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Harlow and Axel (Anniston Secrets Book 1)

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by J. N. Pack

  Tonight I was sure I was going to get fucked up and Cass was going to have to drive me home and bitch like a little girl the whole way. Moose was already halfway fucked up and Jessi was now his escort. Moose and Jessi had been together for going on two years now and for the first year it was rough but at the end of last year Jessi had gotten pregnant and they became tight. Her mom and Dad kicked her out and she’s lived with Moose every since. Unfortunately they were in a care accident and the airbag deployed hitting Jessi in the face neck and stomach. Jessi lost the baby and it pushed the two of them tighter. She still lives with Moose and they do everything together. I don’t mind hanging with Jessi though. She’s laid back. She doesn’t bitch about anything we do and she would go to back for any of us. She tends to baby Moose and he needs that. He didn’t have the easiest time growing up. Jessi makes him happy. I’m good with that.

  Chapter 4

  It was anything, but quiet sitting out here on this porch. In the distance I could hear gunshots and screaming. I take a drag of my cigarette and flick the ashes. Dad still hasn’t shown up and I doubt he does anytime soon. He’s probably drunk somewhere passed out. He was such a prick. I have to find a race and I have to find a race and I have to find one soon. I’m sitting there watching the smoke drift into the air in a daze when Harley comes out.

  “Killing yourself one cancer stick at a time hmm?” she smirks.

  I blow smoke in her face and say, “You too!”

  Harley waves her arms in her face frowning. “Nasty!”

  The blue mustang from next door pulls in the drive and the Cass kid from earlier climbs out the driver's seat mumbling under his breath. He snatches open the passenger door and growls, “Get up!” He bends into the car and then stands again placing his hands on his hips. “Fuck!” he grumbles.

  Harley giggles and he looks over at us. “Wanna give me a hand?” he asks.

  Harley walks over and she waves me over a few minutes later. I walk slowly. Once I get there Harley giggles and says, “He’s drooling.” I lean so I can look in the car and he is stretched out in the seat knocked out. I snort trying to hold back a laugh.

  “You know you’re really pretty when you smile.” Cass says.

  That wipes the smile clear from my face. I look anywhere but at him.

  Harley pipes in, “She’s gorgeous all the time!”

  He nods, but changes the subject. “If Moose was sober he would help get him to bed, but I’m afraid Jessi is going to need Misty and Ace to get his big ass to the house.”

  Harley says, “We got this. Harlow you get that side and I’ll get this side like we did Dad that one time.”

  I look from Harley to Cass and back again. I step forward and grab his arm while Harley grabs his other arm. He leans on us and starts mumbling. We make it up the steps and are holding him up while he stagers around and Cass unlocks the door. The next second he shrugs off Harley and grips my hips slamming me against the outside of the house. I’m frozen I don’t know what to do. He slams his lips to mine and his knee is shoved between my legs. One hand grips my hip and the other is braced on the wall.

  “Fuck Axel, get the fuck off of her.” Cass says pulling Axel away from me. My eyes are stretched as wide as they will go while Harley is about to fall over she’s giggling so hard. Cass is looking at me horrified, “I’m so fuckin’ sorry…. He is fucked up out of his head ...So sorry.”

  Harley says, “Harlow’s fine. It’s ok.” and she grabs his other arm, “Come on, I'll help you get him inside while she gathers her thoughts.”

  I turn and storm across the yard and Cass yells out again, “I’m really sorry.” I can hear Harley giggling all the way across the yard. I storm inside and straight up the stairs to my room. I slam the door and lock it. WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!?!

  I shut my light off and throw myself across my bed. I heard the front door open and shut and the sound of Harley running up the steps. She stops in front of my door and gently knocks. “Come on Harlow, he was drunk, he didn’t mean no harm.” She waits a second and then says, “I’m sorry I laughed sissy!”

  “Night Harley!” I grumble.

  “Love you Harlow.” she says through the door.

  “Love you too!” I mumble.

  I tossed and turned most of the night. When I finally do fall asleep, I’m plagued with dreams of lover boy next door throwing me against the wall.


  I wake up feeling like I sucked on a cotton ball all night. I blacked out after my twelfth shot. Moose had to be pretty fucked up to he had started before the party and went shot for shot with me. I stumble from the bed and to my bathroom to relieve myself. Afterwards I stumble down the stairs and into the kitchen. Moose is at the counter with a bloody Mary. My mom shoves one in my direction. “You boys drink those and then get my grass cut. I should put my foot in your ass after last night.” She walks by smacking me with a towel and walking out just as Cass walks in.

  He starts laughing when he sees me and says, “O man did you put your foot in it last night.”

  I grumble not in the mood for his crap this morning, however Moose had to know.

  “What the fuck’d you do? Ma is pissed at you!” Moose askes.

  “I have no fuckin idea. Ask Cass, he obviously knows.” I grumble.

  “That’s fuckin tragic. You were so fucked up you can’t remember shoving the neighbor against the wall and kissing her and shoving your knee between her legs.” Cass says laughing his ass off.

  Moose snorts the drink from his nose and says, “You did what? Hold up….. Which one?”

  My eyes dart to Cass needing the answer and needing it now. “Who?”

  Cass smirks and says, “Why don’t you go next door and apologize. I’m sure you’ll figure it out quickly.”

  “Don’t fuck with me this morning! Who?” I grumble.

  Moose says, “I bet it was that mouthy little tart. She seems like she might enjoy being slammed against a wall or two.”

  “Hhh… Nope try Harlow!” Cass says eyeing me.

  “What……. The fuck did that happen?” I ask stumbling over my words.

  “Well see you got plastered and passed out in the car and I couldn’t get your ass out and the younger one Harley I think that's her name was laughing and I asked for a hand getting you inside. I guess they have some experience with drunks. Well they got you to the door and you started mumbling and that's when you nearly shoved Harley down the steps and penned Harlow to the wall.” Cass says grinning.

  “Fuck! I miss all the good shit.” Moose groans.

  “Really. I did that?” I ask.

  Cass nods his grin getting bigger.

  “What the fuck?” I groan.

  Moose and Cass both start laughing.

  When we finish our drinks I’m feeling slightly better. Still a little fucked up about what happened, but o well. Shit happens.

  When we walk outside there’s a commotion going on in the neighbor's way. There was a man in a newer pickup and when he goes to hit the younger of the two older sisters, the older takes the blow shoving him. He swings a couple more times leaving her crumpled on the ground. The younger of the three takes off down the street. The next to the oldest, I think her name is Harley kneels beside her sister checking on her and the guy stumbles back to the truck with Harley yelling after him.

  Chapter 5

  “Fuck.” Harley screams. She’s kneeling down looking me over. I shove her hands away and try to sit up. “That bastard. I hope he fuckin’ drowns in alcohol.” she groans.

  A second later I hear voices at the fence and then the distinct sound of someone jumping the fence. Axel comes into my vision. He squats down beside Harley and askes, “She okay?”

  Harley growls, “I don’t know!”

  He leans down and leans my head to the side. “Looks like he got her good.”

  Harley says, “I know. I don’t know what to do…. I need to find Hanna, but I can’t leave her. What if something happens to her?”
r />   “I’m fine, I just need to get up.” I grumble.

  “Nah, you need to stay right there for a second.” he says looking towards the fence. “Hey Cass you think you and Moose can take my car and look for their sister. Her name is Hanna.”

  They both nod.

  “This happen often?” he asks.

  “None of your business.” I growl.

  “Enough, it happens enough. He was going to pawn her car. Mom left her that car. She cares more about that car than anything. He can’t fuckin’ have it.” Harley yells.

  “Harley...” I say pulling myself to a sitting position. Axel helps putting his hand on my back. Chill bumps break out all over my skin. “Harley, it’s… It’s fine.”

  “It’s not fine for someone to put their hands on you.” Axel says calmly.

  Anger starts building in the middle of my gut and I growl, “You mean like you did last night!”

  He actually reddens in the cheeks and says, “I’m sorry about that, but that was different than this. I was pretty drunk and I still never would have hurt you like that.”

  Harley whispers, “Harlow, it’s not okay for him to do that to you.”

  I try to climb to my feet and feeling a little woosie I make it, “I can handle it as long as he is leaving you and Hanna alone.”

  “When will it be enough Harlow, when he kills you.” Harley starts crying. “He loves hitting you in the head. All it takes is one hit to the head to end it all.” I wrap my arms around her and whispers, “It’s not going to get that bad, I promise.” Axel has his hand on my sides to keep me steady to keep me from falling over on my sister or my ass.

  She growls and says, “You can’t promise that sissy. You know how he gets, you can’t promise that.”

  Axel looks at her and says, “I can.”

  I shove his hands away and say, “I can take care of my sisters and me. What the hell are you going to do?”

  He looks angry now and he says, “I don’t know, but I’m not going to sit around and watch you get beat to death so yes I would do something.”

  “Whatever.” I growl and shove away from both of them. I’m headed in the house when his blue car pulls into the driveway. I stop and watch as a teary eyed Hanna climbs from the car and runs to me with tears running down her cheeks. I wrap my arms around her and whisper, “I’m fine Hanna Banana, I’m fine. Look at me. I’m not hurt, not bad anyways.”

  She whimpers and says, “Does it hurt?”

  I touch my temple and lie. “Nope, not one bit!”

  She wipes her tears and whispers, “Those boys are crazy.” glancing back over her shoulder at the two boys leaning against the blue car watching us. Harley and Axel stood where I had left them staring. I lean down and whisper in Hanna’s ear, “All boys are crazy.”

  She starts giggling and wipes the tears from her eyes, “Can we eat ice cream and watch a movie?”

  I smile and say, “Sure you pick it and fix a couple bowls and Harley and me will be in in a minute.”

  She nods and runs off.

  I glance at everyone again and when my eyes land on Axel, he looked sad. He drops his head giving it a good shake as he turns and walks to the car. Harley calls out, “Thanks you guys. I know you didn’t have to do what you did. My sisters never going to say it, but she is grateful as well.” Axel glances back and gives a slight smile to Harley. Moose and Cass smiled and said, “No problem.”

  She turns looking at me, “That was wrong Harlow Drake Dubose. They were trying to help and God knows with a Dad like the one we have we need someone who’s on our side.”

  “Harley my head hurts and I don’t want to argue. It’s over, just let it be done.” I ask as the car pulls from the driveway.

  “No! I’m not going to let this go. You were a bitch. That’s not okay! What the hell? You can’t treat people like that. Not when they are willing to help you.” she growls. “You need to apologize.” She storms past me and up to her room where she slams her bedroom door.

  WHAT THE FUCK! Shaking my head I turn and head inside and to the downstairs bathroom. I used a washcloth to clean my head up. We start school tomorrow and I’m hoping I don’t start with a bruised face. This fuckin’ sucked. Why’d he have to come home and start his shit today? He knows I’ll never give him Betty. He came home looking for a fight. Someone to take his frustration out on. Me! He came here for me. I knew I’d never let him hit Harley or Hanna. He knew exactly what he was doing. I was his intended target.

  I finished cleaning up my face and head to the living room. Halfway into the movie Harley finally joins us. She was sulking until Hanna thrust a bowl of popcorn in her direction. Hanna lays on my lap and falls asleep. This move was turning to shit really fast. I just hope it’ll be awhile before Dad comes back around. I was still fighting a migraine and I'll be damned if I was going to complain about it to Harley. She was already terrified Dad was going to kill me.

  Chapter 6

  School here starts at eight pm so we were up at seven. Hanna went to the middle school while Harley and I went to the High School. Hanna was a social butterfly and makes friends quickly. I hope she does well here as well. Harley was too and she always tried to drag me along. I was a loner. I used to be normal until Mom died and Dad moved us the first time and I was put in a situation that got me hurt. I avoid people for self-preservation. I was beat beyond recognition by a group of boys who thought they could get into my pants. When I wouldn’t give it up they beat me. They didn’t rape me, but it would have been better if they had. I was nearly killed and all Dad did was move us. After that I stopped making friends and talking to strangers. I got into cars and skating and learned to fight. I learned to protect myself somewhat. I more or less learned to protect my sisters. Something died in me a long time ago. I feel alive when I am driving my car. The faster the car goes the more alive I feel. I was actually pretty good at racing back in Ohio. I need to find somewhere to race around here. There has got to be some kids around here who race.

  This morning started off with a bang. Hanna and Harley are fighting over the bathroom. Harley is complaining because everytime she turns her straightener on the break trips. So now she is in the downstairs bathroom grumbling about not having any room in this piece of shot house. Hanna is brushing her teeth and combing her hair. I pull on a pair of black skinny jeans and a long sleeve white thrasher t shirt. I pull on my hair into a ponytail and spray it to hell, add a little eyeliner and mascara and some lip gloss and I’m done. Grabbing my bag I headed downstairs to the kitchen where I fix Hanna a bowl of her favorite cereal Captain Crunch. I poor a cup of coffee and load it with sugar and creamer. While I’m waiting for it to cool so I can drink it I pull my worn out vans on. Hanna is sitting at the counter eating her cereal when someone knocks on the door.

  Anxiety beats through my system like a bullet ricocheting through my body. I crack the door and the big guy from next door is standing there.

  “Hey.” I say quietly.

  “Hey. I was wondering if I could give your sister a ride to school. The little one.” he says nervously.

  I cock my eyebrow at him like he’s lost his mind.

  “Not like that. I mean I have to take my brother Ace and my sister Misty to the Middle School and figured she could ride with us. I mean if she wanted to and if it was ok with you.” he rambles on. I look outside at his car. There’s a chic sitting in the front seat and two kids about Hanna’s age in the back waiting patiently. I glanced at him and look at Hanna. “Hanna, Moose wants to know if you want to ride with him to school. He has to drop his brother and sister at the middle school and they are about your age?”

  Hanna drops her spoon in the bowl and grabs her bag heading for the door “Sure.” She reaches the door and slams on brakes turning and throwing her arms around me. Then she is out the door without another word.

  “My girlfriend Jessi usually pick them up and bring them home and I ride with Axel and Cass. Is it cool for her to ride home with them or do you wanna pick her up?
” he asks politely.

  “It’s up to her, just let Harley or me know what she says before the end of the day.” I say quietly.

  He nods and says, “Will do. Talk to you later.”

  “Later.” I say half-heartedly.

  I shut the door. I go back to my coffee in the kitchen and Harley steps out of the bathroom, “Who was that?”

  “Moose.” I say.

  “And? What did he want?” she asks.

  “To take Hanna to school.” I say paying more attention to my coffee than her.

  “What?” she questions.

  “He has a brother and sister Hanna’s age. He offered to give her a ride with them and his girlfriend Jessi to pick them up. Hanna wanted to go so I let her go.” I say.

  “Ooo geez Harlow, you could have said that. I thought the dude was creepin’ on Hanna!” she says.

  I nearly snort coffee through my nose. “Are you ready now? I’d prefer not to be late on our first day at a new school.”

  “Yes I guess anyways.” Harley grumbles. She has makeup caked on her face and her hair is straightened. It looks phenomenal, but it’s completely unnecessary. She is gorgeous without it. She has on a pair of skin tight black skinny jeans and a t shirt she has tied at her back so it shows the slightest bit of her stomach. Of course she is wearing vans. Hell that's all me, her or Hanna own. Other than my hooker boots and combat boots. My hooker boots used to be my moms and they make me feel beautiful. I don’t wear them often but when I do, they are hot as hell.

  Harley grabbed her bag and I grabbed mine and the keys from the counter. When we get in Betty a calmness over takes me and I feel at peace. The drive to school is about ten minutes, so I take that time to try and calm my nerves.

  Harley is singing along to the radio while twirling her hair around her finger.


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