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Human and Freakn'

Page 9

by Eve Langlais

  A week ago, he would have said hell no. Even just yesterday, he would have punched someone for suggesting it. But that was before he finally understood what it meant to meet his mate. To meet a woman who made his entire being yearn for her touch, smile, soul.

  How frightening for a man who’d not thought of commitment as part of his future yet. Who still had so many adventures he wanted to embark on. Places to see. Things to do.

  Dammit. Could he just stay away and let Joel claim her in the hopes the muddle in his brain would disappear?

  Ours, snarled his wolf, angry at the suggestion of giving up. Despite the chaos, it sounded like his other half didn’t intend to give Ruth up without a fight. And honestly, Kendrick wasn’t the type to back down from a challenge. Human or not, he wanted her.

  Oh my God. I want her. Tenacious nature and all. An Amazon goddess who appeared more beautiful each time he saw her. However, that wasn’t the only thing he liked about Ruth. He eavesdropped as she talked to the others – dead men once the mission was done. He heard the intelligence in her remarks, the kind nature, with others at least, but then again, what had he done to earn her good grace?

  Acted like the biggest asshat around, that’s what. And what did that gain him? Nothing. Not even peace of mind. He did have a list of other ailments, though. Misery. Horniness. Jealousy. Horniness. A major case of like. And horny – had he mentioned that?

  Would analyzing and fighting his feelings change anything in the end?

  God, the situation was messed up, but he needed to get his head in the game. The crocodile was a reminder the jungle held many dangerous surprises. But none so dangerous as the human who made him want her. The woman Joel would claim if Kendrick didn’t do something, right now given the heavy panting and groping.

  “You can go to bed now,” he called out. Alone, he silently added. “We’ve got a long march ahead of us in a few hours.”

  As intended, his words broke the embracing couple apart, Joel, with a growl of annoyance, Ruth, with a gasp and a hand flying to cover her lips. Kendrick could just imagine the embarrassment in her cheeks. When Ruth fled to the imagined safety of her tent, Joel didn’t follow, but he did peer Kendrick’s way and flicked him a hard salute before stalking off, back to the tree limb he’d chosen to watch from.

  Kendrick smiled in grim satisfaction. He loved Joel like a brother, but in the game of mating, all was fair. Even cock-blocking. And starting tomorrow, the race would start to win Ruth’s heart before the mating fever took everyone’s choice away.

  Chapter 7

  When she awoke the next morning, alone in her tent, Ruth wondered if she’d dreamed the crocodile attack and ensuing kiss. Wondered if a simple embrace of lips, a soft, sensuous slide with a hint of tongue, could really feel so darned good. As if a kiss could almost make her come in her panties.

  Impossible. There went her overactive imagination again. Apparently, she harbored delusions. No way would Joel kiss her when he’d shown her almost the same level of disdain as Kendrick. The man who let her deal with the snake that decided to give her boot a hug when they stopped for a drink could not have devoured her mouth with such passion.

  He did not kiss me. None of that happened.

  Convinced of it, she emerged from her shelter ready for another grueling day and a breakfast no Denny’s would ever serve. Hold on a second. What was that smell? She inhaled the delicious aroma. Roasted chicken? She swiveled her head until she saw some meat spitted over a low burning fire, and not just any meat, judging by the chunks and the damning leather skin splayed over a rock. She stumbled on her way to the little girl’s jungle room as she realized she didn’t imagine the crocodile, which meant the kiss really happened.

  Stunned, of course she immediately searched him out. Joel met her gaze, without flinching or looking away. Met her gaze, held it, and somehow, with one scalding look, managed to make her feel as if he touched her again, especially when half his mouth curled into a sensual grin.

  Sweet heavens. She needed a cold shower, and fast. Cheeks burning, she whirled away, intent on finding some water to splash herself with when she hit an ice wall in the grim countenance of Kendrick. The man appeared to have reverted to his natural state – a.k.a. jerk. What fun. Not.

  “Good morning.” A low greeting, rumbled in a voice that tickled across her skin. The mighty man deigned to acknowledge her.

  “G-good morning.” Smoothly said. Ruth couldn’t have explained why the way Kendrick spoke set her knees to trembling, or sent tingles to her lower parts. Whatever the reason, it didn’t bode well.


  The offer took her by surprise. Was Kendrick actually acting decently toward her? Could one dare say friendly?

  Oh my God, am I dying? Had something bitten her and injected a deadly poison? Was the world about to end? What happened to make him show her kindness? She eyed him dubiously. “Did you spit in it?”

  “No. But I did add powdered creamer and sugar.”

  Just the way she liked it. But how did he know? And more disturbing, why did he bother? “Why are you being so nice? What happened to ‘Keep up if you can,’ and, ‘Don’t help her, she’s Satan’?”

  His lips twitched. “I never called you Satan.”

  “You might as well have,” Ruth grumbled. It seemed awakening her distrust in his motives gave her a spurt of courage, enough to confront him.

  “Could you just maybe accept that I’m doing this because I’m sorry?”

  “No. You’re not the type to apologize. And I doubt you’ve changed your mind.”

  “I haven’t. I still think it’s too dangerous.”

  “Aha! I knew it,” she crowed.

  “I wasn’t done talking.”

  “Does it matter? You haven’t changed your view on my presence.”

  “Not completely, but …” He held up a finger. “But I can acknowledge you’re worried about your sister. It also occurred to me that it might not be entirely safe to leave you alone in the village given the guide’s defection.”

  “You think he might come back to harm us?” Way to reassure her.

  “He’s welcome to try.”

  Why did his vicious grin make her insides melt? “So now you’re keeping me with you because it’s safer?”

  “In a sense.”

  “Oh, that’s priceless. What happened to ‘You won’t be able to keep up’ and ‘Every man for himself’?”

  “You’re tougher than you look.”

  Well, at least he didn’t say, ‘for a fat girl.’ His reasoning still resembled a caveman’s misogynistic outlook. Yet, she couldn’t help a curl of pleasure at his almost praise and his roundabout declaration she needed his protection. Say what you would, there was something hot about a man who wanted to take on the role of protector. Him, Tarzan, me, Jane. Something she could totally picture, given his shirt hung from his back pocket. How did a man legally manage to attain his level of physique? Toned, hard and thick all over, Kendrick sported a lush mat of hair on his chest, soft, springy curls the same color as those on his head.

  Did it mean she forgave him if she fantasized about running her fingers down his pecs? Oh boy. She needed to get away from him. First she made out with Joel. Then she fantasized about getting naughty with his friend. Time for some water, maybe some food, and see if she could get rid of her obviously jungle-induced horny state. It wasn’t natural.

  Lusting after two guys. And badly. The heat’s turned me into a slut. But how to escape him and the cup of coffee he offered. On second thought, she grabbed the coffee, but to forestall any further conversation, she blurted, “I need to pee.” Yay for her brilliant exit strategy. The only thing worse she could have said would have probably involved another word that rhymed with moo.

  Fleeing to the woods, her entire body prickled, convinced he watched. She almost turned to look. Almost gave into paranoia to see if Kendrick stared longingly at her backside while Joel shot him venomous looks.

  Ahhh. If only. And th
en, in a perfect world, they’d fight, bare-chested of course. Sinewy bodies flexing and moving and … She almost welcomed the branch that slapped her. She needed the wakeup call. Fantasizing about two hunks fighting over her, indeed.

  Talk about crazy. As crazy as having them decide to put their imaginary jealousy aside and pursue her together. It took two branches that time to snap her out of it, but the general idea didn’t stray far.

  Screw it, if I’m going to fantasize about the impossible then it might as well be times two.

  Kendrick didn’t laugh when Ruth fled his presence, cheeks flaming. He’d flustered her with his new attitude. Excited her too, it seemed. The subtle musk of her arousal, a perfume like no other, had him salivating for a taste. No freakn’ way he’d deny it any longer. The woman was his.

  “What are you doing with my woman?” Joel asked, his tone low and angry.

  His and Joel’s woman. Crap. The reminder irked. “Your woman? I didn’t think you’d gotten that far last night,” Kendrick replied, a little coolly, still insanely jealous his friend got to kiss her first.

  “Yeah, well, only because we were so rudely interrupted. I’m done trying to fight it. She’s my mate, human or not. One taste and bam. It’s like lightning hit, dude. Yummy lightning, all sugary, sweet, and soft.” Joel taunted him with his knowledge.

  “With a steel core. She’s got more spunk than you think.”

  “She’ll need it to deal with my dad.” Joel’s moue of distaste had Kendrick forgetting their rivalry for a moment to pat him on the back.

  “A dad we’ll protect her from.”


  “I can’t pretend anymore either. She’s also my mate. We’re in this together, old friend.”

  “You don’t know that for sure.”

  “You’re in denial if you don’t realize it yet,” Kendrick said wryly. Not the ideal situation, but honestly, it wouldn’t be the first time Joel and Kendrick tagged-teamed in the bedroom. There would just be one girl less, and for a lot longer. Say, a lifetime longer. It didn’t horrify him like he expected.

  “I love you like a brother, man, but we’re talking about one woman. One. For both of us. I don’t know if I can handle it. Especially with her being human. She’s delicate.”

  “So we play gentle.” Kendrick rolled his eyes. “Holy crap, Joel. Talk about a lame excuse. She’s a hell of a lot sturdier than the human girls we banged in college.”

  “Sturdy? Nice way of putting it. What are you going to call her next? Big-boned? A moose?”

  A gasp from behind made Joel wince. He whirled. “Hey, querida. I didn’t sense you sneaking up.”

  “I wasn’t sneaking, but you’re both standing in front of my tent, and I need to pack it up and get ready to go.

  “I, um, that is, I wasn’t talking about you.”

  “I’m not sure I follow.” Her closed expression and hurt eyes said otherwise.

  “The moose comment. I didn’t mean it applied to you.”

  “Of course it didn’t.” Her cool tone clearly said she didn’t believe him. “Now do you mind moving so I can pack my things?”

  Kendrick kind of enjoyed watching his friend sink because it left him in the open, but friends didn’t let friends drown.

  “He’s telling the truth. He was talking about the crocodile he killed for you last night. It was moose sturdy.”

  “It was?”


  Her demeanor relaxed. A shy smile tilted her lips and Kendrick’s groin tightened. “Thank you again. That was a brave, if stupid, thing you did.”

  “Wanna thank me the same way you did last night?” Joel arched a brow suggestively, and Ruth’s cheeks, so damned expressive of her feelings, flared.

  “Um. No. Thanks for the offer, but I—um—that is—” She stammered as she ducked to the ground, hands fiddling uselessly with her shelter.

  “We need to get ready to go. I’ll give you a hand.” Kendrick squatted beside her and caught her hands before she did something to hurt herself. A shock, electrical and yet somehow carnal, shot through him, and his wolf rumbled in pleasure.


  Kendrick could understand Joel’s jealousy and need to claim this woman. He also knew what his friend wouldn’t yet admit, that fate had decreed Ruth have two mates. Not the ideal situation, but given who he had to share her with, one he could handle. And in time, Joel would come to grips with it too.

  However, sharing didn’t mean he couldn’t claim her first, which meant he needed to catch up to Joel when it came to the charming department. Time to adjust his attitude. Turn over a new leaf – in other words, treat Ruth like he’d usually treat someone he cared for. But better, because he did, after all, want to get her naked. Mmm. Naked.

  Oops. Almost drooled. He caught himself in time, but his momentary lapse didn’t go unnoticed. Joel watched him. Eyes narrowed, Joel tilted his head. Kendrick replied with a tight smile and a head bob of his own.

  If Kendrick hoped to win Ruth over, he had his work cut out for him. In his quest to get her to quit the expedition, he’d acted like a class A jerk. He had a lot of ass kissing to do if he wanted to get her to like him. A lot. However, he had faith in himself. One way or another, he’d get Ruth to forgive and forget the stress he’d put her through. Get her to realize he wasn’t a bad guy usually. Get her to stop glaring daggers at him.

  God, where’s a box of chocolate when you need some? Sweet bribes or not, it was time to do what he should have done day one. Use the manners his ma taught him. Show her the real Kendrick. Woo his woman.

  Let the courtship begin. And may the best wolf nibble first.

  What is going on?

  Judging by the staring contest happening on either side of her, a prettier girl would have assumed Kendrick and Joel fought over her. Ruth, though, didn’t have that kind of confidence in her feminine wiles. More than likely, the two guys were horny, and with no prospects other than each other, wagered who could get in the fat girl’s pants.

  She’d welcome them both to try. Seriously. What woman didn’t secretly fantasize about a pair of hunky guys fighting over her?

  A less pleasant thought occurred. What if this sudden turn about was a ploy to get her to turn back? Soften her up with kisses and flattery. Convince her they had her best interest at heart so they could send her back to the village. She couldn’t stop her journey now. She’d come so far. Learned so much, like how tough she actually was. She’d never have dreamed in a million years that she would have the fortitude and strength to undertake an adventure this grueling. But she was doing it, darn it! She’d kept up with the big boys. Earned their respect, or so she thought, given she no longer needed their help, not even to kill eight-legged freaks with hair. Freakn’ bushy hair. Spiders like that were just wrong. So very, very wrong. But on the upside, she’d never have to buy a can of Raid for her apartment again. She’d gotten quite adept at insect genocide.

  As both Joel and Kendrick began to move in her direction, she got annoyed. Days of their almost ignoring her to suddenly acting all weird and nice. Screw their plan, whatever it was. She was here to stay.

  “It’s not going to work,” she blurted. Then immediately clamped her lips shut as too many eyes swung her way. She ducked her head and pretended to eat.

  “What’s not going to work?” Joel asked.

  “Your plan to be nice to me so I’ll agree when you tell me to stay somewhere safe.”

  “Can’t a man be nice to a girl because he wants to?”

  “Not you two. You have a plan,” she accused.

  “A plan? Yes, but it doesn’t involve leaving you behind,” Kendrick promised with an odd heat in his gaze. She swallowed hard and looked away to see Joel only a few paces away.

  “This is our way of apologizing for our behavior. It was rude of us. From now on, we treat you like one of the gang.”

  But do you look at the gang like you want to lick them in places that don’t usually see the light of day? Or was it ju
st her fanciful imagination? Yes, Joel had kissed her like a man in thrall after he fought the croc, but it was dark, and his adrenaline was pumping. She just didn’t inspire that kind of passion.

  “From now on, we’re going to treat you like family,” Kendrick added.

  “Oh God, don’t tell her that,” Joel groaned. “That’s just cruel. Your family would kill her.”

  “Good point. She’ll need equipment.”

  “Or a body shield.”

  “Um, what the heck are you two talking about?” she asked, her mind still ping-ponging back and forth as she tried to follow their conversation.

  “I’ve got four brothers, and a sister tougher than them all,” Kendrick explained. “Plus a whole shitload of aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins. It gets kind of crowded at holiday times.”

  “That sounds like a lot of people.” Her family consisted of her sister, parents, and one set of grandparents. “Why are you telling me this and what does it have to do with me?”

  Kendrick smiled, a boyish grin that almost melted her. Almost, then she recalled the fact he didn’t think she could keep up. “As Joel so kindly pointed out, treating you like family might be a little more than you can handle. We’re a little rough sometimes.”

  “A little?” Joel choked.

  Intrigued, she had to ask. “How rough?”

  “Rough as in we have paneling now instead of drywall ‘cause it’s easier to replace.”

  “Oh. I’m going to ask a stupid question, I fear. But why does it need replacing?”

  Kendrick’s brows rose. “Because of the fights, of course.”

  “Your family physically attacks each other?”

  “Well, not the whole family. Mostly me and my brothers. My sister used to as well until she got hitched. Now she thinks she’s some fragile lady or something. As if.”


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