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Wicked Dirty Games (Dirty Billionaire Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Gemma Berlanti

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “That sounds controlling to me. Stop kidding yourself. Just say you can’t help the need to always be in control.”

  To her utter surprise, he raised her knuckle to his lips and kissed her fingers.

  “I know you felt that spark between us the other day in the supermarket. That’s why you ran away.”

  “Mr. Knight—”

  “Stop being so formal with me. I’m not going to scold you, although it’s tempting now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It means I would like to take you across my knee and spank you, Lila.”

  Her heart rate picked up, remembering how she had thoroughly enjoyed that.

  “I think we already crossed that bridge.”

  He weaved their fingers together, and she felt that spark he was talking about.

  “Feel that?”

  Lila didn’t want to discuss anything regarding feelings with this man. He was still a total stranger to her.

  “Why are we talking about this?” she asked impatiently.

  “It scares you too, doesn’t it?”

  “A lot of things scare me, Killean. Perhaps you’re just one of them.”

  “I scare myself too, sometimes,” he whispered.

  He let go of her hands as though she’d just burned him. She thought she saw a pang of regret in the green depths of his eyes. But he turned away to the waitress, who had come back with his order on a tray.

  “Anything else, sir?” she asked him too sweetly, fluttering her lashes.

  “No, thank you.”

  She tore her gaze from his reluctantly to ask Lila if she needed anything, giving Lila a bored look she understood too well. What’s he doing here with a wallflower like her? Lila purposely gazed at her with distaste, letting her know she’d just been caught red-handed. The silly waitress got the memo because her expression changed. Or maybe she thought Killean was Lila’s boyfriend.

  “Anything for you?” she asked.

  “Just ginger tea to take out, please.”

  She left the table.

  Killean and Lila remained in silence. She could feel him watching her, and God, how wrong the timing was. She left her bravery at home. Thankfully, the waitress came back in record time with their orders.

  “Is that dinner?” Lila asked.

  He smiled. “You got me. My cook Martha comes in three times a week.”

  Lila fidgeted with her teacup as they made their way outside. Her hair blew with the slight wind and her skin was bathed in goose bumps, making her shiver.

  “Cold?” he asked.

  “I forgot to take my coat.”

  “Let me warm you up,” he offered.

  Grasping her waist, he drew her flush against him, enveloping her in his coat. She had to admit it felt nice being this close to him.

  “You are still wary of me,” he said with humor.

  “Nope, I’ve accepted the fact that you might be a man-slut.” She shrugged.

  He threw his head back and laughed, a lock of his dark hair falling over his eye. She couldn’t help but smile as she sipped her warm drink.

  “I like your wit, Lila,” he rasped. “You add a touch of color to my normally black and white world.”

  “I gotta go. Thanks for keeping me warm.”

  “Anytime, love.” He raised his hands to her cheek and caressed the skin. “Soft and sweet,” he murmured, his finger grazing her lower lip. The humor had deflated from his eyes and was replaced by something dark and carnal. “I am not a patient man, Lila,” he said huskily. “When I want something, I go after it, and I’m always victorious in my quest.”

  She swallowed. Was he warning her? The mood around them had changed in such a short span of time because of his bipolar attitude. The air around them was charged with a palpable tension, and she saw his gaze drop to her mouth. On instinct alone, her tongue swiped across her lower lip.

  “W-What?” she stuttered.

  He smiled, but it was forced. Taking her hand, he stopped a cab. She hadn’t realized how close they were standing, and she lifted her head only to graze their lips. Both of them stared at each other before Killean’s large hand grasped her jaw and slanted his mouth hotly over hers, their tongues tangling in a fierce, desperate need.

  When they pulled away, they were both breathing hard. He brushed his lips across her forehead before helping her inside the cab.

  “Sleep well, Lila.”


  Friday Langman and Lila were discussing the Annual Alumni Ball. She knew that Killean would be there as the guest of honor. She hadn’t stopped thinking about him since that explosive kiss outside the cafe. It seemed fate was playing a tricky game with her.

  “Killean Knight will be there.”

  Lila sensed a question between those words.

  “And?” she prompted.

  “You know, if you’re getting a better opportunity elsewhere, don’t let your devotion to me stop you from taking it. You’re young and you need all the experience you can get.”

  Lila turned to face Langman. “What are you talking about?” Had he heard something from someone? He couldn’t possibly know about Killean’s offer. Or could he?

  “Knight Industries.”

  “What about it?”

  “I saw you two talking in the hallway. And they have very good internship programs, I hear…”

  “Yes, I met him.”

  “He’s an impressive young man. He has accomplished so much for his age. We spoke to each other too, about the program. It was enlightening to hear him speak. So if you are getting offers, don’t ignore them.”

  Lila was mad now. Killean had said something to him, no doubt. As the clock struck four, she grabbed her bag and stormed out, taking a cab to downtown Manhattan. Paying the driver, she hurried to the young receptionist’s desk.

  “I need to speak with Killean Knight. It’s urgent!”


  “Montgomery, Lila Montgomery.”

  “Miss Montgomery, Mr. Knight is currently very busy. You should make an appointment.” The fierce look in her eyes seemed to echo, like every other unimportant person.

  “I don’t need an appointment. I need to see him.” She was more than adamant. She wasn’t stupid. CEOs weren’t so busy they couldn’t see any one. What was he up there doing, balancing his revenue for the day?

  “Just send him a message over the intercom and he’ll understand.”

  Lila hated how she sounded, using her association with him to climb her way up. She might as well just crawl into bed with him and ask for a bedtime story.


  The sour-faced receptionist picked up the phone. “Mr. Knight, sorry to bother you, sir, but there’s a very insistent Lila Montgomery here to see you. She says it’s urgent—okay, sir.” The receptionist looked at her begrudgingly.

  “Take the middle elevator up to the twenty-ninth floor.”

  Oh look, how convenient. He has his own elevator. She went up, watching the illuminated numbers change on the panel from one floor to the next, counting, and getting more irritated as the seconds went by. Finally the door opened, and there was a petite brunette waiting. She wore a beautifully tailored black and white pantsuit and heels, her hair pulled up into a bun.

  “This way, Miss Montgomery,” she said politely.

  She led Lila through a similar spectacular lobby. She had to admire the cool tones and ultra-modern settings. It was nice, she decided. The last thing she wanted in her rage was to admit that Knight had taste.

  She opened the door, and Lila stepped into his palatial office. The door closed a few seconds later. He was leaning against the edge of his desk, as though he’d been preparing for her arrival. She hated his sheer confidence and exuberance.

  “You kinky bastard!” she hissed. “Why did you have to interfere in my business when I’d already told you so many times that I will not work for you?”



  He glared at her, jaws clenched and eyes ablaze with green fire. If it were any other day, she’d be scared of him, but not today. Today she was the mad one.

  “I’m not going to be a part of this,” Lila said, waving her hand around vaguely. “I don’t care that you don’t take no for an answer, but you will take it from me. After all, there’s a time for everything. Exercise your controlled autocratic leadership in your empire, not outside it, Killean. Stay away from Langman’s office. And for what it’s worth, stay away from Columbia Business School. It’s boring anyway. You’d have more fun on a movie set!”

  With that, Lila turned and marched to the door to yank it open. It wouldn’t budge, and then it dawned on her. She turned slowly.

  “Killean, open the damn door,” she said in a calm voice.

  He moved off his desk and moved toward her, his gait slow but meaningful and predatory. That annoyed look in his eyes had been replaced by something else, something that told her she should be very scared for what was to come. She braced herself; he would make her yield to his will.

  Finally, they were inches apart. Lila bit down hard on the inside of her jaw, chin high. God, he smelled good, a rich masculine scent that invaded her senses, making her completely aware of him. The heat from his body penetrated through her, making her weak, and her knees threatened to wobble. He looked like the big bad wolf towering over Red Riding Hood.

  “First thing I would like you to know is that the charges you’re laying against me, I never committed those crimes. Secondly, I’m happy to see you here. Finally I’ve got you where I want you.”

  He smiled as though he was the cat that got the canary, reaching forward and running his fingers through her hair, caressing the curly strands between his fingers.

  “I know what you did. You said something to Langman, which would add up with his bizarre comment this evening.”

  “I spoke with Langman, but I never disclosed anything about you and me to him. I’ve decided to respect your choice and your reason because I actually care about you, Lila. But it seems you have no trust or confidence in me.”

  “I thought you liked challenges.”

  “Yes, I do. But you bother me, and I can’t do anything about it.”

  What did that mean? She decided she didn’t want to know.

  He walked to his ivory sofa and took off his jacket, tossing it over the back of the sofa. Her eyes watched as his bicep flexed with his movement and her stomach did somersaults. Oh God, women must have a hard time with this man’s presence. No wonder his assistant was afraid of him. She was really intimidated by his hotness.

  “You didn’t say anything to him?” Her voice was low.

  He turned to face her. “No, Lila, I didn’t. You clearly enjoy your work. Why would I try to steal you away, regardless of the fact that you could do so much better? Columbia is boring, after all.”

  Lila believed him. “I’m sorry I barged in here and accused you. I think I’ll leave.”

  “But you did hurt my feelings, and I think we should do something about that. You are, after all, inside my controlled autocratic environment, and therefore that means I have the right to do to you as I please, as I see fit. Wouldn’t you say that’s fair enough?”

  She turned the gold knob, but it didn’t open. Lila turned, and he was taking calculated predatory steps toward her. His eyes were so hot it felt as though they could undress her.

  “What do you mean?”

  His eyes narrowed. “What do you think I mean?” His voice was a soft purr, laced with unbidden promises.


  “Yes?” he purred.

  “I’m not in the mood.”

  “Let me get you in the mood, then, Lila. And quite frankly you deserve your punishment. That mouth of yours needs discipline.”

  The ramblings of this madman had her pussy soaked with arousal. Her head hurt and her feet were tender because she hadn’t remembered to change into her flats before charging off campus. She adjusted her glasses as he neared. He was just inches from her, pressing her against the glass door.

  “I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. Are you thinking about me too?” He asked the question, but she had the feeling he knew the answer already.

  “And so what?” she asked, despite that little fear creeping up her nape. Deep down she knew what was going to happen if she didn’t get away quickly. “You’re a cocky asshole.”

  “I know you’re intelligent, but I had no idea you had a smart mouth to go with that pretty face. The things I would want to do with your mouth.”

  “I’m confused. Are you complimenting me or insulting me?”

  “It’s a compliment, Lila.”

  She glanced down at her hands, and he chuckled. As she lifted her head, his mouth sealed over hers, hot and fervent. Her lips parted on a sigh, and his tongue invaded her mouth, igniting a ravenous need inside her, kissing her hungrily like he wanted to devour her. He leaned in closer so she was pressed to the door. She could feel all of him, hard and soft at the same time. Lila was unraveling. Her purse landed on the floor with a soft thud.

  She gripped his arms when he spun them around so that his back was facing the door, his mouth still on her. This couldn’t be happening. She dragged her mouth away from his. They felt slightly swollen and tingled.


  “Stop fighting me, Lila. I’ve wanted nothing more than to taste your mouth since I laid eyes on you,” he said, sucking on her lower lip between words. Her nails sank into his arms. “Tell me I don’t affect you because you sure as hell are affecting me.”

  “You can’t get away with kissing me like that,” she murmured.

  He gave a short husky laugh that vibrated through her, sending her cunt into a frenzied spasm and her toes curling.

  “I’m going to get away with a lot of things and you’ll let me. I still remember the feel of your naked flesh. The thought of you makes me high, that innocent look in your eyes when you look at me makes me hard, and I just want to exploit you…fuck you into submission.”

  Lila moaned, and her arousal soaked her panties. She closed her eyes, trying to concentrate, but his mouth was over hers again, coaxing her lips apart with soft, arousing bites of her lower lip. Her belly clenched painfully. How could she say no when deep down she knew she liked it? It was wrong, but it felt right, and he drew her deeper into that sexual storm.

  She felt his heartbeat against her chest. It had accelerated just like hers. And then he touched her and a fire erupted, her skin became hypersensitive, and a languid warmth spread through her veins. She could feel the searing heat from his palms as he cupped her ass, and she surfaced for air, rolling her head back. She sagged against him as his hand reached up to grasp her nape, angling her head so his mouth could taste her throat.

  Her fingers threaded through his hair, the dark silky strands caressing every atom of her fingers. His tongue licked and nibbled at her skin, his fingers pushing away the fabric as far as it could go off her shoulder, and he moved his mouth down her collarbone, giving hard suction.

  He yanked her up so that her legs were wrapped around his waist and walked toward his desk. His movements were so effortless that Lila felt his strength seeping through her body. His jutting cock jabbed into her, and she was so desperate to feel more that when he placed her on top of his desk, she shifted so she could have him pressing even harder into her. She was hot and horny with need. Lila wasn’t going to pretend that she didn’t want him as much as he wanted her.

  A whimper escaped her mouth as he tugged on her lower lip to the point where it hurt, but it was sexy as hell. He placed her at the edge of the desk and took her mouth once more, their tongues fighting for dominance. Lila kept on teasing him and he growled, making her almost laugh out. She wanted him frustrated. Finally when he bit her and she yelped, he got the access he desired and ravaged her mouth until her lips were swollen and tender.

  His large warm palms moved slowly up her th
ighs, heating her skin and making her beg. She moved her leg up higher around his waist to thrust him further into her groin as he kissed the delicate flesh on her neck and clavicle.

  Pausing, he stared down at her, his eyes dark and blazing with carnality. Lila could see he wanted to fuck hard and devour whole. For the first time in her twenty-two years, she wanted to be ravished by a man.

  “Are you wet?” he rasped.

  “Y-Yes,” she stuttered.

  “I want you, Lila, do you understand? I want to see you.”

  As he uttered those words, her dress was being pushed down her shoulders, baring her small perky breasts. Her first thought was to cover herself, but he caught her hands and pinned them to her sides on the table. Then the man sat down in his chair and just stared at her naked torso, his mouth slack and his breathing erratic.

  Killean had already seen her naked, so why did she feel like she were bathing in fire under his heated gaze?

  “You are a goddess,” he whispered against her skin. He pushed her flat onto her back, and she arched off the glass when his hot mouth covered one of her nipples. The maddening feeling of his tongue on her hardened flesh almost made her scream. Once or twice she thought he was going to stop, but he kept up the pleasure pain, biting hard then soothing the pain with gentle sucks and swipes of his tongue.

  Lila felt his large hands pushing the hem of her dress over her hips, and she arched, needing his touch. For a moment nothing happened, and she lifted her head to find him just looking down at her.

  “God, you’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispered, and then he was worshiping the delicate flesh over my abdomen with soft, sensual kisses. He went down, and for a moment, she started to panic when she felt his thumbs hook into the waistband of her red lace Victoria’s Secret underwear. She knew what he wanted to do and her face felt hot.

  “And so soft. I’ve never felt or kissed anything so fucking soft.”


  “Relax, Lila,” he whispered against her skin, “let me taste you there. I promise you’ll like it. I have to make you come.”

  His tongue dipped into her navel, and she bucked off the table. His mouth roamed further, and he kissed her through the thin fabric. By then she was so overwhelmed with pleasure she could only open her legs even wider for his ministrations, resting her heels on the armrest of his chair. She was bare and vulnerable to him.


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