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Page 17

by Brad Stucki

  Javin sat and began the think. Where should he go? Should he go back to the Archive? Should he go back to the temple where he'd last seen Sauros? What if Nemesis had gone there and set a trap of his own? Come to think of it, now that Nemesis had Sauros' knowledge, he could also be at the Archive, trying to wrest control of it for himself. With the power he wielded, Kokos and Manos would have no way to resist him.

  But if he'd seen what he'd thought he'd seen behind Nemesis eyes just before he disappeared, he'd felt like Nemesis had gone somewhere far away to lick his wounds. And he was also now fleeing from his Masters, if Nemesis could be believed in anything he'd said. That had had the ring of truth to it, though. Nemesis was now out there alone, with no backing other than the two Articles of Power. That made him all the more dangerous – like a wounded, cornered animal.

  Again with the familiar phrase! Javin thought. He understood it, knew it came from within, and it fit. But it frustrated him that his memory was still blocked. Perhaps the 3rd Article of Power, the Power of 'Knowing' could finally be used to unblock his memories. It was worth a try.

  Javin realized he was thinking himself in circles. His first need was to get back to Sauros and Kokos, see what they'd learned, and get some rest. Then they could decide their next steps.

  "Instead of a place, I should seek for a person," Javin spoke aloud. "We found Nemesis that way by thinking about 'him' rather than a place. Maybe that will work now?"

  So that's what Javin did . . . He focused his mind on Sauros, his friendship, his 'essence,' reaching out to him, 'Knowing' he would be brought there.

  Javin felt something within his breast begin to warm and knew it was the crystal activating, assisting him. He hoped he had enough strength for this, or who knew where he'd end up? Then he felt the tingling in his hand grow, which held the Article of Power, and drew upon that energy, even though he knew it would drain his strength even more. Could it drain his essence completely if he used it too much? Javin felt his body start to collapse with exhaustion, but also felt it shift . . .

  Chapter 35

  Nemesis was beaten. He knew it. But only for now. Exhaustion from the energy drain and now from the strain of his predicament threatened to overwhelm him. Still, he'd made it to the only place he could think of that would be a true refuge. But for how long?

  He was back on Earth where he and Javin had been born. But it was a different time, far in the past, where he hoped no one would think to look for him. And finding him would prove more difficult because of his shielding. Those seeking him would have to virtually stumble over him in order to find. Did his Masters even realize he could travel in time? They were so removed from this physical world he wondered if it was just a perception they didn't think of . . . or if it was just a matter of course for them so they took it for granted. Either way, moving in time as well as to a far flung place would make it harder for him to be found. They'd surely be scouring the galaxy for him soon.

  The pyramid, his new home, was the largest on earth, located in the deep jungles of what would come to be called South America. It didn't have that name yet. Mankind was just starting to evolve.

  Making sure, yet again, his personal shielding was in place, he couldn't afford for anyone to find him. Not Javin and especially not his Masters. His tie with them was now severed. He was on his own.

  Nemesis needed time to think, to regain his strength. Then he would figure a way to obtain the 3rd Article of Power and do what he was destined to do . . . Rule!

  Javin wasn't going to be the chosen one. He was!


  Sauros and Kokos stepped out of the portal into the large chamber of the Temple. It was empty as they'd expected. Sauros was relieved they didn't have any surprises. With Nemesis on the loose, one never knew. He was worried about leaving the Archive with only Manos to protect it, but it was the best they could do. They now had to find the 3rd Article of Power . . . if they could . . . And then find Javin, if he was still alive.

  He continued to reach out with his 'senses' and could feel Kokos doing the same. Neither of them had 'felt' anything. Without speaking they turned back to face the gateway they'd just come through. It was inert, waiting for their next request. Sauros started to bring into his mind a strong desire to find the Way Point, to be taken to wherever that place of Nothingness was. Then, before anything happened, a familiar voice broke the silence . . .

  "Am I glad to see you two!" Javin had opened his eyes and found himself lying on the floor of the Pyramid's main chamber, staring in the direction of the portal. He'd been relieved to find both Sauros and Kokos there, apparently ready to travel someplace through the portal. He was glad he'd caught up to them first. With the way he felt, he wasn't sure he'd be able to do anything but lay there until he'd regained his strength.

  Javin chuckled even though it physically hurt when he saw Sauros' eyes grow wide, a large canine grin splitting his face, and he rushed over to kneel beside Javin, helping him sit up, then glancing down to see what Javin held in his hand.

  "Is that . . ?"

  "It is," Javin assured. I was able to get to the place where it was hidden. Chahzuu's memories saved me. It must have been by instinct I got there and realized where I was, so I figured while I was there . . ."

  "Are you injured?" Kokos asked, having come over with Kokos. She too was kneeling at his side. She 'sensed' out with her feelings to gently probe. Javin could 'feel' it. Trust a woman to worry first about how someone was feeling, and a man to notice the newest 'gadget.' Again, Javin chuckled then started into a coughing fit. He was so tired!

  "Let's get you to where you can lie down more comfortably," Kokos said.

  "We can go to the living chambers in this temple," Sauros said. He knew from the Archive information he now had, that each temple had living chambers. And having passed through into that section when being captured by Nemesis, he knew how to activate the mechanism to let them enter.

  "Can he walk?" Kokos sounded doubtful. Javin knew he didn't have the strength.

  Sauros didn't answer. Instead he picked Javin up, cradled him in his arms, allowing Javin to keep hold of the 3rd Article of Power, and carried him up the two levels of the chamber room to the far side wall. Kokos followed. Apparently Sauros had regained his full strength, Javin realized.

  Sauros taught Kokos how to activate the latch and swing the opening wide so they could pass through into the living sections. Soon Javin was settled onto a bed of the living chamber and Kokos had brought him some water to drink. It was only then Javin relinquished his hold on the 3rd Article of Power to Sauros.

  "Use it to create a shielding . . ."

  Sauros nodded. Javin knew he could 'feel' what needed to be done and how to do it. Probably even more so than Javin did, now that Sauros had Nemesis' knowledge.

  Then Javin could no longer help himself. He drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 36

  Javin slowly came awake to his surroundings. It took him a bit to struggle up from unconsciousness. When he finally could open his eyes, it took him a moment to recognize Sauros then Kokos. Everything else came back to him.

  They were patient, not talking with him, allowing him time to realize where he was. He even 'felt' Kokos and Sauros 'sharing' some of their strength with him, enabling him to struggle back to full wakefulness. It was the deepest he'd even been, even while in the Archive room. And he'd been very deep then.

  Finally he struggled to sit up with Sauros' assistance. Kokos had brought over more water and helped him drink. It felt good to have the cool liquid flow down his parched throat.

  "How long?" Javin could barely speak.

  "Four Cycles, a little more," Kokos said. "There were times we thought we'd lose you," she continued, relief evident in her features. "You were barely breathing."

  Javin 'sensed' they'd both lent him strength on occasion to keep him from slipping over the abyss. He looked up at Sauros who was holding him in his sitting position. Relief was showing there also. Javin smiled. S
auros carefully let him go and Javin could sit up on his own now.

  "Thanks," was all Javin could think to say, though in his 'feeling' he sent out his overwhelming gratitude, letting them know he understood what they had truly done for him.

  "We have succeeded!" Kokos said. "We have at least one Article of Power and we have the knowledge of the Archive. Nemesis has been driven from my world, and my people are back to themselves. They have harvested, and though it will be difficult, they will manage with what has been stored. All is well. Now you must eat." She held out a bowl of the paste he'd gotten used to eating in the Archive. He noticed the color and realized it was one of the more tasty blends. Again, trust Kokos to know what he needed.

  Javin gratefully accepted the bowl and began to eat. He could feel his strength returning rapidly and was surprised. He was feeling quite well. Better than what he should, actually. Then realized it must have something to do with the crystal in his breast and particularly the Article of Power. It must drain his energy in use, but restore during repose. It took and it gave. Javin could see that the 3rd Article of Power sat on the stand by his bedside. A quick concern came into his mind.

  "We are shielded," Sauros said, answering his unspoken worry.

  Javin nodded with relief and continued to eat.

  After one more bowl of the paste and another cup of water, Javin could stand, and with his standing, his stability and strength was fully restored.

  "I feel like a new man!" Javin said, stretching his arms high and then extending his legs to their full length, one at a time.

  Kokos giggled and Sauros smiled, though not revealing his canines for which Javin was grateful.

  "Manos is standing guard at the Archive," Kokos said. "While you were resting, I slipped back there and let him know we'd found you. He'd also been monitoring our world and says the crops appear to be regenerating and all should return to normal soon. It was a close thing, but it appears we are all well for now."

  There was silence for a moment, and then Sauros asked, "You are recovered fully?"

  Javin nodded. "Surprisingly, yes. I think the Article of Power -- and you two lending strength during some critical times -- pretty well regenerated me."

  Again there was silence.

  "Nemesis is still out there with the other two Articles of Power," Sauros said.

  "And more dangerous than ever," Javin agreed. "I ran into him while I was getting the 3rd Article. He was going for it too. Luckily I got there first and had the drop on him."

  "Drop? Why did you drop on him?" Kokos asked. Even Sauros was looking puzzled, then nodded wryly.

  "I see you truly are back to normal, speaking in strange tongues," Sauros said.

  "Tell us what happened," Kokos said, sitting down on the bed. "And try to speak so we can understand."

  Javin laughed and told them all that had happened from the time he was taken by Nemesis into the chamber to be interrogated until the time he'd appeared back in the portal chamber of the Temple. Kokos and Sauros remained silent, listening with all their 'senses.'

  When Javin fell silent, he let things settle for a moment then said. "We need to all 'share' again, so we each know all, and that knowledge is preserved. Then we need to decide our next move . . ."

  Kokos and Sauros looked at each other, like they were reluctant. Finally Sauros agreed.

  "Yes, that is wise."

  Javin could tell the time had finally come when the thing Sauros had been hiding would finally come to light.

  Chapter 37

  Javin noted Sauros staring at him, a pensive look crossing his face. “I should be the one to share,” Sauros said, gesturing for Javin to be seated back on the bed. “Kokos and I have already shared. She has what I have, and I received what she has. I also have what Nemesis had – as does Kokos.”

  Sauros sat on the bed and turned to Javin. “And there is something I ‘received’ when I first got my crystal – the ‘Gift’ -- as Kokos calls it. I have not shared with you, Javin, because it concerned you.”

  Javin nodded. He’d surmised as much but hadn’t wanted to pry. He knew Sauros and knew there must be a reason he’d not said anything. And when Sauros had not volunteered to share when they first had, Javin’s suspicion was essentially confirmed. “If there is another way . . .” Javin started, “I trust you, my friend. I’ve known there was something, but since you thought it best I not know, then I’m content to leave it that way if at all possible.”

  “No,” Sauros said. “It is time you knew before we go any further.” He put a hand on Javin’s shoulder in such a gentle way Javin was starting to get a little nervous. “I would have told you sooner, but I had to reconcile it myself before . . . And then I didn’t know how to say it. Time passed and things moved along with our adventures to the point there was no right time or occasion . . . Now, it is time. It is the ‘right’ time. We must share, and I must be the one to share it with you.

  “Know, my friend, this was given to me. It is not something I was seeking. Surely you must know that you are my truest friend. I am pledged to be at your side, and you know what I’m tasked to do is something I don’t understand, yet I know – and you will know it too – cannot be avoided if we are to accomplish what is before us.

  “Another reason I didn’t tell you earlier is because I was trying to find a way to avoid it. It concerns my fate and how it intersects with yours. We are together in this, but I was trying to find a way to change it.

  “Now with the knowledge from the Archive, I see that it has to be. I wish it were otherwise. You will see too. You have a right to know . . . and you have a right to choose. And I will stand by whatever you choose. I will not try to dissuade you from turning away from what you see. Especially since you do not have your memories and have not really been able to truly ‘choose’ for yourself to be involved in all of this.”

  Javin was silent as what Sauros said sunk in. It must be really bad. Then he thought about where he was, and what he’d already learned. There was some really bad stuff going to happen. He supposedly had a chance to make it better, to actually make a difference for these people, these friends on both worlds he’d come to love.

  Still, he had to have knowledge no matter what. To turn away from that just because it may bring some unpleasant news . . . He couldn’t do that. There was no way he could live in ignorance.

  Sauros mentioned that he could choose. Well of course he would choose! No one could take away his freedom of choice! But in order to choose wisely, he had to know; had to have knowledge!

  He also wasn’t done with trying to unblock his memories. With the 3rd Article of Power, Javin was going to try again. So no matter how you looked at it, Javin ‘needed’ the knowledge and memories Sauros carried. No matter what they contained. There was no other alternative.

  “I have to do this,” Javin said. “I’m glad you told me no matter what I see. You are my friend. Nothing will change that.”

  “Do not promise until the ‘sharing’ is complete.”

  Javin stared at Sauros. There was a look of sadness in his eyes he’d only seen when his beloved had died and faded away into nothingness. That still bothered him, by the way. The same thing had happened to Chahzuu and no one could explain why they’d simply disappeared after they’d been killed. The people and even Sauros had seemed to take it as an omen that the Guardians were carrying their bodies up to be enshrined with honor. Javin hadn’t bought it then, but there was nothing he could do about it then, nor now. Maybe Sauros had ‘seen’ something which had explained it to him.

  Javin realized that his thinking along these lines was just delaying what had to be done.

  “I’m ready,” Javin said.

  Sauros reached up with one hand and rested it upon Javin’s right temple. “I’m only going to share,” he said. “I’m not going to try and delve into your hidden memories. I remember what happened the last time Kokos tried that. What you learn will be enough for now.”

  Javin closed his eyes an
d ‘felt’ the melding initiated by Sauros. He focused on opening completely, not holding anything back, and ‘felt’ the transfer begin.

  Javin felt like he was floating. Fleeting images flew through his consciousness so fast he couldn’t make any sense of them. It was a blur, roaring through the connection he and Sauros shared. Time didn’t have any meaning. He wasn’t aware of his physical body, and wasn’t concerned. All that mattered was remaining open, continuing to ‘receive’ what he had to have.

  It was harder than he’d thought, because that nagging trepidation of what he was going to find out gave that little bit of distraction he had to constantly push down, allowing the transfer to continue unabated, unfettered.

  It continued . . .

  Chapter 38

  Finally Javin came back as if rising up from a great depth. His mind was tingling, his body stiff and sore. His eyes flickered open, then squinted against the light until they adjusted. He was still sitting on the bed, Sauros beside him doing much the same thing as he was, allowing his body to adjust to the movement after being stark still for who knew how long.

  Javin slowly reached up and rubbed his neck while swiveling his head back and forth gingerly, trying to work out the stiffness. While doing so, he instinctively sought out the memory Sauros had warned him of. He didn’t want to . . . but had to. During the transfer the images, memories and knowledge had moved so fast it couldn’t be individually identified. Now the transfer was over . . .

  There was a quick, unfiltered flash of images, and a fleeting memory to go with it. It was so new it was hard to put into any context. That would undoubtedly come later but for now, what Javin saw shocked him. He tensed, opened his blinking eyes and stared directly at Sauros, who was staring back equally direct, expectant.


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