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Eden: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 2)

Page 16

by Nyssa Kathryn

  That these sorts of men were being created was a terrifying thought.

  "How long have you been part of the project?" Mason continued, not showing an ounce of emotion.

  "Maybe half a year. Best six months of my life. I'm a machine. They really delivered the goods." His eyes swung over to Eden. "You were both part of it too, weren't you? Strong. Fast. I could have taken you. Both of you. If it was a fair one-on-one fight."

  "Have they been keeping you in a cage?" Eden asked, voice low and guttural.

  Ben's laugh made Shylah's toes curl. "They don't need to keep me in a cage. They keep the ones who want out in a cage. The ones that try to leave." Pausing for a moment, Ben then continued, "And anyone who loses their mind after receiving the drugs."

  Hairs standing on end, Shylah recalled how Project Arma was going to test a new version of the drug on Eden. If something had happened to him, like him losing his mind and being locked in a cage, she didn't know what she would have done.

  "You don't seem very concerned about being locked up here," Eden said gruffly.

  "You think they'll leave me here? You have no clue how powerful these people are, do you? I'll be out by morning."

  The confidence Ben had in that made Shylah stiffen. He attacks and tries to kill her, and the people who put him up to it are just going to get him out?

  "Why me?" Shylah asked, stepping forward.

  Eden's hand immediately went to Shylah's shoulder, firmly pulling her back.

  Ben's eyes scanned Shylah's face, making her regret her moment of fortitude. Straightening her spine, she refused to back down.

  "You're trying to look tough, but I can hear your pulse beating from your chest. Your hands are shaking, your eyes so fucking wide. It's probably taking everything in you not to hide behind your tough SEAL, isn't it?" Leaning forward, Ben lowered his voice. "I caused that terror. Fear is bleeding from you."

  "Answer the damn question, asshole," Eden growled.

  Eyes not wavering from Shylah's, Ben continued, "It would seem you've made an enemy, honey. Don't know what you did or who you pissed off, but the purpose of you giving me the drug was to test that it worked."

  "What's that supposed to mean?" Mason demanded.

  Ben's eyes finally released Shylah and moved to Mason. She took a long breath the moment she was free of his stare.

  "They gave me a scent in the form of a piece of clothing. I became familiar with it just before I went in. I was told once they gave me the drug, I would know who to go after." Eyes sliding back to Shylah, the smile returned to his face. "Guess it worked. Killing you was an all-consuming thought. It was like a physical pain to not be hurting you."

  Shylah's hair stood on end. "But you don't feel like that now?"

  Ben stood suddenly, causing Shylah to jump. Eden stepped further in front of her, hand on her biceps.

  Excitement lit up Ben's eyes, his gaze fixed on her. "Do I feel that same all-consuming need to kill you? Tear you apart with my bare hands? No, not right now. But don't for one minute think that makes you safe." Pausing, Ben cocked his head to the side. "Imagine if someone else could control what was in these guys' heads. Imagine the chaos and destruction that could be caused."

  As Ben took a step forward, Eden's grip tightened on her arm while Mason visibly tensed. "You think you're safe with him?" Ben glanced at Eden before turning back to Shylah. "He's every bit the killer Project Arma turned him into, and once the people who made him control his actions, you'll be dead before you can blink."

  Ben's voice dripped with hostility now. Any smile that had once been on his face gone.

  Blood running cold, fear shot through Shylah at Ben's words. At the same moment, Eden took a large step toward Ben, his body vibrating with rage. She had no doubt that if she wasn't in the room, this conversation would not be so peaceful.

  "Listen to that, the pitter-patter of your pulse just increased," Ben continued. "Scared? You should be."

  "Enough," Eden barked. "Mason, take Shylah back to the entrance, I've got a couple more questions I want answered. Alone."

  "Eden . . ." Shylah tried to calm him.

  "Shylah, go." Eden's tone left no room for discussion.

  Swallowing, Shylah spared Ben one last look before following Mason out of the room.

  Once in the foyer, Mason sat, waiting for Shylah to join him. Glancing around, she felt like she had too much pent-up energy to sit, but one look at Mason and her butt hit the seat.

  Sitting and not speaking for a few moments, Shylah's leg started a nervous bounce. Turning her head to look at Mason, she saw he was staring at a spot on the wall, a look of concentration on his face.

  Then it hit her. Mason was listening to whatever was going on in that room. Probably ready to jump to Eden's aid if needed.

  Guess the room wasn't soundproof from everyone, Shylah thought, crossing her arms.

  Sitting back, she let Ben's words replay in her head. Someone wanted her dead. Likely one of the people who worked for Project Arma. They all probably knew she was the one who uncovered what was really going on and forced them into hiding.

  Not only were they still using drugs to turn soldiers into weapons, but they were using lawless, ex-military men, and creating a drug to control their minds.

  The possibility that they could control Eden and the others from Marble made her stomach churn. It was a terrifying concept.

  "It won't happen, Shylah." Jolting at Mason's voice, Shylah glanced at him.


  "Eden would never hurt you, even if they did somehow get the drug into his system. You're safe with him."

  Shaking her head, she fiddled with the material of her pants. "We don't know what drug they've created or what the effect could be."

  "No, but we know Eden."

  As if Mason had summoned him, Eden walked into the hall at that very moment. Standing alongside Mason as he approached, Eden's eyes immediately pinned Shylah.

  It was impossible for Shylah not to notice the specks of blood on Eden's shirt and the scuffing on his knuckles.

  "Let's go," Eden said as he took Shylah's hand, kissing the top of her head lightly before heading out to his truck.

  Gripping his hand tighter, Shylah pushed down her fear. There was no way this man would hurt her or any innocent. No drug could cause that kind of shift in who he was.


  Eden's eyes tracked Shylah as she moved around his kitchen. They'd been home for an hour, and she'd barely said two words to him. Any time she had spoken, her words had been stilted. Short.

  Shylah's gaze would catch his for short moments then quickly dart away.

  Did she fear him now? Did she actually believe he could hurt her?

  Eden understood that they had no information on this drug. What he knew was that if someone wanted her dead, the safest place for her to be was here with him.

  Once Eden had been alone with Ben, he'd wiped the smile off the asshole's face damn quick.

  Unfortunately for Eden, it had turned out Ben had no idea who was running the project now. Vague descriptions of some scientists and doctors had been the best Eden had gotten.

  Ben was clearly too low on the pay scale to know anything of importance. He hadn't even known where the damn facility was located, just that they moved every few months.

  The only semi-valuable piece of information that Ben had shared was that he'd seen a Woodcreek sign when they drove him to Marble Falls. That was only an hour away.

  Wyatt and Evie were currently looking into it and would hopefully be able to use their resources to find something useful.

  Wiping her hands on a tea towel, Shylah turned and gave Eden a tight smile. "Dinner will be ready in half an hour, I'm just going to take a quick shower before we eat," she told him, then Shylah left the room, not waiting for a response.

  Frustration built inside as he sat and listened to her move upstairs to the bathroom, and the water start running. What the hell was he supposed to do now? Sit here while Shylah
stood in the shower and decided Eden was too dangerous to be around?

  Fuck no.

  There was no way in hell Eden was letting an asshole like Ben put ideas into his woman's head. Pushing away from the kitchen table, Eden stood and walked to the bathroom. Stepping inside the room, the outline of Shylah's body through the glass made Eden's blood rush from his head.

  Her back was to him, but he could make out every inch of her wet skin from behind.

  Removing his clothes, Eden opened the shower door and stepped inside. Wrapping his arms around Shylah's middle as the warm spray of water hit his shoulders.

  Shylah startled before going rigid in his arms.

  Pushing her wet hair behind her shoulder, Eden lowered his head to her neck. Lips locking with her shoulder, Eden sucked and nibbled on the damp skin.

  "I love you, Shylah. Have always loved you." Eden's voice was raspy, only taking his mouth off her for the moments to speak.

  "I love you too, Eden," Shylah said quietly, her body loosening slightly in his arms.

  "Then, don't ever fear me." Hand trailing up to her breast, his thumb slid over her hard nipple. A gasp escaped Shylah's lips as her head pushed back onto his shoulder. "I would never hurt you, no matter what drug was or wasn't flowing through my blood."

  Shylah's breaths quickened as Eden's mouth trailed kisses up her shoulder, stopping and suckling her open neck. "We don't know how you would react to the drug, Eden. If someone worked out a way to control you . . ." Shylah gasped as a shudder rippled through her.

  Swapping his hand to the other breast, Eden lightly pinched the nipple before brushing his thumb over it, enjoying Shylah's soft moans. Pushing his feet between hers, Eden nudged her legs apart, spreading her thighs.

  "It would be impossible for me to bring your body anything but pleasure. I would never use my strength against you, Shy. Ever."

  Eden's other hand lowered to the V between her legs. His fingers swiping across her clit, causing a jolt from Shylah at the touch.

  Her entire back pressed against Eden's front, pushing against his hardness as the warm water continued to fall on them.

  Hand rising from Shylah's breast to her cheek, Eden turned her head and lowered his mouth. Shylah's lips parted already, in eager anticipation of the kiss.

  Mouths locking, Eden wasted no time in pushing his tongue inside, deepening the kiss immediately. Her lips were soft, and she tasted sweet.

  Shylah's good hand reached up and latched onto his forearm. Her heart thumped so loud he doubted he needed enhanced abilities to hear it.

  Knowing he did this to Shylah, caused this reaction from her, intensified Eden's primal need to be inside her. Too many months had passed without touching her skin, hearing her moans. Too damn long of thinking he would never be with her again.

  Pulling her body tighter against his, Eden lowered his fingers to her entrance and pushed inside. She was so wet and ready for him, Eden could groan.

  Shylah's nails dug into his skin. Her back arching and moans sounding louder.

  Spinning Shylah around, Eden lifted her and pushed her back against the shower wall, being careful of her wrist. Thighs spread around his hips, Shylah's ankles locked together behind him.

  Pausing at her entrance, every fiber of Eden's being urged him to slide inside, but he waited.

  "Tell me you want this, Shy."

  Lust glazed her hazel eyes. "I want this, Eden. I want you."

  A primal growl tore from Eden's chest at the mixture of trust and love he saw in her eyes. Returning his mouth to hers, Eden pushed his hips forward until he was seated entirely inside Shylah.

  Another moan, this time mixed with a sigh, escaped her lips but was quietened by his mouth.

  Easing out of her, Eden waited a moment before pushing back in.

  "Faster," Shylah gasped, clenching her walls around his penis.

  The moment her heat tightened against him, Eden was lost. Increasing his pace, Eden withdrew and pushed back in. Every thrust brought them back together, the sound of body hitting body filling the room.

  This woman was everything he'd ever want or need.

  Locking his eyes on hers, he needed to see her when she came. Eden continued his deep, hard thrusts, knowing he would not last much longer.

  Reaching his hand between their bodies, Eden's finger circled her clit, causing her to squeeze around his penis instantly.

  "Eden," she moaned, her voice was breathless, desperation thick in the air.

  Then Shylah's body clenched before her head flung back. Crying out his name, the wave of pleasure consumed her. It was the most beautiful fucking sight Eden had ever seen.

  Growling, Eden's grip on her hips tightened as he thrust a few more times before his own body jerked, and he came inside her.

  Arms bracketing her to the wall, Eden stood there for a moment, not wanting to separate their entwined bodies. The closeness and intimacy, something he wasn't ready to part with yet.

  He was never fucking letting this woman out of his sight. He couldn't lose her again. He wouldn't survive it.

  When their breaths had slowed enough, Eden reached over to turn the shower off. Shylah loosened her legs, but Eden held her firmly against him.

  Stepping out, he took two towels and headed into the bedroom.

  Unlatching his hands, Shylah slid down his body onto the bedroom floor. Drying herself with a towel, Eden watched as she struggled to do it one-handed.

  "I'll help."

  "No, I got it," Shylah said, stepping to the side, eyes not reaching his.

  Eden's eyes narrowed. "I meant every word that I said to you in there, Shy."

  Head popping up, Shylah nodded. "I know."

  "Then why aren't you looking at me?"

  Ducking her head, Shylah went to the closet. Grabbing a baggy shirt, his shirt, she pulled it over her head.

  "I'm just scared for us, Eden." Her words were spoken softly.

  Brows furrowing, Eden took a step closer to her. "I told you, I would never hurt you, Shylah."

  "I'm not scared of you, Eden, I'm scared for you. For us. For our relationship. We were torn apart once because one of us tried to save the other. Eden, I really thought I was doing the right thing. What if that happens again? What if we're torn apart because one of us tries to save the other? What if they pull us apart?"

  Marching straight up to Shylah, Eden tugged her warm body against his. "Nothing that tears us apart is saving us, Shylah. We learned that the hard way. We work together, always. We're a team. You and me."

  Placing her hands against his chest, Shylah glanced up at Eden. "You're not scared? I feel like everywhere we turn, people are reminding us how powerful Project Arma is and how far their reach is."

  "I don't give a damn how powerful Project Arma is. What I feel for you is pretty powerful too, Shy. That's something I know for a fact. You and me, we're not breakable."

  Eden spoke with all the conviction that he felt.

  Some of the fear leached from Shylah's eyes. Lowering her head to his chest, Eden was relieved that she initiated the contact this time.

  They stood in that embrace for Eden didn't know how long. He only knew that neither of them wanted to break their closeness.

  When Shylah eventually pulled away, her head suddenly popped up.

  "Dinner! Oh my gosh, has it been over half an hour?"

  Rushing out the door, Eden followed at a slower pace, painfully aware that Shylah was still naked under his shirt. If she stayed like that all night, there was no way Eden wouldn't be inside her again.

  Moving into the kitchen, he watched as Shylah turned the stove off and sighed in relief.

  "I think it's okay." Flashing a smile at Eden, he too breathed his own sigh of relief. Shylah's smile finally reached her eyes, and for the moment, at least, there were no shadows there.

  The rest of the night was relatively normal. Well, the new normal for Eden, the normal which had Shylah in his home and in his bed.

  As they sat on the
couch to watch TV, Eden's phone rang.

  Giving Shylah a kiss on the head, Eden left the room to answer it.

  "Jobs, what's happening? Find anything around Woodcreek?"

  "Actually, yes." Eden paused where he stood in the hall.

  So that jerk had been useful for something.

  "We searched for any large warehouse-type sites and found an old gin distillery in the town. Evie investigated it, and a guy bought it by the name of Adam Brown. Thing is, the guy doesn't exist. Fake background, fake name. The whole cover was poorly done. I'm surprised the government hasn't discovered it and let us know."

  "They probably have," Eden muttered bitterly. Eden's faith in the people who should keep civilians safe was waning. "Seems like there must be someone working on the inside."

  "My thoughts exactly," Wyatt agreed.

  "So, when's the raid?" Eden hoped Wyatt didn't say tonight. As much as he'd love to get right on top of this, he needed time with Shylah.

  "We can sort out the details in the morning and go in tomorrow night. Luca has agreed to sit it out and stay with the women."

  "Gotcha. I'll talk to Shylah about it tonight."

  About to hang up, Wyatt's voice stopped Eden. "There's something else. They found Ben dead in his cell this evening, not even an hour after you visited."

  Stopping in his tracks, Eden cursed, "How the hell did that happen?"

  "Report says he fell and hit his head. No evidence of anyone being there."

  Bullshit. "So much for them getting him out like he thought."

  "He was a liability," Wyatt said dismissively. "These guys play by their own rules. We got in there first. That's the important thing."

  Damn lucky they did. Otherwise, they wouldn't have the warehouse location that they had. "Thanks, Jobs."

  Hanging up, Eden stood in the doorway and watched Shylah on the couch for a moment before going back in.

  Turning her head to look at him, a smile curved her lips. Peaceful. That's how she looked. And Eden intended to keep it that way.

  There wasn't a damn thing he wouldn't do to keep his woman safe. The people at Project Arma better believe it.



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