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Atticus's Angel

Page 3

by Pearl Tate

  Brock’s right. Everyone will want to hear the good news and know when we’ll be introduced to the females that have inspired the new hope blossoming across our skin. We’ve been blessed.


  - Ashlyn

  “Hello, Ashlyn. My name is Janette.”

  None of this makes sense, because I don't recognize where I am. My mind thinks back to try and remember how I got here. I don’t remember waking up or getting dressed in this…

  Lightly fingering the material that’s wrapped around my body, I look up at Janette in surprise. It feels like my pajamas, but it doesn’t look like them—at all. The confusion must show because she hurries to explain.

  “You aren’t awake,” she says slowly. But that doesn’t make sense either.

  “Is… is this a dream?” Even as I finish speaking, I realize it has to be a dream, because asking that question is way too easy.

  Often, I can’t speak. I mean, I technically can, but most of the time, it doesn’t come out the way I plan. I end up saying half of it, or only part of it, or even forgetting what I was planning to say as I struggle to make my body follow along with my thoughts.

  “No. We’re linked mind to mind.” Janette’s index finger points to her forehead before moving slowly to mine. “I can’t explain it, because honestly, I don’t understand exactly the way it works. All I know, is that you’re like me.”

  Looking her over carefully, I find that hard to believe. We don’t look anything alike except for maybe our hair color. She has beautiful dark skin and is clearly not plain white like I am. Asian maybe?

  “Yes. We’re the same because we’re both from Earth and we both have genetic diseases that we were born with. Understand?” Her words are slow and measured as she talks.

  My eyes slowly travel down her body where we stand facing one another. She’s wearing the same soft white robe I am, and she’s much shorter than me. Almost a head shorter… but she looks fine. I don’t see anything physically that makes her look like she’s sick in any way.

  “The main difference between us now, is that I’ve been healed. I know I don’t look sick any longer, but when I was taken by the advanced life form that has now taken you, I was close to death. They offered me the same thing they’re now going to offer you.”

  Janette pauses dramatically, and I’m not sure if it’s because she wants to make sure I’m listening or to see if I’m even interested. Giving her a small nod, I let her know to continue before saying, “What?”

  “A different life on a different planet with another species as a companion. You see, there are many other kinds of life in the universe, and some of them are having their own struggles to live. They’ve managed to eradicate many of the diseases that Earth still struggles with, but at the same time, they’ve changed the genetic code of their own bodies in such a way that they no longer are reproducing naturally. Earth women—sick or not—don’t have that problem. And when we join with them as a man and woman do, we become healed. Does that make sense?” She’s holding her hands out, palms up as she looks at me seriously.

  I knew it! How many times have I wanted to argue with my mother about aliens and life on other planets? She scoffs at the movies I enjoy, and I’ve heard her say that people who report being abducted just want attention and are making up stories!

  Could this Janette be telling the truth, though? I want to believe, so I nod slightly so she’ll continue telling me more.

  “Only you can make this choice—right now. As we communicate here, you’re still laying in bed sleeping. I’ve tapped into your mind before they’ve removed you from Earth to give you the choice, but there is a down side.”

  I nod. Of course, there is. This is like a fairy tale, and there’s always a cost… I must be dreaming.

  Her voice takes on an earnest tone as she grabs my forearms, looking up at me seriously. “You do have to decide this instant. If you choose not to go, then you’ll wake up tomorrow believing this was a dream—if you remember me at all. If you pick yes, then you’ll be removed from your home and taken into space to meet your new mate who’ll be able to heal you when you exchange bodily fluids as you get to know one another. Do you have any questions?”

  So many! Blinking, my mind races as I try to understand what she’s offering me. But there’s one thing that concerns me… “How do you know he’ll like me?”

  Janette’s lips curve instantly into a beautiful smile, exposing her even white teeth. “Oh, Ashlyn. He’ll more than like you.”

  “But…” No one’s ever seemed to like me—and certainly not like that. Like a husband or boyfriend. Ever.

  I’m plain and odd. I can’t talk to people and can barely look at anyone. My face is too thin and my ears are too big. How is she so sure?

  “I’m sure, because you’ll be perfect for each other. The Quasar men, the species that’s looking for Earth women, develop mating marks on their bodies when they sense their mate, and you’ll get them too. You’ll match, and that’s your body’s way of letting you know you’re perfect for each other. Does that make sense?”

  I’m somewhat mollified. I’ll have to take her word for it. She’s turned as she speaks and her robe drops down to expose her back where swirling designs are displayed on her back in radiant colors of yellow, green, and blue.

  Stepping closer, I notice that they aren’t just one solid color. They move and shift in the lines, blending and creating other colors like orange and red. Before I can touch her, she shifts her robe back up and turns to face me where I’m standing with my fingers held out.

  Grasping my hand, her warm body reminds me again that this isn’t supposed to be real. Could I be dreaming? I’m second guessing because her touch feels so real.

  With everything going on right now, the impending start at Hope Intermediate Care Center, maybe I’m making all this up? After all, what would be more of a dream than to have someone perfect for me show up to take me away? Away from my controlling mother and my life that’s slowly slipping by without me.

  I’m not getting better. In fact, I hear the doctors speaking with my mother. Even though I can’t tell, they seem to think I’m getting worse.

  What do I have to lose? If this is a dream, I’ll wake up tomorrow and not remember a thing.

  “Yes.” My voice is quiet but firm as I look up over our interlocked fingers where she’s peering up at me intently. I know she’s trying to stop my fidgeting, because it’s something my mother has done since I was young. Sometimes it works, but she doesn't need to tell me or show me that I need to focus.

  This is all so incredible. There’s no way I could be thinking about anything else right now. I’m present.

  “Okay, Ashlyn. Listen carefully. I’m going to fade out, and you’ll be left with moving toward the green light or the red light. You understand red and green, right?”

  As I nod, I realize that her hands don’t feel solid in mine any longer. “If you want to go and meet your mate, go to the green light. If you want to stay on Earth with your mother, go to the red light.”

  That’s it and the reminder of my mother spurs my determination. By the time she’s finished speaking, not only is she gone from in front of me, but I’m gone too.

  I don’t have a body with a white robe any longer. There are no hands to control or lips to move to speak. It really is as if I’m just peering into a dark box. It’s only an instant before a faint green glow begins on my right, and I spot the red glow off to my left.

  Not giving the red even time to develop, I immediately move in the direction of the green. It doesn't make sense since I’m not walking, but as I make the decision to go to the green, whether it’s me moving or the green light moving towards me, I’ve really no idea.

  All I know is that the green light gets brighter as I make my decision, surrounding me in a haze that begins to brighten at an incredible speed. Even though I can’t see my body, I sense the air around me crackling and vibrating with an intensity that escalates to the
point where I’m fearful for a moment.

  Fortunately, I don’t have lungs to panic or start breathing heavy. No lips to scream or legs to run either. Just as I think I won’t be able to handle anything more, everything goes dark, and I mercifully drop back to sleep.


  - Atticus

  “Are you ready?” Brock steps out from where he’s been cleaning in his sleeping room. I don’t know exactly what he’s been scrubbing in there, but it’s taken most of the morning.

  “I believe so.” Since the previous rotation when Bren sent out the ship-wide communication about the mate presentation, the celebration has definitely died down. I’ve never seen the crew so dedicated to performing their duties with precision. Like Brock, everyone’s working on their own personal duties in preparation of impressing their mate.

  Cleaning made sense when Brock suggested it. Shelly commented more than once that some of the personal dwellings were disgusting. Everyone is careful to maintain protocol, but I’ve seen dwellings left with the same sheets for weeks. In such small living areas, things do start to smell.

  I certainly don’t want to disgust my mate when she arrives. I want her to feel happy at the choice she made, and according to Bren, it was a choice. Apparently, their lives were difficult on Earth. Bren says these females were specifically chosen due to their genetic diseases, and their “quality of life” would be improved by living with us. But that’s no excuse not to make them happy.

  Brock walks over with his cleaning rag still in his hand before lightly running it down the outside thigh of my pant leg. “You must’ve leaned on something.” Maybe so.

  ”Thanks.” Shifting from foot to foot, I feel odd going to do this without Brock. I know he’s dying to meet his mate. When I realized we both had mating marks, the first thing I thought was how we’d be able to do this together, but that’s not how the presentation has been set up.

  He already looks like shit with his tired demeanor and impatient tone. “Are you going to be okay here?” I look up at him seriously before my eyes drop to the red markings that are now much deeper in color than my own. The band of their display around his neck is much higher than mine, showing the colors swirling in deep purple, blue, and teal.

  “What other choice do I have?” Brock’s serious response is softened with a half smile.

  “I just feel bad because I’m first.” While I’m speaking, Brock’s already shaking his head, turning to settle into a chair.

  “We already talked about this yesterday. You’ve no control over it and neither do I.” Throwing his hands out, he laughs.”I’m excited, that’s all. But I’m not going to die or anything.”

  Bren’s communication was fairly brief. The Ashen “procured” almost two hundred females that they “felt” would be mates, and based on how many males ended up with mating marks, they must know what they’re doing. Sure, there might be a few males on the Discovery without mating marks, but I haven’t seen any. At this point in time, there doesn’t seem to be any clear reason why some of us have the markings and some don’t. Maybe that’ll become more clear over time.

  Standing quickly, Brock grabs my shoulders, turning me toward the door. “Come on, you don’t want to be late for the shuttle.” He’s right, and as we move through the halls, more and more males join us on the way to the bay.

  The sense of excitement is palpable as we stand and wait in line for the entrance. “I can’t wait to hear everything you learn. Good luck, my friend.” Brock pulls me in for a hug just as I reach the entrance to climb on board.

  My throat clogs with emotion at the monumental moment. I can’t even respond. Instead, I squeeze him tightly and then pull away. Without looking back, I follow the others as they file inside.

  It’s quiet as we drop into the atmosphere until the shuttle begins to circle the dome. Then a cheer rises from the back and everyone joins in. The mood breaks the hold on everyone’s tongue, and boisterous chatter begins as we settle onto the planet’s surface and the craft powers down. The doors open before the engines power off completely, and I realize this is probably only the first shuttle down. They’ll need to make one more trip to the Discovery. Will this hold us up on the surface now?

  Filing out, we’re met by Bren who’s waving us towards a dome-shaped building. I’ve never seen anything like it before. As we file inside, I notice it appears much larger inside than it did from the exterior. There’s a round table that we circle until everyone’s seated.

  On a raised platform at the end, Bren hushes everyone before addressing us. “Everyone, this is Sol Kirley. If you didn’t know him from the Discovery, he’s Travek’s younger brother. He’d just begun his first rotation when he went off with Travek to rotate around Earth. They were eventually picked up by the Ashen. There’s more to it than that, but suffice it to say that he’s the one the Ashen requested to draw up the new Accord with them. So, I’d like to introduce… Sol.”

  Everyone lowers their eyes respectfully before looking up at Sol who’s bouncing on his feet in front of us. “None of that.” Waving his arms, he alludes to the respect we’ve shown by lowering our gaze. “From here on out, we’re equal. It’s been extremely enlightening to spend time with the Ashen. In addition to the agreement you’re about to view on the Accord in front of you, you’re going to learn that very little of what we’ve been taught is the truth. That the matings stopping had nothing to do with nano technology, but instead have everything to do with our own females. That’s the past, but it’s important you realize what occurred, if for no other reason—that we never repeat it again.”

  Sol pauses dramatically, and our attention is diverted to a large crystal rising out of the middle of the round table we’re sitting around. “This is an Accord.” He points at the crystal that’s the size of my fist and reflecting prisms of color on everyone’s faces and the walls behind us.

  “You’ll be briefed on the past decisions made by the females on Quasar, then what we’ve written up and agreed to now. Once you’ve personally agreed to the new Accord, you’ll be given information on your mate and move forward with meeting her. Does this make sense? Any questions?”

  I’m not sure if it’s because no one has questions or if they’re like me, and they just want to meet their mate, but no one says a word.

  “Alright. Sit back and face the crystal and we’ll begin the process.” Immediately, the room around us darkens as a three-dimensional hologram projects into the air in front of us from the crystal still hovering above the table.

  Lines shoot out and begin connecting to the projection above us. I can make out the faces of the males across from me as their eyes flit over the beams between us. Colors shoot through the strands as rays of light project from the center and slowly work their way towards us.

  Creeping out slowly, they pulse in a rainbow of color as Sol explains, “The feed on the Accord crystal is loading, and a strand of the feed will reach out toward you. Just relax. This isn’t painful in any way.”

  A strand of light is already almost to my face and right before reaching me, it breaks into a cloak of color, pouring over my body. Instantly, my vision blurs as everything turns bright and fades, even though I can clearly hear Sol still reassuring us. But I’m not worried. If anything, I’m excited at the prospect that I’m about to learn about my mate.

  Plunging into our history, some plays out in what appears to be real time in front of me, but all of it settles into my memory, and I can recall it as if I’ve watched every moment. A surge of anger surprises me as I learn about the original Accord between the females of Quasar and the Ashen.

  They knew. The females were warned, and they did it anyway! The only consolation as the proceedings conclude, is that there’s a possibility the Ashen are aware of what was done and how it can be reversed…


  - Atticus

  My disgust and annoyance builds the longer I consider what’s been done by our ancestors. I think about my Ermada, who has ov
er thirty males in her harem, making her cold and indifferent. I’ve always assumed the sheer number is what made her treat me so callously.

  When I had my audience to approve my Discovery tour, she’d treated me like a means to an end. Stripped, she administered Canesta without any explanation or discussion. The entire experience was humiliating, embarrassing… even degrading.

  I know I’m not attractive in the traditional sense, but that doesn’t mean I should be treated as a commodity. The encounter emphasized to me I want a friend as a partner. Someone like Brock that can talk to me and listen to me, understanding my day to day life. I just can’t ever go back to those circumstances.

  Even our females alive today shouldn’t have to suffer with low fertility because of choices made thousands of years ago. I’ll need to discuss this with Sol and arrange an audience with the Ashen. This is exactly the kind of information that Hannah and I have been searching for.

  The agreement of the new Accord is basic, and I’m waiting for the rest. After all, how can it be so simple? The main emphasis we cover is on protecting the human species on Earth. Listed in bullet point, the agreement’s explained in Sol’s narration outlining the Ashen’s concerns.

  First, we’re agreeing to come back and populate what’s being called “New Earth.” Essentially it’s Earth in another dimension that the Ashen have been utilizing and developing for some time. It’s where Sol, Travek, and Gilip were when Remus found them with the Ashen.

  It’s a more primitive and less developed dimension of Earth, still protected by the Ashen as it’s creator. So, we’re basically going to be a study group, but no different than our ancestors. Individuals are welcome to come and go, but while the matings are beginning, they want to make sure that we aren’t pillaging females from the planet Earth. This would create issues with not only the Earth’s governmental bodies, but also the Taxin who’ve infiltrated their government with promises of technology.


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