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Page 11

by Scarlett Sanderson

  Don’t focus on her eyes. If he did, he wouldn’t be able to resist the desire pouring out of them. Then she licked her lips. Totally innocently. Totally involuntarily.

  It snapped his control. Blood pounded in his ears, demanding he take her. Claim her. Now.

  Grabbing her hand, he guided her to the back of the store, avoiding curious glances from customers. His chest ached, the need for her overwhelming. If he didn’t get her someplace private, he’d fuck her right there on the floor. He doubted she’d have any repeat business. And he didn’t want to ruin her reputation just because he couldn’t control his dick. He wasn’t completely uncivilized.

  “Zeke? Zeke! What are you doing?” He ignored her hissed protests and walked through the door marked ‘private’.

  The large store cupboard was filled with additional stock. There was barely room to turn around. Not ideal, but it would do.

  “Zeke, what the hell are you—“

  He cut her off by framing her face and kissing her. The sweet, feminine taste of her on his tongue punched up his desire. He growled as she yielded, going pliant in his arms before she kissed him back, matching his intensity.

  He thrust his hips against hers, his cock brushing the clothed entrance to her pussy. When she whimpered delicately, a sense of pure male triumph raced through him. Mine, his brain screamed, staking his claim on her.

  Pushing aside his possessive thoughts, he unbuttoned her jacket. He hissed when her tits, encased in a midnight blue lace bra, filled his hands. “You’re fucking perfect. Can’t get enough of you.”

  He knew they didn’t have much time. He didn’t care if the whole store knew what they were doing, but it would mortify Grace. He had to be quick.

  Zeke unbuttoned her slacks and drew down the zipper. He pushed them down taking her underwear at the same time. Bare to him, he plunged his fingers inside her.

  They groaned in unison. She was already wet, soaking his fingers as he pumped in and out. He stroked her clit in the rhythm he knew she liked.

  “Dirty girl. Already wet for me,” he ground out as he continued finger fucking her.

  She was fire in his blood, driving him crazy, cracking through the facade he’d built for himself.

  No ties, no complications, the rational part of his mind warned.

  Except she was. The beautiful, intelligent, complicated Grace. He couldn’t deny it—she was under his skin. Big time.

  “Zeke...we can’t...” she murmured, protesting even as her nails dugs into his forearms, even as she leaned her head back, hurtling towards orgasm.

  He felt her walls tighten around him.

  No. Not like this.

  He stopped and she snapped her heavy lidded gaze back to his, fury burning at his denial.

  He chuckled, loving that she had the audacity to glare at him. “Greedy,” he said. “You’re going to come for me.” He palmed the foil packet he’d slipped into the pocket of his pants earlier before releasing the button on them, shoving them down and fisting his freed cock. “You’re going to come all over my cock.” He tore the packet with his teeth, rolled on the latex and lifted her, backing her against the bookshelves before thrusting into her weeping slit.

  “Oh god,” she moaned, clenching around him.

  He liked the feel of her—soft like the velvet she wore on her skin. Hot and wet, scorching him with need.

  He pumped into her fast and hard. Desperate to come. Needing to fill her. Mark her. Prove that she belong to him even though they never spoke of it.

  Staring into her beautiful eyes, he watched her hurtle towards orgasm. He dragged his cock over her g-spot. “Give into me. Come for me.”

  She whimpered, louder than before. He clamped a hand over her mouth. Initially her eyes widened before going heavy with lust. Her cunt squeezed his cock and he hardened to the point of pain.

  Oh yeah, she liked that. The edgier stuff. He intended to give her much more. Anything for her.

  But now he needed her orgasm. To feel her explode on his dick.

  He moved faster. Harder. Her head banged against the shelves.

  When he couldn’t take it anymore, he said, “Scream for me, Grace.”

  And she did. Behind his hand his little hellcat screamed and bit down on his flesh as she rode the orgasm. Wave after wave of pleasure hit her and the feel of her hot cunt squeezing him triggered his own orgasm.

  He buried his face in the crook of her neck and pumped jets of come inside the condom. The release was one of the most intense he’d ever experienced and still he wanted more. He wanted his come deep inside her pussy. He wanted it dripping into her panties. He wanted her to know she belonged to him.

  The caveman tendencies scared the fuck out of him. He’d never wanted to possess a woman before. He had no fucking idea how they moved forward when they came from two different worlds.

  He pulled out, disposed of the condom and stuffed his semi-hard cock back inside his pants before rearranging Grace’s clothes. She was back to being an upstanding professional. He couldn’t do anything about her flushed cheeks or the just got fucked look in her eyes.

  Again, pride ripped through him.

  “I can’t believe you just did that,” she said breathlessly. “I have customers.”

  “But you enjoyed it,” he goaded. He kissed her gently. “Just to remind you what you have waiting for you when you get home.”

  A strange look passed over her face, one that baffled him. “As if I’d forget.”

  Fuck, he was no good at the relationship thing. Never had to do it. Were they even in a relationship?

  His head was about to explode. “Go knock ‘em dead with your literary wears, Doc.”

  She stared at him for a few more seconds, chest heaving softly before she headed to the door and out to her customers.

  Alone Zeke let out a deep breath. His emotions were all over the place. She made him soft. Made him want things he didn’t think he could have. Especially not with someone like her.

  He raked a hand over his head, contemplating their future and how he could make things work between them.

  Life just got complicated as fuck.

  Chapter Eleven

  Grace rolled over, pulling the covers over her head, trying to ignore the incessant hammering. In the world between sleep and consciousness the hammering was Zeke breaking down a wall with his fist. As consciousness returned, Grace cut through the dream, cracked one eye open and glared at the digital clock.


  The hammering continued.

  What the fuck?

  Her synapses re-fired and she connected the dots. The hammering was someone knocking on her front door. She grabbed a robe, swinging it over her shoulders as she got out of bed and headed to the window. She’d come home alone after a successful opening night. Zeke was out doing whatever the Knights did in the middle of the night. He’d promised to be home by midnight.

  Major fail.

  With everyone on alert due to the attack, Zeke wouldn’t bang on her door. Cautiously, Grace pulled back the curtain and peered out onto the driveway. A police car sat at by the curb and two officers stood on her porch. Fear slammed into her gut and she swallowed. The metallic taste of acid burned her esophagus.

  Her bedroom door opened. She turned and saw her fear reflected on Kadence’s face. Dressed only in sleep shorts and a tank top, her sister looked young and vulnerable.

  Kadence rubbed her bare arms. “What do you think they want? Is it Lachlan?”

  Even though they hadn’t heard anything from him in weeks, Kadence still had trouble sleeping.

  Grace stepped into her slippers and moved into action. “Could be that,” she said as she bounded down the stairs, Kadence hot on her heels. “Could be something else.”

  She didn’t want to voice the something else. The Knights of Hell were wrapped up in all sorts of illegal shit. Maybe something had happened to them. Again, bile rose in her throat.

  Why would the cops be here if it was the Knights? Gr
ace wasn’t part of their family. No one would give them her details if something happened to Zeke. They probably had a whole host of people they could call. Friends. Other bikers. Lawyers. Still, she couldn’t push away the sense of dread that something had happened to Zeke.

  Removing the safety chain she unlocked the door and switched on the porch light. “Can I help you, officers?”

  “Ms. Burton? Ms. Grace Burton?” The younger officer said.

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  He flipped open his notepad. “Do you rent the bookstore, number twenty-three, on Main Street?”

  “I do.” She pulled the robe tighter, hoping to protect herself from the inevitable bad news she knew was coming. “What’s happened?”

  “Sorry to inform you, Ma’am, but your front window has been smashed.”

  Kadence gasped.

  “Was there any other damage?” She prayed nothing else had happened. The book store was her life. She couldn’t lose it.

  “There is some damage. A few messages spray painted on the walls behind the counter.”

  The officer refused to meet her gaze.

  “What do the messages say?” She needed to know. Terror and rage clawed at her gut.

  “Best you put on some clothes and come with us. We need you to turn off the alarm. We tried to reach the company to override it, but it’s damaged and they need someone to put in the code manually.”

  Numb, Grace nodded. “Give me five minutes, she said as she closed the door.

  “Jesus, Grace. He’s here again. I can’t take much more of this.”

  She gripped Kadence’s upper arms, pushing aside the fear that threatened to overwhelm her. “Stay here. Lock the doors. I’ll get one of the officers to stay outside.” She ran upstairs, threw on leggings, a sweater and some sneakers. On the way down, she grabbed her purse and cell. “Call Gabe. Have him come here. Tell him what’s happened. Get him here, Kadence. Until then you have the police officer.”

  Her sister nodded.

  Ten minutes later Grace and Officer Derby pulled up outside her store. The alarm blared in the stillness of the night. She unlocked the door, strode over to the alarm panel and keyed in her pin number. It took a few tries for it to take. It looked like someone had tampered with the alarm wires after they’d gotten in through the broken window.

  Her ears still ringing, she listened as Office Derby gave a run-down of what they knew. She couldn’t concentrate, her attention stayed fixed on the bright red graffiti scrawled on the wall above her beautiful walnut counter.

  You think you can screw around on me cunt? I’m coming for you and your BITCH sister. You’re both DEAD.

  For a few seconds, the world narrowed, her vision darkened and her heart thundered. The threat of physical violence made her sick. She forced air into her lungs, forced her breathing to slow. The fear abated and rage returned. How dare that rat bastard think he could threaten her sister?

  If he laid one finger on her, she would kill him herself.

  She held onto the rage, clung to it like a life raft. It cleared her mind, helped her think clearly.

  “Ms. Burton? Are you okay, Ms. Burton? Do you need to sit down? Get some air?”

  “No, thank you.” She made herself smile at the young officer.

  “Do you have any idea who would have done something like this?” He asked, nodding at the profanity soiling her store.

  “Yes, Officer, I think I do.” She proceeded to tell him about Lachlan.

  They’d already been to the local station and reported the note at their lawyer’s request, but the Sheriff hadn’t been too concerned. She relayed the details to the cop. Zeke hadn’t wanted her to tell them the incident at the tattoo store might have been linked, so she left that bit out.

  The roar of a motorcycle cut through the silence. They both turned as Zeke pulled up outside. He switched off the engine, got off the bike and strode into the store. She didn’t need to look at his face to know that he was pissed. The tense set of his shoulders and clenched fists spoke volumes. As did the aura of anger swirling around him, sucking oxygen out of the room.

  He stood next to Officer Derby and they engaged in a manly grasping of hands, a one-armed hug and some back slapping.

  “How you doing, Zeke?” Officer Derby asked, a familiarity in his tone that said he knew Zeke well.

  “Been better, George. Thanks for taking care of her. What happened?” Although he listened to the report from Officer Derby, his gaze never strayed from the graffiti.

  She watched, fascinated, as his nostrils flared and relaxed. His chest heaved and his furrowed brow became more prominent the longer he stared.

  When George finished briefing him, Zeke said, “Thanks. I’ll take over from here.”

  George nodded. “Right you are. I’ll file this. If I find anything else, I’ll call you.” He turned to Grace and inclined his head. “Ms. Burton.”

  As he left, Grace’s curiosity got the better of her. “Friend of yours?”

  “Served in my unit back in the military. Good kid.”

  The military thing reminded her she didn’t know anything about him. Not really. What was his childhood like? Did he have any brothers or sisters? What had he done before becoming president of the MC?

  Thoughts of Zeke’s family made her think of Kadence.

  “Crap.” She fumbled in her purse, pulling out her cell.

  Zeke patted her wrist, stilling her fingers. “She’s fine. Gabe and Tiny are with her. They got there a while ago. Took me some extra time to get here.”

  She exhaled some of the crippling fear from her system. “Thank you.”

  He shrugged. “Not a problem.” He motioned to the writing. “He’s escalating.”

  “Maybe.” She hoped it was all bravado, but after the attack on Rafe she couldn’t take the risk. “At least he has good grammar.”

  “Hmm. It’s a little wordy for my taste.”

  The nonchalant way he said it broke some of the tension. She laughed. Couldn’t help herself. Zeke stared down at her, his lips lifting at the corners. The adrenaline drained out, turning her laughter turned to sobs.

  God dammit. She was stronger than this. She shoved a fist into her mouth, trying to hide her emotions from Zeke. He gathered her against him, wrapped his strong arms around her and cradled her head on his chest.

  She sagged against him, allowing his warmth to comfort her. In his arms she felt safe, like nothing could harm her. He’d become her strength. Her safety.

  She clutched at his shirt, sobbing out the emotion swirling inside her.

  “Ssshh.” He soothed. “Nothing is going to happen to you. I give you my word.”

  Grace inhaled his scent, letting it to seep into her. Spice, leather, a hint of cigarettes, mint and the masculine scent that was his alone. “I’m usually stronger than this.”

  “I’m guessing no one has ever sent you and your family dead threats before. It tends to fuck with your mind.” He rubbed soothing circles at the base of her spine. His heat scorched her through the sweater she’d put on.

  “It’s not that.”

  How could she make him understand she’d always been the strong one? Through nursing school, working in the ER, her sister’s court case, changing careers and lifestyles, she never cried. It was all on her—the heavy weight of responsibility—and she’d handled it with a straight spine and a steely determination.

  “I’ve protected everyone for so long,” she continued. “It’s all been on me. I’ve handled everything. Made it right.” She took a shaky breath. “I don’t have a clue how to make this right.” Tears prickled, threatening to spill over again. “I feel so powerless.”

  He stepped back, tilting her head back so she looked up into his whiskey orbs. “You can’t make this right. There is only one way for this to be right. I can give that to you.”

  She searched his face for answers, but knew, in her heart, there was only one definitive answer to the solution. As someone who’d spent her life saving
people, that option was abhorrent to her.

  She shook her head. “I can’t let you do that for me.”

  She couldn’t let Zeke kill Lachlan. She couldn’t order it no matter what he’d done. The guilt would eat her alive.

  “Don’t decide now. Think about it. Say the word, Grace. Say it, and he’s gone for good.”

  “No, Zeke. No. I’ll find another way.” She wouldn’t allow him to kill for her.

  It was his turn to nod. “Whatever you want. I’m here to help you. Let me.”

  She wasn’t ready to join his world, but she appreciated the offer. He put himself and his crew on the line for her. It cut through some of her sadness.

  She settled back into his body. Allowed herself a few more minutes to lean on him. She wished this was real. Wished she could continue to share things with him. Share her life with him. Be like other couples.

  But they weren’t like other couples. It just wasn’t for them. This was only temporary, no matter how much she wished things were different.

  * * * * *

  Grace sat on the couch in Zeke’s front room. The large screen tv played an action movie they were all watching. Movie night in the Knight household involved beer, snacks and everyone finding a seat wherever they could. Tiny and Sammy lay sprawled on the floor, two women in slutty clothing she didn’t recognize tucked by their side. Rafe sat in a wheelchair parked nearest the tv. He’d been released from hospital but the Doctor insisted on the chair, much to Rafe’s chagrin.

  Jay sat on the couch next to her, while Gabe and Kadence had settled into a smaller love seat. Only their thighs touched but she could feel the sexual tension resonating between them. They’d grown closer and Gabe was extremely protective of her baby sister.

  Zeke lounged in a comfy Eazy chair, his eyes darting back and forth to her. She refused to meet his gaze.

  Since her breakdown a week ago, things had once again settled down. She felt like her life was one constant merry-go-round. One minute everything was fine, the next she feared for her life. She’d never gone through this much stress. It was starting to take its toll.

  The same applied to her relationship with Zeke. She loved the intensity, relished the amazing sex, but there was no more denying what was in her heartshe’d fallen for him. The tangled web of emotions held something stronger than lust.


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