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Harlow and Axel (Anniston Secrets Book 1)

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by J. N. Pack

  When we pull in the school parking lot my nerves go through the roof. Harley looks at me and noticing the expression on my face, she says, “Suck it up buttercup! We can’t stay home and even if we did Dad would probably show up and I’d rather be here than there with him.”

  Nodding I know she’s right, but I feel a huge panic attack coming on. I take a couple deep breaths calming myself and finally open my door. Harley and I climb out to start our first day at Anniston High School. We were not excited. Or I wasn’t anyways! Harley could care less.

  Chapter 7

  Walking into a new school was hard. I hated being around people I didn’t know, I always felt like someone was out to get me. I never felt safe and my anxiety level was through the roof. Walking down the hall there is whispering going on all around us. Harley ignores it and I do my best only glancing around a couple of times before we walk into the office. In the office we are hand our locker number and schedule. The principal introduces himself as Principal Greg Lancer. He gives us a rundown of all the rules and sends us on our way. He seemed like an idiot. A complete moron, but here he was boss. Harley stops before we enter the hallway and says “Harlow, it’s going to be fine. I can see your mind running about a million miles a minute. Just chill out, no one is going to hurt you here. You are looking at people like they kicked your dog or something horrendous. Just relax. You are not the same little girl you were back then. I promise you will be fine.” I let out the air I had been holding and nodded. It wasn’t going to be easy, but I would try.

  Mr. Lancer gave us a pass to class, after leaving the office we went our separate ways and I found mine rather quickly. I hated fuckin Math and guess who has calculus first period. Yeah that would be me. This was going to suck. I open the door and all eyes instantly turn to me. I was not ready to be the new girl again. Keeping my head down I take the pass to the teacher and she asks my name.

  “Harlow Dubose.” I say quietly.

  “Well Miss Dubose, I’m Mrs. Birch. Take a seat so we can get back to it.” she says.

  I look up and take the only seat available which happens to be beside Moose, whom I’m sure is sleeping. Mrs. Birch picks up a ruler smacking it on his desk.

  He jerks his head up and says “Ten the answers ten.” causing the class to bust out laughing.

  I smirk and then focus all of my attention on taking notes from the board hoping and praying I wasn’t behind.

  Mrs. Birch carries on with her lecture and I can feel Moose’s eyes keep straying to me. Even when I’m not taking notes I kept my eyes down on my paper doodling. I try to avoid any form of attention at all and I’m doing good until third period.

  Third period I have Chemistry. We are paired in groups of two. I happened to be partnered with a dick. Quiet literally the biggest douchebag ever. I take my seat and when he makes his way over, he puts his hand on my hip and whispers in my ear, “You’re new around here aren’t you?”

  Doing my best to remove his hand from my hip I shove at it and growl, “Can’t get one past you huh?”

  He leans forward getting in my space and says, “You looking for some fun?”

  I look at him in complete disbelief. “That would be a NO!” I say trying to put some space between us. He can’t take a hint though and keeps following me. I start to say something, but someone beats me to it.

  “Hendricks, think you can get out the girls bubble?” Axel said from behind us.

  The boy looks at Axel and says, “Oooo this one belongs to you?”

  “I don’t belong to anyone. “ I say quietly.

  Axel growls, “Not funny Hendricks. Don’t push me! Obviously she don’t want your attention, so go throw it at someone else.”

  The guy smirks and says, “Sounds like you might be a little jealous Axel!”

  Axel actually smirks and walks over to us getting nose to nose with the guy, “Of you? Doubt that! Move!”

  Hendricks grabs his things from the desk and Axel takes his place. Thankfully the rest of the class is quiet.

  After third period is lunch. So thankful to get out of there I nearly tripped over a desk. Axel reaches out catching me with ease. He has a smirk on his face as he says, “Watch your step.” Then he turns and leaves the classroom.

  I leave the classroom and head towards the cafeteria. Seconds after walking out of the classroom, I’m slammed against the wall and Hendricks is nose to nose with me. Fear fills me from the inside out and anxiety starts to coil in my stomach. “Look, I can be a nice guy or I can be a very bad guy. You don’t want me to be the bad guy.”

  “Wh… wh...what?” I say, my voice wavering.

  “Means exactly what I said. I can make your life hell. You don’t want that. Axel cares about Axel, trust that. If you aren’t fucking him this nice guy act want last long. He want protect you from me when he’s done playing.”

  I shove my knee into his groin and shove out of his reach, “Don’t ever fuckin’ touch me again.”

  He’s hunched over in the hallway holding himself. I slowly walked around him and made my way to the cafeteria. I stop just outside the door trying to get control of my nerves, but nearly failing. When I think I’m good, I make my way in.

  Chapter 8

  Finally able to catch my breath I open the doors and find the closest line for food. The food here looks like shit, but it’s food and I can’t afford to be picky when it’s free. I grab a slice of shitty looking pizza and a cup of fruit. I walk a little further and grab a bottle of water. I glance around for my sister and see her sitting with another girl. I make my way over and sit across from her.

  “What’s wrong Harlow? You’re as white as a ghost.” Harley says. The girl beside her looking slightly concerned as well.

  “I’m good.” I say trying not to make a big deal out of the jackass in the hall. Trying to ignore the anxiety I feel.

  Harley grins and says, “Laylin this is my sister, Harlow. Harlow this is Laylin, my new friend.”

  I slightly smiled and gave a little wave. Harley and Laylin start talking and I assess the girl. She pretty, really pretty. Green eyes, Brown hair and petite. Her eyes are huge. She keeps glancing over at the table I just noticed Axel, Moose and Cass are sitting at. The girl sitting next to Moose I’m assuming is Jessi, has long red hair. Not like the dyed red hair, like the orangish red hair that people get naturally. She’s tall and super skinny. Axel glances from Cass whom he was talking to and notices me looking at them and smirks. I glance away and try and avoid looking at the table again, until a girl says, “Harlow?” I glance up and see Jessi standing there. “Yea?” I ask.

  “I am picking Moose’s brother and sister up this afternoon and Hanna said she’d like to ride as well, I just wanted to make sure that was ok with you. I don’t mind, she seems really sweet.” The girls voice seemed sugar sweet.

  “Uh.” was all I could manage.

  “That’s fine. I’m sure she is enjoying having some new friends her age.” Harley says.

  Jessi’s eyes twitch like she didn’t like Harley talking for me, but she smiles and says, “Oh her and Misty were two peas in a pod this morning. I’m sure they are going to be besties.” She glances at me again like she wants me to say something, but I’m afraid if I do I’ll just embarrass myself more. I look back at my food and Harley says, “I’m Harley. I’m Harlow’s other sister.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. Both of you. If you girls ever wanna hang out or something I live right next door. I’ve been hanging out with Moose and the boys so long I forgot what girl time is like.”

  Harley snorts and starts laughing, “I don’t mean to laugh, but we really aren’t too girly. We do the whole cars and skateboard thing. We wouldn’t fit into the whole girly thing, but we would love to hang out sometime.”

  “Oooo okay. We can still hang out sometime.” she says. “Well I better get back to my boy before he gets in trouble.”

  Harley smiles sweetly and says. “Later.”

  As she walks away she puts a hand on my
shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze before removing it and continuing to their table.

  Laylin leans forward and whispers, “Her and Moose have been together for a long time. She got pregnant last year, but they got into a care accident and she lost the baby.”

  “What?” Harley says.

  Laylin continues, “Yea girl. Jessi is super sweet. We used to be close up until Axel and me broke up.” When she said that my eyes come up from my food like I’m following the conversation, but I just wanted to see what he dated. The type of girl he dated.

  “What happened there?” Harley askes.

  “Weeee Ll, lets just say I did some shit he didn’t like and it was something that he couldn’t get over.” she says. “Now we can’t even be in the same room, because he thinks I want him back, but honestly I’m into girls.”

  Harley looks at her and holds her hands up and say, “Hey boo, I’m into dudes.”

  Laylin laughs and says, “You’re good, I have a type and you ain’t it chic.” laughing.

  I glanced at the boys table and notice Cass and Axel are both looking at me. Both look somewhat concerned. I glance away feeling the food churning in my stomach. I don’t like feeling like people are pitying me or feeling sorry for me. I don’t like the feeling that people think I can’t take care of myself. I need a fuckin’ cigarette.

  I listen to Harley and Laylin gossip a little more and when the bell rings I head to my locker after dumping the rest of my tray. I toss everything I don’t need in my locker and head to my next class. I see Hendricks at then end of the hall headed my way and I quickly duck into my class. Luckily he didn’t have the same class and left rather quickly. Seconds later Moose, Axel, and Jessi stride into the class together. Jessi smiles brightly and Moose and Axel nod. Jessi takes the seat beside me and Axel behind me, while Moose sits behind Jessi. I thought my anxiety would spike, but it doesn’t. I feel a whole lot calmer than I did when I thought Hendricks was going to be in this class to. I can feel Axel prop his feet in the basket under my desk. I quickly copy all the notes from the board and pay as close attention as I can with Axel burning a hole in the back of my head. Luckily the class goes by quickly and so does the rest of school. When the final bell rings I head straight to my car tossing my bag in the backseat. I climb in and wait for my slow ass sister. I finally see her and Laylin coming out of the school together. She waves goodbye to Laylin and heads to the car.

  “Guess what?” she says.

  “You’re a lesbo?” I say sarcastically.

  She laughs and says, “Nah, she’s nice, but I don’t think she’s got what it takes to turn me.”

  As I pull out of the parking lot I says, “Never know if you never try.”

  “I’m good! GUESS WHAT?” she says.

  “What?” I groan.

  “Laylin has the hookup for a race this weekend.” Harley says.

  “What?” I say excitedly.

  “Hell yeah. She is supposed to call me today and give me the details.” Harley says.

  “Fuck YEA!” I say.

  Chapter 9


  I’m pulling into Drake’s driveway when my phone starts ringing. Schools only been out for an hour who the fuck is calling me. Moose and Cass knew I was coming to help Drake out. I glance at my phone and see Zeds name on the screen.

  “What’s up?” I say answering the phone.

  “I got the call mate. Ohio is going to be racing Friday night. He will be racing Moose.” Zed says.

  “Gotcha. Any idea who the driver is?” I asked.

  “Nah Mate, no clue. Find out Friday night.” he says.

  “Okay I’ll pass it on to Moose. Laters.” I say.

  “Later.” Zed says.

  I toss my phone in the passenger seat and climb out. I’ve been working with Drake to get something on my Dad for the past year. So far everything we get he covers. My Dad owns nearly all of this town and what he doesn’t own Drake owns. Drake is a good guy. I mean he’s not perfect, but he has better plans for this place than my Dad. My Dad runs this place like the mafia. Uses his fist, well other people’s fist, more like guns to get his way. He uses drugs to rule and keep people under his thumb. Hell, he even has girls from the high school stripping in his club. Some even go as far as prostituting for him. Drake isn’t like that. He’s actually trying to make Anniston a better place. My Dad got Drake’s son Andrew hooked on heroin and Andrew overdosed. There’s a story, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but people say Drake was in love with a girl from here a long time ago. The story says that my Dad made the girl leave town while she was pregnant with Drake’s kid. I don’t know how much of that is true, but I do know they hate each other. Honestly I don’t blame Drake. My Dad is a real piece of work. He beat my mom and me and my brother. When my mom got tired of it she left making him pay for a house for us. He was a jackass and bought a house in the ghetto just to get back at her for leaving. He didn’t fight her when she wanted to leave though. He had a parade of women in and out and this just made it easier.

  “Axel, welcome.” Drake says from the door.

  “Hey.” I say.

  I follow him into the living room where we sit. “Anything new?” I ask.

  Drake shakes his head, “No, my guy on the inside at the club is working on it, but he says he hasn’t had a shift with the girl yet. He said he’s new so Marcus is moving him up slowly. What about you?”

  “Not about Dad. There was a new dude racing last Friday. Some no name guy.” I say.

  “You win?” he asks.

  I look at him like he had lost his mind. “Fuck yeah I won. Zed called when I was pulling in.”

  “Yea he told me there was a guy from Ohio who had made a name for himself that moved to town.” Drake says.

  “Yea well Zed got the call today. He set the first race up for Friday with Moose.” I say.

  “That's a good idea. You can see how good the guy is.” Drake says.

  “True. Not that I’m worried.” I say.

  Drake smiles and says, “There’s not much difference in being cocky and confident.”

  I laugh at that and say, “I’ve work my ass off to be this good, I’ve earned this confidence.”

  Drake laughs and says, “I’ll be out there Friday night. I had some stuff I had to take care of last Friday.”

  “Good. I’ll see you then. I’ll let you know if I see or hear anything. Hopefully soon.” I say.

  Drake nods. “Hopefully. Be careful kid. Bye now.” he says as I walk out the door.

  I make my way back home and find Moose and Cass in the front yard with Moose’s little brother Ace. They are throwing a football around. Ace is a pint size carbon copy of Moose, but a bit more temperamental and with a lot more attitude. Their little sister Misty is the complete opposite of the two. She’s quiet. She doesn’t go out of her way to talk to people so her taking to Hanna was a surprise. I think they could both use a friend. Even though I do see the way Hanna keeps peaking at Ace when she’s sure he’s not looking. Moose and Cass meet me at the car when I climb out.

  “You’ve got a race Friday night against Ohio.” I inform Moose.

  “Ohio?” he asks.

  “Some guy from Ohio who is supposed to have made a name in Ohio. Us Anniston boys need to show him what Bama’s all about!” I say enthusiastically.

  “Riii Gggghhhh Tt!” Moose says.

  I glance over at the neighbors and see Harlow sitting on the motor of the car under the hood fiddling with the engine. That girl is a mystery I’d love to unravel.

  Chapter 10

  I’m so excited about the race coming this weekend all I can focus on is my car. My Dad shows up while I’m sitting under the hood of my car looking over the motor. I know its him as soon as the truck pulls up and my body instantly tenses ready for whatever he is going to throw my way today. He climbs out and strides over to the car. He tosses a wad of cash at me and says, “Get some food for your sisters.” He stalks into the house and up the stairs where he s
lams his door. I’d say I was surprised, but I’m not, he’s treated me this way since mom died. Yea he gets angry with Harley and Hanna and he has tried to lay hands on them, but me, he can’t stand me. He doesn’t want anything to do with me. The only time he has anything to do with me is when he puts hands on me or he’s tossing cash at me to pay some bill. It’s usually not enough and ends up taking money from my get out of town fund. I’m starting to come to terms with the fact that as long as my sisters are here I’m never going to leave. That the only out I have is when he completely takes me out.

  “You good?” someone asks.

  I glance around the hood and find Cass and Axel standing there looking at me concerned. Harley’s not here to bail me out so I have no choice, but to talk. “I’m fine. He seems sober and maybe he want be here for long anyways. Maybe he’ll be gone again in the morning.”

  Understanding shows in their eyes and Axel hopes the fence walking to the side of my car, “Hand me your phone.”

  I look at him and ask, “Why?”

  “Just hand it.” he says.

  I hand him my phone and wait anxiously as he types on my screen. He finally turns it towards me and says, “This is my number, if you need help, don’t hesitate to call it. If you can’t get to your phone send one of your sisters for me. Whether you say it or not I can see that you are scared.”

  “Ho...How do you know?” I stutter.

  “Because you’ve just said more to us in the past few seconds then you have since you got her.” he winks and hops back across the fence walking away with Cass by his side.

  Once I’m done messing with my car, I lock it up and head inside. After making sure Harley and Hanna have eaten I send Hanna to bath and clean the kitchen. When I’m done I watch TV with them. Finally unable to hold my eyes open I head up the stairs and climb straight into the shower. Once I’m out and in some sweats and a hoodie I pull my phone out and send a text.

  Harlow: Thanks.


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