Into the Storm: On the Ground in Iraq
Page 84
Equipment for the Army
Equipment training programs for Sheridan light tanks
Ernst, Carl
Ethnic sensitivity
EUCOM. See European Command
Euphrates River
nuclear weapons for defense of
outnumbered in
U.S. Army in
European Command (EUCOM)
Evacuation hospitals
Evans, Private
"Expanding torrent" theory
Expando vans
Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) personnel
FAARPs. See Forward arm and refuel points
FACs. See Family Assistance Centers
"Fair fight"
left in Germany
security for terrorist threats
versus demands of duty
Family Assistance Centers (FACs)
Family quarters
Family support
during Persian Gulf War
work by Denise Franks
"Fanoogie" (FNG)
Farfel, Doug
FARS. See "Flat-ass rules"
Fax machines
Felder, Ed
Field craft
Fifth Corps (U.S.)
in Germany
training of
"Find, fix, and finish the enemy"
in combat power
Fire trenches
Firing ranges
First Armored Division (U.K.)
on 1st day
on 2nd day
on 3rd day
on 4th day
on 5th day
at arrival ceremony in Germany
casualties of
in Desert Storm
and early attack
end-of-war visit by Franks
First Armored Division (U.S.), "Old Ironsides"
on 1st day
on 2nd day
on 3rd day
on 4th day
on 5th (cease-fire) day
in Battle of Medina Ridge
in Desert Storm
diagram of "Wedge"
Franks as commander of
fuel crisis of
occupation duties of
training for Desert Storm
in WARFIGHTER exercise
First Cavalry Division (U.S.)
on 2nd day
on 3rd day
on 4th day
on 5th day
battle of the Ruqi Pocket
brigade to Kuwait
CENTCOM's commitment of
in Desert Storm
as experimental division
mission to defend Tapline Road
occupation duties of
release to Seventh Corps
as reserve division
sent to Saudi Arabia
in Vietnam War
"First in, first out" policy
First Infantry Division (U.S.), "Big Red One"
on 1st day
on 2nd day
on 3rd day
on 4th day
on 5th day
BCTP exercise with
breaching Iraqi defenses
deployed to Persian Gulf
in Desert Storm
exploitation-and-pursuit by
mistaken halt of
occupation duties of
operation in Iraqi security zone
and Safwan crossroads
setting up site for cease-fire talks
training of
in Vietnam
First light. See Beginning of morning nautical light
First Marine Division (U.S.)
Fisher, George
Fishhook, Cambodia
Fixed-wing fleets
Fixing force
Flag rank
Flak vests
Flanking maneuvers
"Flat-ass rules" (FARs)
Flechette rounds
Florida hurricane damage
Florida State University
FM 100-5 series
FNG ("Fanoogie")
FOB (Forward Operating Base) Viper
Foltz, Larry
Fontenot, Greg
Food and water
Force XXI,
Force-oriented missions
Force-projection army
Forces Command (FORSCOM)
Force separation
Forecasting and anticipating by senior commanders
Formation alignments
adjustment of
FORSCOM. See Forces Command
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Fort Monroe, Virginia
Forward arm and refuel points (FAARPs)
Forward Operating Base Cobra
Foss, John
Four-star generals
Fourteenth Military Police Brigade (U.S.)
Fourth Aviation Squadron (U.S.), "Redcatcher"
Frankfurt, Germany
Franks, Denise
Christmas of 1970
death of sons
family support work by
and Fred's selection for TRADOC command
hysterectomy of
meeting Fred
at parades in United States
parents of
in promotion of Franks to four-star general
reunion with Fred after Desert Storm
staying in Germany
Franks, Farrell
Franks, Frances
Franks, Frederick Carl
Franks, Frederick M., Jr.
and active duty
and Air Force
amputation of leg
at Armed Forces Staff College
in Army's fourth generation
baptism by fire
as baseball player
in Blackhorse
boyhood home of
in Cambodian invasion
at Columbia University
commander's intent statements of
at Command and General Staff College
command style of
conversion experience at Valley Forge
and daughter
day before VII Corps battle
death of sons
with Department of the Army
description of
disobeying an order
and early attack
as Eleventh Armored Cavalry Regiment commander
family of
family versus demands of duty
and fellow soldiers at Valley Forge
as First Armored Division commander
on G-Day
on generals
"Go for the blue on the map"
and the "Hot Blue Flame"
identifying with soldiers
invasion of Cambodia
on Joint Staff
leaders' reconnaissance to Saudi Arabia
leaving Seventh Corps
map meditations of
meeting Denise
meeting with new corps team on deployment
at the National War College
and operations security
orchestrating the battle
at parades in U.S.
parents of
personality of
personal tactical disappointment
pilots for
in planning for Desert Storm
post-graduate Army courses
promotion to four-star general
prosthetic leg of
questions about Safwan cease-fire talks
the "Quiet Lion"
retirement of
reunion with Denise after Desert Storm
at Safwan cease-fire talks
and Safwan crossroads
and Schwarzkopf
as Second Squadron S-3 in Vietnam
selection for TRADOC command
as Seventh Corps commander
on soldiers
Starry saving life of
stump revision of
and Sullivan
surgeries on
teaching at West Point
with Third Armored Cavalry Regiment (U.S.)
on U.S. Army
at Valley Forge General Hospital
at Vietnam Veterans Memorial
in Vietnam War
visits to troops
visits to wounded and amputees
visit to residual force
visit to residual force families
on WARFIGHTER exercise
warning lights for change
at West Point
wounded in Cambodia
Franks, Gary
Fratricide in Desert Storm
Freeney, Shawn
Free-play exercises
in Desert Storm
in World War I
at Yorktown
Friendly fire. See Fratricide
"Fright Night"
Frix, Bob
"From a Distance" (song)
Frontal attack as form of maneuver
Fryer, Bill
FSCL placement
crisis of First Armored Division
in Desert Storm
distribution of
for Seventh Corps
for Snoul mission
Fulda Gap, Germany
Fuller, J.F.C., Generalship: Its Disease and Cures
Funk, Danny
Funk, Paul "Butch"
on 1st day
on 2nd day
on 3rd day
on 4th day
and AAR of Desert Storm
as Armor Center commander
leaves Third AD command
occupation duties of
at Schwarzkopf 's mission briefing
as Third Armored Division commander
Future battlefields
Future of land warfare
Galvin, Jack
Gambles versus risks
Generals, Franks's description of
Generalship: Its Disease and Cures (Fuller)
Geneva Convention
German people
German ports
German Wehrmacht
"Getting into the weeds"
Gilbreath, John
Gilchrest, Malcolm
Gleisberg, Jim
Global positioning system (GPS)
Global positioning system (GPS) time
Glossen, Buster
Goedkoop, Tom
Goff, Rob
Goldwater-Nichols National Security Act
Gorman, Paul
GPS time. See Global positioning system (GPS) time
Graferwohr, Germany
Graphic symbols
Greenwald, Mark
Greindl, Major General
Chicom potato masher
Grid system
Grierson, B.H.
Griffin, Bob
Griffin, Tom
Griffin, W.E.B.
Griffith, Hurdis
Griffith, Paddy
Griffith, Ron
on 1st day
on 2nd day
on 3rd day
on 4th day
in Army's fourth generation
on battle formations
as First Armored Division commander
occupation duties of
at Schwarzkopf 's mission briefing
Ground combat
Ground forces component commander
Gunlicks, Jim
Gunnery ranges
Hafar al Batin
"Hail Mary"
Haines Board
Haines, Ralph
Halby, Saleh
Hallman, Beaufort "Chuck"
Hall, Mike
Hammerback, Christopher
Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War
Hassler, Betsy
Hassler, Carl
Hasty attacks
Hatch, Joe
Hawk, Mike
"Heads up"
HEAT rounds. See High explosive antitank (HEAT) rounds
Heavy Equipment Transporters (HETs)
Heavy forces
Heldstab, John
Helicopter agreement at Safwan
Helicopter fleets
Hellfire missiles
Hendrix, Jay
Herndon, Jim
Herres, Bob
HETs. See Heavy Equipment Transporters
Higgins, Bob
High explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds
High school GEDs
Highway 7 to Snoul
capture of
checkpoints along
control of
Objective Denver
One hundred and first Airborne on
to Baghdad
to Basra
Highway 14 to An Loc
"Highway of Death"
Hill, Joe T.
Hillman, Jim
HINDs helicopters
Hitt, Johnnie
Hoffman devices
Holder, Don
on 1st day
on 2nd day
on 3rd day