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Page 14

by Brad Stucki

  "There! I can feel it. I sense it. Now if I can just gather enough power from my 'Gift' since Nemesis used that on the previous world to do pretty much the same thing, though not as powerfully as here. I hope I can disrupt it; to mar the resonance just enough to break it. To make it dissipate. It shouldn't take as much power to interrupt the resonance as it did to create it. At least I'm hoping not. Of course, all Nemesis would have to do is put it back in place again. That's where I'm hoping Javin and Sauros can keep him from doing that."

  Kokos felt a warm touch on her shoulder, felt a cool cloth wipe across her brow again. She realized her eyes had been closed and she'd been focusing on what she needed to do.

  "Whenever you're ready," Manos said. "I'll be here standing guard over you."

  Kokos felt a warmth of love and comfort settle over her. It was enough to calm her just that bit more she needed to do what she had to do.

  She nodded, closed her eyes, and focused on gather her strength. Again she spoke aloud to keep her mind on task. "I need to prepare a pulse at just the right frequency to disrupt the resonances Nemesis has set. I not only need to disrupt the resonance from the 2nd Article of Power, shaking our people from their compulsion trance, but I also need to disrupt the energy waves from the 1st Article of Power, the energy that has accelerated all the growing. The principle is the same for both, and sending one pulse, of it's at the right resonance, should affect both. At least that's the theory."

  Kokos sought for and found the precise resonance she was looking for. It was amazing she could find it in all the data that she'd accumulated, but it seemed to come to her just as she 'thought' about it. There must be something in her 'Gift' that was helping her do this.

  "Stay on task!" She said aloud, trying to keep focused on what she needed to do, not how she was doing it. Kokos could wonder about that later.

  She concentrated . . . And felt a swirling power grow within her breast, recognizing this as similar to what Chahzuu had done to free his people. She gathered it in, let it build to near climax.

  "Once the resonance is disrupted, our people will awaken, realize what was happening and quickly harvest and prepare for the time it will take for the cycles to return to normal."

  At least Kokos was confident Kaffen would realize this. Hopefully all the other Growers across her world would realize it too.

  All she could do is severe the connection. That's what she needed to do now!

  Kokos couldn't build the power any more. She thrust out her dissonant pulse, feeling it spread from her, from the Archive room in the roof of her world, spreading in a wave to cover the entire population. She hoped it was enough.

  Chapter 29

  Nemesis awoke refreshed. It was amazing how good he felt. It must be an affect of using the Power of Creation so deeply. He remembered feeling this way after using the 1st Article before, though not so strongly.

  Nemesis sat up and went to the console in his room and got some of the food paste and drink to fulfill his hunger needs. He was getting tired of the bland paste he was sure was nourishing enough, but had little taste.

  "Now to work," he said to himself. He went over and retrieved the 1st Article of Power off the floor and put it in his pouch. Nemesis had decided he would separate Javin and Sauros for their interrogations. He didn't want them to be able to work together. The bond Nemesis had detected between the two would be dangerous if they were to work together on that level. Sauros would be the first. Nemesis would experiment on draining him. If any mistakes were made, Sauros was expendable. Javin was the key. He couldn't make mistakes with him.

  The 2nd Article of Power lay on the floor on the other side of the room. Nemesis retrieved it and put It in the pouch, but hesitated as he did so. He must be careful. On the way to the pedestal room, Nemesis stopped in another workroom, this one completely bare, and got out the 2nd Article of Power, leaving it on the floor just inside the room. No sense opening himself to temptation. Once he'd arrived with Sauros, he'd tie him off in a close web of power and then put the 1st Article of Power aside before taking up the 2nd Article to use during the interrogation.

  Nemesis stood, gathering himself for a moment before moving down the hall to the pedestal room. He wanted to be sure he was ready, taking a deep breath, letting it out slowly, then strode down the corridor.

  Javin and Sauros were seated on the floor against the wall, their eyes closed, concentrating. Nemesis chuckled realizing what they must be doing. It wouldn't help them at all. It might take him a bit longer, but he was sure he could sift through any disinformation they would try to give him. In fact, he was a bit amazed at how he easily sensed what they were doing. Maybe he shared a semblance of the bond they shared between themselves. Could it come from all of them having a Gestalt Crystal? Well, that was for later.

  Nemesis focused on the 1st Article of Power in his pouch, touching it, switching it on and moving its power forward. Javin and Sauros, he'd noticed, now had their eyes open, and staring at him, not saying a word. Nemesis smiled, amused at how pitiful they seemed. Helpless really.

  With the power, Nemesis grasped hold of the shield he'd formed, shrinking it around his captives, then splitting it off, surrounding each of them in a closer shield similar to the ones he'd had around them to move them to this room.

  "Sauros will come with me. Javin will remain until I'm ready." Nemesis only spoke so his prisoners would know which needed to move as he moved the shield. It really didn't matter. Even if they didn't want to move, the shield was powerful enough to carry either or both along wherever he wanted them to go. Still, it was common courtesy.

  Sauros stood, and then jolted a bit forward as Nemesis caused the shielding to move forward, prodding him along. He quickly glanced at Javin then moved forward. Nemesis reached a tendril of 'feeling' out and caught the slight touch of the bond he'd felt earlier. He'd have to monitor that. Nemesis didn't know what they could do with that, but certainly wasn't going to be caught off guard with these two.

  Slowly they moved to the empty room. Sauros stared at Nemesis as he moved along with the shielding. They moved into the bare room Nemesis had set aside for the interrogation. When Sauros was in the center of the room he stopped the shield's movement. Sauros bumped into the shielding and stopped, still staring at Nemesis, still silent, baleful. Again Nemesis smiled.

  "Lay on the floor. No sense wasting energy propping you up." Nemesis caused the shield to flatten and elongate, forcing Sauros to comply. Then Nemesis checked the shielding, making sure there were no seams and strengthened it even more before tying it off.

  "Now for the interrogation," Nemesis said as he switched off the 1st Article of Power and set it aside on the floor by the doorway and moved to where he'd placed the 2nd Article of Power. Instead of putting it into his pouch, he held it in his hand so Sauros could see.

  Nemesis guessed Sauros knew what it was, or at least knew what it represented. Why else would they be following him? Well, he supposed they could be following him out of revenge. After all, he did kill this beast's betrothed. He'd surmised that much in working with the pitiful Tranthra' Joh before leaving that planet.

  Anger stirred and Nemesis had to tamp it down. He had to be focused for what he needed to do here. Besides, going down that path would lead to memory of his punishment. That wasn't someplace he cared to go. Yet, even thinking about his punishment and how his Masters had been treating him recently gave him stronger resolve to succeed in this endeavor. Yes, it was actually motivating. Again Nemesis smiled as he focused in on the 2nd Article of Power and moved its energy forward, preparing to touch this foolish beast who thought he could match Nemesis for power.

  Moving his tendrils of power closer, Nemesis slipped through the captive shielding easily. The 1st Article of Power's shielding had been made to work with the other Articles, after all. The tendrils reached out to Sauros and encountered another barrier. Nemesis studied it a moment, using the Article's power. Then he pushed through, sensing Sauros' struggle to maintain t
he shielding and block him out. It did him little good. This must be what was causing them to be invisible. It came from the Gestalt Crystals! Nemesis realized.

  Sauros grunted with physical pain as Nemesis began the probing, grasping hold of the memories, preparing to wrench them away. Still the beast tried to withhold. Little good it would do him when faced with the power of the Articles as compared to the Gestalt Crystals, powerful as they were.

  Nemesis gathered a bit of strength and was prepared to start the stripping. It would probably damage this one, so he hesitated. Could he do it without causing damage? He thought of working on Javin, remembering Sauros was the experiment. He didn't want to damage Javin, so he may have to tread lightly with this one just to test how to do it without causing damage. He caused his tendrils to ease up, then merely squeeze a bit, observing, probing here and there.

  What's this? Nemesis could 'feel' a slight touch still existing between this beast and Javin in the next room. It was faint, and no doubt they thought he wouldn't sense it. How quaint. They're trying to sustain one another. Javin was trying to bolster his friend, he could sense that now. This brought on another hesitation. Would what he did also affect Javin? Would he be able to drain Javin at the same time through the bond with his friend?

  All interesting thoughts, Nemesis concluded, but there wasn't time to really pause and study every aspect of this. He would focus on Sauros then bring Javin in. Nemesis would watch their bond and react. For now, though, it was pitifully weak. Nothing to worry about. Setting forward the tendrils again, Nemesis slipped through the personal barrier and began to probe, this time more lightly, more gently so as not to damage, but still retrieve. There would be pain as the beast resisted, but what did he care about causing pain after all he'd experienced . . .


  Javin watched Sauros being led away. It was hard to see his friend being taken and knew, after reviewing the memory of the stripping he'd received from Chahzuu, what it would be like. Sauros had reviewed that memory also; Javin could 'feel' it through the slight bond they maintained. He was trying to be careful not to alert Nemesis to what he was doing, but he still had to try and help however he could while not revealing their plan.

  Sauros was courageous to a fault. There was no fear, no trepidation, just resolve to resist at all costs. Just as it should be, Javin thought. Until just the right moment.

  Javin now sensed the shift in types of power, could tell the subtle difference as Nemesis must now be using the 2nd Article of Power. Then came the probing and the grasping with that power . . . Only then did Sauros tense, expecting the intense pain he knew would follow . . . But it backed off for some reason. Javin backed away from the bond, maintaining only the slightest of touches. Had he been detected? He waited a moment then moved closer and could feel the probing tendrils again, though not as rough as before.

  What was Nemesis doing? It appeared he was going slower, trying not to cause damage. For whatever reason, Javin was grateful. Still, the power began again to be exerted on a futilely resisting Sauros. The pain started slower and intensified. No matter what, there would be pain. Still Sauros resisted and Javin sent a trickle of encouragement and strength through the bond, even though he knew it would probably be detected. He couldn't let his friend suffer and he not do anything.

  Javin didn't fight the probing, just sought to strengthen, to ease the pain his friend was feeling, to soothe and calm while his friend continued to resist to the very limits of his considerable strength of will and body. If he continued to fight, there was a certainty he'd be seriously injured, maybe even killed through the stripping. It was getting to that point . . .

  There! Sauros had gone to the very limits of his ability, and then let go, released everything and opened up. He could ‘feel’ the surprise from Nemesis. Now Sauros was being drained, but he hoped he was also receiving as well as giving.

  They had realized it was a risk, but they were betting that Nemesis wouldn’t realize if they opened up completely and released all they had; it opened up a two way sharing. At least that was the plan. Maybe Nemesis would know of it and counter it in some way.

  Javin had backed away so as not to reveal himself any more than he had to. At least the immediate danger to Sauros was past. He sat back to wait. It didn’t take long until Javin ‘sensed’ the transfer was complete and they were coming back. He stood and waited within the confines of the shield surrounding him.

  Sauros appeared at the doorway, looking like he’d been drug through a pipe backwards. Javin grimaced at the image in his mind and knew it came from his blocked memories. This was getting old. Maybe being drained with the 2nd Article of Power would be enough to press through the block? Then Javin remembered the tremendous pain and resounding backlash the last time they’d tried to force through his block. Would he survive it? Would Nemesis? If Javin was going to be killed in this, the least he could do was take Nemesis with him.

  His mind was snapped to the present by Nemesis practically carrying Sauros through the door with the power of the shield holding him. Javin carefully reached out to him with his ‘sense.’ He was alive and undamaged . . . and yes! He could detect a hint that knowledge had passed both ways. Just as they’d hoped! Still, it had taken a great toll on the big lion-man. Javin didn’t ‘sense’ Nemesis in their bond, so Javin instinctively sent some energy through the link, strengthening Sauros, sustaining and refreshing him. He didn’t know how he did it; just that he did, because of the need to help his friend. Then he retreated so Nemesis wouldn’t discern it.

  “Now for you, Javin, my seeming brother,” Nemesis said. “Time to get some answers. You can see by your friend, here, that resisting won’t help. It will only cause you pain. In the end, when your man let go, the pain left. Learn from him.”

  Javin turned to stare at Nemesis. This was the first time he’d really taken a look at him closely. He’d called him brother. Or at least ‘seeming’ brother. What did Nemesis know? Well, he was about to find out. He didn’t answer, only stood, waiting for Nemesis to lead him out.

  He felt the bump on his back as Nemesis moved his shielding with the Power. He was tempted to reach out to Nemesis with a probing tendril but held back. He couldn’t afford to alert him in any way. The knowledge he would be getting from Nemesis would be too priceless. However, he knew, or at least had ‘felt’ Sauros had received the memories and knowledge. If Javin failed, they at least had something through Sauros. So maybe he could afford to press things a bit.

  It was then he felt a subtle connection from Sauros, confirming that he was alright, and confirming he had the knowledge they were seeking. Javin glanced ahead at Nemesis leading him down the corridor. He seemed oblivious as to what had happened. Yes, Javin could . . . and would . . . push things a bit, but he’d have to wait for the right time.

  Chapter 30

  Javin was brought through the doorway into the vacant room. Nemesis had moved aside and pushed Javin through then remained standing near the doorway while Javin was positioned in the center of the room.

  “Lay down,” Nemesis indicated with his hand while collapsing the shielding around him. Javin didn’t have a choice so he lay down, but kept an eye on Nemesis, watching his every move. He didn’t want to miss any chance.

  Nemesis gave a mirthless smile then made a show of holding up what must be the 1st Article of Power and dropping it into a pouch at his side. Then he stooped and picked up what Javin was now certain was the 2nd Article of Power, formed into the shape of what Javin recognized was a stylized ‘heart’. It wasn’t the shape of an actual heart, he knew, but what people always considered ‘heart shaped’.

  Javin chuckled under his breath. He couldn’t help it. Those thoughts just spun up from his blocked memories and he ‘knew’ things. Time to find out if I can ever get unblocked. If the 2nd Article of Power can’t do it then nothing will.

  He 'felt' the power of the 2nd Article spooling up. And then he got an idea. Sending tendrils of his own out to probe Nemesis, he 'wa
tched' what he did in controlling the Article of Power. Then he sensed Nemesis focusing the power and directing it at Javin. It didn't come in a rush, but a slow, almost casual drifting as if Nemesis knew what he was doing, and was being careful. That was interesting. He'd done the same thing with Sauros. Perhaps he was trying not to harm them for some reason. Why? He'd tried to kill them on several previous occasions. What was the difference?

  Javin didn't wonder any longer as he felt the pressure of the probes now touching his personal shielding. He focused on holding and strengthening his shield. In the deep background he could now sense Sauros touching him, adding a bit of strength, just slightly, not enough to be noticed unless you were looking for it.

  The pressure grew, and the pain came as Javin fought to hold out. He didn't want to make it easy. Eventually Nemesis, when he assimilated all their memories and knowledge, would know he'd been tricked, but that wasn't now. Hopefully, it would be too late by then.

  So Javin continued to fight as the pain increased. Nemesis had easily slipped with his shielding with the power of the Article at his disposal. Now Javin's mind, his soul, felt like it was being pulled out of his body and he was fighting to keep it within. Still the pressure, the inexorable force tugging at him, continued to increase along with the pain. It was almost unbearable now as he 'felt' Nemesis continue to draw power from the Article, applying it to the sifting, the shredding of his mind and spirit.

  Then he felt Sauros increasing his strength, of reaching out to block and numb the pain. He faintly remembered doing something similar for him. In the faint back of his mind Javin wondered if Nemesis could tell he had memories and knowledge that had been blocked. Was he pulling at those too? Was he being successful? His mind was wandering now with the pain. There was something he was supposed to do . . .


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