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Tanner: Hidden Realms of Silver Lake (Four Sisters of Fate Book 6)

Page 6

by Vella Day

  “You really live here?”

  She sounded as if his home was some mansion, which it wasn’t. “I do.”


  That went well. “Let’s get out of the cold then.”

  It was a bogus comment, but once she was inside, she might be willing to stay for that drink. They would sit on the patio, study the stars, and enjoy some wine. Afterward, he’d offer to take her back to the hotel. If she said she wanted to stay the night, all the better. If not, he’d ask her to go out to dinner with him next week. Baby steps.

  He opened the front door and motioned her inside. She stopped in the foyer and looked around. “It’s modern.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  She spun to face him. “No. I just didn’t expect that considering how your home is in a rural area. My parents were really old-fashioned. We had brocade fabric on the chairs that were made from hand-carved mahogany. Our lamps are cloth covered instead of metal, and we had these ancient rugs that were made hundreds of years ago.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She chuckled. “I know; I had a tough life.” Ella looked up at him. “Enough about me. Didn’t someone promise me a drink?”

  She’d barely told him anything, but he wasn’t going to push for more. “I sure did. What is your pleasure?”

  “How about a glass of dry white wine?”

  “Follow me.” Tanner rarely showed anyone his wine cellar, but he wanted to impress her. “It’s just down these steps.”

  “Don’t tell me you have a wine cellar?”

  “I do.”


  Gold star for him. Together, they looked through the wines, and he let her pick one that suited her.

  She handed him her choice. “You have no idea how much I need this. I have a new boss at work who is a real slave driver.”

  “You don’t say.”

  “It’s true.”

  He enjoyed her sense of humor. Upstairs, in his way-too-large kitchen, he opened the wine and poured each of them a glass. He held up his drink, and she tapped hers against his. “Thank you for a lovely evening.”

  “I’m the one who should be thanking you. I meant it when I said I enjoyed meeting your partners and so many of the town’s people.”

  The warmth that was exuding from her eyes implied the evening was about to get better. “I know they were thrilled to meet you. Let’s sit on the deck and enjoy the evening.” The deck might be encased in glass, but the area was not heated. He would rectify that in a moment. “Let me set up the chairs.”

  She stepped up to the glass wall and looked out. “You have an amazing view of the lake.”

  The moon was shimmering off the surface. “The view is breathtaking, though there is nothing more relaxing than taking my canoe out there and sitting in the middle of the still waters. It allows me to disconnect.”

  “That sounds divine. I disconnect when I’m skiing.”

  “I imagine it’s like flying. I often get lost in my thoughts when I’m soaring high above the hustle and bustle of the world below.” He pulled two lounge chairs together, dragged over the standing heater, and turned it on. “Have a seat next to this.”

  He helped her out of her coat and placed it on another chair.

  Ella sat down and sipped her wine. “This is glorious. I don’t know how you can drag yourself out of your house in the morning to go to work.”

  “Trust me, it’s hard. It might be why I often sleep at the office. That way I’m not tempted to stay here and enjoy the day.” That wasn’t really true, but stating he was a workaholic wouldn’t be conducive to a relationship.

  She placed her drink on the table beside her lounge chair. “Tanner, I know I’ve only been working with you for a few days, but it’s pretty clear you work way too many hours. Being focused on your job all the time is not healthy for the mind.”

  “Why Ella Snow, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you cared.” Sure, he was fishing for a compliment, but he needed to know what she really felt about him. Ella seemed to be quite the expert at hiding her emotions, and he wanted to change that.

  “I do care.”

  “Good to know. Just for you, I will try not to sleep in the office.”

  She held up her drink. “To getting good rest.” They tapped their glasses together once more. “Now tell me about the stars.”

  For the next half hour, they discussed the constellations. Tanner was impressed how knowledgeable Ella was. As midnight drew near though, the room turned a lot chillier, even with the heater. “How about we sit inside, and I light a fire?”

  “Sounds divine. I was tired after the party, but now being outside and looking at the stars has rejuvenated me. I love nature.”

  He honestly expected her to balk at spending more time with him, but he was thrilled that she wanted to. To him, nothing was more romantic than sitting by a cozy fire and snuggling. And kissing. And doing other things.

  Tanner escorted her inside. While she finished her drink, he lit the fire, and put on some music. Was that tacky and a bit forward? Maybe.

  When he finished, he sat next to Ella. “I think we should talk.”

  She chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard a man say those words.”

  Shit. He was messing this up. “One of us has to address the elephant in the room, though why we use that Earth expression when we don’t have any elephants on Tarradon I don’t know.”

  “Have you been to Earth?” she asked with longing in her voice.

  “Once. It’s a lot like here, only they don’t know shifters exist. From what I’ve been told, there are no dragons there either, unless they are from Tarradon.”

  “Interesting. It would be fun to visit.”

  “I agree.” He wouldn’t let her derail the conversation though. “Back to the topic at hand. We told the town that we are mates.” He held his breath, awaiting her response.

  “I know. How do you want to handle this?”

  That was a dangerous question. “For starters, I think you staying in a hotel is a red flag to anyone who suspects us.”

  “You mean Sasha?”

  “Yes. If we’ve said we are together, then we need to be together.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

  He inhaled. “Either you need to look for an apartment or stay with me.” Tanner immediately held up his hand. “In separate bedrooms. I don’t want to assume anything.”

  “Stay here?”

  “Why not? I have five bedrooms. Plus, you can make sure I get up every morning.”

  “Can I think about it?” she asked.

  “Of course, but I’d like to convince you to say yes.”

  Before she could answer, he twisted toward her, pulled her close, and kissed her. If he had any doubts before that they were totally meant to be together, that kiss erased them. The fire in his gut and the lust swarming his heart confirmed the reality. When her hands cupped his face, his cock turned so rigid, it became painful.

  The kiss intensified, and it took all of Tanner’s willpower not to toss her back onto the sofa so that every inch of their bodies would be touching. Ella’s eyes changed from a startling blue to an emerald green, and it mesmerized him.

  He might have pulled back had Ella not begged for entrance. Her one little action jacked up his libido something fierce, and when their tongues touched, it was as if everything he’d ever done finally had meaning. As much as Tanner wanted her, he needed to let her set the pace.

  She slid her hands down his shoulders and then around his back. When she pressed her breasts against his chest, all rational thought flew out the window. He was so turned on that he refused to think about the consequences of being with his employee. None of that mattered right now—in fact nothing mattered but making love to her.

  Before he tore off her clothes, he broke the kiss. “Tell me you want this too.”

  “I can’t believe you have to ask. From your turquoise eyes and flashing scales, you’re at least as
partially excited as I am.”

  She had to be kidding. “Let me show you just how excited,” Tanner said.

  Chapter Eight

  Ella had never been this spontaneous in her life. The times she’d been with a man, it had been out of rebellion—not because she couldn’t live without him. Ever since she could remember, her parents had pointed out that she was to be mated to Moran Blackwood. Even as a child, she could see there was something different about him—something unethical. Why her parents couldn’t see it, she never understood. They never encouraged her to date either, saying it was because she needed to save herself for Moran. Clearly, they didn’t understand the woman she’d become. There was no way she would ever let that happen.

  Tanner was the first man who made her feel like a real woman. Wanting to show how much she desired to be with him, she unbuttoned her shirt and tossed it on the coffee table. The way gold and orange shot through his mainly turquoise irises told her he thought she was special.

  Should she remind him that since he was her boss, this wasn’t a good idea? Probably, but no one ever accused her of making the smartest choices in her life. This felt too good to stop.

  “Let me,” Tanner said, as he unhooked her bra and then lowered the straps.

  Even with the fire roaring, one of her breasts chilled as the bra fell to her lap. She unthreaded her arms and tossed it to the side. “Fair is fair,” she said.

  “I’m not wearing a bra.”

  That broke the ice and made her laugh. “To be sure, I should check out what’s underneath your shirt.”

  “By all means.”

  Ella made quick work of the buttons. The first glance at his chest had her pulse soaring. Speechless at his toned body, she palmed his chest and loved how his muscles played against her skin. “You must work out.”

  “Not in a gym. I used to do a lot of construction, like lifting wood and heavy cement blocks.”

  She smiled. “Don’t stop.”

  He laughed. “Now that I have an incentive, I’ll be sure to stay fit.”

  Ella slipped his shirt down his shoulders, and extra warmth radiated off his body. “Is your dragon acting up, or is that the heat from the fire?”

  He cracked up. “I’m suspecting a little of both, but you are the main cause of my heat.”

  “Good to know.”

  He kicked off his shoes, and she followed suit. Tanner stood and pulled her to her feet. He then sat back down and threaded his knees between her legs. “You are so beautiful.”

  His sincere words buoyed her spirits. “Is that so?”

  “And sassy too.” Tanner grabbed her rear and guided her to his lap.

  He then drew her close enough to suck on her right breast while he massaged the left one. Every animal cell in her body surged with lust and passion. He groaned, setting off spikes of need to shoot up her spine.

  Ella ran her hands over his head, and the fullness of his hair on top soothed her palms. She leaned closer, loving what his lips did to her. When he lightly pinched her nipple, she let out a squeak.

  He stopped. “Too hard?” he asked.

  “No, just right.”

  Tanner continued until she decided she wanted more. While she enjoyed the heat from the fire, she wanted Tanner’s fire inside her more. With one quick move, she stood, unbuttoned her jeans, and slipped them off, leaving on her pink panties.

  He whistled. “How did I get so lucky?”

  Tanner was just being nice, but she appreciated his comment, nonetheless. “How about a little reciprocal action?”

  “About time you asked.” He winked.

  He jumped up and then stripped, taking off his jeans and briefs with one tug. Staring was rude, but she couldn’t help it. He was magnificent. The fire crackled, and Ella jumped. He stepped closer and pulled her near. “It’s not that scary. I’ll take it easy.”

  She punched him in the chest. “I’m not scared. The fire startled me.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.” Tanner swept her hair from her neck, leaned over, and kissed her tenderly. “What you do to me,” he murmured.

  Ella was tempted to ask if he believed they were mates, but she didn’t want to spoil the mood. As if her leopard had a mind of her own, she reached between them and grabbed his cock.

  His hand clasped her wrist. “Turnabout is fair play, you know.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  He leaned back, slipped a hand under her butt, and lifted her up. “In that case, let’s find a more comfortable place to engage in our exploration.”

  She laughed. “I didn’t know you could be so eloquent.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I have a lot of hidden talents. Just give me time to prove it to you.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  He carried her into his bedroom, and Ella didn’t recall ever being carried before—other than the one time she’d injured her ankle and some ski patrol guy wanted to play hero. Even though Tanner didn’t turn on the light, her excellent vision could see just fine. The room was large with a big bed dominating the space—make that an unmade bed. At least no clothes were strewn on the floor.

  With care, he set her on the mattress and crawled on top of her. His lack of apology for the condition of his room was sexy as hell. Ella loved a self-confident man.

  “First off,” he said. “These panties have to go.”

  “In a moment. I want to continue what I started. After all, I am the guest.”

  He laughed. “The fact we are naked, or rather one of us is, implies you are slightly more than a guest.”

  She grinned. “Good to know.”

  Ella rose to her knees and motioned for Tanner to lie on his back. Thankfully, he obliged. She wanted to make this experience something he’d remember. Because she had long hair, she gathered the ends into her hand and dragged them up and down his cock.

  “That tickles.”

  “But does it feel good?” she asked.

  “It’s amazing, but I’m thinking maybe you could find something else to drag across my dick.”

  That was rather bold. Understanding what he wanted though, Ella leaned over and slid her tongue across the underside of his cock—or was it the top side? Anyway, it was the one exposed to her. She’d crossed the surface maybe three times when she found herself flat on her back.

  “Now it’s my turn,” Tanner said with way too much satisfaction in his voice.

  “I barely began.” She wanted to lick him until he begged for mercy.

  He smiled. “I know, but this assures that you will return to finish the job. I know how much you dislike unfinished tasks.”

  The man was impossible, but adorable at the same time. He slipped off her panties, and when he spread her legs and crawled between them, waves of desire filled her. Ella only now realized that from the first second she’d seen his magnificent wings and powerful body, she’d wanted to make love with him.

  The first lick short-circuited her brain. Her nails sharpened, and when she grabbed his shoulders to hang on, she nearly drew blood. Crap. After letting up on the pressure, she then latched onto his head with more care.

  The next lick sent her soaring and nearly made her come. How embarrassing to be this easy, but it had been a long, long time since she’d been with such a virile man. Hell, she’d never been with anyone quite like Tanner.

  That’s because he’s your mate, her leopard said.

  I can’t think about that now, but I believe you are right. At least she wanted it to be true.

  When he lowered a hand and slipped two fingers inside her, she lost all control and came hard and quick. Once the surge ebbed, her body sagged.

  “Don’t go to sleep on me, beautiful.”

  “Never.” That might have been a lie. Her muscles just needed a moment to recover, but Tanner seemed raring to go.

  He crawled up her body and clamped onto her nipple again, sucking and tugging until intense heat built inside of her once more. She didn’t know how much she could take befo
re climaxing again. From the way his golden scales were flashing and his eyes contained swirls of turquoise along with other delicious colors, he was on the edge too.

  “Take me,” she begged.

  He grinned. “I thought you’d never ask. Do we need a condom?”

  “I’m on the pill.”

  Tanner crawled up her body, cupped her face, and kissed her with power, passion, and determination, causing Ella to melt under his sensual assault. She couldn’t say exactly what it was—his hooded lids, his increased breathing, or the light he was radiating—but being with Tanner felt right. Oh, so right.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him back with every pent-up emotion that had been brewing inside her for years. Tanner was her lifeline, her road to freedom, and her future.

  With one quick movement, he slipped inside her and drove straight to the end. Spikes of need erupted all over her body, and she threaded her arms around him and hung on for dear life.

  His thrusts, grunts, and moans were in sync with everything she desired. She wanted all of him—his lips, his cock, and his hands on her body. It was as if some alien being had taken over and was determined to make this union the most important event in the realm. That was silly, but Ella believed it.

  “You are amazing,” he said as he hammered into her again.

  Ella planted her feet on the mattress and lifted her hips to meet his every thrust, needing them to be equal in every way.

  Her teeth sharpened, but she wouldn’t bite him tonight. She wanted to be sure they were compatible in every way before she took the ultimate and irreversible step of mating.

  Tanner broke the kiss and dragged his lips to her neck. She tensed slightly, and he nibbled his way to her ear. “You are mine,” he whispered, and then she was lost.

  While she wanted their lovemaking to last forever, every cell in her body was ready to burst again. Tanner must have sensed that, because he too plunged in and then held still until their climaxes arrived at the same time. Waves of ecstasy washed over her as his cock expanded and then ebbed over and over again.


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