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Atticus's Angel

Page 4

by Pearl Tate

  We won’t be able to visit the female’s dimension of Earth, due to the general public’s lack of knowledge of alien races. But the Ashen assure us, if and when it becomes common knowledge, this tenant will no longer apply. The females recruited have been informed before agreeing to come and meet us of this limitation, and since most of them have genetic diseases that shorten their lifespans and compromise their quality of life, they agreed as well before leaving the planet.

  That’s it! Sol’s voice cuts in as the short agreement winds down. “I know what you’re thinking, because I thought the same thing when I was asked to discuss and finalize this. “Why? Why’re they so adamant we stay on New Earth? Is it a trick? What don’t we know?”

  His face floats in front of me, and I’m not sure whether he’s actively speaking or if this is all part of the Accord agreement. “What we’ve all forgotten is that the Ashen had a hand in our original creation along with hundreds and thousands of other species. They’re a millenia ahead of us in technology and pretty much any other study you can think of. And what do creators want?” There’s only a beat before he continues. “To enjoy their creation. They didn’t separate from us willingly. We left and built our own way of life out of fear. Our fear of them. But I believe this isn’t a way to control us… it’s a way to appreciate us.”

  I shift in my seat slightly. I’ve heard enough. Yes, the Accord agreement with the Ashen does appear simplistic, but at this point, what do we have to lose?

  He’s right. If they wanted to harm us or trap us, we wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. They’re that much ahead of us in the evolution process.

  I know personally, I’ve nothing to lose. If everyone’s similar in that department, we all have nothing to worry about. None of us are going back to loving partners waiting for us at home. Our future is here with our new mates. Or wherever they may be.

  “This is your opportunity to decline. You can walk away now and go back to Quasar on the Discovery, at your post with no hard feelings, or you can opt to choose to meet your mate and join with her and the rest of us that’ll be going back to New Earth.”

  Sol’s face floats in front of me, continuing to explain. “We’ll need to go back to Quasar and return the previous Accord to the Council while notifying them about our new mated males’ Accord with the Ashen. The Ashen won’t be coming with us. It’s up to us to continue on with the females from Earth and let them know what we’ve found out and that we can communicate with the Ashen without fear of them taking control. Are you up to this new adventure?” He pauses again and above his head, two lights come on. One is red on his left side and the other is green on his right.

  “If you think you’re up to this new life and adventure, reach forward and touch the green light.” Swiveling, he points to the green glowing button to the left of him. “If not, press the red.”

  Ignoring the red, I watch my hand float out to touch the green. Instantly, both lights disappear, and Sol’s disembodied face floats in front of me with a huge smile. “Congratulations, Atticus. Based upon my mating, I know you’ve made the right choice. Now to meet your mate…”

  His face fades away as a multitude of pictures and recordings of my mate begin to stream across my vision. Her name is Ashlyn When, and she’s the most exotic creature I’ve ever seen. Her long, dark hair is pulled into two braids starting at her ears that end half way down her small chest. There’s only a slight smile to her lips on her narrow face, but her brown eyes dominate her features.

  Everything about her is attractive to me, and for the first time, as my mating marks heat on my skin, I feel my entire body tingling—including my cock. Making a mental note to document this first visual reaction to her pictures, I listen as Sol explains the genetic disease my mate has suffered from her entire life.

  “…humans call this Fragile X Syndrome. Because one of their chromosomes is not making enough or any of the protein that helps nerve cells talk to each other, her brain hasn’t developed normally. This has caused other DNA segments to repeat continually, instead of the five to two hundred times that are normal. As a female, her symptoms are not extremely severe compared to how this has been known to affect males in their species. You can expect anxiety, hyperactivity, fidgeting, impulsive behavior, difficulty maintaining activities and focusing, poor communication skills, and struggling with social interactions including avoidance of eye contact…”

  His voice becomes a background lullaby as I watch the pictures and clips of her float in and out. Reaching out, I realize I can pull forward the ones I’d like to see easier and a short clip of her reviewing a hand held device catches my eye. Zooming in, I watch it again and again, realizing she’s playing a game.

  Ashlyn’s focused expression and determination is clear on her features as she studies the screen. She’s smart. I know it. I don’t know exactly how I know it, but as I watch her eyes flicker off screen, it appears she’s playing and watching or listening to something else as well.

  Watching her with fascination, she slowly uncurls her tiny body from the furniture she’s sitting on and leaves the screen before I flip to another view of her sleeping. Her hands are wrapped around a plush object on her chest under the blankets with her. An animal from her world, perhaps?

  She looks so young and innocent, but I can’t help hoping she’ll cling to me during her sleep the same way. Ashlyn… Ashlyn… just thinking her name has me wanting to spring up to locate her immediately.

  “…As you may have suspected, there will be challenges ahead. Not only working through your female’s renewed health but also with the planet Quasar. Does she look worth the hard road ahead? I can assure you that your mate is very quiet but extremely interested in learning more about you and the new culture and society she’ll be able to create with us…”

  Imagining her with child, in a small dwelling, on a strange planet—of course she’ll be worth it. I don’t even have to consider it. She may be small and child-like now, but the disease has held her back, and she’s going to bloom into the perfect mate. The perfect mother.

  Sol’s voice drones on, but I’m not even really listening as the red and green lights appear again over his head. All I can envision is my mate. With her serious, large eyes, pale skin, and beautiful hair, I barely wait for the lights to load before reaching up to press the green to move forward.

  She’s perfect, and I don’t want to wait a second to get to her and start our life together. Sure, we’ll have issues ahead with Vekel still in the medical bay. But with Brock and his new mate helping too, everything is going to fall into place.

  I’m not totally shocked as my skin tingles again and a multitude of colored lights dance around me. This whole experience is so new that I’m not even sure what’s my body’s physical reaction to the mating, or what’s part of the Accord program. The only thing that tips me off that this phase of the Accord program is different, is that I can’t feel the seat under me.

  As soon as this realization flits through my mind, I notice I can’t feel anything at all any longer. No arms or legs or even my uniform pressing against my skin. Just as I begin to panic, everything goes black and all consciousness with it.


  - Ashlyn

  Sitting quietly with my backpack perched on my lap, I watch as more ladies are led out of the chamber I was in just hours before. We all traveled here on this spaceship, but it doesn’t necessarily look like a spaceship. There haven’t been any windows to look out of and see space, and I can’t help feeling a little disappointed with that fact. For all I know, I could still be on Earth in a strange, new hospital.

  So far, I woke up and was greeted along with some other women, who appear to be like me. Human, as well as physically able to get out and walk around on their own.

  We’re walked through a short hall into a shower area, where we each were assigned a stall by Janette, the beautiful woman who talked to me in my mind while I must’ve been sleeping. That’s what makes me positive that
this is for real. That I’m really on a spacecraft like she promised.

  She’s just as exotic-looking as I thought originally. Her soft voice directs us one by one into showers where we’re asked to remove our clothing and assured that they’ll be cleaned and given back. A soft white set of what looks like pajamas were neatly folded on a bench just inside the stall.

  Right now, I’m holding my clean pajamas from home along with my stuffed pig, Junior. They’re inside the backpack on my lap. The shower was automatic with dispensers on the wall labeled “shampoo” and “conditioner” and “body wash” clearly. After we cleaned up, we’re taken out together and seated in a small conference room in front of tablets similar to the one I play games on at home. The best part is we get to keep them!

  Our names are clearly showing on the front and when we tapped the writing, a file came up on our mate with information about what he does on the spaceship called the Discovery. I have to reread the print when I realize he’s a doctor. My heart speeds up as I try to focus.

  The idea that little… handicapped me landed a doctor—it reminds me of all the times I watched my mother flirt and come on to my doctors over the years. She always told me how they make so much money and are such a great catch for a husband.

  My eyes skip over the rest of the information that doesn’t hold my attention to land on the picture of him at the end. A strange flickering sensation starts in my chest as I stare at him closely. He looks like a young Patrick Dempsey, from the show Grey’s Anatomy. My mother and I have watched the series faithfully over the years. I study his features, noting his hair is thick and long but neatly tied back from his face. I can’t help but fantasize about our upcoming meeting.

  It’s hard to believe he’ll like me, and even though looking at his picture creates a strange vibrating sense of yearning in my chest, I worry that he’ll meet me and change his mind. That’s what’s dominating my thoughts now as I sit waiting for my turn to be whisked away as I’ve seen happen to the others around me.

  If I had any doubt about this being on an alien spacecraft, the first time I watched one of the other women glitter like a rainbow and then disappear without a trace confirmed it. There’s no warning. Just a brief sparkle, and then their entire body lights up from within and they disappear. It’s incredible and I can’t wait…

  Here it is! My skin prickles with awareness as the light around me vibrates, and I watch my hands on the backpack in front of me shimmer and sway with a rainbow of colors. I’m thinking about Atticus and whether he’ll be the first thing I see until my sight dims, and almost instantly—at least it feels instantly—my surroundings come back into focus, and I’m seated across from the man in my file.


  He’s still shimmering in front of me in the chair facing me, forming into the seat like I did a moment before. As his features solidify, I realize that the photo of him didn’t do him justice. He’s gorgeous. Easily the most attractive man I’ve ever seen, and I drop my eyes in fear.

  There’s no way. No way he will want me. Glancing to my left and right, I see we’re sitting in a large room with a dozen seating areas around. Some are already occupied and quiet conversations are going on around me. But I don’t see a door!

  There’s nowhere to run to and nowhere to hide, so I hunch down in my chair and try not to look as I concentrate on my backpack, wanting desperately to pull out Junior. He’s always comforted me and having him so close…

  My hands move without me consciously thinking about it, pulling him from the top of the bag and into my arms as I hunch over him, hugging him tightly. This is just… so much… too…

  “Ashlyn?” The deep, low voice strokes over my senses, soothing something inside me. It’s disconcerting but comforting at the same time. “Ashlyn, I’m Atticus.”

  Still staring at Junior’s plush, pink body I’ve hugged to my chest, I wait. I can’t look. I can feel him looking at me, and it feels… good. But my insides are churning uncomfortably, in fear and what may be anticipation.

  A large hand floats into view in front of me, moving slowly towards my chest where Junior’s perched under my chin. “Is this a friend?” The fingernails on the hand catch my eye as I notice their pearly shine. The hand points at Junior, and I blink before slowly looking up at him through my eye lashes.

  He’s close. Leaning forward in his chair, Atticus’s face is only a foot from mine with a small smile on his perfectly formed lips. All I can do is nod, still staring at his hand only inches from mine.

  “Well, I’ve never seen anything like it. What is it?” His soft voice settles me as I puzzle over what he’s said. He’s never seen a pig?

  A smile spreads on my face involuntarily as I consider the fact that this is a real live alien who doesn’t know anything about our planet. There will be so much to talk about. Maybe. Eventually…

  If he really likes me. I mean, I know that’s why I’m here, but now that I’ve met him, it just seems improbable that someone like him would like someone like me.

  I know for a fact that “normal people” consider me weird. Strange. Odd.

  I’ve heard it all. Even the others in my classes have talked about me over the years. It’s fine, but thinking about him not liking me… it creates a strange ache in my chest. I’ve never hoped for anything like this.

  But I still can’t look. And it’s beginning to dawn on me that I never answered his question. Even knowing that, I’m having a hard time answering.

  Opening my mouth, I stop and consider what to say. Hesitating, I lick my lips, my breathing picking up slightly as I feel my nerves starting to fray. The seconds tick by, adding to all the incredible and overwhelming sensations in my body.

  “Pig.” My whispered answer comes out much lower than I intended. He leans forward closer, and I watch his knees settle against the surface of the chair I’m seated in. One grey covered leg brushes mine as he shifts in front of me. The impact of that small touch is incredible.

  A wave of longing and quiet acceptance flows into me, making me focus on just that small touch. Instead of moving away as I normally would, my body shifts, pressing my much smaller leg against his to see if I feel it again. I do!

  I don’t even realize I’ve moaned at the peaceful sensation until his hand moves to cover both of mine that are holding Junior at my chest. Suddenly, I’m surrounded by the sensation as it flows over my hands and into my body, and I look up in surprise.

  Atticus’s face is so close. I’ve never been this close to a man before. Intentionally… touching.

  His small smile is kind and open… as if he’s sharing a secret with me. And maybe he is, because I’ve never had anything like this happen to me before. Swallowing hard, I watch his dark green eyes blink slowly before he speaks.

  “A pig?” His hand over both of mine squeezes gently.

  Oh, yeah. Junior.

  “Yes.” My quiet whisper has him leaning forward more as both his legs now touch mine. I swallow hard, trying not to let his formidable size bother me.

  “We don’t have those on the planet I come from. You heard my planet is called Quasar?” His legs still touch mine as he shifts his body forward closer, sliding his knees up the side of my legs.

  Nodding, I keep my eyes on him as the waves of… I don’t know what… but they seems to make my entire body relax as it flows from him to me. My hands are loosening under his, and I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to sit on him. To feel this all over my body. Every nerve calls to me to be closer.

  Would he mind?

  Pulling one of my hands slowly out from under his, I move it toward his knee, still rubbing against mine. Peeking up at him, I see his head cocked as he watches me with a small smile.

  He wouldn't still be here and touching me if he didn’t like it, right? And soon, I’ll be normal, and we’ll touch everywhere, all the time—like normal people do when they’re in love.

  I can’t wait!

  My hand settles gently on his leg, enjoying the
slight pulse it receives through my fingers as my hand grazes over the material. It’s not the material, is it? Removing my hand from his knee, I place it on top of his hand that’s covering mine holding Junior.

  No. It’s definitely coming from him. All my self-consciousness and inhibitions seem to be disappearing as I glance up to gauge his reaction to my boldness.

  All he’s doing is smiling at me, and I try to smile back. I’m not sure if my face is doing it, but as his gaze softens slightly, my attention turns to his hair.

  Some of the strands have pulled out of the style he’s worn. Those tendrils appear to be floating towards me. Jerking back, my body presses against the back of the chair behind me as I cringe slightly.

  “I’m sorry!” Atticus hasn’t moved, but I watch fascinated as without touching them, the strands smooth back from his face. “I can control it, but when I relax… it just likes you like the rest of me.”

  My eyes leave his hair to focus on his face at his words. He likes me? Really?

  “Yes, Ashlyn.” His voice answers my silent question. Am I that easy to read? I’m shocked that he still wants me. They said that we’d be perfect for each other, but until this moment, I didn’t realize how much I figured they’d lied. “I like you. I more than like you, I… I don’t know how to explain it. But you feel this, right?”

  He waves between us as I nod, pressing my lips together tightly. Reaching out a shaking hand, I grasp his, and he immediately tugs me toward him. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, I move forward to let his arms surround me.

  I’ve never felt a hug like this before. As I press my cheek against his neck, the warmth and vibration seep into me, soothing something inside me. Something I didn’t even realize was in turmoil settles as I inhale against his neck. Lemon and fresh linen meets my senses, and I wonder how it is that these aliens have the same fabric softener scent?


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