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Forever Is Not Enough

Page 3

by E. L. Todd

  “Baby, I’m his best friend in the world. He would never mess around on my big day. I trust him.”

  I sighed. “Why are you fighting for this so hard?”

  “Honestly, I’d rather have someone I know marry us. And who would be better than my best friend and your cousin?”

  “Shit, Roland would be better.”

  “Skye,” he said seriously. “Just think about it. Don’t shut it down right away.”

  That seemed impossible.

  “I’ve given you full reign for the wedding. You’ve had full autonomy for the location, the food, the decorations—everything. This is the only thing I’m asking for.”

  I cringed in guilt. “Not fair.”

  “It’s all I want. You can pick our first song and anything else.”

  “But this is the biggest part of the wedding. People will forget what the centerpieces look like and what kind of cake we had. But they won’t forget Slade dropping F bombs and commenting on my enormous rack.”

  “Okay, I get that,” Cayson said calmly. “Think about it for a few days and we’ll talk to Slade together. We’ll even do a trial run if that changes your mind.”

  Cayson was really pushing for this and I felt terrible for not giving him the one thing he wanted.

  “Just think about it—it’s all I’m asking.”

  I released the breath I was holding. “Fine.”

  “Thank you.” He cupped my face and gave me a gentle kiss. “I appreciate it.”

  “But if he says one wrong thing—”

  “I completely understand.” He moved over me then widened my legs. “Let me show you my gratitude.”

  My fingers dug into his hair as his face moved to the area between my legs. My head rolled back as I enjoyed his kiss down below. I released a loud moan as he did all the things I loved.

  “And maybe this will sway you a little bit…”

  He felt so amazing that he could get me to do anything.


  We entered the realtor’s office and saw my parents sitting in the chairs that faced the desk. They stood up and greeted us when we entered.

  “Hey, pumpkin,” Dad said. “Are you excited?”

  “So excited,” I said. “I can’t believe the house is officially going to be ours.” I hugged him before I hugged my mom. “And we’re going to be neighbors.”

  “It’s absolutely wonderful,” Mom said.

  Cayson hugged my parents before we sat down.

  “Alright,” Margaret said. “I have the paperwork right here. All we need to do is cross some T’s and dot some I’s.”

  I was nervous, but it was a good kind of nervous. Cayson and I were about to have our first home. And in a few weeks, we would be married. Everything was happening so fast, but I didn’t want it to slow down.

  Margaret pushed a paper toward us. “Here’s your loan. I just need you to sign here and then your father sign below.”

  “Why would he sign it?” I blurted.

  “I’ll be co-signing it,” Dad said. “It’s just a precaution just in case you can’t pay the mortgage.”

  “Uh…do you have to sign it?” I would rather not make my dad liable for some terrible disaster.

  Dad smiled. “Yes, someone needs to sign it. And don’t worry about it, pumpkin. You are both very responsible. Don’t doubt yourself. And if worse comes to worse, this isn’t a big expense for me.”

  Mom gave me a look of encouragement. “Don’t feel bad, honey.”

  “Okay.” I signed my name and then handed it over to Cayson. He added his name next to mine and dated it. Then I handed the paper to my father. He signed it quickly just like he did at work. Then he shoved the paper back to Margaret.

  “Excellent.” She passed another paper to Dad. “This one is for you.”

  I eyed the paper with suspicion.

  He quickly signed it then took a check out of his wallet. Putting it face down, it passed it back to Margaret.

  Cayson spoke up first. “Sean, what are you doing?”

  “Nothing,” Dad said quickly. “Just paying for some fees.” He didn’t make eye contact with us so I knew he was lying.

  “What are you writing a check for?” I demanded. I turned to Margaret. “What’s he paying for?”

  Margaret looked uncomfortable, like she was stuck in a cat fight she couldn’t get out of.

  “Skye, just let it go,” Mom said.

  “No,” I snapped. “What’s Dad up to? I’m not buying this house until you tell me.”

  “You already signed the papers,” Margaret gently reminded me.

  “Tell me.” I felt like a child that wasn’t getting her way. But I needed to know what Dad had up his sleeve.

  “Okay.” Dad raised his hand to silence me because he knew it would turn into a fight. “The only way I could get the house was to agree to pay for the highest offer—which is double the amount you agreed to.”

  “Dad…” That wasn’t fair for him to pay for it.

  “It’s okay,” he said immediately. “This isn’t totally selfless. Your mother and I really want to make this happen and we’re willing to pay any amount of money to make it happen.”

  “But that’s not fair to you,” I argued.

  Cayson remained silent and tried to stay out of it.

  “I get to live next door to my daughter and son for the rest of my life,” Dad said gently. “I get to see my grandkids all the time, and any time I miss you I can just walk up to your front door. I would pay any money in the world for that luxury.”

  His words moved me so I couldn’t think of an argument.

  “Just accept our gift,” Mom said. “Please.”

  I sighed. “Then you can have the penthouse.”

  Dad shook his head. “That was a gift.”

  “You can’t give me a penthouse and pay for half of our home. I’m giving it back to you and you better sell it or make some good use out of it.”

  Dad opened his mouth to argue.

  “Don’t argue with me,” I hissed. “I’m generously letting you pay for this house. So you’re going to get that in exchange. End of story.”

  Dad finally gave in—for the first time ever. “Fine.”

  At least I was retaining some of my pride. I felt like I was running my father dry with all the things he bought me.

  Cayson turned to him. “Thank you, Sean. Skye and I both really appreciate it.” He shot me a look. “Even if it doesn’t seem like it.”

  “I do appreciate it,” I blurted. “But my dad shouldn’t have to open his wallet for everything.”

  “We wouldn’t have done it if we didn’t want to,” Mom said. “Remember that.”

  I faced forward and looked at Margaret.

  She was spinning a pen in her fingertips while watching it, clearly uncomfortable by our heated debate. “So, everything is good then?”

  “Yes,” Dad answered for all of us.

  “Great.” She dropped her pen and filed her papers away. “Congratulations. You’re officially home owners.”

  Chapter Five


  Every single day after school I worked with Abby on her homework. I got her to focus, to work ahead of the schedule, and I even taught her things well above her grade level. I had to keep her in this school. If she went to a public school…I wasn’t sure what I would do.

  There was nothing wrong with public education but would Abby be able to handle it after only knowing private school all her life? Would that affect her odds of getting into college? Would that affect her transcripts and board members would see that she was dismissed from a private tuition?

  The stress was going to kill me.

  Silke knew I was stressed out but she didn’t make any remarks about it. She came over every evening and cooked dinner for Abby and I. After Abby went to bed, Silke pleased me in a million ways to distract me. It worked at the time, but when we were finished I was back to being terrified.

  I didn’t mention Ms. Norris to Silke. Tha
t was stupid. Silke was a jealous woman, at least when it came to me. She didn’t like it when other women even looked at me. I didn’t mind in the least because I thought it was hot. She was territorial and aggressive just like I was. But I also knew it would send her on a rampage. If she knew Mr. Norris wanted to fuck my brains out Silke would march down there and give her two black eyes.

  Abby would definitely get kicked out then.

  Ryan was right. It was best not to say anything.

  When Silke and I were laying in bed after we finished making love, she trailed her fingers down my chest and pressed gentle kisses against the skin. Her tenderness felt nice. After the horrible week I’d been having it was nice to be caressed and cherished.

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Silke whispered.

  My fingers moved the hair off her shoulder. “I hope so.”

  “She’ll be the smartest in school at this rate,” she said. “You’ve been working her hard.”

  “I have to,” I said. “Lydia wanted Abby to go to private school and so did I. It was the only thing she and I ever managed to agree on. I have to make sure Abby stays enrolled.”

  “I’m sure she will.”

  “Ms. Norris seemed doubtful.” I probably shouldn’t have said her name but it was too late.

  “The cunt that came onto you?” She immediately turned hostile. “What does that bitch know?”

  I shrugged. “She’s Abby’s teacher. I have to play by her rules.”

  “She hasn’t hit on you again, has she?” Silke stared into my face, the anger paramount. Her nails suddenly felt sharp against my skin. It seemed like she was looking for a reason to destroy Ms. Norris.

  I tried to appear indifferent. “No.”

  Silke accepted my response without question. “Good. I guess that slut is smart after all.”

  I stared at the ceiling so she wouldn’t know I was lying. If I told her the truth, that Ms. Norris wanted to have an affair with me while knowing I had a girlfriend, Silke would be beyond pissed. Her wrath would be unstoppable.

  Silke moved into my side and rested her head on my shoulder. It was the position she took when she was ready to go to sleep.

  I turned off the lamp on my nightstand then kissed her forehead. “Good night, Beauty.”

  “Good night, Beast.”


  “Abby, take a seat.” I was sitting at the kitchen table.

  She sighed then did as I asked. Judging her lack of enthusiasm, she assumed she was about to do schoolwork. That’s all she’d been doing lately and I sympathized with her. Once she was seated she picked up her pencil like she was ready.

  “Actually, I wanted to talk about something else.”

  “Okay.” She continued to hold the pencil. It was pink with unicorns on it. The eraser was bright yellow. She stared at me as she patiently waited. “What is it, Daddy?”

  I didn’t even know how to begin this conversation. “Abby, you and I are a family—the two of us.”

  “I know.”

  “And we’ll always be a family.”

  “Okay.” She sounded confused like she didn’t understand the point of this conversation.

  “And I would like to make our family bigger—by asking Silke to marry me.” I watched her face for a reaction, to see the happiness or sadness flood her face.

  Abby remained stoic, giving me nothing to work with.

  “I want to make Silke my wife. And she would officially be your stepmother. How do you feel about that?” I sincerely hoped Abby would be excited about it. I knew she loved Silke, but there was an obvious conflict since her mother was gone. She might feel guilty for accepting Silke into that role. Abby was young, but she wasn’t immune to emotions like the rest of us.

  Abby shrugged.

  That wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for. “You like Silke, don’t you?”

  “Yeah,” she answered.

  “Wouldn’t you want her here all the time?”

  Abby shrugged again.

  I kept my patience. “Abby, no one will ever replace your mother. I know that and so does Silke. Letting Silke take care of you will never replace what you and your mother had. Silke would never want you to forget her.”

  Abby stared at the table.

  “I love Silke and she makes me really happy. I want to have her around all the time, and I want to give you brothers and sisters. Wouldn’t that be nice?”

  “I would like a sister…”

  “Maybe you’ll have one someday. So…is it okay for me to ask Silke to marry me?”

  She fidgeted with the pencil. “I want Daddy to be happy.”

  “But will that make you happy, Abby?” I asked. “Remember, we’re a family. We make these decisions together.”

  She stared at the pencil so hard she thought it might spread wings and fly. “I want Mommy. That will make me happy…”

  My heart shattered into a million pieces.

  “I miss her…” Her bottom lip trembled and her eyes watered.

  My eyes immediately moistened in response. Seeing my daughter cry was too painful. “I know you do, sweetheart. I miss her too.”

  She quickly wiped away the tears falling down her cheeks.

  I rubbed her back gently to let her know I was always there to comfort her. “I know it’s hard right now but it’ll get easier. You may not be able to see your mother but she’s always here.” I placed my hand over her heart. “Right here.”

  Abby’s tears stopped falling but she still looked devastated.

  She definitely wasn’t ready to make Silke an official member of the family.

  And I felt like an asshole for even suggesting it.

  Chapter Six


  Arsen was under a lot of stress and I tried to be supportive. There was nothing I could do to make Abby improve in school because he spent nearly all his time studying with her. The most I could do was cook dinner for them and take care of the laundry.

  Unfortunately, his intense study habits completely cut out our time together. The only time I spent with him was at nighttime when Abby went to bed. We would make love and talk.

  At least I got that.

  I didn’t complain or feel resentful toward him. But I did miss him.

  I lounged around my apartment one afternoon and worked on my sculpting since I didn’t have to work at the museum. My hands were covered in clay and I was working on a piece of art. When I sculpted, I wasn’t making a masterpiece to sell at a market. I did it just for fun.

  My phone rang on the table and I saw Arsen’s name on the screen. He didn’t usually call me when he was working unless he wanted to get lunch. My hands were covered in filth so I hit the answer button with my nose. Then I rested my face against the screen. “Hey, I’m in the middle of something. Can we talk later?”

  He ignored everything I said. “I have a situation down at the shop and I need to pick up Abby from school. Can you get her for me? If not, I’ll call Ryan.” He said it so quickly I could barely understand what he said.

  “Uh…sure. Everything alright?”

  He sighed into the phone. “One of my guys hit a car with another car…it’s an ordeal. But I can’t leave right now. So, you can take care of that for me?”

  “Yeah, sure,” I said immediately. “I’ll take her to ice cream or something.” I’ve never picked up Abby from school but it couldn’t be too difficult. I knew where her school was located.

  “Thank you, baby. I gotta go. Love you.” He was talking in a rush.

  “Love you too.”

  He hung up instantly.


  I walked to the school then entered the building. The halls were empty and silent because the bell hadn’t rang. I examined the posters on the wall, as well as the trophy cases that displayed academic and athletic awards. It was a swanky place.

  Now I understood why Arsen paid so much for Abby to go here.

  I found her classroom and waited outside. The sound of a teacher speaking lande
d on my ear. Her voice was smooth and hypnotic, and also extremely feminine. I assumed that was Ms. Norris, the woman who made a pass at my man.

  I shouldn’t be upset about it because I knew in the back of my mind it was wrong. How would she know Arsen had a girlfriend? I couldn’t blame a girl for trying, right? And she hadn’t hit on him since so she knew the boundaries.

  I really wished I wasn’t jealous over stupid things like that. Arsen was clearly mine and he wasn’t going anywhere. He worked his ass off to be with me again, and he was different now than he used to be. He loved me with everything he had and he never wanted me to leave his side. I practically lived with him, and never once did he ask me to go so he could have some space. He was always affectionate with me, and it never seemed like he was tired of our physical relationship. In fact, he craved more every time he had it.

  I shouldn’t be jealous of anything.

  The bell rang in the halls and the doors flew open as kids left their classrooms and headed to the freedom outside. They passed by me with their small backpacks and lunch pales.

  When fifteen kids left the classroom, I didn’t see Abby among them. I checked the text message from Arsen again to make sure I found the right room. When the numbers matched, I cocked an eyebrow.

  This was the place.

  I decided to stick my head inside in the hope Abby was still in there. There was no way she could have passed me.

  Abby was standing at the teacher’s desk, and a gorgeous brunette was speaking to her quietly. She wore a skin-tight dress that showed the lack of any flab. Her heels were sky-high but she wore them like they were sandals. She had luscious brown hair that looked like it was styled by a salon.

  Okay…now I was jealous again.

  “Abby, you’re making a lot of progress. Your father will be very happy when he hears the news. You should be proud of yourself. You’ve really overcome your obstacles.”

  Abby’s cheeks tinted like she was embarrassed. “Thank you, Ms. Norris…”

  “Of course, dear.” She flashed her a perfect smile.

  Ugh, I hated this bitch.

  I cleared my throat to make my presence known. “Hey, Abby. Are you ready to go?”


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