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The Beth Papadakis Thriller Box Set

Page 42

by Cara Alexander

  ‘Stop!’ I shriek.

  ‘No, I won’t stop!’ he shouts, running his hand through his hair. ‘You don’t know what these people are like, they force them to pay so much money, but they have none so will never be free. The women are forced to work as prostitutes to pay off their debts but they never get enough money so they are also trapped in a vicious circle.’

  He gets up and walks over to reception, talks to Christina, then disappears back into the hotel.

  I feel sick, I must do something, I can't just sit here...

  I grab my phone, I’ll call Miguel tell him Beth’s missing and see what he says.

  No reply, it goes to voicemail.

  I look around at all the happy faces celebrating Easter Day - El Domingo de Resurrección. Many of these people spent the day going to church to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. A table in the restaurant is piled high with rosquillas, a special type of Easter doughnut. Shall I take some to Jamie? Then I think about the Easter Egg Beth brought with her for him and burst into tears.



  Easter Sunday

  Past midnight

  My head hurts, then it all comes flooding back to me. I try to sit up, did Nick drug me? I start having flashbacks of what happened in that village in Evesly. What they did to me, what Nick did to me!

  I hear voices. I try to sit up, but I feel so weak, I’m on a couch, my hands are tied.

  The door opens, it’s Nick, I start shaking.

  ‘Don’t worry Beth, I’m not going to hurt you, I knew you wouldn’t be able to do it, so I had no choice.’

  He walks over to me, unties my hands, lifts me up and carries me outside to the minibus, then he gets into the driver’s seat and starts the engine.

  ‘Where are we going?’

  He doesn’t reply just drives fast like he used to, it’s as if I’m back in the Cotswolds with him driving down the winding roads - I start shivering - the terrible things that happened there.

  ‘I said don’t worry Beth, you’re safe, nobody’s going to hurt you.’

  Ten minutes later he pulls over, takes the scarf from his pocket, and covers my eyes.

  ‘This is just a precaution, Beth.’

  After ten or fifteen minutes we stop. He takes me out of the minibus, carries me inside, puts me down and unties the scarf.

  I rub my eyes.

  Nick’s staring at me.

  He leads me to a chair. ‘Sit down, don’t move and keep calm.’ He speaks very quietly, it's as if he doesn't want anyone to hear. ‘If you do what I say nothing will happen to you, but if you don’t —’

  I say nothing, just sit watching him.

  ‘Beth, the people I work for…’

  He stops and squats down in front of me just like he used to in Evesly when he was telling me to go back to Athens. I thought he really cared, how wrong I was.

  He grabs my hands. ‘If some of them had their way you wouldn't be here. You'll be driving along on the mountain road, then your car will go over the top, they’ll make it look like an accident.’

  I start to say something, he stops me. ‘I don't want you to say anything, just listen. I told them you’ll do what I say, so they said it will be just the car that goes over the road, but if you don’t do what I say —’

  His eyes search my face, he leans close. ‘Do this Beth and you’ll be alright. When they find the car it will be in such a mess, there won't be much of it left.’

  I start to say something but he carries on. ‘Don’t think you can stop them, nobody's going to stand in their way, count yourself lucky that they're not going to kill you now.’

  I sit staring at him. ‘What will happen to me?’

  ‘Nothing if you do what I say, but if you try to get out of here and tell the police or your friends where we are, they'll get you and what they do to you won’t be nice.

  There’s a sound at the door, Nick looks at me, then the door opens and in comes Miguel.

  Nick says nothing.

  Miguel walks over to the table opposite me, leans against the edge and looks at me.

  He’s different to when I saw him with Helen in Malaga, he was all smiles then, now he looks serious.

  He looks at me intently as if trying to read my mind, his dark eyes flicker over my face then rest on my eyes. Now I see why Helen likes him, he has a certain magnetic charm, but there’s something else.

  He glances over at Nick then back at me. ‘If you don’t stay here, if you try to leave, we will know. You say nothing about what you saw. Do you understand?’

  Nick butts in. ‘I told her; she won’t say anything.’

  Miguel stares at me, his dark eyes intent on mine as if willing me to say something.

  I say nothing.

  Nick looks at me pleadingly.

  ‘I’ll stay here and I won’t say anything,’ I finally say.

  ‘What will you tell them when they ask where you have been for two days?’

  What the hell shall I say!

  ‘I‘ll say the brakes of my car didn’t work, I jumped out before it went over the top.’

  He smiles, looks at Nick, then at me. ‘Then what?’

  ‘I lost my phone, I didn’t know where I was so I started walking down the road, then someone stopped and gave me a lift.’

  Miguel grunts. ‘Then what?’

  I look at Nick then at Miguel, trying to think what to say.

  ‘He didn’t take me where I wanted to go,’ I blurt out looking at them both. ‘He attacked me but I fought him off and knocked him out.’

  At this Miguel laughs. ‘Ah so you are a strong woman?’

  I ignore him and carry on. ‘I left him in the house up in the mountains, it was miles from anywhere.’


  ‘I walked for miles to get away from him then fell asleep in a field.’

  ‘And if they ask you where is this house?’

  ‘I’ll say I don’t remember.’

  ‘You will say this?’


  ‘And that’s a promise,’ Miguel asks, very quietly.

  I nod.

  ‘Say it!’ he barks.

  My throat’s dry, I swallow. ‘I promise.’

  He stands up, walks towards the door then swings round. ‘Let’s go, Nick.’

  The door clicks shut after him.

  Nick suddenly grabs me, pulls me up and looks at me for a very long time.



  I stand watching the door close behind him.

  After a few minutes there’s the sound of cars driving away. All that adrenalin that’s been pumping around inside me keeping me going suddenly stops working, I feel very tired and sink down onto a nearby chair.

  Shit! Now what do I do?

  I go to the door, I’m just about to turn the door knob but stop. What if they left someone outside to see if I go out?

  The blinds of the room are partially open so I can easily see if someone’s outside. I’m just about to peek through when the door starts opening, it’s Miguel.

  He walks over and grabs me, his hand grips me tightly, I wince with pain. ‘Do you understand what you have to do?’ he shouts, shaking me.

  His eyes stare into mine, they’re so dark and intense, I blink.


  He starts shaking me again.

  ‘Yes, I understand,’ I mutter.

  He stares at me for a long time. ‘Then why don’t I believe you?’



  Hotel Costa Tropical

  Easter Sunday – Late Afternoon

  At least if Miguel answered I could ask him.

  Where the hell is Beth?

  I need a cigarette – I look wildly around but I didn’t bring any with me. With shaking-hands I grab a bottle of wine from the fridge, fill a glass and gulp it down.

  Has Miguel got something to do with this? I don’t really know him, he has a sister, he lives with h
er and his mum some of the time. He’s always talking about business but what business?

  I’ll try Beth again. Nothing, it goes to voicemail.

  Same with Miguel, it goes to voicemail.

  I’ll change into my jeans and trainers then go downstairs, maybe Beth’s there.

  The hotel’s so busy, then I remember, it’s Easter Sunday. I run to catch the elevator nearly knocking over an elderly man with a walking stick.

  ‘So sorry, I didn't see you,’ I mumble.

  He stands glaring at me like I’m crazy and shakes his head? He puts his weight on his stick again and walks down the corridor to his room.

  I must slow down, get a grip, she must be somewhere. I jump into the elevator, it’s packed, the doors close.

  What if she saw Nick? My heart skips a beat. It was him I saw yesterday. His hair’s different but I’d know that voice anywhere.

  The doors of the elevator open, I walk over to the bar, David sees me, he comes over.

  He looks tired, his face is ashen. ‘There’s been an accident on the road coming from Granada.’

  My hand goes to my mouth. ‘How do you know?’

  ‘The detective I told you about, he just called.’

  ‘Beth hates heights,’ I stammer, feeling weak at the knees. I close my eyes thinking of those sheer drops, hairpin bends and narrow roads.

  David looks desperately around then sees his assistant manager.

  ‘I’m going to Granada,’ he yells, walking over to him. ‘Take care of things while I’m gone and get Christina to stay on reception.’

  I walk with him to his car. He says nothing just waits till I buckle up.

  ‘Maybe she’s been held up by the accident and that’s why she’s not back.’

  ‘She’s not answering her phone.’

  ‘Maybe the battery died.’

  He doesn’t say anything, we drive out of the hotel then take the road to Granada.

  He’s going fast, too fast. ‘David!’

  ‘I've done this many times, you forget I was born here, I'm half Spanish, I know these roads like the back of my hand.’

  Shit! That’s exactly what Miguel said!

  We’ve been driving for about fifteen minutes when David slows down.

  ‘Look! That’s smoke, it must be where the…’

  He starts driving faster.

  Five minutes later we stop at the place where the accident happened.

  The police wave us down and tell us to turn back.

  An ambulance arrives, David runs over to the police. ‘What make is the car?’

  The officer mumbles something. There’s a police helicopter above making it impossible for him to hear him.

  The officer walks away, David goes to the edge of the road where it happened and peers over, I follow.

  Flames leap into the air, smoke curls up high into the sky, the car’s just a twisted mass of steel.

  A police officer runs over to us. ‘Tienen que devolverse!’ (You must turn back)

  David steps back. ¿Qué marca de auto es? (What make of car is it?)

  The officer stands waiting for him to walk back to where I’m standing then mutters something in Spanish, then he walks away.

  David’s phone rings, it’s Dev, he’s at Malaga airport.

  We’re sitting in the bar at the hotel waiting for Dev, the police told us to leave the mountain road where the accident happened.

  It’s late afternoon, David’s detective friend said he’ll keep us updated on the accident, neither of us has eaten, we’re not hungry.

  Jamie sits watching TV with Jose, he keeps looking over to us hoping we have some news.

  David’s phone rings, he listens then jumps off the bar stool and walks out onto the terrace.

  I leap off my stool and follow him outside.

  Just then a taxi pulls up.

  Dev jumps out and runs over to us. ‘Any news?’

  David turns to look at us and his face says it all.

  Dev grabs me, and looks at David. ‘No, not Beth!’

  ‘It’s our car, it’s the Fiat, the car she was driving.’

  ‘Was she inside,’ he asks, huskily.

  ‘The car’s a write-off, the police are checking it now.’



  Hotel Costa Tropical

  Easter Sunday

  Dev’s on his phone talking to London, then he comes over to the terrace where we’re sitting.

  ‘Brandy?’ David asks, turning to both of us.

  We nod.

  Drumming his fingers on the table Dev suddenly stops, lights a cigarette, then looks at us. ‘We've got to get down to see inside that car.’

  ‘Forensics are working on it,’ replies David, not taking his eyes off him. ‘They should be calling me soon, I’ll let you know as soon as I hear from them.’

  The waiter arrives with the drinks, places them on the table, then leaves.

  David stands up, puts his hand on Dev’s shoulder, lowers his head and mutters something. Dev nods and takes a gulp of his brandy.

  David sighs deeply and looks at us. ‘You must eat, I’ll send the waiter over.’ He walks away, then turns. ‘I’ll be back in a minute, and don’t worry about your luggage Dev, Manuel has taken it to your room. You’re in 505, two doors away from Beth and Helen.’

  Dev nods, then gulps the rest of the brandy down.

  David disappears into the hotel.

  As soon as he’s gone, Dev looks at me. ‘What happened, Helen?’

  I put my glass down on the small table, my hand shakes.

  ‘Beth told me she followed a group of people to a house and your friend was there, who is this friend?’

  I take another gulp of my drink.

  Dev leans forward. ‘Who is this friend?’

  ‘I have no idea.’

  ‘But you do, Helen.’ His face is like a mask. ‘David told me the guy you’ve been going around with is called Miguel, so it must be him Beth is talking about.’

  ‘She made a mistake, he was in Granada with his family.’

  ‘For God’s sake Helen this is Beth we’re talking about!’

  He gets up and starts walking around, then comes over to me and lowers his head. ‘The local papers here are full of articles about this,’ he hisses. ‘Thousands of migrants enter Spain illegally every year in the hope of making it to countries in Northern Europe. They come from all over the place, sub-Sahara Africa, Algiers, Morocco, the list is endless. Some of them make the journey by way of ferries, for others it’s more dangerous as they come by boats which are often overcrowded.’

  He starts walking around the terrace then comes back. ‘They used to come at night but now the traffickers are so confident they’re doing it in broad daylight. There's a lot of corruption here Helen, and a lot of very nasty people.’ He stops and frowns. ‘Many of these people won’t hesitate to kill you if you get in their way.’

  He comes and sits down and takes my hand. ‘You must tell me everything that happened yesterday.’

  I swallow and tell him, when I come to the bit about maybe seeing Nick he lets out a groan.

  ‘But I’m not sure it was him, Dev, his hair was different, it was long and blond.’ He sits staring at me, waiting for me to carry on. ‘It was his voice that made me think it was him, he sounded just like Nick.’

  He’s back on his phone pacing around the terrace, I’ve never seen him like this before. He suddenly starts shouting. ‘Well, find out, that’s your job isn’t it? Check with the Spanish police, find out if they have any undercover agents in this area, maybe they already know about them.’

  He walks over to the iron railings of the terrace and stares out to sea, then he’s on his phone again. ‘Who do we have in the south of Spain to do the job?’

  Just then Jamie comes over, his face is pale.

  ‘Helen! Have they found Mum?’

  Christina’s following him looking very concerned.

  Dev turns and stares at him, then walks over
to him.

  ‘Hello Jamie, I’m Dev, I’m a friend of your Mum’s.’

  ‘Are you going to find her?’ Jamie asks, his voice breaks, he looks at Dev, then at me.

  I get up and hug him. ‘Don’t worry we’ll find her, now sit down with me.’

  Dev stands watching us, his blue eyes are like slits of grey.

  Jamie shakes his head. ‘I don’t want to sit down, I’m going to my room.’

  Christina puts her arm around him. ‘Come and sit with us in the TV room Jamie.’

  Jose suddenly appears next to his Mum. ‘Yes, you can sleep in my room, there are two beds.’

  Jamie looks at me. ‘Will you tell me when you hear from Mum?’

  I nod.

  Just then David rushes over to us. ‘I have some news the car was empty!’

  Dev closes his eyes for a second, then opens them. ‘Let’s go to Granada.’

  Jamie’s eyes light up. ‘So Mum wasn’t in the car?’

  ‘No,’ Dev says, walking over and gently grabbing his arms. ‘She wasn’t in the car, now go with Jose and we’ll go and find your Mum.’

  Jose puts his arm round his new friend and takes him back into the hotel, I get up to go with Dev.

  ‘No, Helen, stay here, David knows the roads, it’s getting late and...’

  I get the feeling he’s hoping Beth’s going to come walking back into the hotel and wants me to be here for her. I nod and watch them leave.

  As soon as they’ve gone I try Miguel again, this time he answers.

  ‘Helen, where are you?’

  I sigh with relief so glad he’s answered. ‘I’m at the hotel but Beth’s disappeared, have you seen her?’

  He’s silent for a second. ‘But I thought she was at the hotel?’

  ‘She was but...’

  ‘Why would she come to Granada?’ he asks, softly.

  ‘I don’t know, I just wondered if you’d seen her, I’m so worried Miguel.’


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