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Page 10

by Scarlett Sanderson

  “Are you thinking about Zeke? You two looked pretty hot and heavy back there.”

  Grace sat down next to Kadence and drew her into a hug. She hated to think of her sister knowing just how hot and heavy she and Zeke had become.

  She changed the subject. “Just thinking. When are you going to get out of my hair and go back to grad school?”

  Kadence sighed. “Tomorrow. I’m ready to start the new semester. No point delaying it any longer. I’m packed. Just need some help getting it into the car.”

  A huge burden lifted from Grace. Her sister was piecing her life back together, going back to school, and flirting with Gabe. She was so damned proud of her for moving on after the trauma of Lachlan. “I’ll help.”

  They padded through the house and Grace asked, “What about Gabe? You told him you’re leaving?”

  The handsome biker seemed really taken with Kadence. And vice versa.

  Kadence blushed from her neck to the tips of her hair. “We’re just friends.”

  “Uh-huh.” There were a lot of ‘friendships’ going around the MC.

  They lugged Kadence’s suitcase and a box full of stuff out to her car. As they got closer, Grace noticed a folded piece of white paper stuffed under one of the wipers.

  Had Gabe left Kadence a love note? How cute.

  Her sister snatched up the paper and read it. Grace watched the color drain from her face. Kadence dropped the box, swayed and sat on the bonnet shaking her head. “This can’t be happening. He’s in jail.”

  She thrust the note at Grace. The words sent a chill down her spine as she read.

  Think you can make a life without me? Think again, bitch.

  You and the pretty boy will both be seeing me soon.

  Expect payback.

  “No. No. No He’s in jail!” Tears streamed down Kadence’s face. She hugged her stomach and Grace yanked her into a bear hug. Kadence’s clammy skin warned Grace her sister was going into shock.

  Confusing thoughts raced through her mind, one after the other like a runaway freight train she couldn’t stop. How was Lachlan free? He’d been given two years. Shouldn’t they know if he was out? Who was the pretty boy? Did he mean Gabe? Had Lachlan been watching them?

  Her blood turned to ice. The attack on the tattoo store might not be linked to Knights. What if Lachlan was responsible for the devastation?

  She stroked her sister’s hair, trying to comfort herself and Kadence. “Sshh. It’s okay. It’s all going to be okay.”

  Kadence’s sobs almost broke her, but she had to stay strong. Grace guided Kadence back into the house, wrapped a blanket around her and settled her on the couch. She called the lawyer who’d dealt with their case.

  After a few minutes on hold and a brief conversation, her worst fears were realized. Lachlan Walters had been released from prison early for good behavior and had disappeared. His parole officer hadn’t heard from him in weeks. Looked like he had one goal—terrorize her little sister for what he saw as injustice.

  Completely numb, she called her parents. Naturally they were terrified, but she assured them Kadence was safe. There was no need for them to fly down. The last thing they needed were more targets for Lachlan to attack, if that was his plan.

  She finished on the phone and filled the kettle before popping it on the stove to boil. First, she’d make them both some sugary tea. It would help with the shock. Next she had to tell Zeke about the threat. If Lachlan wanted to punish Kadence, he’d go after the man he thought she was dating, which put Gabe in danger. Maybe it already had.

  Goddamit. Why did this have to happen now? Anger sizzled in her veins. What kind of system let a psychopathic manipulator like Lachlan go?

  The kettle whistled and Grace pulled down two mugs from the cupboard, loaded them with two black tea bags and a heap of sugar before pouring over the hot water. Doing mundane tasks calmed her, helped her focus on the next step instead of the gnawing fear.

  She handed one steaming mug to Kadence. “Here. Drink this. It will help.”

  The blank look in Kadence’s eyes worried her. Although her sister bounced back after the ordeal, this was a major setback. The only reason she’d picked up her life was the knowledge Lachlan was locked up.

  A curt knock on the door startled her. Kadence jumped and Grace patted her shoulder. “It’s okay. I’ll get it.”

  She opened the door and Zeke filled the space, arms resting over his head on the top of the frame. His brows set into a furrow, matching the grimace on his face.

  “Everything okay? You left a suitcase and box in the driveway. Just wanted to check in.”

  Relief seeped into her tense muscles, melting the block of ice lodged in her stomach. She closed her eyes, allowed herself to lean into him, inhaling his warm spicy scent and strength. With Zeke here she felt safe. He eased some of the burden.

  Her eyes snapped open and she straightened. She couldn’t rely on him, couldn’t allow herself to become dependent. He was concerned right now because they were fucking. Once he moved onto the next woman he wouldn’t give a rat’s ass about her or Kadence. She’d be on her own and she refused to get used to him playing the role of protector. She could and would take care of herself.

  She motioned him inside. “You better sit down.”

  Zeke scanned the room, honing in on Kadence. He quirked his eyebrows.

  “You know about Kadence’s ex, right?” She returned to her protective seated position next to her sister.

  “Yeah, some of what you’ve told me. Some Kadence told Gabe.”

  Grace nodded, took a deep breath. “Seems he’s been released from prison early.” She handed him the note. “His parole officer hasn’t heard from him in weeks. We found that under the wiper of Kadence’s car.”

  Kadence spoke for the first time since coming inside the house. “I’m sorry, Zeke. What happened to Rafe, it’s my fault.”

  Looked like they were both on the same page about the explosion. They both thought it might have something to do with Lachlan.

  This tic in Zeke’s jaw beat wildly as he read. He grit his teeth and Grace knew he was working hard to keep a lid on his temper as he re-read the note.

  She cuddled Kadence. “Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault. It was never your fault.” She readied herself to go on the defensive if Zeke got pissy.

  Kadence began to cry. “Rafe could have been killed because of me.”

  “We don’t know that.” Not for sure, but her gut told her it was the truth.

  Zeke snapped his gaze to hers. Fury and rage burned brightly and she tightened her hold on her sister as he stood, walked over and hankered down on his heels before the sofa.

  For a brief moment Grace panicked. She knew the Knights were ruthless on those who threatened the security of the club.

  She needn’t have worried. Zeke reached out and touched Kadence’s knee with the gentleness of someone touching a skittish animal. He stared directly at Kadence and his features softened. “Don’t apologize to me. Don’t ever. This is not your fault. This is on that sick fuck. He attacked Rafe. He threatened you and my family. This is on his head. Not yours.”

  The conviction in his tone melted Grace’s heart. He treated her sister with reverence and care. Bad, dangerous Zeke Knight knew how to be soft. It was another facet to his personality she’d not seen. It made her fall even further down the rabbit hole.

  She was well and truly fucked.

  Kadence stared back at him for a few minutes and he let her read the truth in his eyes. She nodded, accepting.

  Grace let out a breath she didn’t know she’d held. Now Zeke knew she could start planning the family’s next move. It would claw out her heart, but she knew they’d have to leave for a while. Maybe give up the store until Lachlan was caught.

  She touched Zeke’s arm. “Thank you for understanding. It’s a weight off our mind that you don’t blame us for bringing this to your doorstep. Now I can make arrangements. Can you tell the boys we said goodbye?”
  They’d have to leave as soon as possible. They had family down south. Maybe they could visit a while. Have Mom and Dad join them while their lawyers worked with the police. If they could go somewhere Lachlan couldn’t find them, it would give them a chance to regroup.

  Zeke jerked his head to the side, the fire back in his whiskey orbs. “Can I talk to you outside?”

  When she started to protest, he snapped. “Now.”

  Not wanting to upset Kadence she followed him onto the porch and clicked the door closed. “What’s the problem?”

  He had his back to her. From the straight set of his spine and the hands fisted at his sides, she knew he was pissed as hell.

  He whirled on her. “What’s the problem? What’s the fucking problem, Grace?” he said as he stalked closer. “Guess.”

  “You’re pissed at me because we’ve brought this to your door.” She understood, really she did. That’s why they were leaving as soon as possible.

  He growled and shoved a hand through his hair. “You infuriate the shit out of me.”

  That got her temper up. She’d apologized. She planned on removing the issue from his life. “What more do you want? I’ve apologized. We’re leaving. I’m sure you’d had much worst shit to deal with in your line of work. Give me a few hours and we’ll be away from you and your precious club.”

  Her initial reaction to him all those weeks ago had been correct—he was a jerk. She turned on her heel, expected to storm back into the house and slam the door in his face. Instead his wrapped a hand around her upper arm. He jerked her around, shaking her with a gentleness that belied his anger.

  “You. Are. Not. Going. Anywhere.”

  A fog of confusion made her blink. “What?”

  “Fuck, Grace.”

  He immobilized her by fisting a hand in her hair and pulling her head back so she couldn’t help but look at him. With the other hand he softly stroked her cheek. “You aren’t leaving. That’s the last thing you’re going to do. We protect our own. Whoever this fucker started out as, he’s our problem now too.”

  Tears prickled. Relief and gratitude coursed through her, but she still wouldn’t allow herself to give in. “I can’t, Zeke. I can’t come to you for help.”


  Despite not wanting to, she finally let herself be vulnerable around him. She dropped the guard around her heart. “Because I can’t start relying on you. I won’t. Once we’re done, once you move on, once this is over between us, I need to have my pride intact. I can’t let you take care of me when I know it’s not going to last.”

  Shock, pure and simple, moved over his face. For a moment he looked like she’d slapped him. Like it never occurred to him that they’d be done. Or was that wishful thinking on her part? Before she could question him, he slid the mask back into place and once again looked like the stoic president of the Knights of Hell she’d come to know.

  “Screw the future,” he continued stroking her cheek, holding her hair. “Right now you need me. Take the help, Grace. Don’t leave your store.”

  She worried her lower lip, calculating, still unwilling to give into him.

  He changed tactics. “Do you really think you can protect her better than I can? Don’t let Kadence suffer because of your fucking pride.”

  And with that, he had her. If they ran, Lachlan would find them. Running only bought them so much time. If they stayed put, she’d have a whole host of people, dangerous people, whose main priority was to protect her sister.

  He shook his head. “No running. In return, I’ll make sure you and your family are protected. Do we have a deal?”

  “Yes,” she tried to nod but his grip on her hair held her fixed.

  Despite her reservations, it made sense.

  “Good.” His lips crashed down hers, sealing their deal with a devastatingly possessive kiss. He dominated it, swept his tongue inside her mouth, exploring. His teeth clashed with hers. There was nothing tender in the exchange. Nothing but pure domination.

  Her blood sang. Her body ripened, primed itself and demanded more. She curled her fingernails into the leather of his patch, wishing it was his skin she marked. The fire between them raged like a volcano every time they came together.

  Zeke pulled away, dragged his teeth along her neck and whispered menacingly, “Don’t ever think of running from me, Grace. Not ever.”

  And in that brief moment, as he sank his teeth into the tender flesh of her collarbone, she never wanted to.

  They’d find a way through this. Together.

  Chapter Ten

  Grace finished adding the flowers to the vase on the store counter. Although the last few weeks had been quiet—no more attacks, no more notes—she was still on edge. Something didn’t feel right. Despite the protection from the Knights, things She couldn’t shake the feeling something bad loomed.

  The scent of fresh white roses made her sinuses tingle. Instead of sneezing, she wiggled her nose and looked around at the place that was hers.

  Her bookstore.

  Everything was in its place.

  She glanced at her watch. In five minutes she’d unlock the doors for the grand opening. A few authors she’d invited to do readings were milling around the drinks table, laughing and joking. She prayed people turned up. She needed to get some buzz around the place if it was going to be a success.

  Nerves jangled in her stomach. She pressed a hand to her abdomen to calm the churning. It didn’t help.

  The Knights were across the road keeping watch. She hadn’t wanted them inside the store. Nothing more off putting to customers than a bunch of menacing guys. Although they wore civilian clothes, they still looked like outlaws.

  Not that she expected any trouble tonight, but they weren’t taking any chances. It would be the perfect opportunity if Lachlan wanted to hurt them.

  Kadence stepped behind her and rubbed a soothing hand in the center of her back. “Time to open up to the masses.”

  Nausea threatened. “Oh god, what if no one turns up? What if none of the press or bloggers come? What if—”

  “Zip it, sis. You’ve worked hard. Trust your instincts and bask in your glory tonight. Worry about the other shit tomorrow.”

  Grace nodded, unable to respond for fear her voice would crack.

  Suck it up, Grace. She needed to put on her big girl panties, quit worrying and embrace the next step.

  She unlocked the door and pasted on a smile, greeting the guests who’d been waiting patiently outside. For a small store, there were a good number of people. All her marketing had paid off.

  She spent the next hour in a blur of greetings, introductions, drinks and canapes. Her first author, a successful urban fantasy novelist, read a chapter from her new book and started signing copies. Kadence sat on the checkout and customers queued up to purchase books. Whoever said paper was dead had been wrong. People still loved a physical book, something tangible in their hands.

  Finally she took a deep breath and relaxed. She liberated a glass of champagne from the drinks table and sipped. Despite being a budget brand, it tasted pretty decent. Fruity and bubbly without too much acidic.

  The bell over the door chimed, grabbing her attention. She wondered who’d be coming in mid-way through the evening. Her brain shut down as she stared at the doorway. Zeke stepped over the threshold, but not the Zeke she knew.

  Not the casually dressed, tattooed president with the badass aura.

  This man was a Zeke she’d never seen before. This man wore tailored charcoal grey pants and a black dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up neatly to the elbows. Instead of his usual black combat boots, he wore tan leather shoes. This Zeke exuded money and class. The bad-assery was still there, lurking in his whiskey orbs as he scanned the crowd. His gaze rested on her and his lips curled into a wolfish smile that almost set her panties alight.

  Fuck me. This Zeke Knight was enough to send tingles of electricity shooting straight down to her lady parts.

er mouth dropped open as she gaped. Where the hell had this man come from?

  Zeke grinned as he noted the shock on Grace’s face. He raked his gaze up and down his woman, drank in her burgundy velvet pant suit. Although she wasn’t wearing a shirt under the jacket, it concealed her lush curves, hinting at the bounty lying beneath.

  Professional and utterly sexy.

  His cock hardened. She blew his fucking mind every time they were in the same room. Didn’t matter how often his dick was inside her, his desire never slackened. He’d had numerous women, in various positions, in different variations of sexy outfits, but she did something to him on a base level.

  A thrill of pure male satisfaction race through him as he watched her. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened as she took in his clothing. He could be civilized—when necessary.

  She’d refused protection for the opening, but nothing on earth could make him stay away.

  Rather than get all chick-flick analysis on what that meant, Zeke strode over to her. Grace’s eyes turned molten and his dick jackhammered against his zipper, demanding attention. He fucking loved the expression on her face. He enjoyed nothing more than bringing Grace to her knees.

  He stood before her and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Looks good in here, Doc.” He motioned to the customers. “Off to a good start. You’ve done good with the place.”

  “Thanks.” She blushed, her cheeks flushing a light dusky pink that reminded him of her nipples.

  Fuck, he had to get his head out of the gutter. This was her night. Her big opening. Her dream.

  But he still wanted to drag her into a corner, shove down those formal pants and make her scream.

  Grace ran a hand down the front of his shirt. He’d had much more blatant caresses in the past, but this one instantly heated his blood.

  “This is a new look. I’ve never seen you look so...” she stumbled for words.

  Zeke flashed her a wry smile. “Upstanding? Respectable?”

  “Smart,” she threw back. “It looks good on you.”

  Grace obviously liked a man in a suit. He filed the information away and vowed to get a hundred fucking suits to drive her crazy.


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