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Tanner: Hidden Realms of Silver Lake (Four Sisters of Fate Book 6)

Page 5

by Vella Day

What was she talking about? “Why would I be afraid?”

  Ella dropped her head back and then sat up straighter. “Okay, I might have told a lie.”

  He’d already told a lie to the woman who was very interested in dating him. “What did you say?”

  She inhaled. “I went to lunch there yesterday. Thankfully, Sasha wasn’t working, so a woman named Carolyn waited on me.”

  “Carolyn is the owner. We’re actually good friends.” He could only imagine how that conversation went, but he wanted Ella to confirm it. “What did she say?”

  “She recognized me as the person with you the night before. She asked if I was your mate.”

  The pulse at his neck throbbed. “And what did you say?”

  “What could I say? You’d already announced I was your girlfriend. To avoid saying too much, I merely said yes.”

  This was going to be very interesting indeed. “That’s fine. All rumors should be put to rest then.”

  “I hope so.”

  Ella almost sounded upset. If they were mates, which he believed they were, she would feel the same draw, too. It was just a matter of time before she admitted it.

  For the next two days, Ella barely saw Tanner. He was either at the construction site or meeting with suppliers. When they finished work on Friday, he reminded her about the Expansion Day celebration.

  “Pick you up at seven?” he asked.

  Ella didn’t want to go to a dance with Tanner and be stared at—or rather glared at—by Sasha and some of her friends all night. She had planned to tell him that she preferred to stay at the hotel, but he seemed so excited for his two partners and their mates to meet her that she didn’t have the heart to say no. “Sure. What’s the dress code?”

  “It’s sort of fancy. I’m actually wearing clean jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and, of course, my boots.” He smiled.

  “Clean jeans, huh. Wow. That will be a high bar.”

  He laughed. “It may not be formal, but it’s not grunge either.”

  “I’m sure I can find something. See you at seven.”

  “What’s your room number?” he asked.

  “I’m in room 305.”

  “Great. I’ll come to your room.”

  His cell rang, and he checked the caller I.D. “Sorry, I have to take this. See you tonight.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  Once back at the hotel, she took a long shower to help her relax and then looked through her clothes in order to decide what to wear. She wanted to impress, but not stick out like an outsider. After an hour of trying on outfits, Ella finally went with a bright navy-blue top since that color didn’t wash out her face as much as white or black did, and a pair of light blue jeans—clean ones, of course. Because she probably would be dancing, she wore flats. Her mother wouldn’t approve of the casual attire, but that was all the more reason to do it.

  Her mother’s words about makeup had been drilled into her. Going subtle was the most elegant. That meant a light-colored blush, light pink lipstick, and subtle eye liner.

  Once Ella was dressed, she paced her room. Tanner said he’d pick her up at seven, and it was already fifteen past. Not needing him to come up to the room, she tossed on her jacket, stuffed her keycard and her phone in her pocket and went down to the lobby. She expected him to be there, but he wasn’t. In the past she might have been upset, but this was Tanner McCarson. Most likely he had to take care of some detail at work and time had gotten away from him. She smiled at the idea of him rushing home and tossing on the first clean pair of jeans he found.

  As if she’d conjured him up, the hotel entrance door whooshed open, sending in a blast of cold air, and Tanner rushed in.

  Whoa. Underneath his open leather jacket was a white button-down shirt that hugged his body, rather tight black jeans, and shiny black boots. The man looked fine. She wanted to rush up to him and tell him how hot he looked, but that might be inappropriate and a bit awkward. He was her boss, after all. It didn’t matter he was her pretend mate. Considering her reaction just now though, there might not be anything pretend about it.

  His gaze was focused on the elevators and not on her. “Tanner?”

  He stopped, and when he spun toward her, she swore the room lit up from the cheer in his eyes. What was that about?

  Tanner strode toward her. “Ella. I’m sorry I’m late. You look amazing.”

  Heat raced up her face. “Thanks.”

  He stepped close, and when he wrapped an arm around her waist, his earthy scent had her reeling. She understood that she had to pretend to be his mate, but she also needed to keep in mind that this man was dangerous. If she didn’t last at least a month at this job, she might not get that letter of recommendation should she want to leave.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Yes.” Not really, but she wasn’t about to announce that he’d thrown her libido off kilter.

  He leaned his head close to hers. If anyone was looking, they’d never guess they’d only just met.

  “I hope you don’t mind if we fly. It will be faster since the venue is a couple of miles away.”

  She had no reason to complain. “Whatever is best.”

  “You won’t get cold, I promise,” he said.

  “I’m from Thedia. I like the cold. And I am a snow leopard, remember?”

  “There is that. Let’s take the elevator to the top floor. It will be easier to take off from the roof.”

  This whole travel by dragon was still new and rather exciting. On the rooftop, Tanner moved away from her and shifted. Once more, she couldn’t help but stare. His gold scales next to his green ones were magnificent. No wonder so many women in town wanted him.

  But she owed it to him to keep him safe from the locals who were after him. Right? Rich and handsome were powerful aphrodisiacs. Or did only his company have money? They were the ones who built the hotel and were funding the upcoming theme park. It didn’t necessarily mean Tanner was well off. He’d mentioned that he only became a partner a year ago, and since his parents were poor, he might not have a lot of money. However, he said Sasha was after him for his money. It didn’t matter to her if he was or wasn’t. She had her jewels and a job. That was all she needed.

  Considering a future with him, are we? her leopard asked.

  No. Maybe. Now, shut up.

  The trip to the dance was unfortunately a short one. Ella liked being in Tanner’s grasp, flying high above the realm. When they arrived, there was plenty of room for them to land. He set her down, shifted, and then held out his hand. “Ready to be my mate?”

  Her heart swelled at those words. Ella couldn’t believe how different Tanner McCarson was from Moran Blackwood and how lucky she was to have been rescued by such a charming and nice man. “Let’s do this.”

  The organizers had rented out some warehouse on the outskirts of town. Considering the whole town probably had been invited, it made sense.

  She wasn’t sure what to expect when she went inside. Streamers perhaps? Plastic lamps hanging from the ceiling that flickered to the music?

  None of the above. The space was elegant. The left half of the room had tables covered in white cloths with lit candles on each one. The other half was a dance floor with a live band.

  “This is a nice surprise,” she said.

  He chuckled. “Did you think it would look like a high school dance?”

  “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been to one.” She probably shouldn’t have revealed that, but she trusted this man. Of all the people she’d met, Ella had the sense Tanner was the type who would stand up to her mother—not that he’d ever meet either of her folks.

  “Why not?”

  “I was homeschooled.”

  “I can’t imagine what that was like. Did you like it?”

  “Yes. It was a good experience for me except that I didn’t have the chance to be with kids my age growing up.” Those high up in the Clan weren’t supposed to mix with others.

  “You seem so… normal.”

/>   Tanner was adorable. “Thanks. I was a bit rebellious and would spend many days skiing—against my parents’ wishes, mind you. I met a lot of different people that way—nice people.”

  “I’m glad.” He glanced around the room. “Oh, look. There are my partners. Let me introduce you.”

  “As your new hire or as your mate?”

  “As Ella Snow.”

  She wanted to tell him her real name was Snowden. While she trusted Tanner, who knew if his partners might recognize her name and let her real identity slip? For now, she’d stick with Snow.

  They walked up to two men, each with a beautiful woman by his side. Tanner introduced her to the man who started it all—Slade Lamont—and then to his mate, Poppy Faiten. His mate did a double take. “We look alike!” she said.

  They both had the same white blonde hair. Ella could sense a shifter inside her. “What kind of shifter are you?” Ella asked.

  “I’m not a shifter. I’m just mated to one. And you?”

  “Snow Leopard.” She was led to believe that if a person mated with a shifter that she’d inherit his abilities and vice versa. Under difference circumstances, Ella might have asked Poppy, but perhaps something was wrong with her.

  Poppy sucked in a breath. “Snow leopards are so beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “And this is my other partner, Jace Sanders, and his lovely mate, Ivy Woodson,” Tanner said.

  There was something special about Ivy, but Ella couldn’t put her finger on it either. What mattered though was that they all looked happy. “Nice to meet you.”

  Once the introductions were over, Tanner asked Ella to dance, and it would appear strange if she turned him down. In all honesty, she wanted to enjoy herself tonight. She hadn’t had fun in a long time.

  While she was able to paint on a happy face when needed, she’d never succeeded in learning how to hide the pain in her eyes when she was being fake. Thankfully, no hiding was necessary tonight.

  The music was quite fast until they reached the dance floor. The current song ended, and a slow one began. While Tanner said nothing, his slight hesitation told her this would be difficult for him, too. He smiled, and she melted. This was not part of her plan at all.

  Chapter Seven

  Tanner wasn’t really the dancing type, but when he was with Ella, something changed inside him. He wanted to hold her. Wanted to feel the music together. Wanted to connect on a different level. Was it smart to get involved with his assistant? Hell no, but for the next few hours, he would pretend to be her mate and be madly in love. After the dance? He wasn’t sure what would happen, but he had some ideas as to what he’d like to happen.

  Tanner wrapped his arms around Ella’s waist, forcing her to thread her arms around his neck. Not wanting to make her uncomfortable, he didn’t pull her too close. Besides, this stance made it easier to talk to her.

  With hooded eyes, Ella nodded to something on the other side of the room. “Look who is here. Sasha. And she’s glaring at me.”

  “Let her. Tonight, how about we forget about testy customers, jealous women, and probably a ton of jealous men, too, and just enjoy ourselves?”

  “I can do that. This is a time to celebrate Expansion Day, so let’s celebrate.”

  He pulled her closer, and Ella placed her head on his chest. He was sure she’d wonder why his heart was racing, but he wasn’t about to announce he wanted them to be mates. Good thing he was wearing a long sleeve shirt. If he hadn’t been, everyone in the room would see his flashing scales and know how excited he was to be with this gorgeous woman.

  While having everyone know his desires wouldn’t be a bad thing, he wasn’t sure he wanted Ella to know. Since the room lights were rather dim, it helped conceal his turquoise eyes—a sure sign of his desire.

  The song was about halfway finished when someone tapped Ella on the shoulder. Shit. It was Sasha.

  “May I cut in?” she asked, sounding syrupy sweet.

  Tanner was about to say no, but then he decided he needed to have a serious chat with her. “Do you mind, sweetheart?” he asked Ella. That affectionate name might have been overkill, but he wanted to let Sasha know in no uncertain terms to leave him alone.

  “Sure.” Ella stood on her toes and brushed her lips against his. “Enjoy your dance with Sasha.”

  Goddess, but Ella was something else. Not only did she not throw a fit, that kiss made his dragon shoot fire in his gut. She had to have known what that contact would do to him.

  Sasha didn’t seem to care though. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. “I cut in because I wanted to hear from you that you two were legit.”


  “Carolyn said you and Ella are mates.”

  “We are. I don’t know how to make it any clearer.”

  She smiled and leaned back. “Good to know. If Ella gets tired of you though, you know where I work.” She winked. “I’ll be watching you in case things aren’t what they seem.”

  The last comment said it all—Sasha didn’t believe him. When the song ended, he thanked her and went in search of his mate. Tanner knew he and Ella belonged together. It was just a matter of convincing her.

  Ella was sitting at the table with his partners and their mates. The chair next to her was vacant so he sat down.

  “How was Sasha?” Ella asked without a hint of jealousy. Darn.

  “Who knows, but she asked to dance because she wanted to make sure the rumors were true.”

  “Rumors?” Jace asked.

  It wouldn’t be a lie to say that he and Ella were mates, because they were. He just hoped she didn’t balk when he announced it. “That Ella and I are mates.”

  Poppy, one of the Four Sisters of Fate, smiled knowingly. The others looked as if he’d told them he’d secured another large contract.

  “That’s fantastic, but I thought you said you just met her a few days ago,” Jace said.

  “We did, but what does that matter? When you know, you know.”

  Jace looked over at Ivy. “I will admit that the moment Ivy walked into Slade and Poppy’s living room, my dragon let me know that I’d met my mate. So, congratulations.”

  “Thank you,” he said, not daring to glance at Ella. When she didn’t deny his claim, he let out a slow breath.

  Poppy held up her glass. “To Tanner and Ella.”

  “To Tanner and Ella,” the rest said in unison.

  “Tell us how you met,” Ivy said. “Jace has been tight-lipped about it.”

  Jace’s mouth opened. “I didn’t know any of the details.”

  “Jace is right,” Tanner said. “I only mentioned my adventure to Slade. I figured he’d tell Jace. We met when I saved Ella from being buried under an avalanche.”

  Needless to say, that resulted in a lot of questions. He answered some, and Ella filled in the rest. Unfortunately, he didn’t learn any additional information during the retelling about why she’d left home.

  “You said you were leaving Thedia for good? Why? I’ve heard it is beautiful there,” Ivy said.

  Thank you, Ivy.

  “I was tired of being isolated on top of Wagner mountain. I wanted to explore the world.”

  Isolated? Tanner would have to ask her about that later. Was it because she was homeschooled? Or was something else going on? She was the daughter of the Clan leader, but that shouldn’t be restrictive. Or was it?

  Before anyone could delve into Ella’s life further, the food arrived, and the conversation turned to the Eco-tourism park. Tanner had wanted to put work aside for one evening, but it was rare that all three owners were in the same room.

  They were halfway through the meal when Jace’s parents took the stage and spoke about Plux and how far it had come. Naturally, they praised Slade once more, for how much he had done for the community.

  “I wish they wouldn’t make me out to be a hero,” Slade said. “I did what anyone would have done.”

  “I disagree. I don’t remember anyone e
lse stepping up to the plate after the flood,” Tanner said.

  “Maybe not.”

  Once the ceremonies were over, the talk at the table turned to their children, and Tanner had to admit he’d never seen Jace or Slade happier. Since Tanner never thought he’d find his mate, he’d never thought about kids. Now that Ella had come into his life, he wanted to entertain the idea, but first things first—he needed to convince Ella they belonged together. He didn’t blame her for believing this whole mate thing was a ruse since he’d been the one to start it, but a bit of him wanted her to admit it was true.

  Around ten, the Expansion Day party wound down. “Ready to head back?” he asked.

  “My feet say yes. I don’t think I’ve danced that much in my entire life.”

  “Was it too much?”

  “No. It was fun. I also really enjoyed meeting your partners and some other people of the town, too, but all of this activity has tired me out.”

  “I feel the same way.”

  Once they said their final goodbyes and stepped outside into the cold, Tanner faced her. “Since it is the weekend, what do you say we have one drink to celebrate your newfound freedom in Plux?” Please don’t shoot me down.

  She pressed her lips together and then smiled. “Okay, but only one drink. A girl needs her sleep.”

  He chuckled. She was a shifter. Alcohol wouldn’t affect her much, and from her flawless skin, she didn’t lack any sleep. “You look beautiful and rested to me.”

  Ella tilted her head to the side and then shook it. “It’s no wonder all of the women in town are after you.”

  “I am serious.”


  It was time for him to shut up. His next hurdle was hoping Ella was okay with having a drink at his house. Before she questioned where they would be imbibing, Tanner shifted and scooped her up. Instead of heading toward town, he went east toward his place. Even if she realized they were going in the wrong direction, she probably figured it was pointless to complain until he landed.

  Less than three minutes later, he spotted his home and landed in the front yard. He set her down and shifted. “Before you say anything,” Tanner said, “I’d like to show you my house, which our company built. It has a deck with an enclosed glass room where we can watch the stars. Nothing is more relaxing.”


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