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Page 16

by Brad Stucki

  "And don't forget," Sauros chimed in. "You thought to keep watch on your people through the view screen. If you hadn't, we were so wrapped up in the quest for answers; we would have ignored their plight. You saved your people because you were 'standing guard.'"

  Manos stood and started pacing again. "It is just so hard for a warrior to stand guard."

  Sauros chuckled. "I know the feeling."

  "I'm afraid, we need you to continue, though," Kokos said. "We must rest, and we need a guard . . ."

  Manos chuckled and shook his head. "I will continue watch over you both. Rest and I will wake you after a reasonable time if you do not wake on your own."

  That was enough for Sauros. He'd been struggling to stay awake for the past few moments, he realized. Without saying anything further he closed his eyes and allowed his exhausted mind and body to drift off.

  Chapter 33

  Sauros awoke with a start. Had something awakened him? His mind was alert and his body was starting to feel normal. He listened. It was dark in the chamber. It hadn't been so when he went to sleep. Was there a problem? Where was Manos?

  The room was silent. He sat up. He heard movement.

  "Lights, dim."

  The lights in the room slowly rose to a dim level. Sauros looked around and saw Manos standing between him and Kokos. He moved over closer to Sauros.

  "You feel rested?" he asked quietly, glancing behind him at Kokos still reclining on her couch.

  "Yes," Sauros answered. And he did. In fact he felt much rested. There must be something in the nourishing paste that was a restorative, for that's all Sauros had eaten since arriving here. It wasn't much for taste unless you got the proper combination. Still it must provide all the body needed.

  Sauros caught himself. His mind was wandering. He swung his legs off the couch and sat, allowing his mind to clear. The memories and knowledge were quiet now. He cautiously 'thought' about the 3rd Article of Power. He felt a swirling of images and thoughts, though they didn't overwhelm him. They were there, waiting for him to think of something more specific, to narrow his search. He felt a warm glow in his breast and knew the crystal was actively filtering the information along with his mind.

  This hadn't happened before. Sauros thought about it. When he'd accessed the memories of Chahzuu or of Kokos for that matter, he hadn't felt the influence of his crystal. Then it occurred to him. There was so much more information that needed the additional help to sort through it all. And he accessed it through his thoughts, much like he could access the lights in his room, the view screens, even using the portal. It was all activated with his mind, his thoughts.

  Again Sauros caught himself. "I can't afford to lose myself in my thoughts," he said aloud, using the sound of his voice to keep him focused. Clearly it would take some time to get used to this.

  "What?" Manos asked.

  Sauros ignored his question. He wasn't sure he could explain anyway. "How long?" he asked instead of answering.

  "You have been sleeping for two cycles." He was still talking lightly, reminding him that Kokos was still resting . . .

  "I'm awake," Kokos spoke and Manos spun and moved to her couch and knelt beside her. Sauros watched as Kokos now struggled to sit up, assisted by Manos.

  "How do you feel?" Manos asked his sister.

  "Much better," was her answer. "I feel strangely refreshed."

  So it hadn't been just him, Sauros thought, now standing, making sure his legs would support him. They did, and felt strong, and his steadiness was returning. He swung his arms and rolled his shoulders. All good. He was starting to feel ready.

  He looked at Kokos, now standing; being careful to keep her balance, testing her body as Sauros was testing his. He could 'feel' she was thinking the same thing. They needed to get going in obtaining the 3rd Article of Power.

  "Let me get you both some water and food while you walk around a bit," Manos said striding to the kitchen area without waiting for further comment.

  Sauros turned to Kokos who was now swinging her arms and rolling her shoulders, having watched Sauros. He smiled. "I feel good enough as soon as I get the stiffness out of my body."

  "I as well." Kokos moved to stand by Sauros so they could speak more easily. "Are you sure you will come with me for the 3rd Article rather than seeking Javin?"

  "Yes." Sauros nodded. "It's most important. Javin, if he's alive, will be able to take care of himself. He's a formidable warrior in his own right, though . . ."

  Kokos nodded. "After seeing your memories, I understand your need to find and lend your strength to his protection."

  They were silent a moment.

  "How will we get to the place of 'Nothingness' that your Chahzuu saw – and which we both 'know' now is a real place?" Kokos peered up at Sauros.

  "Our thinking will make it so," he answered, remembering the picture in his mind of how Chahzuu 'traveled' to that place. He'd done it by 'tuning' his body to the resonance of the place. And now that they had the memories, Sauros was pretty confident they could do it too. Well, fairly confident. It entailed stilling his body and mind to the point of being able to control and direct his body's 'resonance' or 'vibration' to match that of the place he wanted to go.

  In this case, the new knowledge the Archive provided him indicated the place of 'Nothingness' was a Way Point. It was a place created by the Ancients to be outside of time, outside normal reality, and from there one could 'travel' virtually anywhere.

  Sauros looked at Kokos. She smiled at him as he realized she'd been watching him as these thoughts had run across his mind, as he'd delved into memories and accessed the Ancient database which had been downloaded into his mind from Kokos.

  "I see you have grown accustomed to accessing your memories and knowledge quite easily."

  "I did it without thinking . . . well, without 'straining' as I did before. It just came naturally."

  "It is part of the 'Gift'. I could follow along with you as you thought because of the bond we share. I got the same information." Again Kokos smiled. "And while you were doing it, I took a little detour and chanced to wonder if there was an easier way to access the place of 'Nothingness.' Well, I guess we'd better call it by the correct name given in the Archive. It's the "Way Point." Anyway, there is an easier way."

  Before she could speak further, Sauros interrupted as the same thought came to his mind. "The Portals!"

  "Exactly," Kokos said. "We just have to 'think' of where we want to go and the portals will automatically take us there, adjusting our bodies' harmonics to the place of arrival. Just as you and Javin have been 'adjusted' in coming here to my world."

  Kokos shook her head. "There is so much contained that just comes forth when I wonder about it. I further wonder though if it may not end up being a curse as well as a blessing." She brought a hand to her brow. "I hope I'll be able to turn it off when I want."

  Sauros chuckled, but could understand her worry.

  "Here you go." Manos had returned with a bowl and water for Kokos. She sat and started drinking and eating.

  "Sit, Sauros. I'll bring yours over also." He went back and returned with a bowl and drink for Sauros then sat beside Kokos.

  "What is the plan?" Manos asked.

  "We go through the portal and get the 3rd Article of Power," Kokos said. "Sauros and I will retrieve it and come back."

  "And I?" Manos asked. "How may I help?"

  Kokos said nothing, only smiled sheepishly at her brother.

  "I must stand guard?"

  "I'm sorry," Kokos said. "But we need to protect this place. From what Sauros has indicated, Nemesis is out there. We can't afford for him to have access to the knowledge of the Archive."

  Manos looked as if he'd explode with a nervous energy he was barely suppressing. He stayed silent, containing himself.

  "I'm sorry, my friend," Sauros said. "I have to agree, though it will be harder than you think. Nemesis has great power. You must not face him directly. In fact, it would be better if he
didn't know you were even here. However, he will be helpless when connected with the Archive. If he comes, you must wait until he has fully engaged the Archive and his not able to notice you. Then you must kill him before he can use any of his power on you." Sauros fell silent a moment, remembering how easily he and Javin had been subdued. "You will not have a chance if you leave him alive."

  Sauros could tell Manos was still struggling at being left behind, though at this, he simply nodded acquiescence. "I will do as you both command. If it is as critical as you say." Sauros was surprised he didn't seem to have a problem with the issue of killing someone. That was odd, but there was no time to consider why now.

  "It is critical," Kokos assured him, touching his hand. Then she stood and Sauros stood with her.

  "Ready?" Sauros asked. Kokos nodded.

  "I believe we will have to go back to the temple first," Sauros said. "We had to do so when Javin and I went to find Nemesis. Javin said something about needing a matrix to get to more than a set place the portals are 'programmed' for."

  Kokos nodded again, following Sauros down the corridor to the waiting portal. It was an easy matter to stand in front of the gateway, 'think' about going back to the temple, then stepping through the activated doorway to where they wanted to go.

  Chapter 34

  Javin was standing in blackness, his mind still reeling. He didn't know where he was . . . wait! Yes, he did know! This was where Chahzuu had learned to come to. It was the place of 'nothingness.' It was the place Chahzuu had come to seeking the 3rd Article of Power, and then had been captured by Nemesis.

  He immediately looked around into the dark, half expecting Nemesis to show up and continue what he started. He waited a while. Nothing happened.

  This must have been the place Nemesis escaped to from Sauros' world, Javin thought. He probably would be here any moment. How do I leave it?

  And then another thought took him. Chahzuu had come here seeking the 3rd Article of Power. He'd been able to resist Nemesis' probing because at that time, Nemesis didn't have understanding of how to use the other Articles of Power to boost his abilities and break through Chahzuu's resistance. So the 3rd Article of Power was still here! And Javin had the opportunity to find it before Nemesis could.

  It was then he realized that Nemesis now had Chahzuu's knowledge. He'd received it from Sauros! There was no time to lose!

  Javin focused his mind, calling up Chahzuu's memories surrounding the 3rd Article. "What were you thinking?" he said aloud, helping to focus in on the specific memories.

  The 3rd Article of Power was the power of 'Knowing,' the power of Faith. Javin thought that odd. How could that be a power, and how would it manifest? And then the memories fell into place and Javin understood.

  To find it, you had to 'know' you were going to be taken to it, and have utmost confidence you would succeed. That sounded a bit silly, but the warmth in Javin's breast -- certainly coming from his crystal-- confirmed he was on the right track.

  The crystals must react to the Articles. Javin had already experienced that slightly in facing Nemesis. Now as he felt it, he 'knew' it was so. They were connected somehow. His crystal would help him locate and possibly use the 3rd Article of Power.

  Sitting silently, Javin fought back his skeptical side, and focused on 'knowing' he would be brought to where the 3rd Article of Power was. He forced his mind to not consider how silly this must be. He had to succeed or Nemesis would use this same knowledge and get the Article before him -- if he hadn't already. After all Nemesis wouldn't have been far behind him. He could have guessed where Javin had gone.

  "Ahrr!" Javin again focused him mind on 'knowing' and a great desire welled up in him to be where the Article was, and 'knowing' he would -- no -- that he 'was' there now! That's what Chahzuu had been doing.

  He could feel a change in his body, the crystal burning from within and he felt a wave of some sort pass over him and 'knew' he was in a different place.

  Javin opened his eyes and found himself standing in front of a pedestal. It was lit by an unseen source overhead, giving a circle of light close around the pedestal and illuminating what sat upon it . . . The 3rd Article of Power!

  Javin reached for it. It felt . . . strange in his hands. It was tingly, prickly, at the same time . . . mildly pleasant. It was shaped strangely, small, grey with wriggly wide tubular veins. The shape was strangely familiar, and then it came to Javin. It was in the shape of a human brain! Though small enough to easily fit in the palm of his hand.

  Then Javin 'felt' something else. Someone was coming and he knew who it would be.

  Almost without thought, Javin raised his personal shield and began to draw in power. He held out one hand and it started to glow. He could feel the crystal in his breast heating to a fever pitch. Almost absently he noticed that the hand holding the 3rd Article of Power was also glowing, but with a bluish light, and he could 'feel' that he'd instinctively 'reached' out to the Article in much the same way he'd observed Nemesis doing just a few moments ago, before the pain had started. He also noted his 'drawing' from the power of the 3rd Article was subtly different than the way Nemesis had drawn from either of the other two Articles.

  The power was filling him to a point he couldn't comprehend. It literally scared him, it was so immense. This couldn't fall into Nemesis' hands!

  Just then, he 'felt' Nemesis appear on the far side of the altar. Javin raised his glowing hand, prepared to do anything. Now that he was drawing on the power of the 3rd Article of Power, he doubted Nemesis would be able to slip through his shield as easily as he'd done before. Nor would he allow himself to be surrounded by shielding.

  Nemesis looked at Javin, his eyes wide in surprise, noting Javin's raised and glowing hand. Slowly Nemesis raised both his hands. They weren't glowing. Javin thought he noted an air of exhaustion in Nemesis' posture.

  There was silence between them. Javin was wondering what to do. It was a standoff. If he tried to destroy Nemesis, would he also destroy the Articles of Power? He didn't want to do that, did he? Did he even have them with him? Javin glanced down at the pouch on Nemesis' hip. There was still so much he didn't know. Sauros had that information from Nemesis now, though. So Javin merely had to survive this encounter and then he'd be able to 'share.'

  "There's no need for us to be enemies," Nemesis said, carefully. Javin 'knew' Nemesis could 'feel' the power Javin was wielding. "We can work together. With the Articles of Power, we can usurp the Guardians and be our own people, you and I. I believe you are as much a slave to your Guardians as I am to mine. At least I know who I am and where I came from. I can help you find that."

  Javin realized from those words, Nemesis was starting to assimilate what knowledge and memories he'd gained from Sauros. That and the fact Nemesis was here for the 3rd Article of Power.

  "Strange words from someone who's tried to kill me three times. Why so different now?"

  "Let's say recent knowledge has come into my possession that makes me realize it's better for us to combine than to fight. You should know by now that your real enemy isn't me. It's the Guardians. You and I are caught in the middle of something you have no idea of. Together -- with the Articles of Power -- we can change that, you and I."

  "Forgive me for not trusting you," Javin said. He was still holding onto the power, his hand still raised and glowing. "I think I'll trust you more once you hand over the other two Articles of Power. Call it a measure of good faith."

  Nemesis stared at him. "So I'm to trust you?"

  "I could have killed you the moment you appeared. I didn't . . . contrary to what you've tried to do to me on multiple occasions."

  Nemesis smiled. "You have a point. But now, because of your . . . hindrance . . . on these worlds, I have no choice but to sever my ties with my Masters. They will be very upset I have failed. Because of you I have nowhere else to go. Isn't that enough?"

  Javin could sense the truth in those words. He also could sense the wariness.

for me," Javin said. "I trust, but only when trust is earned. You can start earning some of that trust . . ."

  Something in Nemesis' eyes gave Javin his first warning.

  Nemesis was up to something but it wasn't cooperation. Then Nemesis was gone! Disappeared.

  Javin looked around, half expecting Nemesis to materialize behind and take him by surprise. He 'felt' out with his enhanced senses, still holding to the power of the 3rd Article. It filled him and completed him in a way he didn't think possible. He 'knew' he was invincible and would have all the power he needed to defeat Nemesis, even though Nemesis still was holding the other two Articles of Power.

  Nemesis must have sensed that power. There was nothing of Nemesis Javin could detect, and he'd 'sensed' Nemesis before he'd appeared here. He didn't know how, but he had. Now there was no sign of his 'presence' anywhere.

  He realized then Nemesis had truly gone . . . and taken the other two Articles of Power with him. Nemesis must have been exhausted. It came from using the power so strongly, using the bolts of energy to try and destroy him. That's why he'd left – "to fight again another day." Javin realized that phrase came from something he knew before, from his blocked memories. It was a famous phrase of some sort. He gritted his teeth in frustration. Then a wave of exhaustion hit him and he staggered.

  Slowly, he allowed the power of the 3rd Article to diminish until it was simply a slight tingling in his hand again. He was so tired. Now he to get back to his friends. Sauros must need him, and he needed to get back to the Archive and see how Kokos had fared. He also needed to be somewhere safe when he finally did collapse, and the 3rd Article of Power would be protected.

  At least now Sauros and Kokos would have gained more knowledge to help them know what to do. Sauros had Nemesis' memories and knowledge, and hopefully Kokos had information from the Archive.

  Javin held up the 3rd Article of Power. "How do I get back to my friends?" he asked aloud, while gazing at the Article of Power. If there was a portal here, a gateway, he could use it to get back. However, he hadn't used a gateway to get here. He'd used his mind and the power of the crystal. So maybe he had to get back the same way. Did he have the strength? He had to.


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