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Assassins & Mob Wives: Couples Retreat

Page 2

by Posey Parks

  She sucked her teeth. “I didn’t bring any dresses except for the one I’m wearing.” She waved her hands over the red dress. I brought Gore-Tex boots, sneakers, cargo pants, jeans, T-shirts, and a few pretty blouses.”

  I smiled. “Good.”

  “As for weapons, I brought six Glocks, my favorite sniper rifle, an AR-15, a few hand grenades, and a Desert Eagle. I figured we could do a little practice shooting. Carmen has me curious about the Desert Eagle. What did you bring?”

  “Shit, sounds like you brought enough weapons for all of us. I also brought my sniper rifle. Sorry you just never know when you need it. I only brought two Glocks. One with a laser and a muzzle of course.”

  She smiled wide. “I love my weapons. If it were up to me, we’d hit the range first. But we have plenty of time for that.”

  “Yeah, we’ll definitely set up in the woods and knock off a few cans and watermelons with that Desert Eagle.”

  We slapped hands.

  THE CHAUFFEUR HALTED at the wrought-iron gate.

  I removed my sunglasses. “Is that a tour bus parked in their driveway?”

  Samantha peeled her shades from her face. “Fuck, it is! Yes, this is great. I wasn’t sure he’d be able to get the motor coach. I thought we might have to drive an RV.”

  The large black gates opened.

  “Samantha, we are rich. Of course, he was able to rent or purchase a motor coach.”

  “Don’t park in front of the bus. Please park to the left.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Latters.”

  Brandon ran out of the massive front double doors, wearing jeans, a gray T-shirt, and white sneakers.

  “Ladies,” he yelled, clapping his hands.

  We smiled ear to ear from behind our custom pink aviator sunglasses. “Brandon!” we sang.

  He scooped up Samantha. “I miss you.”

  “Miss you, too.”

  He placed Sam on her feet, then scooped me up.

  “Good to see you. It’s been too long.”

  “Brandon, it hasn’t been that long. You and Zoey visited Sam and Jacob a few months back.”

  He lowered me to my feet.

  Running his fingers through his brown hair, he smirked.

  “Guess I wish we all lived closer. If my cousin wasn’t a movie star, maybe he’d move to Boston.” He glanced at Samantha.

  “Huh, you know your cousin better than that. If anything, he’ll retire in Canada.”

  He nodded. “True.”

  I snapped my fingers. “You guys should plan an annual guys trip.”

  “Yeah, I agree. And on the next couples’ trip you all will have to meet my buddy Ethan and his wife Malaysia.”

  Samantha’s arms crossed her chest. “Why?”

  He sighed. “Is everything an initiation with you?”

  She chuckled. “Brandon, you know our circle has a special skill set.”

  “Yeah. Like I said, everyone should meet them. He said he’s training her.”

  She flashed a sly smile. “We can train her.”

  “We sure can.” I grinned.

  “Bring them to our summer party in a few months. Syd’s inviting our new friends Kara and Collin. His wife knows her way around Alaska, a place Jacob and I frequented as kids too much. You know for training purposes.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, Jacob told me. I’ll invite them. Our circle’s growing exponentially.”

  “So true. Where is Zoey?” I peeked around him.

  “In the nursery with the kids. She’s having a hard time leaving them.”

  “We’ll talk to her,” Samantha said.

  “Before you do. You ladies need to learn how to drive the bus.” He stretched his hand, showcasing the custom motor coach.

  “It’s beautiful, Brandon.” I stepped closer, running my fingers across the grill.

  “It’s ours?” I asked, staring at the large windshield.


  “We’ll definitely have to travel more.” I turned and winked.

  “I’ll grab the luggage. You two climb aboard.”

  Samantha and I strolled through the long, elegant coach.

  The new car smell hit my nose.

  Our fingers ran over the custom finishes.

  “This is perfect.”

  “It is.” Samantha threw her fists in the air.

  “All right.” Brandon clapped his hands as he stepped aboard. “I hope you ladies are ready.”

  I noticed the chauffeured Bentley exiting the estate from my peripheral. We were officially doing this thing. Driving this big bus state to state until we reached our destination, Dallas, TX.

  “Yes,” we chimed.

  “Samantha, have a seat in the captain’s chair.”

  She swallowed hard and slipped into the driver’s seat.

  “Shouldn’t Zoey learn how to drive the bus too?” Samantha asked, peeking at the gauges on the dashboard.

  “She learned yesterday. We met our auto broker and a driving instructor. We had a crash course. Zoey and I also shared the drive home from the broker's house across town.”

  “Cool,” I nodded.

  “Position your mirrors. Think of it like driving a big truck.”

  Samantha exhaled. “Ok.”

  Sam slowly drove the bus around the circular drive and onto the street.

  Brandon sat in the captain's seat beside Samantha. Sitting in the chair behind them, I leaned over, staring through the large windshield.

  “You’ll each take turns in traffic driving. And don’t worry, Tony will teach Nadine, Sierra, Carmen, and Emoni how to drive this great piece of steel.”

  “Brandon, I think you’re heavily attached to the bus.” I raised a brow.

  He laughed. “Maybe just a little.”

  Samantha maneuvered well through traffic. Brandon cringed a few times while Sam and I took turns parking the big ass bus. I drove back to the house. A chill shot up my spine as I parked the bus in the driveway.

  “You ladies got this,” Brandon smirked, stepping off the bus.

  We followed.

  Zoey walked around the front of the bus, wrapping her arms around Brandon’s waist. “Baby, you survived.” She laughed.

  “Funny, Zoey,” Samantha stated.

  “Hey, I think we did all right with the little training we had. You’re the expert. Your husband made sure you had a private instructor,” I teased.

  “Ladies, no bickering. You haven’t even hit the road yet.”

  “We will be fine, Brandon.” Zoey smiled.

  I pulled Zoey into a hug.

  “We’re good.” Zoey said.

  Samantha joined us in a group hug.

  “We want to see the kids before we leave.”

  “Come on.”

  We stepped into the massive living room after dousing our hands with hand sanitizer. Their nanny sat on the floor with the kids.

  Brandon grabbed Zoey’s hand and whisked her out of the room.

  “Hey, no extra cuddle time,” Samantha yelled.

  We laughed.

  Brandon winked. Yup, he ignored her.

  Samantha and I snapped pics with the kids and kissed their little faces.

  “We should bring the kids here this summer and have a large party for all the kids.”

  Sam’s eyes lit up. “Syd, that’s a marvelous idea.”

  Zoey cleared her throat upon re-entry. She ran her hands over her curly locks.

  I stared into Brandon’s flush face.

  “We said no extra grown up time.” My arms crossed my chest.

  Brandon’s face turned a deep shade of red under our scrutiny.

  “They are too cute, aren’t they, Syd?”

  “Sam, they are. But the other couples need to get it in before we arrive,” she growled.

  We burst into laughter.

  Brandon wrapped his arms around Zoey’s neck from behind. Sadness engulfed his face.

  “Brandon, we’ll make sure Zoey FaceTimes you the moment we arrive at Dillon’s.”<
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  He pointed at Samantha. “I’ll hold you to it.”

  Zoey being the expert driver she slid behind the wheel of our luxury machine.

  The second we turned out of her glitzy neighborhood into the busy traffic, I screamed in excitement.

  “What the hell, Sydney? Are you trying to cause an accident?”

  “No, Zoey. I guess I got caught up in the moment. Our girls' vacay was really happening.”

  Zoey threw one hand in the air. Samantha did the same. “Oh, yeah,” they chimed.

  “This trip will be the best.” I danced in my seat.

  “I brought cute makeup bags for everyone.” Sam glanced between us from the passenger seat.

  “Can’t wait to see them,” Zoey smirked.

  “We’re sleeping in a hotel not far from Dillon’s tonight. Tomorrow we’ll drive to Connecticut.”

  “I sent Sebastian a text. I told him we’d FaceTime once we arrived at Dillon’s.”

  “Great. Jacob has asked me to FaceTime him a million times.”

  “That man is the king of FaceTime.” I shook my head. They snickered.

  “Turn on the music.”

  “What’s your favorite song right now Zoey?”

  “‘Mrs. East Coast, Rockstar, and God’s Plan.’”

  Samantha synced her cell phone to the bus. Rockstar blared through the custom speakers. We sang along as we cruised.




  “I CAN’T WAIT TO GO whitewater rafting,” Zoey beamed.

  “Banging around in a raft, splashed constantly by bitter cold water. Yeah, no thanks. Reminds me when I had to jump into the Russian sea,” I sighed.

  “Now, camping I can do.”

  Sydney burst into laughter. “How the hell do you plan to camp in heels?”

  Her ponytail shook from side to side as she stared out the window.

  “That’s odd. Didn’t see you complaining when I came to help your ass in the fucking desert of all places.”

  “Calm down you two. If you guys can’t get along right now how will you two make it for a week?”

  I waved my hand in Sydney’s direction. “Just a little friendly family banter.”

  “I look forward to whitewater rafting, camping, bar hopping─”

  “Wait, are we sure we want to bar hop?” I cut her off.

  “Girl, we’re all together without our husbands. I want to let my hair loose and have fun with my girls.” Sydney danced in her seat.

  I flashed a wicked smile. “You know that sounds fun now that you mention it. Wait till you guys see the Karaoke bar I chose.” I shimmied.

  “Oh, yeah,” Zoey sang.

  “It’s hard to believe we don’t have any hotels or Airbnb’s booked?”

  “Sam, we’re roughing it.”

  I glanced over my shoulder. “Sydney, I don’t enjoy roughing it unless I’m on a mission.” I glowered.

  “We have a hotel reserved for tonight in Connecticut. That’s it.”

  She wasn’t aware of the other hotel I booked in Tulsa. I laughed inside.

  “Like I said before, Sam, we’re roughing it. Hitting the wide-open road.” She shook her head in delight.

  “Syd, my husband is a celebrity. Did you forget?” I waved my hands in the air. “I can’t just stay at a random hotel? The paparazzi will ruin our trip.”

  “Yes, you can. Slip on one of those wigs and a prosthetics mask.”

  Zoey chuckled behind the steering wheel.

  I rolled my eyes. “I’d like to relax like everyone else.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have married America’s Hollywood heartthrob.”

  I cut my eyes at Sydney, flipping her the bird.

  “Love you too, cousin.” She blew me a kiss.

  Four hours later, Dillon’s bodyguards ushered us through the wrought-iron gates onto the Magarelli estate. Zoey drove the piped-out bus around the circular drive, parking in front of the restored mansion. The fancy oversized wooden double doors swung open.

  Sierra ran toward us as we filed out of the bus.

  “So happy you girls are here,” she yelled with a southern twang.

  We wrapped her in our embrace.

  Sierra stepped back. My eyes fell over her.

  “I know I’m wearing a dress but I thought this was a leisure trip. Are you ready to rough it?” I pointed two fingers toward Sierra.

  She turned on her three-inch nude red bottom stilettos. “I’m the Donna of the Magarelli’s. I have an image to uphold. But don’t worry. I’ve packed plenty of jeans and T-shirts.”

  We followed her into the house. “Trust that I love wearing jeans. After an interminable day, I dress down. Dillon wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “Ladies!” Dillon approached, arms spread, wearing a wide grin behind his thick brown beard.

  A powder blue suit jacket hugged his muscled arms. A rose-colored handkerchief filled the pocket. The first two buttons of his crisp white dress shirt were undone, exposing his bare chest. The fitted light rose slacks halted at his ankle, showing off his black butter leather loafers.

  I smiled. “Good to see you, Dillon.” He pulled me into his embrace.


  I stepped back. “This is a summer look, right?”

  He spread his arms again, grinning.

  “Yes.” I gave his GQ outfit another once over.

  “I wanted to get an opinion from all the wives. Our couples retreat will be here before you know it.”

  His expensive leisure wear screamed wealth. I loved that every man in our circle could dress their asses off.

  “It’s perfect. Jacob recently selected his summer wardrobe. He’ll probably bring a few blazers to the resort. Yellow, white, and green to be exact.”

  Sierra fell into his arms. “He looks so fucking sexy.”

  She nuzzled his ear.

  Dillon’s smile flicked to mischievous. “That’s the whole idea to look good for my beautiful wife.”

  Sydney and Zoey fell at either side of me.

  “They are too fucking cute for words,” Sydney shook her head.

  “That they are,” Zoey snickered. “I miss Brandon already.”

  I raised my hands. “That’s enough of the smooching. The sexcapades are over.”

  Dillon’s lips tipped up at one end and his gray eyes flickered. “Tell that to my brother and his wife. They’ve been in one of the upstairs bathrooms for far too long. Probably working on baby number...” He flashed two fingers. “...two.” He chuckled.

  My arms crossed my chest. “Staying in a hotel tonight is our best bet.”

  “Sam, the guys and I will sleep on the first floor. You ladies can take the upstairs.”

  “What was that, Dillon?” A deep voice bounced off the walls in the atrium.

  I glanced over my shoulder.

  “What do you mean we’re sleeping downstairs?” His lips flattened and his jaw ticked.

  “Tony, it’s so good to see you.” I grinned from ear to ear.

  “Nadine, you too.”

  She still hates me.

  Nadine rolled her eyes. “Go ahead, hug him. Make it quick.” She waved her hand as if I grated on her nerves.

  I ran over and kissed her cheek. “Thanks, sis.”

  Tony was like one of my brothers, so naturally she’d be like a sister. The angry older pretty sister.

  I jumped into my best friend’s arms. “I missed you, Tony.”

  He held me tight. “I missed you too, Sam.”

  Tony lowered me to my feet.

  “I wish you worked for me full time again,” I whispered. “We made an impressive team.”

  Nadine wrapped his muscled arm around her. “We made an impressive team before you existed.”

  “Nadine, I know you did. And I know you hate me because he lived in Cali for fourteen years.”

  Her perfectly arched brows pulled inward. “Fuck you, Samantha. I need a drink.”

bsp; Nadine stormed into the sitting room.

  Tony placed his heavy hand on my shoulder. “Sam, we discussed this. You can’t bring up that time frame. It fucks with her head.”

  “On this trip, she and I will clear the air about the three of us.”

  “About fucking time. I need to see Nadine.” Tony stopped in his tracks on the threshold of the sitting room.

  He was right. It had been almost three years.

  His eyes landed on his cousin. “Dillon, I’m sleeping with my wife,” Tony growled before continuing toward Nadine.

  My nose wiggled. Mozzarella and herbs hung in the air. “I’m famished.” I patted Dillon’s chest. “I’m confident you’ll handle it.”

  “Jesus, Samantha.”

  “Tsk, tsk. You sound like Jacob.”

  Sydney and Zoey burst into laughter behind me.

  “Yeah, I got it handled.”

  “Good, I’m taking my buddy Sierra now.” I grabbed her hand, then looped my arm through hers.

  “Do I smell mushrooms?”

  “Yes, that’s Mushroom tortellini. I ordered everyone’s fav’s.”

  I kissed Sierra’s cheek. “You’re the best.”

  The girls and I fell around the marble counter marveling at the pasta dishes and desserts.

  Sierra popped a chip into her mouth. “Oh, yeah. Emoni should arrive─”

  “I’m here, bitches.”

  “Emoni,” we screamed in unison.

  We crushed her with an enormous hug.

  “So good to see you,” I beamed.

  We stepped back.

  “You look amazing.” Zoey gave her the once over.

  “When your man’s fucking you right, you maintain your youth,” Emoni blushed, flapping her low ponytail to one side.

  “Well, shit, I guess we all have that in common.” Sydney pointed around the room.

  We bent over laughing.

  I slapped Emoni’s hand. “Girl, there is nothing better than good dick.” My other hand flew over my mouth and my eyes grew in size. “Sierra, are the kids here?”

  “No, they’re with Sergio and Fran.”

  I sighed. “Thank God. I forgot our trip doesn’t start until tomorrow. Now that we’re not sleeping at the hotel.”

  “Samantha, our vacation starts right now.” Sierra winked.

  “Good,” I shouted, gliding into a plush seat at the counter.


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