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Wicked Dirty Games (Dirty Billionaire Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Gemma Berlanti

He chuckled deeply.

  “I’m going to show you that someone can break that bad habit of yours.”

  “Are you challenging me, Miss Montgomery?” His smile was a sneer, and he seemed to be happy about the so-called challenge.

  “You like challenges.”

  “Oh, I love them,” he said darkly. “I thrive on them.”

  She bit her lip to keep him from hearing her shaky breath. With four little words he had her pulse racing.

  “I wasn’t challenging you. I was merely stating a fact.”


  “Yes, I was, sir.”

  “Okay, we’ll see,” he said, his voice husky.

  Lila heard a shout and glanced up to see a group of men playing pool.

  “Hmm, haven’t done that in a while,” she said. “I bet I’m rusty.”

  She stood and moved toward the group of men.

  “What are you doing?” he called after her.

  She ignored his call.

  “Hey, can I join?”

  The group of them turned their attention to Lila, and she gave her winning smile.

  “Sure, why not, love?” one of them said, handing Lila a pool cue.

  “Let’s see what she has,” another said with an arrogant grin.

  “One minute,” she said.

  She made her way back to Killean.

  “You wanna play?” she asked.

  The corner of his mouth curved into a devilish smile.

  “Depends what kind of game you want me to engage in, Lila,” he murmured.

  “You’re flirting with me,” she said. “Do you play pool?”

  “Yes. But I’m a bit rusty at these kinds of sporting activities.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll stand behind you and demonstrate, Mr. Knight.”

  He let out a husky laugh. “You’ll hold my personal cue top and bottom too?”

  There was definitely a sexual innuendo in that if the gleam in his emerald eyes was any indication.

  “We’ll see.”

  He stood and towered over her. She stepped back a little and then turned to lead the way.

  Half an hour later, the small group had turned into a full out match, with Killean and Lila taking the lead. The guys who had been playing were worn out.

  “I think they’re getting intimidated,” Killean murmured in her ear.

  His warm breath made her skin tingle. They’d managed not to invade each other’s personal space all night, but things were starting to get a little tight, as though there weren’t enough space for both of them. Lila’s skin had become hypersensitive with his closeness.

  “By you,” she answered. “Do you always play so rough?”

  He looked down at her with a smirk. “In every way possible.”

  She returned his smirk.

  “Are you two lovers ready for round four?” the one called Jack asked.

  “Your girlfriend is kicking our asses,” he said with a smile. “She’s fierce.”

  “Oh, no, he’s not my boy—” she began, but the boys were already putting their balls in place on the table.

  “I think we should call it a night,” she said when she saw that it was half past twelve. “As it is, I have to be out early tomorrow and so do you. If you’re fully intoxicated, I’ll drive myself home.”

  “I’m sober,” he said, putting his pool cue back in place.

  After almost four hours, she thought she’d be immune to him, but she was wrong. As he walked toward her with that sleek grace, it was obvious he was very comfortable and confident in his skin. She envied him. But it was also unfair because while he could maintain his beautiful façade, he affected others, affected her.

  He helped her into her coat, and they made their way out. She was happy when Killean turned up the heat inside the car. She reached for her seatbelt, but the thing got stuck.

  “Let me,” he offered.

  He leaned toward her, and she held her breath. She was barely aware of what he was doing; just that he was in her personal space. When he was finished, he leaned away and fixed his seatbelt.

  “You can let your breath go now, Lila.”


  Lila gaped at him. He knew his effect on her and he was enjoying it. From the corner of her eyes, she saw him smiling. Great, now he’s enjoying an inside joke on my behalf.

  “Do you always indulge?” she asked him.

  “You mean in dark tastes and fetishes?” he rephrased. “Don’t we all?”

  His answer was cryptic, but she didn’t push.

  When they arrived at the condo, all the lights were off. India must be in bed. As she ascended to the last step, she tripped. The irony of it made her giggle. Killean was supposed to be the inebriated one; he’d drunk more beers than she could manage.

  “Drunk much?” he murmured as his arm lashed out to catch her before she landed face down. His large palm was pressed flat to over abdomen, and her breath caught. Killean was always catching her off guard.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m fine. I’m just clumsy. And blind too, how sexy.” She stood upright, and his hand fell away. “Thanks for tonight, Mr. Knight.”

  “So we’re back to that now,” he mocked.

  “I’ll see you when I see you,” Lila said finally.

  He looked up at her as though he wanted to say or do something else. Lila knew it was that look a man gave a woman when he wanted to kiss her.

  Then he said, “Goodnight, Lila.”

  Her hope was shattered, and it shocked her how badly she’d been hoping for it but refused to accept the truth. She’d stupidly thought he wanted to kiss her. Of course not. Killean Knight was like this with all the women he associated with “socially.” Lila’s lips twisted ruefully. Of course, socially. Lila drunkenly didn’t understand the pang of disappointment she felt as he turned and walked back to his car. What could he possibly see in me? The only thing attractive about her was her coordinating skills, and as Aiden would say, her intelligence. Tonight was only a game. It was stupid of her, but she wanted to cry.


  As Lila stared at India’s BMW, the radio came on and The Neighborhood’s “Afraid” blasted through the speakers. It was her turn to go shopping for groceries. The songs made her feel nostalgic about something she wanted but couldn’t have. India’s car was a little too modern for Lila’s taste. She preferred vintage cars. As she stepped out, a slight breeze blew up her little dress. She slapped the fabric down frantically, glancing around to make sure no one had noticed anything. Everybody seemed too self-absorbed to care, one of the many beauties of New York.

  She made her way inside the supermarket and picked up a trolley and started down the aisle, picking up as she went based on the grocery list. She was only coming back up the aisle when she felt an odd tingle along her spine. Lila rubbed her nape, and then a very familiar chuckle followed.

  She glanced over her shoulder to find Killean with his hand on a trolley. But he wasn’t alone. There was a brunette leaning closer to him, murmuring in his ear. He looked entirely out of place in this setting and odd doing something so domestic.

  He looked up and their eyes met and his mouth curved up in that sexy smirk.

  “Lila, what a coincidence,” he said, abandoning his lady friend and trolley.

  “Hey.” Lila’s lips parted on a rush of breath. “I thought you would be at the office controlling.”

  He smiled. “Millionaires need rest too.”

  “Multi-billionaires,” she corrected.

  “Right, those too.”

  Lila picked up a jug of milk, and Killean mimicked her action. His friend came up to them, and she could see the striking resemblance. Her waist-length raven hair and the green eyes could not be mistaken.

  “Who’s your friend?” she asked.

  His hand settled in the small of Lila’s back. “Claudia, this is Lila Montgomery.”

  “Oh, so it was her name that you muttered last night when you were sprawled asleep
on the sofa.”

  Lila glanced at Killean to see his face flushed. A smile crept up on her face.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lila,” she said with an edge to her voice. “How did you two meet?”

  “At Columbia—”

  “At Columbia—”

  Both of them spoke at the same time but then stopped abruptly to look at each other.

  “At Columbia,” Claudia finished. “Are you a student?”

  “I have a business degree, and I am currently doing my master’s in psychology,” Lila told her. “I assist my professor, who’s not so big on organizing.”

  She seemed impressed. “Too bad, because Killean could use some great organizing skills. Remember last night at home? Such a mess.”

  There was something insincere about this woman. Lila was very aware Claudia wanted her to believe she was much more than a friend to Killean. Either that or she was staking her claim.

  “It would be a conflict of interest,” Lila told her. “We know each other.”

  Killean and Lila’s gaze met knowingly before his eyes dropped to her mouth with blatant interest.

  “Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Claudia.”

  Reaching out, Lila touched Killean’s shoulder. “I’ll see you later,” she said.

  “Want to make that wish come true?” he asked, taking her hand into his, weaving their fingers together. The sparks between them flew, and from the look in his eyes she knew he felt it too. It took her completely off her guard, and she stared down at their knotted fingers for a long time, trying to process what might be going on.

  The other night she’d thought he wanted to kiss her but she’d been mistaken. And now he was showing her more signs. She was so confused. He was warm one minute, and then he was intimidating and extremely sexual and confusing the next. Why did he have to be so mercurial? She met his gaze and he was looking too. She removed her hand from his and stepped away.

  Lila liked him, and she knew from the way he always looked at her that he liked her too. But she didn’t want to get into anything other than friendship with this man. Deep down Lila knew that would be like playing with fire. And she hated anything that burned. Killean Knight was dark and dangerous, and he would burn her.


  Lila was the one who answered the door. India was still upstairs getting dressed. Ian and Aiden greeted her with smiles. Both men came bearing gifts for dinner.

  “Come on in.”

  Lila didn’t really know Ian personally except he and her dad coincidentally shared the same first name. When both sisters were younger, he would come around but India would keep him to herself. He’d always been handsome, but he’d grown into an Adonis. India joined them a few minutes later, and she couldn’t take her eyes off him. Lila smiled as her lips parted at the sight of Ian running his fingers through his dark hair. He caught India staring, and for a brief moment they stared at each other until he smiled. She glanced away quickly, blushing.

  India was sporting her favorite figure-hugging halter-back champagne-colored dress. Lila kept it simple in an ice blue sheath dress.

  “Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?” Aiden whispered.

  Lila followed his gaze to the two at the kitchen island.

  “He loves her,” Aiden murmured. “Damn, he wants her.”

  She met his cappuccino gaze. “How do you know that?”

  “He just told me so.”

  “What! You two just met. How’d you get all of that from him?”

  His grin was infectious. “I am a charmer of all the species.”

  “I don’t doubt that. What did he say?”

  “He said he is scared that if he tells her how he feels and they get together, if something goes wrong they won’t ever be the same. Their friendship would be ruined.”

  “Oh,” Lila said, absorbing what he’d said.

  “I think he should tell her. I mean, they’ve been friends for years. It’s a wasted torture. They know each other well. I always thought it was a wonderful idea for most couples who are friends to be together. No one else knows them like they do.”

  The glass froze at her lips, and she looked up at him. How about us? He met her gaze, and they stared at each other for a long time. They were both thinking the same thing.

  “Aren’t you two coming for dinner, or do you prefer staring at each other?”

  Lila glanced away from his gaze at an excited India. She was bouncing all over the place, her cheeks flushed and her eyes filled with something that was so familiar when Ian was around. Love.

  Lila was happy for India. At least she was on the verge of getting what she’d always wanted. Lila took another gulp of wine and saw Ian’s hand go under the table and India met his gaze. Lila watched as her hand moved from her lap to enclose his.

  “Who wants dessert?” she asked.

  She left the table and brought out the gooey chocolate cake she had baked earlier. She served Ian, and Aiden and Lila helped themselves. Afterward they had small chats, and Aiden and Lila decided to give them some alone time. Lila grabbed her purse and slipped out unnoticed with Aiden. They walked downtown Manhattan until they finally ended up at their favorite Café Blue, for a late snack of iced coffee.

  The usual jingle of a bell above the door didn’t catch Lila’s attention as she laughed at Aiden’s joke. She only glanced up when she heard that familiar voice speaking to a waitress. She glanced over her shoulder at Killean. What a coincidence that they happened to be in the same place tonight. Was he stalking her? Their eyes collided and he seemed surprised. But his expression went from surprise to a slight frown as his eyes averted to Aiden.

  “That’s my cue. Your boyfriend is here,” Aiden said.

  “Don’t be dramatic.”

  From the corner of her eyes, she saw Killean walking over to them.

  “Hi,” he said, his smile for her.


  His eyes darted to Aiden.

  “Aiden, this is Killean Knight. Killean, this is my best friend, Aiden Garcia.”

  Killean held out a hand, and Aiden took it. Both men looked at each other with narrowed eyes. Knowing Aiden, he was probably enjoying this.

  “We ended up in the same place again.” He smiled. “I guess our fates are sealed.”

  “It’s true what they say—it’s a small, small world.”

  “Lila, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Aiden said. He stood and leaned in as though he were going to hug her but she felt his lips at her ear as he whispered, “Remember to use protection,” then kissed her cheek and drew away. Killean’s eyes never left hers as he took the other stool.

  “So what brings you here?” she asked.

  “This has been my favorite café since Columbia.”

  They sat in silence for a moment. She kept sipping on her coffee to avoid his eyes and the fact that she had nothing to say.

  “I came to look for you yesterday. Langman told me you weren’t in the office.”

  “It was my day off.”

  “I’ll bear that in mind next time.”

  She placed her almost empty plastic cup on the table. She glanced around for the waitress to order another, but Killean kept distracting her.

  “Your friend is a very good actor.”

  She raised an eyebrow. So they were back on Aiden now. Was he such a threat to Killean’s ego or his great hidden agenda?

  “I told him to audition for the Vampire Diaries and Devious Maids, but he didn’t listen to me. He thinks if he can’t star with your infamous friend, it’s not worth his time.”

  Killean was amused by this revelation.

  “Katherine? Unfortunately, Kate likes men with lots of money and titles, both in bed and on screen.”

  Did he mean men like him? She was curious as to what his answer would be. “Men like you.” She probably sounded like a clingy, attached bitch. But what could she do? He was a matter of interest and fascination since the day she met him. She wanted to unravel the mystery that was Kill
ean Knight.

  He glanced away from her for a moment outside at the moving cars. “Katherine and I have been friends since my Columbia days, Lila. We don’t have a sexual interest in each other. Our relationship is purely platonic. Perhaps a long time ago she liked me more than a friend, but I don’t see her like that.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know you’ve known her that long. How did that happen?”

  “She was one of those persons who inspired me to start my own company, dominate the entire world if I could.”

  Lila chuckled at his choice of word. He continued. “I ended up on a movie set by accident, because someone thought I looked like one of the actors who were supposed to star in the film. That’s how Katherine and I met. She had this idea in her head that we could be more than friends.” He smiled devilishly as if enjoying the memory. “I don’t desire her, though she is beautiful, obviously. She’s a good woman and she’s protective of me. She scares all my girlfriends away too. I’m glad I have someone I can share all my deepest, darkest secrets with. I’m sure you know the feeling. You have your friend, Aiden. ”

  “Yes, he’s always been there for me. Does she know about your extracurricular activities?”

  He leaned forward and took her hand in his, his thumb drawing circles on her knuckles.

  “Some things are better left in the dark. I owe my early success to a lot of the women I associate with. Some of them were like mother hens. A few times I was scolded for being too cocky, but it paid off.”

  “You mean your Female Fan club?”

  He smiled. “Glad you see it that way. I only hang out with those women for a reason. They were my inspiration, all of them. I love them the way I love my sisters. And you.”

  He loved her? “What about me?”

  “What you said to me the other day. Since then my young assistant doesn’t look at me under her lashes with fear in her eyes. The receptionist doesn’t cringe every time I’m about to open my mouth. And it did really make me feel better, a lot better. Thank you.”

  “I didn’t do or say anything you didn’t already know, so there’s no nee—”

  “I’m not really an autocratic boss. I just like things to be in order the way I say they are supposed to be.”


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