under Nemesis' spell, and he had broken that spell. Immediately she saw how he'd done that. But this was a more powerful spell, backed up by the 2nd Article of Power to reinforce and tie it off, so it was maintained independently.

  Thoughts of the Articles of Power brought more flashes of insight and ideas and knowledge, this time gleaned from the powerful Archive.

  "I think I know what to do," Kokos said, again squeezing Manos' hand. "It's best if I do it from here, the Archive room. It's in the roof of our world, you know. Its height will help me broaden the pulse I have to try and send."

  "Oh," Manos said, still holding onto her hand. Kokos chuckled. She could tell Manos didn't really understand and was only half listening to her. He was more concerned with how she was recovering than what she was saying. It didn't matter. She was talking to help her mind come back into her own focus anyway.

  "It is. It was put here by the ancients waiting for us . . . for the right time for us to find and use it. Our minds have just the right formatting for us to be able to use it most effectively of all the beings in the universe." Kokos settled herself more comfortably on the couch.

  "You know, now that all this knowledge, combined with the memories I've received, I'm starting to see a pattern. I'm starting to see what is happening. I also realize that it isn't the Guardians who are driving things." Again, Kokos was speaking aloud to help organize her thoughts. She smiled at Manos in apology then continued.

  "It's really the Ancients who set this all up. They were before even the Guardians. The Guardians are not who we think they are. They are trying to sort this out as much as we are, and I think they're getting in the way more than they're helping.

  "There's also the Articles of Power that Javin and Sauros are looking for. They're the keys to all of this . . . along with this Archive . . . and the temples; not only here, but on the other worlds as well."

  Kokos looked up at Manos staring at her, confused. Again she smiled.

  "Bear with me. It helps for me to talk this through, to speak it, to hear it, to think it through. It all helps me organize this in my mind. It's important I do that right now so I can prioritize what I have to do and why." Kokos let go of Manos' hand and held her hands to her head, massaging her temples, relaxing her mind and trying to slow down and organize all the images, thoughts and impressions. Her mind was moving so fast she couldn't formulate the words and so they darted around without being assimilated and she knew they were important; that she had to capture and order them.

  "Okay, the Articles of Power. There are three of them. One is sti
ll missing. Nemesis has two. They are each powerful in their own right, but if they are joined . . . the power is so immense it could tear apart the fabric of our universe and destroy it!"

  It was then that Kokos became torn. From her memories of Chahzuu combined with her newfound knowledge from the Archive, she thought she knew where and how to find the 3rd Article of Power. It couldn't fall into Nemesis' hands! He wouldn't fully realize the draw each article would exert upon him to join all three once they were in the same room. Without that understanding, he wouldn't be able to resist their powerful draw to join them together. It's why they were created.

  Should she abandon her people and retrieve the 3rd Article of Power now? It would keep it from Nemesis! But then her people risked starvation and death if she couldn't find it right away. She didn't think it would take long, but each hour she spent not disrupting the bond Nemesis had tied on her people would make it that much harder from them to survive.

  "Are you okay?" Manos asked, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder, startling her out of her thoughts. Kokos realized she'd been swallowed up in her swirling thoughts, and had forgotten where she was again, and what she needed to do.

  "I have to free my people first, and then I can get the 3rd Article. Nemesis hasn't found it yet, and hopefully Javin and Sauros will keep him occupied just a bit longer until I can break the bond then retrieve the Article." Again she reverted to speaking aloud to keep herself on task. She knew Manos didn't really understand what she was saying, but he remained silent, knowing she needed to speak. He may not understand what she was saying, but he understood why she was saying it. Such a good brother! Such a good man!

  "Okay, now I need to get back to this. Nemesis used the 2nd Article of Power to create a resonance where he could make a strong suggestion into each person's emotional center, giving them an imperative to do certain things. Then he tied it off so he wouldn't have to consciously maintain it."

  She closed her eyes to focus in on that resonance, to identify it as it swam through the very air around her. It was subdued here, and she realized that it hadn't affected Manos because the temple had initially shielded him. And when it was tied off, the initial resonance was held in place, but it wasn't projected any longer. So Manos was safe. Wait . . . Back to what I need to do! I need to speak aloud.


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