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The Beth Papadakis Thriller Box Set

Page 41

by Cara Alexander

  My hands are tied, then I’m shoved into the front of a small minibus, Nick gets into the driving seat. Memories of the last time I saw Nick flash through my head, he was on top of me trying to rape me, then I kicked him and... I shiver and try to push the memory away.

  Nick says nothing, he turns on the ignition and starts driving fast, I sit staring ahead trying to think, my chest hurts – breathe, deep breaths.

  Nick glances at me. ‘Are you okay?’

  I try to speak but nothing comes out, he carries on driving faster and faster up to Granada.



  Granada - Easter Saturday

  Late that evening – 11.30 pm

  We’re high in the mountains of Granada, the minibus squeals to a halt.

  Nick opens the door then turns to me. ‘Don’t even think about it, okay?’ Then he leans over and ties something around my head. His face is so close I can’t help but inhale the scent of his cologne, it’s the one he always uses, it’s the one I often smell in London. I often tell Helen I think he’s following me, but she says many men use this cologne, and that Nick’s far away in Spain or Morocco, but she’s wrong, I know he’s been following me.

  There’s a partition between the back of the minibus, I can hear people getting out and whispering.

  Someone shouts. ‘Cállate!’ (shut up) and they stop.

  I sit taking deep breaths, then a few minutes later the door opens. ‘Come, I’m taking you inside.’

  Nick leads me into the house, I trip, his arm is around my waist, I shiver. He holds me tight, sits me on a chair and unties my hands. This is exactly what he did before when he —.

  ‘Don’t worry Beth, I’m not going to hurt you.’

  For some strange reason I believe him, he sounds like the old Nick, not like the crazed drugged Nick who tried to rape me.

  I can’t hear anything - I must be in another part of the house to where the others are.

  He’s walking around then I hear a bottle open and the sound of drink being poured into glasses, then a glass is held to my lips.

  ‘Drink this Beth, it’s brandy.’

  I don’t open my mouth.

  ‘It’s not drugged, take a sip, you need it.’ He presses the rim into my lips and the warm amber liquid drips into my mouth. With his other hand he slowly takes the scarf away from my head and our eyes meet.

  I’ve often dreamed of this moment and now it’s happening, it’s like I’m having a dream, I’ll wake up in a minute and that’s what it will be, just a dream, but it isn’t.

  ‘Beth, we need to talk.’ His voice is urgent, he looks at me intently. ‘Not about before, about now…’ He starts to say something then changes his mind. His face is very tanned his hair long and blond.

  ‘You must do what I tell you and it will be over soon.’

  ‘Do what?’ I mutter.

  ‘If I let you go, you do nothing for forty eight hours.’

  I say nothing and wait.

  ‘I saw Helen today.’


  ‘She’s safe, she’s happy,’ he murmurs. ‘You have nothing to worry about.’

  ‘But she’s with him!’

  ‘He's not going to harm her, he’s not like that, anyway he likes her.’

  I can’t believe what he’s saying. ‘Are you crazy, he doesn't like her he's using her.’

  Nick shakes his head. ‘You don’t know him like I do, he helped me, if it wasn’t for him...’

  ‘Oh really! So, you’re saying he’s a nice guy?’

  Nick frowns. ‘He does this to make money, he needs the money… I don't want to do it, but what else can I do? I'm being chased by the law; I can't get a job I can't do anything. You have the choice you can either trust me or...’

  He’s right, it’s only me against him and Miguel and who knows how many more.

  ‘Look Beth, I don't want to get caught and neither does Miguel, he's made enough money, he’s had enough of this.’ He walks around the room then stops and looks at me. ‘Some of these people are very violent, they think nothing of…’

  ‘What do you expect,’ I mutter.

  He ignores me and carries on talking. ‘I've got some stashed away, give us forty eight hours, then we'll be far away, it's up to you Beth.’ He’s silent for a minute, then he looks at me with his soft brown eyes. ‘You know I never wanted to harm you, I always —’

  ‘Don’t give me that crap! Are you forgetting what you did to me!’ I sit glaring at him, he says nothing. ‘You knew what the Major was doing and yet you made it easy for him and his high-flying friends to abuse women, they abused me...’

  ‘You know I wasn’t always like that,’ he shouts, a flash of his old self showing. ‘In the beginning I was just like you, I was kind and considerate, but my life was shit, I wasn't getting anywhere. You should know that, you always treated me like a nerd at school.’

  My eyes pop open wide, I can’t believe what he’s saying, he’s blaming me for something I never did!

  He ignores me and carries on. ‘I studied law then I got a job in a law firm, it was terrible, I left and joined the police, then I met the Major, he introduced me to people, I had fun—’

  ‘And why was that, Nick?’

  ‘Yes, Beth, I was taking drugs and I liked it, they made me feel good. For a change I didn't wake up hating myself every day.’

  ‘So, you took drugs and started getting fit, kind of a contradiction isn’t it?’

  ‘Of course not! I tried to get fit before but it didn't help, I still felt bad about myself. When I started taking drugs that’s when everything changed.’

  ‘And the money,’ I snap, eyeing him with disgust. ‘The backhanders from the Major and his nasty little friends made you feel good!’

  His face is stony, his eyes are like slits. ‘So, what are you going to do Beth, it's your choice, you have to choose now, forty eight hours that's all I'm asking.’

  ‘You were a trusted member of society Nick. You used your position as a detective to help evil people like Major Oliver Hudson…’ I suddenly lose it and want to hit him. ‘What about his victims those poor girls who suffered, don't you think anything about them? How can you sleep at night?’

  ‘I told you I was on drugs, I tried to forget…’

  ‘But you’re still doing it! You're doing it here!’

  ‘No, I’m not, it’s not the same!’ He walks over to the window and stares out at the Alhambra Palace so beautiful in the moonlit sky. ‘It started with smuggling drugs and then they wanted me to smuggle people.’

  He turns and looks at me. ‘So, what are you going to do Beth, it's your choice, you have to choose now - forty eight hours that's all I'm asking.’

  Shit! What am I going to do? I don’t want Helen to get hurt yet the thought of them getting away…

  I turn and look out at the sea, the boat they came in is now a distant speck on the horizon. I go to turn around, he pulls me against him, his hand is over my mouth.

  ‘Sorry Beth!’



  Granada - Easter Saturday

  Later that night

  Miguel stands watching me a strange look on his face.

  I sit rubbing my eyes, I must have fallen asleep, I need a drink. I look around the room, Miguel hands me a glass of water, he doesn’t say anything, just stands looking at me on the bed. Suddenly he sits down and puts his finger under my chin.


  It’s his sister Nina.

  ‘I didn’t know your sister was here.’ I try to get my phone, but I can’t reach it. ‘What time is it?’

  ‘It’s late, now go back to sleep, I’ll be back soon.’


  ‘What does she want?’

  ‘I must take her to the hospital.’ He stops as if thinking.

  ‘Has she had an accident?’

  He shakes his head. ‘Don’t worry, it’s not serious I’ll be back soon.’

  The front d
oor slams shut, the sound of his car driving away makes me feel empty inside. I must call Beth. Shit, my phone’s dead I forgot to charge it. There must be a phone in here somewhere, but where? I feel so tired, I roll over and think of Miguel at the hospital – I hope they don’t have to wait long.

  I awake to the sound of a cockerel in someone’s garden, it’s daylight, Miguel’s not back. Maybe it was serious and he didn’t want me to know.

  Crawling out of bed I pad over to the window. The sun’s shining, but it’s so quiet outside. It must be about six or seven in the morning. I wonder if Beth knows I didn’t go back last night? I must find out what time it is, maybe I can get back before she wakes up, I don’t want her to worry.

  I splash my face with cold water, grab my bag and go outside.

  It’s such a lovely day, the place is already a hive of activity, then I remember it’s Easter Sunday. I start searching for a café, then I see one at the end of the road with some locals sitting outside. I’ll have a coffee, find out what time it is and ask if I can use their phone.

  I walk past the tables and go inside.

  A young Spanish woman is serving coffee to a couple of women who sit chatting at a nearby table. She glances over at me. ‘Yes, can I help you?’

  ‘Café cortado, please.’

  She nods and walks over to the counter.

  While she’s making my coffee, I look around the room searching for a phone.

  ‘Can I make a call from here?’ I ask, taking out my purse.

  She shakes her head and points to the street. ‘There is a phone box on the left down there.’

  I hand her a twenty-euro bill. ‘Can you give me some change?’

  I glance up at the clock above her on the wall, it’s nearly 8.00 am. Beth’s usually up early with Jamie, she’s probably on her way to breakfast right now. Another sip of my coffee then I head for the phone box dreading what Beth will say.

  I needn’t have worried, it goes to voicemail, she probably turned it off last night and forgot to switch it back.

  I start walking back to the house.

  No Miguel!

  There’s an old envelope on the table so I write him a short note.

  Gone back to the hotel - call me.

  Once outside I start walking to the bus stop. On the road, coming towards me, is an old lorry piled high with boxes of fruit, they smell so fresh. The driver swerves, I jump back onto the small pavement. It’s getting busy now, people are going to church or taking their morning coffee.

  Fifteen minutes later a small bus arrives, it’s full of people, I hope I can find a seat. As I pay the driver I search the bus for a seat. There’s one at the back, next to the window. I quickly go to the back and sit down.

  Beth will probably be sitting on the terrace when I arrive or maybe she’ll be out with Jamie. I sigh and take a peak out of the window. I shouldn’t have done that – sheer drops and hair pin bends just like when I was with Miguel. I should have waited for the bus that goes down the new highway. I close my eyes and listen to the Spanish music trying not to think of the road ahead.



  Hotel Costa Tropical

  Easter Sunday Morning

  The bus drops me off a few yards from the hotel, it took just over an hour. Beth must have finished breakfast, she’s probably sitting with Jamie on the terrace wondering where I am.

  But when I reach the terrace it’s David not Beth sitting with Jamie.

  Jamie looks up and sees me, he starts running over. ‘Helen, where’s Mum?’

  A shiver runs down my spine.

  David walks over to me, he looks worried. ‘Have you any idea where Beth is?’

  All I can do is shake my head.

  What the hell’s going on!

  Jamie’s face drops, David stands staring at me questioningly. ‘She was in her room last night. When Jamie woke up this morning he found a note from her next to his pillow.’

  ‘What did it say?’

  ‘She was going downstairs and would be back soon.’

  ‘Maybe she’s gone shopping?’

  ‘If she had she’d be back by now, wouldn’t she?’ he snaps, looking at me coldly. ‘Beth would never leave Jamie to go to breakfast by himself unless...’ He stands staring at me then sighs. ‘I’ll check with all the staff, see if they’ve seen her then I’ll call the police.’

  Jamie looks terrified, David grabs his hand probably wishing he hadn’t mentioned the police. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll find her. Come, let’s go to reception maybe they’ve seen her.’

  David speaks rapidly in Spanish, and by the looks on their faces nobody seems to have seen her. He stands rubbing his head, then swings round and garbles something in Spanish to the receptionist.

  Christina appears, a look of concern on her face. She looks at David then at the receptionist. ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘I took over from Anna at 6.00 am this morning,’ the receptionist says, looking worried. ‘Shall I call her?’

  He nods.

  We all stand waiting, David’s arm is around Jamie’s shoulder, Christina walks over to me and gives me a hug.

  The receptionist puts her hand over the phone. ‘She saw her last night, she was going somewhere, she said she wouldn’t be long.’

  David grabs the phone from her and speaks rapidly in Spanish, then he starts shouting and slams the phone down.

  He runs his fingers through his hair, looks at me briefly then walks quickly to the back of the hotel, we follow.

  He starts shouting in Spanish, a hotel porter comes over. Then they both run over to a small glass covered cupboard on the wall with keys inside. He stands staring at it, then gasps. ‘She took the car!’

  I run over to where he’s standing. ‘Where did she go?’

  He grabs me by my shoulders. ‘Did she say anything to you Helen, did she call you last night, did you speak to her?’

  My heart’s pounding – I’m trying to remember. ‘I spoke to her briefly, I told her I was in Granada and not to worry.’

  David looks at me sharply. ‘What time was that?’

  ‘About seven last night, maybe a bit later.’

  His face is ashen. ‘I have to make some calls.’ He smiles and hugs Jamie. ‘Go with Christina and don’t worry, have a drink with Jose, I’ll be there soon.’

  As soon as they’ve gone he turns to me. ‘Where would she go so late at night?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ Then a dreadful thought comes to me, I put my hand to my mouth. No, she wouldn’t!

  ‘You know something, don’t you?’

  He looks so angry, I bite my lip.

  Shall I tell him what I overheard her say to Dev?

  He grabs me by the shoulders. ‘Come on Helen, tell me!’

  ‘Well, I did hear her say something. She was on her phone talking to someone, I was in my room.’

  ‘What did she say?’

  I take a gulp then it all comes out. ‘She said something about following them to a house.’

  ‘Who was she talking to?’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  He stares at me for a second then takes out his phone and walks back to the hotel entrance.

  Shit. He knows there’s only one person Beth would call for something like this!

  I go to reception and look for Jamie.

  Then I see David, he’s walking over to me.

  ‘She called Dev.’ He stands waving his phone at me angrily. ‘She said she saw a friend of yours taking a group of people to a house, she suspects people trafficking. It’s Miguel, isn’t it?’

  I can’t speak. I just stand shaking my head. ‘She was wrong, he was at home with his family.’

  ‘How do you know?’ he shouts.

  ‘I asked him?’

  He looks at me coldly. ‘And you believed him!’

  He turns and runs back to the hotel, I follow.



  Hotel Costa Tropical

  Easter Sunday
  David’s sitting in a corner of reception holding his phone.

  ‘What are you going to do, David?’

  ‘I called a friend of mine, he’s a detective he’s notified all the police in the area to be on the lookout for Beth.’

  ‘But they don’t know what she looks like.’

  ‘I have photos of you both that I took on the hotel terrace in Athens.’ He looks away, it’s as if he can’t bear to look at me.

  ‘I need a drink; do you want one?’

  He shakes his head.

  I can see Jamie and Jose on the terrace, Christina’s busy on reception, I walk over to the outside bar and stand staring at the sea.

  Where is she?

  Miguel left me sleeping in that house, his sister was there, was it his mother’s house? Then he took Nina to hospital. I stand gazing at the sea trying to make sense of it all, retracing what we did yesterday, then I freeze. Nick - I’m sure it was Nick talking to Miguel, I’d forgotten about that. Then there’s the mountain bar we stopped at. I felt so sleepy after we left, I thought it was the brandy…

  I race back into the hotel. ‘David…’

  He looks tired and stops me. ‘Dev’s on a flight to Malaga, he’ll be here in a couple of hours.’

  I sink down onto the seat next to him. ‘I’ve been thinking about yesterday and there’s something I forgot to tell you.’

  After I finish he just sits staring at me shaking his head. ‘Didn’t you think this was important, Helen? Nick is wanted by the police. And after what he did to Beth…’

  He gets up and starts pacing around then comes back. ‘You know what Beth’s like, and so do I, she probably took the car to find out if what she’d seen the previous night happened again. Maybe it did, but maybe this time someone saw her.’

  His face is ashen, he inhales deeply, then walks over and squats down in front of me. ‘Helen, there are a lot of very nasty people here in Spain who make money from drugs and people trafficking. Some are taken to safe houses, then taken to France and then the UK. Those that don’t have a lot of money are exploited. Women are sexually abused, men are exploited and forced to work for peanuts picking crops, the work is hard and living conditions are terrible.’


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